Top 10 Clean Energy Lists by Others

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Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

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Top 10 clean energy lists by others

January 16, 11:20 PM Breakthrough Energy Examiner Sterling Allan

3 comments Print Email RSS Subscribe Previous Next

When I proposed my short list for top 10 consideration last month, several other free energy
industry experts, including Jim Dunn , David Yurth, Joel Garbon, and Ken Rauen, chimed
in with their own lists of favorites. What about you? Do you know of one that should be

As reported last week, on Jan. 8, I gave a 1.5-hour presentation titled The Top 10 Exotic Free
Energy Technologies at the 4th Annual Earth Transformation conference in Kona Hawaii, sponsored
by Dr. Michael Salla, of Exopolitics fame, and his partner, Angelicka Whitecliff. Vancouver 2010
Get exclusive coverage from Examiners
on the Winter Games in Vancouver.
The presentation featured those technologies outside the realm of conventional renewables that from
my vantage point seem to be the most promising in the near future to become available and make
a profound impact when they do. Popular Articles

When I proposed my short list for the Top 10 consideration last month, several other free energy AT&T 3G network making big strides in San
industry experts chimed in with their own lists of favorites.
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Top 10 Lists by Others UFO news in Moscow, Strange craft captured on
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Jim Dunn's List
On December 22, 2009 5:40 AM Mountain, Jim Dunn wrote: Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine,
reverses Alzheimer's disease pathology
Sterling – Although I am not a member of NEC, I suggest that the technologies you mention have
all at least reached a ‘Proof of Concept’ stage, and appear to be scalable to a reasonable level of
performance to be of significant benefit to the planet. Recent Articles

It might be worth taking a moment and asking each of the candidate inventors or companies BloomBox fuel cell poised to make
involved to provide you a summary of their current state of progress, and reason why they should distributed, cleaner power materialize
be included. Monday, February 22, 2010
Bloom Energy, a Silicon Valley startup, has
I would certainly not include items like Mike Brady’s Perendev motor, or Mark Goldes’ ‘virtual’ but developed a fuel cell technology that can run on
fuels such as natural gas and bio-gas from
undemonstrated devices, or Timothy’s un-validated generators, and limit Boyce’s technology to one landfills. …
mention, if at all. This might actually be a good time to update the ‘Top 100’ list and see if there are Page 1 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

landfills. …
mention, if at all. This might actually be a good time to update the ‘Top 100’ list and see if there are Raw News Hopper -- Feb. 21, 2010
not more appropriate technologies to consider than some of the ones you suggested. Perhaps the Sunday, February 21, 2010
Papp device might be a candidate, over the Mitey motor, for instance, since it has less emissions. This page contains items I placed in my news
hopper, intending to format them for inclusion in
My personal list of Hot Energy technology areas of interest for the future includes the following: the news, but limitations of having only so many
hours …

1 - New Ultralow cost ways to ‘Print’ efficient PV cells and panels on many substrates, including All Articles »
plastic or simple roofing/siding materials, like Nanosolar’s;

2 – New cost effective ways to harness ocean and wave power, with rapid growth of Hydrokinetic Related Slideshows
systems for ‘Run of River’ energy conversion, like FreeFlow power;

3 – New ways to harness Atmospheric Energy, including a host of derivatives of Tesla’s work in this
area, like Tesla-based and pyramidal power converters.

4 - New Radiation free ways to produce ‘fusion’ power directly from materials like Boron and
Hydrogen such as Eric Lerner’s Dense Plasma Fusion Reactor at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics.

5 – New ways to directly convert Heat to Electricity, like Peter Haglestein’s low cost high efficiency
system, and new devices from co’s like PowerChip in the UK

6 – Novel new HIGH POWER Nuclear Batteries, based on Paul Brown’s work, with more current
control and safety systems,
Green Power Inc. waste-to-fuel
7 – Advanced Energy Storage technologies like EEStor’s ultracaps, and new small scale
Compressed Air Energy Storage systems, and

8 – Biomass energy sources like Algae for producing liquid fuels, including Aviation and logistical
Things to see and do
25 26 27
Of these areas, Heat to Electric power offers huge near term potential as we have unlimited waste
heat and current devices are still very inefficient, particularly solid state ‘Seebeck/Peltier’ type Dennis DeYoung
devices, at only 10% efficiency.
Feb 25 2010
8:00 pm
2010 is clearly going to be a pivotal year as all of the planets energy needs start to come into focus Music»
with concerns over global warming and climate change and new ‘Carbon Taxes’

Jim Dunn
Energy Technology Consultants Abbotsford Heat at Bridgeport Sound…

Chorus Line, A

On December 23, 2009 2:53 PM Mountain, Sterling D. Allan replied:

See all Events »
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the time you put into this reply.

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One thing you perhaps missed in the presentation on the page is that this is not a "Top mainstream
renewables" list but an "exotic free energy technologies" list, which for the most part will not include
things like solar, wind, and most of the other technologies in your suggested list. The purpose is to
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bring to people's attention those technologies that don't get much attention but which have a Make your own clean energy from the
significant glimmer of hope that if the right talent were brought to bear they could really change the sun! Solar in CT since 1989.
energy landscape.

The audience I'll be addressing is far outside the box and thus would be more amenable to Honda Film: Solar Energy
considering some of the more exotic technologies.
Ponder the possibilities of future solar
technology. Watch here.

David Yurth's Top 10

On December 24, 2009 1:22 PM, David G. Yurth wrote: Page 2 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

Hi Sterling.

First, thanks for all your great work this past year. As you know I tend to prefer to focus my time
and resources on projects that are both practical and demonstrable. Seems to me we have a
number of excellent candidates to choose from in your presentation. I fully concur with Jim Dunn’s
recommendation that no emerging technology should be touted unless it can be supported by
documentation which shows that the proposed IP is both practical and actually functional. This will
eliminate a whole raft of nonsensical devices that are neither practical nor technically viable. Here is
my top ten list, not necessarily in this order:

1. Electronically Shaded Glass: This patented technology uses a combination of leading edge
transparent, electrically conductive thin film technologies to produce a coated glass system
which is transparent at rest [unlike Smart Glas and others which can only be rendered
transparent with the application of a biased voltage across the field] and becomes increasingly
non-transmissive with the application of a varied voltage, down to less than 98% transmissivity.
The prototype reflects 100% infrared and absorbs up to 100% ultraviolet depending on operator
selection. Panels made of this kind of glass have been shown to reduce heat build up as the
result of radiant heat absorption by 40%-60%. It has also been integrated with a transparent
sheet of chemically deposited photovoltaic material to provide many times the amount of power
needed to drive the window functions, so that it is also part of a net energy producing
application which could turn all the surfaces of a building into a power producing envelope.

2. Power Producing Thin Films: Referred to as Ceramic Electrodynamic Wafer Technologies,

thin films of less than 50 nm thickness [10 – 12 atoms] using doped oxides of Zinc doped with
other materials and intercalated with nano-particles of electron-emitting materials produce
continuous voltage and amperage without consuming any fuel, relying on any radioactive decay
or waste stream cycles. Laminated together and connected in series and parallel, this
technology is demonstrable, scalable, totally self-sustaining and absolutely safe for both the
environment and those who rely on it for power production.

3. Carbon Nano-tube Fuel Cells: The Japanese are beating our brains out on this technology
but forward-looking companies like 3M are closing the gap with their new MEA fuel cells. By
increasing surface area using nano-scaled applications the net rates of both effectiveness and
efficiency can be exponentially increased. Devices based on these technologies are working
now and will become ubiquitously available within the next five years. They are critical to the
development evolution of stand-alone sefl-sustaining and evironmentally benign energy
production systems.

4. Stoichiometric Hydrogen Generators: Bob Boyce’s advances represent the pinnacle of

electrolytic systems used to produce what is commonly referred to as Brown’s Gas. The
problem with this sort of technology is that the waste stream caused by the extremely
hazardous materials used to drive electrolysis constitute a much bigger problem than the one
they solve. The South Koreans own the water front on industrial applications using this
technology – their units are 40% more efficient than the best made anywhere else in the world,
but they are big, expensive and require extreme care during operation to prevent outgassing
and accidental contamination. New technologies such as those being developed by NanoEnergy
which produce Brown’s Gas without resorting to chemical electrolytes solve this problem. When
coupled with integrated systems such as the skate-board type chassis designed by GM in their
newest offering called the Vestra, this system eliminates the need for stored hydrogen [which
will never be either technically feasible or generally reliable for consumer use], the kGas
Generator by NanoEnergy will provide hydrogen on demand without the intrinsic danger of
chemical contamination. When couple with advanced fuel cell technologies, systems can be
developed which use water to provide hydrogen gas in a way that produces plenty of power to
drive transportation [and other applications] with zero waste.

5. Thermal Electric Polymers: Solar Road leads the pack in this category as far as I can tell.
Their multi-layered radiant heat to electric power thick film polymeric layers convert radiant heat
to power 2.5 times as efficiently as PV technologies. Houses fitted with SR roofing tiles, for
example, would generate 3-5 more power than needed to drive all their domestic requirements
and pour power back into the grid. This is a real and scalable technology with very high
practicality and viability quotients.

6. Wind Power: The problem with current wind turbine technologies is that they are insane. The
use of a 90:1 gearbox to convert 20 rpm shaft speeds to 1,800 rpm generator input shaft
speeds is simply nuts. The fact that wind is variable, of low energy density and so on means Page 3 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

speeds is simply nuts. The fact that wind is variable, of low energy density and so on means
that a means must be developed to convert wind to both realtime power when the wind is
blowing and store some of the wind in an efficient manner for use when the wind is not blowing.
Several strategies have been attempted with little or no success. This is mostly due to the fact
that developers have ignored the fact that air pressure and air temperature in a closed pressure
vessel are measures of precisely the same dynamics. NovaWind has developed an integrated
system which revisits the Bob Neal engine using 21st Century technologies, VitroPerm EM
materials, Litz wire, stacked generator modules, high efficiency Roots Blowers, and other
leading edge materials and technologies to create an integrated system which is capable of
delivering power from wind 24/7. This approach is scalable, demonstrable, cost effective and
energy efficient in the extreme.

7. Super-conductive Materials & Technologies: The guys at MIT have demonstrated that
super-compressed manganite materials demonstrate persistent super-conductivity at room
temperatures. When integrated with thin film materials which have been shown to generate
significant wattage on a continuous, uninterrupted basis across a broad range of temperatures,
this substrate material facilitates power production at rates which have never been achieved
before. This technology ranks up there with the most important discoveries of the 21st Century
because it alters the landscape with regard to capturing ion flow and harnessing the magnetic
potential which drives it.

8. Self-Recharging Super-Capacitors/ Energy Accumulators: As early as 1936 the

Japanese were using self-recharging capacitors to power all their communications devices in
the field during their wars with China and North Koreans, prior to the onset of WWII in the
Pacific. The use of this simple, easily replicable and totally scalable technology to drive a whole
warehouse full of small and medium-scale applications has been overlooked and neglected for
more than 60 years. 21st Century materials technologies render this IP even more significant
than it was 60 years ago because we can build ceramets that are both extremely powerful and
very long lived without using any radioactive isotopes with decay cycles to drive our energy
requirements. We have been building and experimenting with these devices for years so we
know they work. They are inexpensive to make, safe to use, consume no fuel and emit no
waste stream. Since 1951 the I.N. Frantsevich Institute For Problems of Materials Science in
the Ukraine has been producing and using a wonderful carbon-lattice energy accumulator
technology with a demonstrable energy density of more than 1060 watt-hours per kilogram. This
IP has never made its way to the marketplace because it has been rigorously suppressed, but it
is the answer to all the battery issues. Nano-technologies which were not available to the
Soviets could render this IP even more efficient than it was 20 years when we used it for
demonstration purposes. The fact that it has been demonstrated to exhibit energy densities
equal to or higher than the energy conversion ratios for gasoline and low sulfur diesel suggests
that this technology alone would make EV’s more than competitive with gasoline powered hybrid
vehicle technologies of any description.

9. Nuclear Remediation Technologies: Nuclear power is being touted again as the next-best
Green energy production technology because it produces no CO2. The waste stream produced
by nuclear power plants is still fundamentally unmanageable in the absence of a robust, on-site,
environmentally safe waste treatment system. That such technologies exist is not a mystery.
That no one has yet been permitted to introduce such a system into the nuclear fission power
production design process is also widely documented. When/as/if this sort of technology using
whatever means may eventually be adopted can be introduced into the power production cycle,
then nuclear power can be safely and ubiquitously used. Until then, I will continue to resist its
use by whatever means I can find whenever and wherever it is proposed or considered.

10. Thorium-based Electrical Power Generation: In 1951 Wm Teller designed and widely
distributed a proposal for the construction and operation of nuclear power production system
based entirely on Thorium-233. In his design the power plant required no mitigating nuclear pile
components because Th-233 cannot achieve criticality on its own without the presence of U-
235. Such a design has now been put into actual operation at INEEL and Los Alamos by Dr.
Peterson and others. Th-233 power production in the 10 -20 MW range is now viable in a way
that eliminates the danger of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island while at the same time providing
a source of power that can be built into a self-sustaining module which is buried in the ground
in a vault and allowed to operate without maintenance for up to 300 years. Why the hell aren’t
we using this technology already?

One more thought while I’m at it. Jim Dunn’s response identifies an extremely important issue that
has not been adequately addressed in our prior discussions. Capital is available to drive new energy Page 4 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

has not been adequately addressed in our prior discussions. Capital is available to drive new energy
production technologies but the people who have the money do not understand and are not
competent to evaluate most of the technologies, inventions and innovations that are being proposed
to them. What is needed more than anything now is a resource which can be relied on to evaluate
and certify the functionality and verifiable viability of proposed new energy technologies. The New
Energy Congress could work together to create a Technology Certification Bureau which would be
paid to test, verify and certify proposed new energy technologies on behalf of capital investors. The
NEC certification would provide investors with a way of preserving their capital by eliminating the
risks associated with investing in b.s. technologies proposed by people who are either incompetent
or exploitive or both. No one provides this service now in any meaningful, publicly available way.
NEC has among its members some of the most competent, well-informed people on the planet in
this and related fields. Why not find a way to harness this core competency to drive NEC’s agendas
by providing an essential service?

Respectfully submitted.

D. Yurth


On December 24, 2009 1:30 PM Mountain, Sterling D. Allan replied:

Hi David,

Thanks for your great input. [...]

Both you and Jim seemed to miss the part about "exotic" in the title of my presentation. Our general
Top 100 listing is designed to feature technologies that include the criteria you suggest; which rules
out many of the technologies in my "exotic" list. [...]

Dave, I particularly like your suggestion of the NEC establishing a testing/verifying laboratory and
would hope that something along these lines could begin to materialize this year. Ken Rauen would
make a good one to be involved on the technical end of such a lab.

The problem as I see it is that the kinds of technologies that we review are so diverse. To expect
one lab to be able to have the array of equipment to properly test such technologies is really not
feasible. What would make more sense is to establish strategic relationships with universities that
have the right kind of equipment, around the planet, so that travel needs are not an issue, and
neither are equipment needs.

In the New Energy Movement (.org), one of our goals for this year is to finally see actualized a
situation where affiliate organizations display a banner on their site publicly acknowledging their
involvement in the movement.

What we could do is establish a public and private database of partner institutions and personnel
who are friendly to exotic technologies and able and willing to serve in a validating/testing/advisory

Ken Rauen's Environmental Heat Engine

On December 24, 2009 11:40 AM, Ken Rauen wrote [Regarding Directory:Rauen Environmental
Heat Engine ]:

I find it perplexing that something like Sterling's impending Hawaii visit makes no mention of my
work. How are any of the Top 100 frontier physics items any further along than mine? (I really do
want an answer to this.) The science of the Proell effect thermodynamics is DONE, and
experimental evidence exists. Any observations on your part? Where are people's consciousness
at? I just don't get it. Any of you others, copied in this email, are welcome to join in; it is a common
effort to get something to take the place of coal, oil, and uranium. I gave a DEMONSTRATION at
the Extraordinary Technology Conference in '06 and NO ONE has approached me about the Page 5 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

the Extraordinary Technology Conference in '06 and NO ONE has approached me about the
potential of this new science! Is anyone awake??? Is the technology not "sexy" enough for our
Attention Deficit Disorder society? What is going on? I'm really dumbfounded. The world wants free
energy; it's in front of their noses, they don't see it, and they dream on about ZPE...



On December 24, 2009 4:06 PM; Terry Sisson responded:

Hi Ken,

I think of you as a brother in the movement, so I am taking some of my limited time to address
some of your deep-seated concerns.

Most of us are in NEM because we dream of some day that a clean and inexpensive technology will
surface and spread throughout the world. However, we are all looking for something that is real and
tangible too. As for me, I am buried deep in just getting our online software completed for
MadeByKIDS. I am sure Sterling is even worse off than me with the technology bombardment.

It is quite unfair to say we not awake at the wheel. You could say we are busy with our lives and
simultaneously being bombarded with promising technologies. The last time I remember talking
about the Proell effect was when we were together and I went home to investigate it some more. So
you might refer to the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind,” is a better estimation of what is
occurring. There is another side of the equation that many of the people in the NEM are not
physicists, scientists or technologists. While we may have great knowledge in many areas, it is
surely not in all areas We tend to favor what we understand or have a passion.. I can personally tell
you that thermodynamics is not my expertise and I favor electrostatic or magnetic systems.
Obviously, thermodynamics and the Proell effect is your preference. So please understand that
many of us don’t understand the Proell effect nor its benefits, yet we are more than eager to learn
from a demonstration that proves its benefits. Least to say, if it appears like it could save the world,
then I can assure you that we would become extremely interested.

Please understand that we all have our own cross to bear in this movement. In your
communication, I suggest you try to view it from our perspective and cut us some slack, rather than
wondering if we are asleep at the wheel. Remember, we are sincerely committed to the New Energy
Movement and doing the best we can with what we got. We have seen hundreds of inventions,
most often their development is more advanced than at the concept level, and we gravitate towards
the ones that provide the most positive experimental evidence. Please keep us abreast of your
progress by sending us photos of working prototypes along with any validation. We are always
anxious for good news! [...]

Terry Sisson

Roger Stringham's sonofusio

On December 28, 2009 10:58 AM Mountain, Joel Garbon wrote:

Hi Sterling,

Sorry for tha late response to your request for technology suggestions. I recommend that Roger
Stringham's sonofusion be included because:

1. His work is peer-reviewed

2. He has presented his work to both the American Chemical Society and the American
Physical Society annual conferences this past year.

3. 15 watts input electrical power generates 40 watts of heat (nearly 3 times OU)

4. Experiments are replicable and give consistent results.

5. He has a good theory. Page 6 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

6. He needs about $800,000 and a small tiger team of young technical assistants to help him
run through some basic experiments aimed at improving material robustness and power

7. He lives in Kauai and so would appeal to local audience.

[...] He would be a good candidate for Free Energy Now interview. You would do well to arrange a
visit with him while in Hawaii...go to Kauai.

You can find some slides on him and sonofusion is my presentation which I have sent you in the

Good luck in Hawaii!


On January 14, 2010 1:16 AM Mountain, Giulio Rugarli <giuliorugarli {at}> wrote:

First of all thank you for your great work and service to humanity.

Then one quick question: how comes there is almost no mentioning at all in your advertising the
most promising technologies (best 10 or more) about GIFNET, their work on the MAHG and
especially their claim for it to have already reached a COP > 11? Talking about COP, that would
make the work of Steorn look like so far behind ...


Giulio Rugarli

On December 26, 2009 2:59 AM Mountain, M.K. wrote:

There is a company in Russia, named Akoil , that produces free energy devices
with capacity from 1MW up to 100MW which You can buy now.

However their previous devices - VHG - were blind road, their new technology "ffphs" seems to be
a breakthrough. They say it`s based on Tesla`s inventions. There is some information that makes
me sure iit`s not a hoax. Surely worth investigating !



Sterling D. Allan notes in response:

In response to this and other tips about Akoil, I asked my New Energy Congress associates what
their take was on Akoil at this point. Nearly every response was one of deep caution, and not
wanting their specific instances cited to be published. On Jan. 4, 2010, I updated our page on them

So, those are some of the comments that came in.

Also, today YouTube user, joefriendly posted my full 1.5-hour presentation in one video at YouTube. Page 7 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

What about you? What would be your top 10 list?

Feel free to add your comment below. See also our discussion page at, as well
as the main page about this presentation, which includes links to the PowerPoint presentation, links
to the technologies mentioned, and information about the conference.

See also
Directory:Best Exotic Clean Energy Technologies


Event:2010:Top 10 Exotic Free Energy Technologies for Earth Transformation Conference


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Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM

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Bill Levine says:

Great ideas everyone!

Here's my 2cents:

1. Waste to energy
2. everything else

I would just like to add that we need to move now in adopting clean technologies rather than
waiting for the game-changing device to emerge. We have techs that are ready to go, cost
effective, and able to be deployed within months. Although they may be obsolete in a few
years, people will be benefited now and the mindset for change is clear.

Having said that, I would steer away from techs that need sun, water or wind since the
weather is changing (for example in Ethiopia, they have significantly less rain than they
expected for their mega dams) and those are only half-measures to begin with. Waste to
energy is my number one vote.


Bill Levine

January 22, 10:06 PM

shilo says:

wheres mylow or to say what happend to his technolgy and his replication of howard johnson
magnet motor work he's done.i think he has been let down but thats what happens to the real
inventors that change that try ot make the world a better place.

January 20, 11:05 AM

Demeter says:

Without this valuable site I would still be a very ignorant person as to who cares about the
planet! To see the up and coming technologies not just from the scientists but from all walks
of life, all wanting a platform or someone to lend an ear, even to share their projects in their
given subject. It is to all these people trying their hardest to find an answer that we owe so
much, getting people to think again and for all to benefit from especially the planet and all
forms of life on it. I wish you all the best and persevere with your dreams, I for one will keep
trying until my last breath as I know others are trying to do

January 17, 11:57 AM Page 9 of 10
Top 10 clean energy lists by others 2/24/10 8:32 AM



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