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9) ECS301 9 DETECTION & ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES. ASSIQNMENT-2. Find the following list of umportant desis uted ‘in Signal detection theory - Give tein definition, Numerical formula, waverfomm debiction, & — Blockbox = modeh OSSECiated with each Lest, HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis tw tho Atertement of possible Source Gf an observation: TE] a aubposition that particular event fas ccawed Ce pauticuloy signal hasbeen) ansiittecl”) based on the received Signal Unfommation. Aypetnesia §—& tegtcal term assigned tp “he signal, [ event of anterest -Dencted bey HE Aa Oyly2-----N whee (Woe deo. fever of our deter BINARY HYPOTHESIS. TEST S~ the process of mating a decision fom wecéved obsevvatien on which — hypothesis ia bur (or correct) between two —_tHygatheses Bw aalled «= Binary Hypethesia testing fpobler, © Binary tiypotress test fer example ; Concider dhe detecttory of Radar target detection where the presente [absence af an akpractiing alrcraft u to be detamined- Hea, an etn gulse —B baansnitled»; Lb the received spulee has Rejtected pilse & Robe => Altcreyt v8 qaesent: b Ony reise 18 present == > No alrerayt: Madhematti cally j Hy i adh) = fh] = No tavget/ eqnl uw present a xO) = A400] — target ia present Tit decision © Making process bw ty ond called — Bhary -typethesis testing Problem. Togananitles ls Recetted Wasaforts Sigal ig Puen Een | — Dectde Hy Signal ly absent Tee becca Ho: FALSE ALARM (TYPE T ERROR) — The enor that = accurs when the dectsiay ttokery 1 Hy but Ho octuctly tute SteDencted by Req Ra = Ps He) In sme applications, «= Bf ee Comer because ae ray hae © dVetseirgact on entire system-pexforman ee. Fer example; a an atm Senses {he unong arson instead of comect perecn j thee wll be lex ef money. @ | NEYMAN- PEARSON (NB) DETECTOR the — Neyran Pearson (NE) detecter design cima 46 sxck —raxinum probability of detection , Subject to the cendycint; which & fixed Probati tty af Fake Alam, Pea Tia detector ateltes © on Neyrran Peamton (NP) theorem Aahice ata Shot , Decide 4h ab, wy = Pw sy Pest) >The ww tikelthood ratio test: + volue con be aunlucted ay piste = K Be = $a: Loot yey ef Detection; Py = [Pest de. pulwrt Blockbox model = peoeiias a ot TAG ]_Shaygprom 4 Up vector: mate | ae < eae 1] Likelihood = Ratio + (Likelihood function : Te conditional probability density function’ are ako called as Likelihood nes. ~The A pissi, density @& an cheenation- ~ 4% BW probable madel qf cheervation bared en the Qruumed —thypethesis bee the expetwrent ws done. (sgnt as ted fete) . Ki) Likelihnad Ratio =: the Ratiw «= of) probabilities Haak chsevation K would be qprduced und th te that f+ Fomula , — Likelihecd Sati, Le) = pest) pls #o) MAKIMUM LIKELIHOOD (ML) DETECTOR :— The detector «= which decides the hypothesis bared onthe Likelihood sasly Decision We j : Decide Hy Plats). 4 - fo, wee, Wey oa ML detector 2B a special cone of MPE detector , when the — prior probabilttia assiqned are equal. 9 fy) DETECTION §=COEFFICIENT ROC i RECEIVER CPERATION CHARACTERISTICS -- Receiver Opsation Characteristis Ge) ROC Cure it & — qraprical illustration gt the performace ef NP detectoy Here WS Fy plate under given atoreshotd 17. Roc te kote the datumine (4e*Mine) for all detectors le As aft Ancreaset » Ra» Pp Walter decreaues. B= @(@' ln) — 1) yer Roc tx 0C feelin wan (e=!). tho - % 8 dre measwe of qpodness ef detector Betection Coefficient , quantifies dhe deqree ef Overlap betuccn the wo pela under Consideration. He ty denoted by : The overlap (a? value’) must be og dow os posmible te aveld errs. an he detection t& a Difference in value gq means - dr must Snerore — with decredne in Voriationaurcler tf @ = [Eta Bort)” vos (Tj 440) = uv MINIMUM = =- PROBABILITY. «OF ERROR = DETECTOR :— Te = detector which — cheose, the hypottelly © oa minimtg the total probability of err ds called Minin ob- ef error detector Decieienwle: Decide My a pul), Plt) poi) Pe) Me te while, “AB NP detector exeatse for which “4? Threahel here chosen according +0 the pes psubaleilities aseigned te toe Tyypethes- : A POSTERIOR! DETECTOR The detecdos © uihich chooses hypehelit Brobabilthy (te Ped calelated MAXIM Ao aa to moximige the a posterior ( aft, the obsewed sans ane racedved fer ts dont)- as called Maxim A PoRetidi —-& detector: Jy ule! Decision wie + “ptt = Plax) ed ea ee Pu) Blue) Saba ty MPE Rule 2). Bie = pithle) DO PLS 5 nea, detector hich winirige He CE ee oraall fbakalty loo ewtriges Me Pliilx) > Plvela)- a. posters Jprobobility - F A Resta bs @6@ dy] BAYES Risk : TH dhe expected cost of enor. on dimpowtant function that Galle —Baye’s typothedis tear: Mothematcally, Bayes Rik(R) is given by R= E(c) = = iH ay PGT) PGH) i aeaats siepresents the. test sule these PHY) a6 Piobabilily Gf dectting 4% when Hy Eduw: PU) - Poticl probability assiqned “to hypotheses Cy — The cost ef devicing Hh when “ty etme M — Total mo- ef hypotheses under consideration, Jn the case of 2 hypotbais dp cos assiqned ax such frat Coo = Cy= 0 (No cast f& conect cletection). & Cor= Got R= Plailte) PUR) + PLto Hi) PU) = te For the above ossigned coi, Beyjis Risk converges to the Teal —Psobatility of enor. BAYES DETECTOR =~ Tw some — ofpiications, one can assign the -prbatilitierte dhe nosticur hypethews (ior probabilities) This abjpreachy (of assigning ples probabilities , calle Bayesian Philosphy / Bayesian approach Ao dhe hypothesie testing, pce [Barjés Oclectr a the ome, designed to as minimig the joverage wk gf emer Bayes Risk — toe the chttnal detector doleliy ivy pieces Decision whe : Cayesian Detector dectcles My af, pled, Co ~coc) Psd) vy pel) CGy~ eu) Pen) Conditional Likelthoed Sect cw ESTIMATDR — CORRELATDR : Tho NP detector which Covtelates(muttipiication is awit the} ts ellowed py Summation) the Incoming cbserved the wbinator etinate qf — Aandem signals [tn]] B calted Comelator. Decision we * pecide 4h a tw = “Bxtie >7 wo HE Gen hough the = pat ate Stardom dn oture , is osstiy Ho collect there. signals ond — dentify he covmiance andpt Hhem ty Weok-up tatls [These ane used for estication of 2101] # 2bj % actuallysthe Weiner iter extiinatoy of the Signal: re C5 (est P 2) x Mean Blockbor model for Estinoter— Coney, — MasoMisinars res ce ——— | >t" bm eee a : ‘ Weiner Filter lest Lo &) (eae) > Cs Grey fs} MATCHED FILTER DETECTOR - I ‘ in the coe gf detetting at known deterministic NP catiterion takes the fom cf, ow Signal in WEN 5 Decide hoy ut TH = Ssh) oy A ‘ : neo realigntion tba deat atatistic FE hnugh filtering Cece on the. cheated «dota «bY on FIR filter whose Tmpalee | Raponse uy quen by | h(n] = s[-rd Reex Kel ee! natthed to the incoming signal, dine, tre TR e This Maligation- '@ aalled Matched RUer Deke. | Block bax model Jor Matched Filey Detector Fle Filey [ i ] oT 09 x | mt |—say, ae mane ' be)" at the at dnstant of sincoming signals: [[Rier maxiiges SNR when all amy HE Olp of as + WORE the SNR do oaswve]- @| ENERGY DETECTOR \alhen the Siqral_ to be detected ix otandom , Mecelted Wo mean, while , WSS Gaussian Randam Progss wrth weionce S- NP ailskon new becomes, tere 4, ata ~ ‘S2R] +7 eo @ The NP detecty Jn dhs fomput energy, ‘ Cane, utes of the incoming Mecetved) dota = and = Compares he a dheakela- dene, ths ealigetion ie known as Ehergy Detector = 09g PO Ras LP eae ‘ L = | | ea ot! feaaaie sani [met | Block Diagram, energy D . p| PREWHITENER = th pooee 2 oe or data do take behave — statically like white neise- {a= He Thig prewshitening us dere before seme analysis that likely woks beller He additive rete ve white” Qonesaligeet Matched fie, TexStatiatic ze perce (esl sot) SiN m= Zl ws +A) Sra tw = TS first pesshitens she noise the dittsrted signet (2 A “he ized, Matched Filles amples: Ond ten cose lates ageiest ae Gonwali Mr = Reuhiten Condlater/ Matches Fetter, ae > xbo S Block box model vii, aol B vw sequences (ard ay) . wigs aid TA | Monte Carlo Tata When ue at —sunable “Compute the pwbabllity tat a stardom yartable amecdh a given Aelur by} Analytical means @ by — numencal mefeds , we port cut Nont Carlo Simulation, [Trials | When we — Obsewe the datar_ set SAG aAdy ~~~. refvHi]} when] wt | fr) = N (oro) then aval tay gf Zxt>ty i et Tae zat) 3 Tt) Nlo A) B(tot) = a\ tae) Hoe for AH atoluakion, we .qnercite “N’ dndependent - Sardom vasa and calcul T= t Bat Repeat Mires and nde = M Saalixertiont of T = fe Tope Tay -Cunt @ My Os mo. of Tis dh exceed Sstmat prob RifTr¥} a8 ML, ™M 44 the Atative absolute amr € dasined for too(t-od) M twee =e Chooser +o satiyyy We ear eee oP a time, (o Ab COMPOSITE = HYPOTHESIS. TESTING : Te — includes the = unknawn -boameters: The process of decision = making among diffeaant Tray fe) maynot be competely Ahpetreses whose Pots specified Ww Called Composite Atypottaiia baling, Example: Detection of PC level vith Unknewn Amplitude A in WGN ondive. Hee akgotha 44 le Tot Contetely specified [known because: wv WKNOO comes under Composite Hypethed, Testing: Tapped delay Line Chanel 2 Tp the channel tetpense we mot kno possible tb compensa “be chanwdl Completely iw i tects (TSE, rabltpath fading, te) BY PE ‘tranunit MINE Iete fitters. (abo called 0 Taped Pela: tinex (00) baa Peles delay tine Ceouetion + foment) vito at tent oH weight Cet). “Wwe Rine extract aati oe os visually agel ete dom aemewhar in the delay be 8 aa tae tyical ‘lp -ole desaipion _f “TDL channel "ay sin] = S tkqub-x). Keo old | Z| [ 7 Se ea, Beck box model for DL Channel model : ain) (| Multipats Channel Te channel which affers wo or MOR ypacths 4p the transmitted signal foo seaching the Awceiver Antenna B Galles Multi Paty channel- # Received siqnole becomes ‘too urak vin cestain cteas to be to srecaived adequately. And Ws — Mullipsth fprcpagation heads multipath Integeence» Phone shifting. g Agrals, Desductive lankerference. —teackhay 4p fading: “ of Ly-tie statidical avedel “1 ar fading & Raspeigh Fading | Mattipatts Cuanned- t 4 UES : t they, Transmitter Receive fate) at) —>|_ Co re? do oe Equivalent TDL implementa. 3ray Multipath Tine On— Aitenyation /Tab qain a nh Rate Sear a ichannel Tth- Propagation celay of ah pate Wetter and subritted by: @.Madhusilatha,, ECQO301 -

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