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1. Someway, somehow, I would like to consider that I am more of a listener rather than a talker. For this
reason, one thing I would like to develop on my skills in socializing is about being a better speaker or a
talker. A person who can able to effectively express myself and communicate flawlessly. Ideally, I can
develop and enhance this skill by immense practice of speaking and talking to people, studying language
structures, watching Ted Talks and movies.
2. I am in age of modernity and imagining myself as a parent at this time could never been easier.
Technology and social media have had influence and changes the parenting. It mostly bring distress
because improper usage. So as I keep picturing myself being a parent, there are things I want my
children to remember in developing their social literacy. I want to teach my children the positive human
values which includes being morally upright, equitable and just that my parents taught me, my school
and my religion. In its essence, they know how to behave and treat other people.
To equip my children these values, I’m going to promote it on my household. Given the fact that I will
always remind them to be good, respectful and faithful but also showing to my children how I adhere
these values on my actions. Because the learning always starts at home, how a parent behave and how
its home is like, the children will become.
3. For most of the company, employers usually cite first on the education degree of their applicants. It
serves as their criteria in hiring them. But also it is not just the case. For most of the employers, just like
them, my fundamental basis in hiring my applicants would be about having positive attitudes which
includes being behaviourally good and morally upright. A pleasing personality is primary needed because
you know that she will not be just competent in her work but she also going to be respectful and nice to
her bosses and as well as to her co-workers.
4. At its abound level, the teachers use peer-assessment and self-assessment on its learners to be able to
enhance their social perception, social cognition and social performance. They educate students through
the “learning by doing” concept. They let them engage and socialize to everyone.
The curriculum have specific content and learning experiences which direct to its learners. Some of its
examples are about doing oral presentations, reporting, role plays, science experimentations and
videography. It develops learner’s social literacy since they can able to engage with their peers. Of
which, they would able to showcase their positive attitudes and social skills.


In this modern period, computer technology and social media have several vital influence in the role of
socializations. Using these tools, we can able to interact effectively with just using our fingertips. In a way, we
can easily reach our love ones and even meet other people around the globe. However, it can also detrimental
to develop our social skills which includes public speaking, talking and other social interactions. Obviously,
technology has had a profound impact in communication.
There are positive and negative impact of digital technology in communication.
 Meet people all over the world
 maintain and strengthen familial relationships,
 communicate effectively with others,
 Help people to become more socially adept
 Improve social interactions
 people often meet friends or dates using apps,
 Students, workers, adults and children losing their social skills due to being increasingly isolated from
 prevalence of antisocial behaviour
 Lack of social skill development, where, instead of meeting people in the outside world, some youth are
only able to communicate by texting via messaging or dating apps.
 Decreased human interactions and relationships
 Reduced human-to-human interactions and increased human-to-machine interactions
Show respect to your
teachers, classmates,
friends and co-workers
Do not use abusive
Having a positive thinking
and attitude in the class
Do not get involved in
physical fights and

Greet and give compliments

to your teacher and co-
workers Do not shout and disturb
the class room at any
point of time and in the

Understanding and
Don’t seek to
appreciating differences
motivate students by
in school and workplace embarrassing them

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