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Memo No. DWA/AP/VJD/Sn.II /A2 /2020-21/No. Camp -1 Dated: 03/10/2020.

Sub: AP State CAMPA-Payment of wages to personnel engaged for the months of

July and August 2020 –One time permission issued – Further details called
for - Regarding.

Ref: Rc no. 22710/2015/CAMPA-1, Dated: 13-09-2020 of the P.C.C.F , A.P.



Consequent to formation of the APCOS and also wrong classification of Head of

Account for drawing the salaries/wages through outsourcing, the PAOs/APAOs in the state
have objected for the payment of wages to the personnel engaged in Forest department for
the months of July and August 2020. The P.C.C.F has requested vide his letter for payment
of the wages of the forest personnel. Subsequently on receipt of the instructions from the
higher authorities, the PAO/APAOs are permitted to admit the wage bills of forest
department for the months of July and August 2020 as a onetime permission only.

Further all the PAO/APAOs are hereby instructed to obtain the details of the
personnel engaged on wage basis/outsourcing basis – Division wise and Category wise - in
the forest department in the following proforma in an excel format and submit the details by
08-10-2020 positively.

Sl Particular CFMS Category No of Head of Govt Period Nature Any

no s of the ID of the of the persons account orders/Authority for of other
DDO DDO person engaged operated permitting the which duties remarks
engaged posts permis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

They are also requested to obtain and submit copies of the authority permitting the
engagement of the personnel. The PAO/APAOs are also requested to offer any specific
observations noticed by them while the scrutiny of such bills, in respect of Out sourcing
agency, deductions effected, GST etc issues.

Director of Works Accounts,
A,P., Ibrahimpatnam,Vijayawada.
All the PAOs / APAOs in the State.

Copy to all the Joint Directors of Works Accounts in the State for information and ensure that
the replies are reached the Directorate before the scheduled date.

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