Signed Off - Physical Education11 - q2 - m4 - Different Organizations and Their Advocacy - v3

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Published by the Department of Education – Region X – Northern

Development Team of the Module:
Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO V
Illustrator: Jay Michael A. Calipusan
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de
Oro Team:
City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Mala Epra B. Magnaong
Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.
Regional ADM Coordinator

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Table of Contents
Title Pages

Overview 1
Module Content 1
Objective 1
General Instructions 2
Pretest 2
Lessons/Concept 3
Self-test/Activities 4
Summary 8
Post Test 9
Key answers 10
References 11

What this module is about?

This module will guide you to identify different organizations and its
advocacy, appreciate their vision and mission to commit healthy lifestyle.
This module will help you aware of their respective events and what are the
different existing organization in the community where you belong.
This module contains some activities that can help you develop social
aspect through active participation of events organized within the community where
you belong.

This module has 2 Lessons:

• Lesson 1 – Different organizations and its advocacy
• Lesson 2 - Steps in organizing event

What you are expected to learn?

What I need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

.1. Identify different organizations and their advocacy for health-related events
2. Explain the importance of joining health related events
3. Participate any organized events in the community
4. List down steps in organizing fitness event

This module is easy to understand. It makes use some simple words which are
defined simply for all readers to understand. Go over the module and follow the
1. Read carefully the text of each page
2. Perform the activities as instructed
3. Have fun!

Before starting any activity, take the Pre -Test First to find out how
familiar you are with the different organizations and its advocacy

What I Know
The activity below will assess your knowledge about health –related events. This
will give you the opportunity to identify some organizations that advocates the
importance of health.
Instructions: Match column A to Column B by writing correct letters on your
notepad as your answer sheet.

Column A Column B
( Organization) ( Advocacy )

___1. Child Advocates Superhero A. Fun Run

___2. BayaniRun B. Fun Run
___3. Advocates of Healthy Minds C. Fun Run
___4. Zumbathon D. Dance Fitness
___5. Women Fortri E. Triathlon
___6. Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts (MORE) F. Mountain Biking
___7. Hike the Hill® (HTH) G. Hiking
___8. Team Heroes H. Fun Run
___9. Leg Hikers I. Mountaineering
__10. Superhero J. fun run

Module 4

LESSON 1 Different Organizations and their Advocacy

Physical Activity as you have learned from the previous topic, is very
important for health. Activities related in health such as running, hiking,
mountaineering, play important role in the development of a person, holistically. The
choice of any mentioned activities usually depends on an individual’s interest, age,
and ability. Physical activities ensure cardiovascular fitness and thus helps you in the
process of aging
A lot of people today engaged in many vices such as smoking, drugs,
distorted diet, too much computer time, etc. resulting to many health problems.
Fortunately, many of the people also nowadays are starting to realized such
lifestyle, and that’s why, there are many organizations arising today to combat such
Many organizations whose advocacy is to improve one’s health and maintain
what is remaining to them. Some of the organizations are the following;
1. Advocates of Healthy Minds - a family centered advocacy for healthy minds
through fun Run activities
2. Zumbathron – this group advocates through exercises
3. Bayani Run – this group advocates for Fun Run Activities
4. Hike the Hill - this organization advocates for hiking and preservation of the
land for hiking
5. Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts (MORE) - is committed to environmentally
sound and socially responsible mountain biking
6. Team Heroes – Fun Run
7. Leg Hikers – this group advocates for Hiking events
8. Superheroes – group of persons Fun Run for kids
9. BSU Mountaineers Club – mountain climbing
10. And many others

Many of us are unaware of their existence. Maybe perhaps because we don’t

know somebody who is engaged with this or having hobbies like these. We do not
actually appreciate it unless we also give our self a try to do one of these so that we
can feel also what they had experienced.

What it is?

Acitivity 1. “ Do I know them ”

1. Enumerate different local organizations and their advocacy

2. Interview 1 member per organization
3. Document the interview.

Activity 2. “ I fall for them ”

Based on the list of identified organization in the community, you are
instructed to choose what is best for you.
This would imply to choose organization that interests you. Write the
following information on your notepad as your answer sheet. You can choose 2-3

No. Name of Organization Advocacy Name of the Contact no.


Activity 3: Health Check

Instructions: The table below will help you assess your health status. Just check it
based on your experience.
No. A. Did I experience….. Yes No Sometimes Always
1. Severe headache?
2. Loss of Consciousness?
3. Muscular pain
4. Sudden increased in Blood
5. Leg cramps

B. Medical History YES NO

1. Hypertension
2. Diabetes
3. Heart problem
4. Muscles and Nerve problems
5. Back Pain

Activity 4: “ Love this “
The following are Physical Activities. Choose the event that you want to
participate by writing yes or no.

No. I choose….. Yes or No

1. Fun Run
2. Hiking
3. Mountaineering
4. Triathlon
5. Swimming
6. Zumba
7. Walking
8. Cycling
9. Jogging
10. Sports

Activity 5: Self- assessment:

1. Explain why you chose the above event.

2. Do you think this event can help you develop holistically as a person?

Activity 6:
Instructions: Choose the correct answer found inside the box and write it on the
space provided.

Running Hiking Zumba Cycling Mountaineering

Dancing Swimming Walking Jogging Triathlon

______________1. Person with Knee problem.

______________2. Person who loves to see mountain views.
______________3. Person whose passion is dancing.
______________4. Person with asthma.
______________5. Person with heart problem.

Activity 7: Self-Check

No. Does participating event make you…. YES NO

1. Feel uncomfortable
2. Feel dizzy
3. Feel active
4. Feel sleepy the whole day
5. Feel energetic
6. Feel tired the whole day
7. Feel happy
8. Feel young
9. Feel inspired
10. Feel healthy

Activity 8. “ Enjoy for Health “

1. Explain the value of participating the event in relation to health.
2. Enumerate some problems you encountered during the said event.

Module 4

LESSON 2 Steps in Organizing Fitness Event

By this time, you have already experienced the health benefits through
participating Fitness event. Use this experience to plan and arrange any fitness
event you like. In arranging fitness event the following steps are necessary;
1. Know the target people and their health concern
2. Meet them and have the orientation about your plan
3. Decide the venue and the route
4. Write a letter to the Barangay / Purok asking permit to do the said event
5. Write a letter to the Police Office, Rural Health Unit, Traffic Enforcers Office
asking assistance about the event
6. Prepare certificates / tokens for the participants (optional )

What it is?

Activity 1: “I am Ready ”
Instructions: Arrange the following steps in organizing event by writing numbers 1-10
on the space provided. Use your notepad as your answer sheet.
_____ Plan the event
_____ group the people
_____ ask assistance from Purok President/ Barangay officials
_____ Ask Police assistance and the Traffic enforcers
_____ Ask medical Health assistance
_____ Write a letter asking permit
_____ Decide the venue
_____ Ask permit to use the venue of the event
_____ Prepare the certificates/ token or anything for the
participants (optional)
Activity 2: “ Go for Health “

Instructions: The diagram below represents the steps in organizing any

Fitness Event in the community. Complete the missing step.

Know the target people

and their health concerns



Write Letters

What I have Learned

1. There What it is?

are different organizations with heroic advocacy in the community in
which we are unaware of their existence
a. Child Advocates Superhero - Fun Run
b. Bayani Run- Fun Run
c. Advocates of Healthy Minds- Fun Run
d. Zumbathon- Dance Fitness
e. Women Fortri - Triathlon
f. Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts (MORE)- Mountain Biking
g. Hike the Hill® (HTH)- Hiking
h. Team Heroes- Fun Run
i. Leg Hikers- Mountaineering
j. Superhero - Fun run

2. There is specific fitness that addresses health issues like

a. Cycling is good for those persons with problem on knee joints
b. Swimming is good to all types of persons
c. Walking is good for those who has heart problem
d. Zumba is good for Diabetic

3. There are steps in organizing Fitness Event in the community

a. Know the target people and their health concern
b. Meet them and have the orientation about your plan
c. Decide the venue and the route
d. Write a letter to the Barangay / Purok asking permit to do the said
e. Write a letter to the Police Office, Rural Health Unit, Traffic
Enforcers Office asking assistance about the event
f. Prepare certificates / tokens for the participants (optional)

Post Assessment

Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement is True and write FALSE if the statement
is False.
__________1. Team Heroes advocates for Mountaineering.
_________ 2. Zumba is an example of Fitness event.
__________3. Running is good for those who has joint problems.
__________4. Triathlon is good only for boys.
__________5. Advocates of Healthy minds is for the people having mental problem.
__________6. In participating any Physical Activity one must know his/her
knowledge and capacity to do it.
__________ 7.Recognizing the value of optimizing one’s health through participation
in any physical activity is the start of doing the right healthy lifestyle.
__________ 8. Leading the group helps one develop self-esteem.
__________ 9. Leadership does not require energy.
__________ 10. A good leader is the one who knows his/ her group.
__________ 11. Writing letters to the agency in organizing fitness event would
include the statement of the purpose, the date of the event and the
venue to be used.
__________12. To organize fitness event one must consider a safe venue where the
event is done.
__________13. In organizing Fitness event, the organizer will be the role model.
__________14. It is good for an organizer to walk out when the participants are not
__________15. One benefit of organizing Fitness event is lack of sleep.

Great job!

Key to Answers
1. A
2. B Activity 1
Activity 9
3. C 1. Team Heroes
4. D 1. 10
2. Leg Hikers
5. E 2. 1
3. BSU mountaineers
6. F 3. 4
7. G 4. 5
8. H Activities 2,3 & 4 5. 6
9. I 6. 7
Personal Answer 7. 3
10. J
8. 2
9. 8
Post Test 10. 9

1. TRUE Activity 5
3. FALSE Essay Activity 10
4. FALSE 1. Meet them and
5. FALSE have the
6. TRUE orientation about
Activity 6
7. TRUE your plan
8. TRUE 1. Cycling 2. Decide the venue
9. FALSE 2. Mountaineering / and the route
10. TRUE Hiking 3. Write a letter to
11. TRUE 3. Zumba/ Dancing the Police Office,
12. TRUE 4. Swimming Rural Health Unit,
13. TRUE 5. Walking Traffic Enforcers
14. FALSE Office asking
15. FALSE assistance about
Activity 7
Self-Check the event

Activity 8
Personal Answer

Lloyd-Jones, D., R. J. Adams, and T. M. Brown. "Health Benefits of Hiking." Circulation 121 (2010):
e1-e170.Retrieved from
Seifert, L., L. Boulesteix, D. Chollet, and J. P. Vilas-Boas. "Differences in spatial-temporal parameters
and arm–leg coordination in butterfly stroke as a function of race pace, skill and gender." Human
movement science 27, no. 1 (2008): 96-111.retrieved from
Krisberg, Kim. "National Public Health Week celebrated around nation: Health advocates hold
hundreds of community events." (2015): 20-42. Retrieved from Krisberg, Kim. "National Public Health
Week celebrated around nation: Health advocates hold hundreds of community events." (2015): 20-
42. Retrieved from


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