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Lesson 3: The Ecosystems

Answers to Application

1. In which biome do you live?

Philippines being part of Southeast Asia that lies in the tropical region is dominated by
one type of major biome, the tropical rainforest. Tropical rainforest is a lush, species-rich
forest biome that occurs where the climate is warm and moist throughout the year and its
annual precipitation is typically between 200 and 450 cm (80 to 180 in). The richest type of
tropical rain forest in the Philippines is the dipterocarp forest.

Figure for questions 2 and 3,

2. Where would you place your biome in the figure?

The biome I live in is a tropical rainforest and base from the figure above, I would
place my biome in the Tropics. The climate of the Philippines is divided into two major
seasons, the wet and dry seasons and a latitude of 12.8797° N, 121.7740° E.

3. How would that compare with your placement of the biome in Alaska or the biome in
Egypt and Dubai?

The major biome of Alaska is the tundra biome and this biome has long cold
winters and short cool summers. So I would place the biome of Alaska on the Arctic
with increasing latitude and cold temperature. The Arctic tundra also has low
precipitation (less than 10 inches per year) and dry winds. While Egypt and Dubai both
have desert as its major biome and I would place it in the hot temperature as Egypt and
Dubai climate is typically hot and sunny throughout the year with very little

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