Lesson 01 - God Made Everything PDF

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God made

at home Bible lesson for under 5s
Week 1 – God made everything – Genesis 1
Welcome to lesson one and thank you for having the desire to help your child explore the Bible and enjoy God. Each
week this coming year I will be producing one lesson to do with my three-year-old son, and it is my pleasure to share
this with you.

Bible lesson
Week one covers the account of crea�on taken from Genesis 1. I would encourage you to sit down with your child and
the Bible and either read the story to them or paraphrase it in a way that they will understand. Personally, I believe that
this is the best way as it introduces your child to reading the Bible and gives them an example to follow. It also reaffirms
that these are not just stories as they may find in storybooks.

That said, there are great resources available to help children understand the Bible and where possible I will include a
link to help.

This week I used this video from Saddleback kids. It’s 3:48 minutes long.

Scan code to watch video

Please pick and choose the ac�vi�es that follow to suit your needs. Split them throughout the week to reinforce the
lesson or mix ac�vi�es for a selected �me slot. Please think of these resources as a toolkit.

Each ac�vity hopefully supports the Biblical lesson and educa�on development.

During this weeks cra� ac�vity, you will need to allow some �me for paint to dry. Either paint plates at start of
session, use other ac�vi�es to fill in drying �me or split over different days.

Thank You
Thank you once again for joining us on this journey through 2019.

Please give me feedback, so that I can adjust the lessons over the next weeks to best meet your needs.

Do you need more of something? Colouring pages, cra�s, ac�ves sheets, instruc�ons.

The plan is to upload a new lesson each Wednesday.


Our fun from this weeks activities

© 2019 truewaykids.com
God's creation
Scavenger hunt
Enjoy a walk in God's creation
and see what you can find?

leaf bird
bug water
tree cloud
worm soil
dog stone
duck grass
seed flower

Day 2 - God made the sky
trace around the clouds
and waves
Day 3
Then God said, “Let the
land produce plants.
Let them produce their
own seeds. And let
there be trees on the
land that grow fruit
with seeds in it. Let
each kind of plant or
tree have its own kind
of seeds.” And that’s
exactly what
(Genesis 1:11)

Day 5
God made the birds and fish
How many birds can you see?

How many fish can you see?

Cut out each of the number cards.
As you read through each day of creation, place
one new card and talk about what you see.
Depending on the age and ability of the child:
Print two copies arrange one in order and ask the
child to match their numbers.
Or have the child sort the number themselves.
If you want to help your child practice scissor
skills, allow them to cut out the cards under
careful supervision.

Creation plates

You will need

• 6 Paper plates • Glitter or glitter glue
• Poster paints & brushes • Craft print-out
• Scissors • Creation numbers
• PVA glue • Green paper
• Cotton wool • Wooden lollipop stick
Step 1 - Paint your plates

Use cut out cards to review what God made each day.

Mix colours to create new colours or use straight from pot.

Allow paint to dry. Why not try another activity or

go outside and do the scavenger hunt.
Step 2 - Decorate the plates
Use cut out cards to review what God made each day.

Mix colours to create new colours or use straight from pot.

Day 1

Glue on on number 1

Day 2

Stick cotton wool onto sky with PVA glue

to make clouds. Stick on number 2

Day 3
Glue wooden lollipop stick onto plate and
then glue crunched up green paper to
make tree and plates. Add number

Day 4
Use glue and glitter or glitter pens for
stars. Glue moon cutout and number.

Day 5 &6
Using craft cutouts. Ask child to arrange
the picture in to the right places. E.g. fish
in sea, bird in sky and animals on land.
Activity - sort picture
When all picture are in the right place glue
them down.

Glue down the numbers

God made the stars

Worship Time
"How God Made Everything" -

Creation Song -

He's Got The Whole World in His Hands

- https://youtu.be/oEkXzi19Crk

Prayer Time
Go or look outside and play a version of
i-spy as your prayer time.
“Father, Thank you for making something
green.” A Tree
“Father, Thank you for making something
beginning with G” … Grass

Next Week
God made us (Genesis 2) - Adam and Eve

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