Ali Proposal

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Mian Zulfiqar Ali Kalyar

o'The advancements in U.S immigration policies after 91112Targeting the

In this paper, I will shed light on how the U.S immigration policies have changed

since the tragtc event of 9/ll, and how so far no one is sure as to who played major role

in that but racial profiling has been long done (Akram 2002, Johnson 2004). I will

analyse various research articles which have presented how Muslims in general after the

9/ll eventhad specifically been targeted and how they were used as scapegoatsfor Law

enforcement agencies to cover up their lack of counter terrorist strategies and lack of

criminal law enforcement(Deflem 2002, Miller 2005). The supporting evidence gives us

a more distinguished look on how minorities (Muslims, Aboriginals, and South-east

Asians etc) have been targeted in such vast Multicultural countries and how Immigration

policies are not improving their condition and rather deteriorating them (Richmond,

2000). Richmond's (2000) research proves that immigration policies are more in the

hands of Government officials rather than sociologists or psychologists, who emphasize

patriotism and pride rather than dealing with these situations logically. The failure to

cope up with the increasing amounts of immigrants in the country and the outdated or

usually prejudiced immigration policies state how racism is being promoted in the rurme

of Multiculturalism.

The main objective of my paper is to examine how after glll Muslims or more

technically the term used as "brown" (which is again racially unacceptable in a

multicultural country) have been racially discriminated and how only those out of the
hundreds of dif|erent races have been blamed for such an event (Elassar, 2004) Although

there has been no proof as to who masterminded such a disastrous event but there are

various conflict theories which present that it could have been a self motive for the

American Government to take such a drastic and destructive stance. My research paper

would critically analyse and examine how racial discrimination in general and

specifically for the Muslims has become a political agendaand how it is getting worse,

and why no further step is being taken to reorganize it.

In - Text References(ASA style)

Akram, SusanMusa:rat and Johnson, Kevin R (2002), "Race, Civil Rights, and
immigration Law after September17,200I: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims".

Richmond, Anthony H. (2000), "Immigration policy and researchin Canada:Pure

or applied?", Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies,26:1,109-125.

Johnson,Kevin R. (2004), "Racial profiling after Sepember l1: The department

of Justice's2003 Guidelinespart 1: Immigration policies".

Elassar, Aladdin (2004), "Silent victims: the plight of Arab and Muslim
Americansin post 9/11 America"

Deflem, Mathieu (2002),"Law Enforcement9-l l: Questioning the Policing of

Intemational Terrorism," Pro Bono, Newsletter of the SSSPLaw & Society Division,

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