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Group 1
Draft point video presentation youtube

1. Tema video: Slide presentation

2. Apa perlu ada:
a. Video upload Youtube (15-30 min) (3-5 min sorang)
b. Google Form (Quiz)
c. Report (max 10 pages, 1.5 spacing, TNR 12, APA style)
3. Kita tanya madam untuk quiz:
a. Boleh guna medium lain x selain google form
b. 12 soalan okay tak
4. Timeline kerja:
a. Bagi video (landskap), slide dan soalan Quiz (23/24hb)
5. Faiz compile video (16:4) pakai microphone
6. Dila compile slide
7. Piqah bina Quiz

Intro video: (2 min) Afiah

1. What is communication skills

a. The ability to convey information to another effectively and efficiently.
b. The seven C’s of communication are:
i. Clear
ii. Correct
iii. Complete
iv. Concrete
v. Concise
vi. Considered
vii. Courteous

2. What is Interpersonal skills

a. The set of abilities enabling a person to interact positively and work effectively
with others.
b. Some examples of interpersonal skills include:
i. Active listening
ii. Teamwork
iii. Responsibility
iv. Dependability
v. Leadership
vi. Motivation
vii. Flexibility
viii. Patience
ix. Empathy

3. What is Intrapersonal skills

a. The internal abilities and behaviors that help you manage emotions, cope with
challenges, and learn new information.
b. These skills, which relate to emotional intelligence, include things like:
i. Self-confidence
ii. Resilience
iii. Self-discipline
iv. Persistence
v. Openness to new ideas
vi. The ability to overcome distractions
vii. Time management

Body video:

1. Importance of communication, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills (Afiah) 3 min

2. Type of interpersonal skills
1. Verbal communication(Piqah)
2. Non-verbal communication(Piqah)
3. Listening skills (syahmi)
4. Negotiation (syahmi)
5. Problem solving (Farah)
6. Decision making (Farah)
7. Assertiveness (Dila)
3. Type Intrapersonal skills
1. Perception (Dila)
2. Self-concept (Faiz)

Conclusion video: (Faiz)

Differences between Interpersonal and Intrapersonal skills

Submit :
References :


1. The following are the factors that affect the transmission of a message from the sender to the
recipient except

A. Medium used to communicate

B. Location

C. Cultural situation

D. Accurate knowledge or goals

2. Which of the following is an activity that describes intrapersonal skills?

I. Journaling and blogging

II. Apply observation or focus

III. Exchange of ideas

IV. Rational thought

A. I, II and III only

B. I, II and IV only

C. II, III and IV only

D. All above

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