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The Emergency times Nov 10th, 2007 1

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The Emergency Times

Iqbal Day Rally


The LUMS student body, in keeping with the spirit of Iqbal day, organized yet another protest rally, their 4th
this week, to express their collective disapproval of Musharraf's declaration of emergency, and his outright
subversion of the Judiciary. Even with the final exams beginning the next day, the student participation in the
event was commendably substantial, around 300 people being present. The rally started with speeches by
students, who all stressed the importance of continuing the dedicated protest, in whatever manner or form
against the Executive's unjustified actions. Some students recited poetry written by the national poet – Allama
Iqbal – to show how his poetry reflects youth awakening, and its crucial role in the country's future. It was also
decided that a hunger strike would commence from Monday; students participating in the hunger strike will be
on the LUMS campus, studying for their exams yet stressing their continued protest against the President's
outrageous escapades.
Two LUMS Faculty members also spoke at the rally, once again stressing the need for continued action against
the Executive, and giving the students a perspective on how to strategize for the future. Pamphlets were
distributed and placards were raised against the state's actions. The rally then took to the streets of LUMS, with
the students walking in a circle around the academic block. This was, once again, a silent protest – to signify the
way in which the media is being treated, and
to signify the attempt to silence the entire society through the suspension of their fundamental right to
peacefully assemble. At the end of the march, a student passionately recited original poetry about the Hobbesian
state of affairs prevailing the country, to great applause..
The LUMS student body pledged to continue to express its vehement disapproval of the illegal and oppressive
Disclaimer: This publication is not affiliated with or does not endorse any political party or social group.
It is a humble effort to inspire and make aware- for we together can make a difference in these
troubled times.
Write to us at Our online version is on
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way in which the Executive has dismissed the judiciary, imposed martial law, and suppressed the fundamental
rights of the citizens of Pakistan.
FAST Protest Continues

The Students of FAST-Lahore continued their protest today, with around 3-400 students gathering on their
campus after Juma prayers, and staging a peaceful rally. A number of students and faculty members spoke at the
meeting and spoke about the emergency and martial law enforcement. The Police presence outside their campus
We salute our fellow students, who remain steadfast in their defiance.

Let’s Make History

Will it work this time? All these protests, with all the risk they are taking – will it mean something? Will it be
different this time?
The short answer is, "I don't know," but I am going to tell you this:
I am too busy resisting all day and coordinating online to waste time thinking "What if?"
In fact, I have stopped trying to pick arguments online. If the person is receptive, fine, else move on and do
something useful elsewhere. Time is valuable. And quite frankly even if this does not succeed, it will have
changed the face of the top universities of our country. THAT won’t go away easily. It will have changed the
upper middle class! THAT wont go away easily either. It's a paradigm shift, what is happening today. It's like a
communal memory. People will remember this time and use it as a precedent for further resistances. It doesn't
matter if this one fails! It will become a symbol and a teacher for the next one! It will be a thorn in the side of
corrupt politicians and general for a long long time - this attitude of ours that we are spreading. Every time
someone tries to kill the media or the judiciary or play soccer with the constitution, THESE memories will rise
Our sweet little la la land slumbers are over.
If you have read any history you will realize that we have already sown the seeds of resistance for DECADES
Disclaimer: This publication is not affiliated with or does not endorse any political party or social group.
It is a humble effort to inspire and make aware- for we together can make a difference in these
troubled times.
Write to us at Our online version is on
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to come. Pakistani political landscape has been changed forever. It might take a long time, but it has started. It
begins, nay it BEGAN here. And we are the focus, the originators, and the center.
We are making history. (Good God!)
Even BB, who was all set to join up with Mush, with Amreeka behind her, has had to come out and say, we will
protest and have rallies. You think she would have done that without the international outcry? Without the
lawyer's rallies? Without the students rising up on their campuses?
And now, whether she likes it or not, looks like her party and all the political leverage it has, has been allied to
the cause of the lawyers. (Hopefully!)
It is time.
Let's make history.

Bleak News from Pindi

Message from Aasim Sajjad in Pindi:

Situation in Pindi/Islamabad is very bleak. They have shut down Pindi completely
and people are in hiding. Make sure you make mention of this escalation in
the repression in your press releases today.

Please visit the blog to see pictures of nauseating violence wreaked upon peaceful protesters by the riot police in
Peshawar and Islamabad.

CNN Hails Student Bloggers!

Bloggers have played such a key role in this current crisis that CNN has produced a special report on this today. has been shown as a frontrunner in creating awareness, among others.

(The Emergency Times Eds- We will be trying our level best to upload the video among others at the blog as
soon as possible mean while please use the links)

New York Times Calls for Eye Witness Accounts

Disclaimer: This publication is not affiliated with or does not endorse any political party or social group.
It is a humble effort to inspire and make aware- for we together can make a difference in these
troubled times.
Write to us at Our online version is on
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The following is an excerpt from the New York times:

A Call for Eyewitness Photos, Video and Text From Pakistan

By Robert Mackey

With opposition protests blocked by the authorities in Pakistan, is asking readers in Pakistan to
help us report on events in the country by sending us eyewitness accounts of protests in photographs, video or
To submit a picture, please send it by e-mail to the following address: — and let us know
when and where the photograph was taken and what it depicts. Please also include your name, but if you would
prefer not to be identified, let us know that as well.
To submit written descriptions of events, please use the comments field at the foot of this page. To submit video,
please use the form below and provide the same information.

(The emergency times- Eds- The form being referred to above is available on the website the link of which is
given below. Please do send all videos pictures and accounts to NYT; it would make a world of difference.)

The Real Supreme Court

The government has taken down the names and bios of the SC judges from the official website of the Supreme
Court of Pakistan. I have acquired the domain name which I plan to
maintain as the website for the constitutional Supreme Court. I would appreciate if someone can give me the
names and the bios of the Honorable Justices. You might have it cached with Google Desktop. Please forward to
relevant people if you can.

(The Emergency Times-Eds- Let us also make a concerted effort to flood all news papers’ ‘letters to the editors’
sections with strong condemnation of their referral to the dummy supreme court comprising of lame puppet
judges who have taken oath under the PCO, as Pakistan’s Supreme Court. Our Supreme Court comprises of
those principled and honorable judges who have defiantly refused to take the oath and have thus far been
subjected to sub human treatment by the government. We strongly urge all the media people not legitimize the
kangaroo courts comprised of the spineless lap dog judges, especially in the case of the Supreme Court.
Moreover could we please also extend this condemnation to Dogar, who is not the Chief Justice of Pakistan. We
all know who our Chief Justice is and it is a title Mr. Dogar is certainly not worthy of. We might be willing to
refer to him as the Chief lap dog. If were feeling generous that is.

Disclaimer: This publication is not affiliated with or does not endorse any political party or social group.
It is a humble effort to inspire and make aware- for we together can make a difference in these
troubled times.
Write to us at Our online version is on

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