Cal Template 2

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Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL)

Rationale: To generate deeper understanding of teaching, learning, management and professionalism,

and self-reflection on specific elements of the art of teaching. The goal of the CAL is to discover what is
working, and why and how a lesson went the way it did. It serves to identify goals and action steps to
overcome challenges and create a timeline for implementation.
Site: Name of Candidate:
Mentor: Date Completed:
Quadrant 1: What is Working for Me? Quadrant 2: What is Challenging for Me?
(Classroom environment, Instruction, Professionalism) (Lesson preparation & implementation, classroom
Provide evidence for your claims management)
Class dojo management, sentence framing for scaffolding, Provide evidence for your assertions
reminding students of SLANT(9/24) Gauging prior student knowledge for helping students with
questions, finding appropriate activities for students(9/24)
What is working for me right now is metacognition of
students, checking for understanding of our lessons or if weEvaluating student knowledge was a bit difficult at the start of
need to clarify things a bit more. Working together with the year, now with some more practice and interactions with
problems specifically in Math is an improvement from last the students, it is a bit easier to check for understanding if
school year, since I have more practice running lessons. needed. Appropriate activities are a bit easier to find with
(10/9) Nearpod’s interactive activities such as discussion boards, so I
feel that that goal has been met.
What is working for me right now is being clear with the
objective asks for in a lesson, and talking to the students
about what objectives need to be met. I accomplish this A challenge for me at the moment is a mix of still evaluating
through asking the students what they should be doing student knowledge in regards to Math, and making sure that
before sending them off to their activity, and clarifying a bit steps are clarified in instruction. This hasn’t popped up as
more if there are questions. Most of the students have now much during ELA since the objectives that are made are now
gotten used to knowing what is asked of them in each more specific instead of being broad, in addition to asking
lesson, and recently I have been working on vocally telling students to do 100%. However in Math this is a bit more difficult
the students to start their work as well. (10/29) even as the higher students will understand concepts more
easily, but the lower students need more clarification. Hopefully
with the change in Math instruction using videos can help with
introducing Math concepts and then the video clarifying it
Quadrant 3: Questions/Suggestions for the Intern/P-2 to Quadrant 4: Goal(s) and Action Steps
Reflect Upon
Specific Goal(s):
Targeted Questioning, Gauging prior student Talking more effectively with students
knowledge(9/24) Presenting material so students can relate to it more
(making material relatable to online learning)
(NEPF Standard 1) (9/24)
Simplify instruction, make steps clear and also Completed by 9/28?
think from the perspective of ALL students. Also Action Steps: Scaffolding
work on pacing (10/29)
Goals for 10/9
Clarifying instruction for students so that it is more easily
Match back to objectives, differentiating based on understood, especially in ELA
struggles or if the students are doing good.
Constant assessment for concept, should I move Action Steps: Pacing, instruction editing and practice
on, challenge, reteach..? (10/29) NEPF Standards 1 and 2, reach indicators

Goals for 10/29

Still more work on clarifying and rephrasing instruction to be
more easily understood

Estimated Completion Date: 11/6-11/27

Helpful Starting Prompts for Quadrants 1 and 2

➢ As you began your lesson, how did you know that the students were ready to learn?
➢ Describe the classroom during instruction. What were you doing? What were students doing?
➢ How did the discussion lead to the understanding/results that you anticipated?
➢ How did you respond to students during instruction?
➢ Was the noise level in the room acceptable to you and your students?
➢ During transitions, did students know what was expected of them? Think about what you saw happening, what your
directions were, and the students’ response.
➢ Did transitions take place in the time allowed? Why or why not?
➢ Was there an academic closure to instruction or simply stopping work and/or collecting papers? What might be an
effective plan for transitioning to an effective closure?
➢ What evidence do you have that you met lesson objectives?
➢ What evidence do you have that all students achieved the same level of success with the lesson?
➢ Were directions clear when students were working on assignments?
➢ What strategies were different for small group instruction than for whole group instruction? Did you get different results?
➢ Did you tailor homework to diverse learning styles? Do you have evidence that the homework was appropriate? Did
students complete the homework? Why or why not?
➢ How did you plan for the questions you used to guide a discussion? Did students respond as you expected? Why or
why not?
➢ In lesson planning, do you address multiple modalities? Which modalities do you use or focus on?
➢ When lesson planning, did you address accommodations/modifications for students with IEPs? How?
➢ What ELL strategies did you incorporate to help students understand vocabulary?
➢ How did formative assessments during this lesson give you data to plan the next lesson?
➢ How closely did you follow your lesson plan? Did you have to modify it during the lesson? Why?
➢ What do you think was the most effective and ineffective part of this lesson? Why?
➢ Were your materials, visual aids, technology appropriate to this lesson? Why or why not?
➢ What are some of the approaches you use when addressing students? Do they work? How have you tried to adjust your
approaches to achieve desired outcomes?
➢ During parent conferences, did you ask about their needs? Were those needs addressed? How do you know? What can
you do to make conferences more effective?
➢ What observations did you make during grade level and department meetings?
➢ What challenges do you face when dealing with office and administrative personnel?
➢ How does your timeliness affect operations and the professionalism of others?

EDEL 313-1001, Spring 2020 14

Professor Lois Paretti
Pre-service Induction Program U.N.L.V. -- Collaborative Assessment log
The Framework for teaching
NAME:__________________________ MENTOR:____________________________________
GRADE LEVEL/ SUBJECT AREA:___________ DATE:____________
Check all that apply:
0 analyzing student work 0 modeling lessons 0 planning lesson 0 conference
0 discussing standards 0 observing instruction 0 problem solving 0 reflecting
0 using technology 0 observing Veteran teacher 0 providing resources 0
developing/reviewing professional goals

What’s Working: Current Focus– Challenge–


Pre-service Mentor ‘s Next Steps: Intern’s Next Step

DUE:________ goal met ____ goal in progress ____ goal not met _____
DUE:________ goal met ____ goal in progress ____ goal not met _____
Mentor Signature: ______________________________________________

Intern Signature: _______________________________________________


PP: Planning & preparation CE: Classroom Environment
. demonstrate knowledge of contents & . create an environment of respect &
Pedagogy establishing a culture for learning
. demonstrate knowledge of students . . manage classroom
setting instructional outcomes procedures . manage
. demonstrate knowledge of resources . student behavior
design student assessments . organize physical space

IN: Instruction
. communicate with students PR: Professional
. use questions and discussion techniques . Responsibilities . reflect
engage students in learning on teaching
. use assessment in instruction maintain accurate
. demonstrate flexibility & responsiveness records
.communicate with
participate in a professional
community grow and develop
. show professionalis

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