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Creating a Basic Web Page

After you have collected and organized all the information you need to put in the web pages, the
next thing you have to learn is how to create the web pages. Planning your Web Pages
A web page is essentially a text file written in a simple language called HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language). When you create a web page, no matter which you use to write--Netscape
composer , Microsoft Front Page or a text file--you need a browser (Netscape Navigator,
Netscape Communicator, Opera or Internet Explorer 3.01 / 4.0) to interpret and to understand the
HTML coding.
We will use Netscape Communicator and
Note pad as our tools throughout this
Once you have all the tools, you can start learning to create a web page. First, when you write in
HTML, you need to learn and memorize tags (codes within '<' and '>', for example, <HTML>
</HTML><HEAD> and so on) in HTML.

Creating a Basic Web Page

"Important HTML Tags"
There are some HTML Tags you should remember no matter what kind of web page you are creating and
what kind of information you want to put in. These should appear in every web page.
To inform the browser that this is an HTML document (Web page) <HEAD>
Labels headings in the HTML document.
Labels titles in the HTML document.
Marks where the body text and all the information will appears.
The spacing and the Characters' case (Not
case sensitive) will not affect the HTML

Creating a Basic Web Page

Knowing the <HTML> tag
This tag is very important because it tells the browser to interpret the text inside the document as an
HTML document.
This <HTML> tag must be placed at the very beginning of your HTML document. It should be the first text
on your document. And the companion tag </HTML> must be placed at the very end of the HTML
document. The slash, "/", sign in the tag indicates the ending of the HTML tag.These two tags, the
opening HTML tag and closing HTML tag, come in pairs.
Knowing the <HEAD> <TITLE> tags
The next tags to be included are the <HEAD> tags. These tags mark the information that will serve as the
document's header. Type <HEAD> in the HTML document between the <HTML> and </HTML>, and
</HEAD> is the companion tag.

The <TITLE> tags indicate the title of the HTML document. The title will appear on the upper left of the
browser. Type the <TITLE> tags within the <HEAD> tags.

Creating a Basic Web Page

Knowing the <BODY> tag
The <BODY> tag indicates the content of an HTML document. Within this tag, you can indicate other
display formatting commands called attributes, such as BGCOLOR, LINK, and etc.

BACKGROUND="" The name of the image to tile on the page background
BGCOLOR="" The color of the page background
TEXT="" The color of the page's text
LINK="" The color of the page's link
ALINK="" The color of the page's Activated links
VLINK="" The color of the page's Visited links

Creating a Basic Web Page

Knowing the <H1>...<H6>, Headline tags
After the body of the document is in place, the next step is to add the headlines. Headlines are similar to
the title of the document. Headlines come in six sizes, (numbered from 1 to 6). Make sure that this tag is
after the <BODY> tag and before the </BODY>.
1.Open the headline by typing the <H1> on the homepage.
2.Type in the headline text onto the homepage. Welcome
To XYZ Homepage
3.Close the headline using </H1>.

Now that you know the four important Tags and have used them, you need to save the HTML document
that you have written in Notepad. Please remember that the HTML document must be saved in HTML
format; that is, the filename must end with the .htm or .asp extension. For example, the filename for most
first pages will be index.htm or welcome.htm. You can save your WebPages under whatever name you
choose, but do remember that all the filenames you save will be case sensitive. Please use only
alphabets, number and underscore ( _ ) as no special character can be used in naming files. After you
have saved the HTML document, you can view it by launching Netscape Communicator or any other web
browser. Go to the File menu, and then to Open Page (or shortcut key - Ctrl+O) and try to open the HTML
document that you created. After choosing the HTML document, click the Open Button. It will display the
WebPages that you have just created.

Creating a Basic Web Page

Knowing the <OL> <UL> tags
<OL> Ordered List
Lists make it extremely easy to itemize information in a concise format. You don't have to bury important
information inside of a long paragraph. Ordered list is a list that is numbered. <LI> indicates the items

You can add more attributes by typing them within the <OL> tag. <OL START=" "?
<UL>Unordered List
The unordered list is not numbered but will display a bulleted list.
Nested Lists (list within a list) The figure below shows a nested List. It is a combination of the Order List
and the Unordered List. The list that starts with numbers is the Ordered List, and the list that starts with
bullets is called the Unordered List.
Creating a Basic Web Page
Aligning Content Formatting Text
After putting listed items in the webpages, you will need to align them in the center of your webpages.
<CENTER> Center Align
Simply type in the <CENTER> tags, with the opening and closing tags, and the text or image within these
tags, will be aligned to the center of your web page. The structure of the tags will be as below:
<CENTER> All the text and image will be centered </CENTER>
Formatting the Text
<B> Bold
This tag will make the selected text appear in bold. The following line will show you the tag in the HTML
This text will be <B>bold</B>.
You will see:This text will be bold.
This tag will make the selected text appear in italics. The following line will show you the effect: This text
will be <I> italic </I> .
You will see: This text will be italicized.
<U> Underlined
This tag will make the selected text appear underlined. The following line will show you the effect:
This text will be <U> underlined </U> .
You will see: This text will be underlined.
This tag will make the selected text blink. The following line will show you the effect: This text will
<BLINK> blink </BLINK .
You will see: This text will Blink.
Playing with Font
If your webpages consist of a lot of plain text, it will appear monotonous. You can avoid this by changing
the setting of the fonts in your webpages.
<FONT> Font
This tag will tell the web browser to do something to the font you are using. Normally, the <FONT> tag will
help you to make the font from your homepage look better. You will need to add instruction to the tag as
<FONT> The font you want to change </FONT>
If you type the <FONT> tag without any attribute, it wouldn't show any change. You need to add some
attributes or at least one of the attributes, such as: <FONT SIZE=""?>
<SIZE=" "> Tells the browser the size of the text
COLOR=" " Tells the browser the color of the text
FACE=" " Tells the browser the type of font to use.
FONT <SIZE="+3"> Size </FONT> gives Size
<FONT COLOR="Red"> Color </FONT> gives Color
<FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="+3"> Face </FONT> gives Face

Spicing Up Your Homepage with Graphics Links

<IMG> Image
Images are defined in HTML document with the <IMG SRC=" "> tag. So, in order to insert an image file
into the homepage,all you need to do is type in the full path name of the image file in the <IMG SRC="">
tag. You need to add the following lines into your HTML document. <IMG SRC="filename.images">
The tag will tell the browser to display an image called filename.gif. When you preview the webpage, the
browser will try to get the image file and display it on the browser.
If the images are not in the same folder with the HTML document, you need to specify the full path of the
images including the other folder's name. For example, if you put all the HTML document and the images
file in the same folder, you just type in the filename of the images.
Please make sure the entire (?) filenames are the
same because the server will not be able to find if
the filenames do not match. (case sensitive)

Spicing Up Your Homepage with Graphics & Links

You can also add more Attribute just type in the attribute together with the tag. <IMG SRC=" " ALT=" "?>
SRC="" The source or path for the name of the image
The text that will be displayed if the browser doesn't
ALT=" "
support images
Determines the alignment of the image. (Value can be
VSPACE=" " The space above or below the image
HSPACE=" " The space to the left or right of the image
WIDTH=" " The width of the image (In pixels)
HEIGHT=" " The height of the image (In pixels)
BORDER=" " The border of the image/font
The path and the name of an image that will be loaded
first before the image specified

Spicing Up Your Homepage with Graphics Links

Now that you can put images into your webpages, we will show you the main features of the HTML, which
is Hyperlink.
A <HREF> </A> HyperLinks
Linking homepages is not very difficult, but you have to understand the HTML syntax and how to add links
to your homepage.
Just like other HTML tags, hyperlinks have their own HTML tag. This tag is called the anchor <A>. It
allows you to specify which file you want to link to, and the text or image you want to click on. Here is the
HTML tag you might need.
Clicking on a link to a <TEXT>.
For Local links: (Within your own webpages)
<A HREF="next.htm">Click Here </A>
With this tag, you will only see the underlined words Click Here , when you view your HTML document.
When you click on the words, the other page called next.htm will load up.
For External links: (Link to others person webpages)
<A HREF=">KKIP Communications Sdn Bhd Homepage</A>
With this external link, you will only see the words KKIPC
Communications Homepage underlined. When you click on the words, you will go to the KKIP
Communications Sdn Bhd Homepage. Remember, when you want to link to external webpages, you
must included the "http://"in front of the domain name, or else the browser will think it is an internal link.

Advanced Home Page

<TABLE> Table
Adding tables to your homepage can be complicated because several different tags are used. There is a
<TABLE> and </TABLE> surround the entire which enclose the entire table, and several others tags to
define how information should appear. See below for a complete description of table tags.
This tag will tell the browser to expect the
<TABLE> and </TABLE> other table tags listed below. Add the word
BORDER if you want the grid to appear.
The text within these tags serves as the table's
explanatory caption.
Slightly enlarges and bolds the text to serve as
<TH> and </TH>
headers. Identifies the row of the table.
<TR> and </TR> These tags define the table's rows
These tags surround the text that should go
< TD>and < /TD>
into each cell in the table.
Adding all those tags up makes it confusing to create a multi-row table if you are not careful.
Example 1
<TR> <!--Started first row -->
<TH>Header 1</TH> < !-- First Column -->
<TH>Header 2</TH> < !-- Second Column -->
</TR> < !-- End first row -->
</TR> <!--Started second row -->
< TD>Data 1 </TD> < !-- First Column -->
< TD>Data 2 < /TD> <!--Second Column -->
</TR> <!--End second row -->

For documentation purpose, you can enclose your comments in the

< !-- and --> tags. The browser will not display anything within these

Table Caption
The result will Header 1 Header 2
look like this:
Data 1 Data 2

<TD>Row 1 Data 1 </TD>
<TD>Row 1 Data 2 </TD>
<TD> Row 2 Data 1 </TD>
<TD>Row 2 Data 2 </TD>

Example 2 Row 1 Data 1 Row 1 Data 2

The result will look like Row 2 Data 1 Row 2 Data 2

BORDER=" " This determines the thickness of the border of the table
This specifies the width for the table.
(In pixels)
This specifies the height for the table.
(In pixels)
BGCOLOR= " " This determines the color of the table

Advanced Home Page

When your table is displayed, it will show two rows for the cell you have added ROWSPAN to. Here is an
example of ROWSPAN applied to basketball information.
Spanning Multiple Rows
As you using tables more often, you'll occasionally find situations where you wish your information could
span multiple rows. That is when the ROWSPAN tag comes into use.
ROWSPAN is a special keyword that you add to the <TD> tag for a specific cell. To have cell span two
columns instead of the default 1, instead of using <TD> Your cells text here </TD>,
try this:
TD ROWSPAN=2> Your Extended text here
<TH>Player Name</TH>
< TH>Team </TH>
<TH> Win / Loss </TH>
; </TR>
<TD> <ROWSPAN=2>Sabah Net </TD>
<TD>16-2 </TD>
<TD> BBB </TD>
<TD>19-2 </TD>
<TD> XYZ Co. </TD>
<TD>10-2 </TD>

Player Name Team Win / Loss
AAA 16-2
Sabah Net
BBB 19-2
DDD XYZ Co 10-2

Advanced Home Page

Spanning Multiple Columns
As in ROWSPAN, you can also specify cells to span multiple columns as well. Using the built-in keyword
COLSPAN, you make your table span across as many cells as you wish. Use COLSPAN just like you did

<TH>Team </TH>
<TH>Win / Loss </TH>
<TD>16-2 </TD>
<TD> BBB </TD>
<TD> XYZ Co. /TD>
<TH CALCSPAN=2>Personal information </TH>
Player Name
<TH>Statistic </TH>
Personal information Statistic
Player Name Team Win / Loss
DDD XYZ Co. 10-2

Advanced Home Page

You can also set the alignment of your text within the table. The ALIGN and VALIGN keywords can each
have three settings, and are used in the same spot as the spanning keywords above ?within the <TD>
tag. Use the table below to understand the use of these two keywords.
Keywords Setting Descriptions
ALIGN=LEFT Left justifies text in the cell.
ALIGN=CENTER Centers the text horizontally within the cell.
ALIGN=RIGHT Right justifies text in the cell.
VALIGN=TOP Aligns text to the top of the cell.
The default setting, centers text
vertically in the cell.
VALIGN=BOTTOM Lines text up with the bottom of the cell.

Adding Final Touches to Web Page

After creating your webpages, you might want to enable visitors to your webpages to send personal
information to you or to place their order with you through the Internet. At this stage, you need to learn
how to create a form in your webpage.
<FORM> Form
A FORM tag is used in an HTML document just like any other tag. It has a start tag FORM> and an end
tag /FORM>.
A FORM tag is structured like this:
<I>Form Elements</I>

To tell the browser what the form will do; either send information back to the server or try to get
information from the server. (Values are POST and GET)
This is used if the user doesn't need to send any information back. (Feedback form, Order form, Survey
The user expects to receive some information. (Search Machine, Online Applications such as Calculator,
Games, etc.)
This tells the browser where the URL that contain the query program or server to which the contents of
the form that return will be sent to. (Normally, you need to create a CGI program in order to interpret the
data that obtained from the webpages
Adding Final Touches to Web Page
Elements in a Form
There are a variety of elements that can be used within a form to provide interface for user response. This
section provides a narrative through the most popularly used elements:
Top of Form
The Input :
This element is the basic way to get input from the user in a variety of situations. The key that an input
element can define many types of graphical user interface features:

• pull-down menus

• radio buttons

• text fields

• checkboxes
These are all variations on the INPUT element with a different type attribute set for each. There are many
situations when eliciting user response can be done using INPUT. For example, asking for a visitor's
name. Here is the tag that queries the user for a name. (Using "text" as the value of the attribute TYPE)
Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=40 NAME="name">
The "text" values of the attribute TYPE identify this as a single line text input field that will display 40
characters. The NAME attribute of the INPUT tag designates the variable name that will be used in the
data structure sent to the query program. This NAME is used to identify the value of the user's response
from the INPUT tag.
The INPUT tag can be used to create many different kinds of user interface features. This is an INPUT
"checkbox" example used to ask the user to fill in any number of responses:
This is also one of the elements of the INPUT. This element will allow the user to click and send the form
to the URL that specified in the <FORM>. The structure of this tag will look like:
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="Submit"
VALUE="Sent Form">
The value, "Sent Form", that you see in the tag will appear on the face of the button. Therefore, there is
no need to type in any word after the tag.
The tag is opposite the SUBMIT> tag as it will clear all the input entered by the user. The value ="Clear
Form", also will appear on the face of the button. The structure of this tag is:
<INPUT TYPE="Reset" NAME="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">
Example of a form:
<Name:INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="40" NAME="name">
<Age:INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="5" NAME="age">
This is an INPUT "radio" button example used to ask the user
to fill in one and only one selection from a series of
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="sex" VALUE="male">Male
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="sex" VALUE="female">Female
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="badminton">Badminton
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="swimming">Swimming
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="reading">Reading
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cycling">Cycling
< INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Send Form">
<INPUT TYPE="Reset" NAME="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">
<INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="button" VALUE="Normal Button">
Bottom of Form

Adding Final Touches to Web Page

Like the input element, the SELECT element is used for querying the user. This element is for creating
drop-down or scale able lists of menus. SELECT has a partner element, OPTION, to delimit the choices
that the user has for selection. The basic structure of a SELECT element is as follows:
Please select that which interests you:
<SELECT NAME="Interesting">
<OPTION> 3D Graphic
<OPTION> Animation
<OPTION> Internet
Top of Form

3D Graphic

The SELECT element offers the user only one response out of the possible choices and this selection is
displayed. To permit the user to select more than one response, you need to add the attribute "Multiple":
Please select those which interest you:
<SELECT NAME="Interesting" SIZE=2 Multiple>
<OPTION>3D Graphic
Top of Form
3D Graphic
Bottom of Form
With this, the user can select more than one option. Functionally, this SELECT Multiple element is
equivalent to the INPUT element of TYPE="Checkbox", where any number of selections can be made.
Adding Final Touches to Web Page
This element enables the user to enter several lines of text (as opposed to the single line with an INPUT
element of <TYPE="text").
A sample TEXTAREA tag is:
Top of Form

Bottom of Form

This allows the user to enter any amount of text, with only four rows and thirty columns visible. The user
can type more than what is visible in the text area, subject to the browser's arbitrary amount of text

Intro to design
Designing a web page can be a lot of fun, but it can also be very intimidating. We'll help you tackle HTML,
graphics, and everything else you need to learn to design good pages.
Before you begin, you need a few tools!
Most important, you need a good graphics program. We recommend Paint Shop Pro (for PC users) Paint
Shop Pro is a very good, user-friendly graphics program. It's also inexpensive. If you want a more
powerful graphics program, Adobe Photoshop is the best out there, but it comes with a hefty price tag.
You'll probably also want an HTML editor,although you can use a
program like Notepad to do your coding. There are two types of HTML editors, WYSIWYG (What you see
is what you get) and plain old HTML editors.
WYSIWYG editors have you work in a graphical interface instead of working with HTML code. This is
easiest for beginners, but you won't learn your HTML too well, and WYSIWYG editors are infamous for
writing poor code. Front Page Express (comes with IE 4.0 and later) and Netscape Composer (comes
with Netscape) are both decent free WYSIWYG editors, but if you want something more powerful, we
recommend Macromedia Dreamweaver or Frontpage 2000. In normal HTML editors, you work directly
with HTML code, but there are a lot of features which save you time as compared to writing all of the code
by hand. The best is Allaire Homesite.
Now you are ready to start designing!
Trouble Shooting Images
Images Problems
So, you have images on your page that just will not show up, and you are ready to have some choice
words with your computer. You don't really want to mess up your computer, do you? Well, maybe this
little guide will help you figure it out!
Let's start out by checking out what a broken image looks like in both browsers. In Netscape, you get the
little grey paper with the bottom corner torn and some colorful shapes on it. In IE, you get a little white box
with a red "x" inside of it.
Below is what they look like:

Broken Pic in Internet

Broken pic Explorer

in PC
Now, to get rid of these little symbols, we need to figure out what is causing the problem. Well, let's start
with a web page that you have live on the web. We will work with pages that are offline a little later.

Trouble Shooting Images

Online Image Solutions
1) Make sure the image is on your web server.
Before you check your code, be sure you have uploaded the image to your web server. Images are not
sent automatically when you upload your web page. You will have to upload each image you want to use.
Geocities, Tripod, and some other free home page servers allow you to look at the files you have on their
server through your web browser. Check to see if the image file is listed. If not, upload it the same way
you did your web page. It should show up on the list afterward. Some servers require you touse FTP to
upload your files. If this is the case, you can look for the image file by connecting to the server with your
FTP program and looking through the list of files in the "Remote Host" area. Again, if the file is not listed,
upload it to the web server. Once you have the file on your web server, reload your web page in your web
browser. If this fixes the problem, you are ready to go! If not, read on: There could be other problems as
Trouble Shooting Images
Online Image Solutions
2)Make sure the image tag has the correct URL for the image.
A typical image tag looks like one of these:
<IMG SRC="mypic.gif">
<IMG SRC="">
The first tag uses a shortcut that keeps you from typing out the entire url every time. The trick here is that
your web page and your images must be on your web server and they must be in the same directory on
your web server. So, if you upload everything into one directory (this is usually the default anyway), just
use the name of the image rather than the long url. There will be less chance of a mistake. Also, keep in
mind the image file name is case sensitive. Even a slight change in case or spelling can lead to a broken
image. Each of the image filenames below is a different image to your browser:
mypic.gif MYPIC.GIF
Mypic.gif MYPIC.gif
mypic.GIF MyPic.gif
So, be certain you have the image tag with the exact same case and spelling you see in your list of files
on your server. In some cases, a server or FTP program may change the case of the filename. Double
check for this on the web server and rename the file if you need to do so.
Now, if you used a full URL address, take the same steps as above, but check the entire URL you put in
for the image. If it links to the wrong server, the image will not show up. Again, if the case or spelling is
different, you will need to correct it to fix the
broken image.
Trouble Shooting Images
Online Image Solutions
3) What if the image is on another server?
I don't recommend using images from another server simply because the server that houses the image
may be down while your server is working! If this happens, you will either get a broken image or your
page will hang while it is loading. There are exceptions though. You may want a free counter, a free guest
book, or maybe you want to join a banner exchange. These are OK, but they will require you to display an
image from their server on your site. The best advice here is to be sure to use reliable services when you
get these extra things. They should send you the proper code, and that you can cut 'n' paste with no
problem. Of course, if their server goes down you get a broken image. If you are "borrowing" the image
from another site, you had just better have the permission of the owner of that site. Otherwise, you will get
a broken image sooner or later. They will change the name of the file or put it in a protected directory, and
that will get you......yes, a broken image.
Trouble Shooting Images
Offline Image Solutions
1) Small Sites: Use ONE directory .
If your site is not very large, keep everything in a single directory on your hard drive, as well as on your
web server. This will make everything as close to the same as possible so as to avoid confusion. Also,
browsers tend to have trouble displaying things offline when they are in other directories. So, take all of
your html files and images and place them in a directory you can find easily. Maybe: c:\webpage would be
a good spot. After that, use a local link to all of your images by typing only the filename of the image into
the image tag:
Now, all of your images should show up just fine, and you will not have to change all of your image tags
when you put the page online!
2) Large Sites: A bit tougher.
If you want to separate your site into various directories for organization, this can give you a really hard
time when you are trying to work offline. Why? Both web browsers have their limitations working offline. If
you are using Netscape, the only way I can see to view everything offline is to throw it all into the same
directory. Otherwise, your interior links won't work, and you will be stuck with broken images. IE also has
some troubles, but it is more flexible with offline browsing. In IE, you can use shortcuts to the directories
and filenames.
For example: IMG SRC="/images/mypic.gif">
The problem: IE starts its search for the file from your root directory . In other words, it is looking for
If your html file is in c:\webpage and the image you want is in c:\webpage\images , this can really throw
you off. Of course you can fix the image tag, but you will have to redo the tag before you upload the page
to your server. There are ways around this, especially with IE, but they are a bit more complicated than
you may want to deal with. With IE4 under Windows 9x, I created a new drive letter j:\ (virtual hard drive)
and moved the web page files there. Thus, the root directory was in the right spot, and I could use the
same image tags online and offline. I won't get into how to create a virtual hard drive here, because there
are so many operating sytems to deal with. If you know how, you might want to give it a try. If not, then
don't try it. You may find trying to make a virtual hard drive is more trouble than the limitations of browsing
offline. Maybe offline browsing will be easier in the future, but for now putting everything in the same
directory is the only sure thing.
Bottom of Form

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