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How do you feel about making mistakes?

Room 15

I sometimes worry and make sure I learn for next time (5)

I feel annoyed because I have to start over (4)

Frustrated and annoyed (3)

Not Great (1)

Ok (4)

Ok because I can learn and reflect (7)


Not that bad because I’m usually too interested (7)_

Fine alright (8)

Pretty good, fine, alright (6)

Doesn’t feel that great (4)

No (2)

Ok (5)

I feel fine OK (7)

I don’t feel too bad because I know I can get help (5)


I feel ok because It’ll make me remember it for net time, I can also improve on it (6)

Fine (5)

Fine and OK (5)

I feel annoyed and not great (1)

Sad angry (1)

I want to be very good at maths (1)

I hate stuffing up, I feel like I’ve failed (1)

Alright because if I get it wrong, I learn the answer after (5)

Room 14















It is a little frustrating (5)











What is a number talk?
Room 14

I don’t know

When your class talks about strategies or ways to solve the question

A number talk is where the teacher gives the class a problem and then they get some
answers from the students and then discuss how they arrived there

A talk about numbers, math ideas and tips

I don’t remember

I forgot; I’ve never heard that in my life before

I forgot

Where if you have an answer up you put your thumb up on the table

I forgot

When you talk about what you’re learning so some people can figure out how maths works

When you put your thumbs up for a particular idea

I honestly have no clue

When the class talks about something to do with a question

Where everyone collaborates and shares their ideas

You and your class talk and discuss your answers and how you got the answer

A class talk about math. Using a question that everybody answers in their mind. Then
everybody explains to the class how they came up with their answer

A talk about numbers I think

When different people share their answers that they got and how they got it

Number talk is something that the teachers can answer easier than getting everyone to
solve a problem

I don’t know
I don’t know but I think it might be when everyone talk about how they got their answers

Where you talk about numbers

I don’t know

A number talk is a strategy of learning without writing because you talk and share your ideas


I don’t know

Room 15

Talking about a number

A talk about numbers or 2 number and what you can do with them (example with 2 and 4

I don’t really know but I think it might be about talking about numbers in an equation

Talking about numbers and math

I have no clue. It is talking about numbers

Algebra and maths talk

I have no idea what a number talk is, so I can’t explain what it is. I reckon it is about
numbers or counting, I’m not sure

Talking about number or talking about maths

A talk about numbers

When you talk about numbers

Talking about numbers

I’m unsure what this question means, but maybe it’s explaining about maths related stuff?
For working on fluency.

Like a type of number?

I don’t know what they are. I think it’s a discussion about the topic we did in maths

Talking about numbers

I don’t know what it could be

Talking about numbers

Talking about numbers and maths

When we talk about numbers

Talking about answers and sums when teachers explain an answer

I have no clue, a chat about how we got our answers

When the teacher talks about numbers? I don’t know.

I think a number talk is when you talk about numbers and their values
No clue? A talk about numbers.

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