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Contract CE 10 and CE 11 Chiller Plant Manager ECS Data Sheets

Common for all the stations


Unit Type DDC Type

List of Equipments:
No of Water cooled chillers 3As per BOQ
No of Air cooled chillers 2As per BOQ
3 W + 1 (SB) for water cooled chillers & 2 for air cooled chillers As
No of Primary Chilled water pumps
per BOQ
No of Secondary Chilled water
2W + 1 (SB) for water cooled chillers As per BOQ
No of Condenser water Pumps 3 W + 1 (SB) for water cooled chillers As per BOQ
No of Cooling towers 3 As per BOQ
32 bit, UL Listed BACnet (BTL certified)
equipment control
Supervisory controller 32 bit, UL Listed BACnet (BTL certified)
A) The Network supervisory Controller shall have imbedded graphic
capability for generating web based user graphics and support Multi
user with simultaneous minimum 5 user login facility
B) Unlimited user without additional license
(C) Shall be browsed by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape
(D) BTL certified
(E) Web engine should be 32bit configuration
(F) Should have inbuilt display and keys to operate in absence of PC
Supervisory controller features
(G) Should have desired inbuilt IO points
(H)Functionally able to act as a DDC controller also apart from
Supervisory controller function
(I) Web engine should support AHARAE standard BACnet MS/TP
protocol , Proprietry Protocol shall not be accepted
(J) Web engine should support integration of third party protocol ( eg
MODbus-RTU) seamlessly without adding additional hardware
(K) Web engine should support DHCP function for IP addressing

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Contract CE 10 and CE 11 Chiller Plant Manager ECS Data Sheets
Common for all the stations

Sr Description Qty Total Points Required signal

A Chiller Plant (Water Cooled 3            
1 Chiller On/Off command     0     3 Software Integration signal
2 Chiller Run status   0       3 Software Integration signal
3 Chiller Fault/Alarm status   0       3 Software Integration signal
4 Chiller CHW Temperature         0 3 Software Integration signal
Reset Set point
5 Chiller Current Limit Set         0 3 Software Integration signal
6 Chiller inlet isolation valve     3       NO/NC Relay Command to
Open/Close command Valve
7 Chiller inlet isolation valve   3         NO/NC Potential free
Open/Close status contact from Valve
8 CW inlet isolation valve     3       NO/NC Relay Command to
Open/Close command Valve
9 CW inlet isolation valve   3         NO/NC Potential free
Open/Close status contact from Valve
1 Common CHW supply       1     TE-632AM-1+WZ 1000-5
0 header temperature
1 Common CHW return header       1     TE-632AM-1+WZ 1000-5
1 temperature
1 Flow transmitter       3     0-10 VDC or 4-20mA from
2 Flow Meter
1 Outside Air Temp/Humidity       2     0-10VDC from RH cum
3 temp sensor(HE-67N3-
# Total points for Chiller Plant   6 6 7 0 15  
B Air Cooled Chiller (AC) 2 DI DO AI AO SW  
1 Sys 1 & 2 On/Off command     0     2 Software Integration signal
2 Sys 1 Run Status   0       2 Software Integration signal
3 Sys 2 Run Status   2       2 Software Integration signal
4 Sys 1 Fault/Alarm Status   0       2 Software Integration signal
5 Sys 2 Fault/Alarm Status   2       2 Software Integration signal
6 Chiller CHW Temperature         0 2 Software Integration signal
Reset Set point
7 Chiller Current Limit Set         0 2 Software Integration signal
8 Chiller inlet isolation valve     2       NO/NC Relay Command to
Open/Close command Valve
9 Chiller inlet isolation valve   2         NO/NC Potential free
Open/Close status contact from Valve
1 Common CHW supply       1     TE-632AM-1+WZ 1000-5
0 header temperature
1 Common CHW return header       1     TE-632AM-1+WZ 1000-5
1 temperature
# Total points for Chilled Water   6 2 2 0 14  
C Primary Chilled Water Pumps 6 DI DO AI AO SW  
1 Pump Auto/Manual status   6       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD

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Contract CE 10 and CE 11 Chiller Plant Manager ECS Data Sheets
Common for all the stations

2 Pump On/Off command     6     0 NO/NC Potential free contact

from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
3 Pump run status   6       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
4 Pump trip status   6       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
5 Pump Motor Current       6 0 0 0-10VDC or 4-20mA from
# Total points for Chilled Water   18 6 6 0 0  
D Condenser Water Pumps (CWP) 4 DI DO AI AO SW  
1 Pump Auto/Manual status   4       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
2 Pump On/Off command     4     0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
3 Pump run status   4       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
4 Pump trip status   4       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
5 Pump Motor Current       4 0 0 0-10VDC or 4-20mA from
# Total points for Condenser Water   12 4 0 0 0  
E Cooling Tower (CT) 3 DI DO AI AO SW  
1 Fan Auto/Manual status   3       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/CT VFD
2 Fan On/Off Command     3     0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/CT VFD
3 Fan Run status   3       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/CT VFD
4 Fan Trip status   3       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/CT VFD
5 CT inlet/outlet Isolation   3       NO/NC Relay Command to
valve Open command   Valve
6 CT inlet/outlet Isolation   3         NO/NC Potential free contact
valve Open/close status from Valve
7 Common CW supply header       1     TE-632AM-1+WZ 1000-5
8 Common CW return header       1     TE-632AM-1+WZ 1000-5
9 CT fan Motor Current       3 0 0 0-10VDC or 4-20mA from
# Total points for Cooling Tower   12 6 5 0 0  
F Secondary Chilled Water Pumps 4 DI DO AI AO SW  
1 Pump run status   3       0 NO/NC Potential free contact
from MCC Panel/Pump VFD
# Total points for Chilled Water   3 0 0 0 0

The above DI/DO/AI/AO/SW are for gide lines purpose bidders to include additional item requirement for
operation of chiller plant manger to suite the requirement and fully integrate the equipments in the Chiller
Plant room without any additional cost to DMRC.

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