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Mid-Semester Examinations First Semester
TIME : 3 hrs. Maximum : 100 Marks
Instruction to the candidates
Answer ALL Questions
PART- A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. Write any four classifications of loads.
2. Define Hooke’s law.
3. What is called an Elongation?
4. Define Poisson’s ratio.
5. What is called major principal stresses and minor principal stresses?
6. Name the classifications of beams.
7. Differentiate Hogging and Sagging moment.
8. What is called a strut and a tie?
9. Write the assumptions which are made while computing member forces of a perfect frame.
10. Draw the diagrammatic representation of a roller support and a hinged support.

PART - B (4 X 15 = 60 Marks)
11. a A steel tie rod 50mm in diameter and 2.5m long is subjected to a pull of 120 kN. (15)
To what length the rod should be bored centrally so that the total extension will
increase by 15 percent under the same pull, the bore being 25 mm diameter?
Take E = 2x105 N/mm2.
b What are the various types of stresses and strains and Explain them with neat (15)
12. a. A short metallic column 0f 500 mm2 cross sectional area carries an axial (15)
compressive load of 100 kN. For a plane inclined at 60 ̊ with the direction of
load, calculate normal stress, tangential stress, resultant stress, maximum shear
stress and obliquity of the resultant stress.
b. i) What are the three modulii? Give a brief notes on them. (5)
ii) The following data relate to a bar subjected to a tensile test, diameter of the
bar 30 mm, tensile load 54 kN, gauge length 300 mm, extension of the bar 0.112 (10)
mm, change in diameter 0.00366 mm. calculate Poisson’s ratio and the values of
three modulii.

13. a. The Fig-13 shows a warren girder consisting of seven members each of 4m (15)
length supported at its ends and loaded as shown. Determine the stress in the
members by method of joints.

b. The Fig-13 shows a warren girder consisting of seven members each of 5m (15)
length supported at its ends and loaded as shown. Determine the stress in the
members by method of sections.

14. a. A simply supported beam AB of span 6m carries point loads 1kN and 4kN at 1m (15)
and 5m from A respectively and also the beam carries UDL of 2kN/m in the mid
2m span. Draw the shear and bending moment diagrams for the beam. Clearly
mark the position of the maximum bending moment and determine its value.
b. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagram at 1.5m intervals for a (15)
cantilever beam of length 9m carrying a UDL of 15 kN/m over the entire span
and a point load of 20kN at its free end.

PART – C - (1 x 20 = 20 marks)
15. The principle stresses at a point across two perpendicular planes are 75MN/m2 and (10+
35MN/m2. Find the normal, tangential stresses and the resultant stress and its 10)
obliquity on a plane at 20 deg with the major plane by both i) Analytical method and
ii) Mohr’s circle method.
Prepared And Verified By Course Reviewed and checked by
Teacher Chairperson/QP setting
Name Signature with date Name Signature with date

A.Ambikapathi Dr. R. Sowmeyan

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