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Mid End READING READINESS Mid__End Taccept and respond to my teacher's authority can say sounds by rate respect and show concern for people and things around | can identify lower-case letters I play and share cooperatively with other children | can produce some letter sounds Ihave a good selfimage can print my fst name {have appropriate control over my feelings | can identity sounds at the beginning of words can identify human feelings (happy, sad) | can identify sounds at the end of words | can identity rhyming words (orally) can recognize eight colors can draw pictures and tell stoties about them know some opposite words (hot/cold) | know some position orientation words (top / bottom) Mid ene speak clearly | communicate in sentences Ian answer some questions MATH READINESS Mid _End lam expanding my vocabulary ee | wait for my turn when speaking in a group Tean extend a pattern can count UP 9 nn By oe can recognize numbers OM sn Onna can name some numbers fOM wo Ononde FE lean recognise some shapes - can find shapes in my environment Ian sequence different sizes (small, smaller, smallest) LISTENING SKILLS md to can identity objects (shape, coor size, texture) listen quietly, my attention span is lengthening respond to a story by answering questions oA * ~ : o ‘ PRACTICAL SKILLS Mid__End can say my first and last names WORK HABITS Mid End know how old | am_ [follow routines Independently know some colors | can follow directions can recognize / pont to body parts | can work well within small groups | participate in music activities {am learning not to distur my classmates participate in art activities | seek only my share of teacher's attention | participate in science activities {participate in social studies activities Icon send walk up / down (alternating my feet) Wak forward backward run with good balance wi I SG ei TT Tump place (we feet together INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MOMBASA balance (ht fot let foot) hop (one foot, two feet) throw lrg bal forward ar KINDERGARTEN catch age bal Goa forward somenault NURSERY CLASS lo ee ~ PROGRESS REPORT Take partin goes Name Teacher FINE MOTOR SKILLS use my muscles Wits Term holding and using my crayons School Year peldng and srg my peel Telding and using my sessom Headmaster’s Parent’s easel / watercolor panting ‘Signature Signature water pasting / gluing simple puzzle assembly 2 playdoush/ ay ATTENDANCE stringing beads TERMLY manipulating small pieces Present in school manipulating zippers. aie Traipuating butions EVALUATION. ‘manipulating snaps Lis tying my shoes’ laces Mastered = Satta ‘SELF-RELIANCE SKILLS iden Not Mastered | - [pore bativoom alone noc Taught | N Tam earning to dress myst Teanbrush my teeth PO Box Gi 1 Ker ‘CLASS TEACHER'S COMMENTS 3 nya

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