Excel 20

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hello everybody today we're gonna talk

about something related to doing

experiments and it's kind of when you do
like an experiment many times just to
see if your results are reproducible or
just the experiment doesn't work well so
usually you get the like different
results from the same experiment and
actually this is not something wrong
just because you have some experimental
error and you'll have some differences
in the values so actually to get a
result that represents all these results
that you got from the experiment like to
get one number to say that this is the
result of my experiment then you need to
do something it's called getting the
average of these numbers and by doing
this you can say that this experiment is
gonna give this results at this
condition so we have here two
experiments this is experiment number
one and this is experiment number two
and you have five runs each one gave
different result here and there five
results here and actually what we're
gonna do now is to get the average and
average as we see from this equation it
is the summation of the values that you
have divided by the number of
experiments that you did so if you wanna
calculate and we can use one function
here it's called count so count just it
counts the number of cells that you
choose so in this case it automatically
counts it you can you can just put a 5
if you want just if you in case you have
a number a bigger number of experiments
it's gonna be easy
instead of writing something wrong and
then the average
it's gonna be the submission of these
results divided by the number of runs
and then the average is 25 we're gonna
do the same here just copy and paste
that we'll do the same thing and you'll
find that this is the account and this
is the Sun and you found that this too
so the average is now done and you find
that the average of these two
experiments is gonna be is the same
storified and now we can say that okay
the 2x friends are gonna give the same
result and this is the average end and
stop but actually if you take a closer
look at these results here you'll find
that this is 21 24 25 26 and 29 which
are kind of close or close to this 25
the average that you got so you can say
that it it's kinda represents these
results well however if you look here
you'll find that there is 4 and 48 and
it's pretty difficult to say that this
25 represents 4 and 48 you can you can
find it not logical and that's why there
is another parameter that you calculate
and this parameter is the major that you
can tell is this average representative
or natural represented and this
parameter is called the standard
deviation which is calculated from this
equation so actually it will tell you
like you can you can see from in
different papers of
scientific articles it says that your
average Ori or the experiment is giving
let's say 25 plus or minus 5 and this 5
after the plus or minus is the standard
deviation it it shows you how for the
standard deviation or they or they the
numbers from the average rating so if
the standard deviation is high it means
that your your average is not really
representing your results but if it's
small it means that your average is
representing so let's see what we have
here it says that X minus X bar experts
the average that we just calculated and
then it's the number of of cells sorry
and this is the the s square and we'll
get the square root of this to get the
standard deviation so the standard
deviation in this case is gonna be the
summation of or we can we can do this on
a separate column it is this minus X bar
which is the average and we will press a
for just to freeze this and and this is
to the power of 2 and here we go and
we'll do the same for the other guy just
to be done with this
okay so now have this X minus X bar
power two and we will just get the sum
of this divided by n minus one and this
is the standard deviation but we need to
get the square root of this because this
is the square so we will use the square
root function and now the standard
deviation is two point nine one five
let's do it here for this other
experiment it's now the square root is
calculated from these and from this so
we are now good and you see that this is
giving standard deviation of nineteen
point twenty seven so in the first
experiment our our average or the result
is twenty five plus or minus two point
nine which is pretty good but in the in
the other case it's twenty five plus or
minus nineteen point three which is like
doesn't make any sense
so in this case you can tell that the
second experiment is not good and the
results are not consistent but in the
first case the results are really
consistent so this is how you can do the
calculations using these functions but
there is something that Excel can can
make your life much easier if you if you
know you can do the average and the
standard deviation using one function
without doing all these calculations if
you just press average or use the the
function average average and then you
just choose these cells it's gonna give
you the average and the standard
deviation its stdev and you just
highlight the same cells and this is
what we got if you if you repeat this
for the second experiment is gonna give
you the same this is the average and
this is the standard division so in this
case you don't need to go through all
these columns and all these calculations
you just get the function and it will
take care of everything
so this is something that's pretty cool
what Excel you don�t� that I just showed
this to let you know how how these are
calculated but you don't need to do all
this I can go
use the functions and then you're you're
fine another thing I gonna show you is
related to the average and the standard
deviation we have here an experiment of
reaction and you have the the reaction
rate at different temperatures for
different catalysts and you have these
results you have six runs for seven
temperatures and you now need to
represent this graphically and show your
results and actually it's not gonna be
good to plot seven lots on the same on
just on the same graph so what we're
gonna do is exactly what we did we will
calculate the average and the standard
deviation and then see how we can put
this on a graph and it's pretty pretty
cool so the averages we know is this
function you're gonna get the average
and standard deviation and we repeat
this for the sense sometimes it shows
this green color at the corner just to
tell you that there's some may be
something wrong because it doesn't
understand that this is something
different from those so it just wants to
take this hundred into consideration
just to let you know that maybe you
forgot this but we know what we're doing
so actually what we know you're gonna
plot now is the temperature and the
average so the average is kind of
showing that your results are or this is
the average of your of your results are
so let's go back and go do this color
thing and
and now you have your results it's the
average and actually I'm not gonna do
all these excess titles and all this
stuff because it's just waste of time so
we have here this axis is the rate and
this is the e temperature but now what
we show is just the average we didn't
show the standard deviation and the way
you can show the standard deviation
graphically is using what so called
error bars and error bars are just some
bars that you have at each dot just to
show you how for this standard deviation
are from the IDI average and it's pretty
easy you can you can go to layout here
when you choose or highlight the table
I mean data graph and then you go to a
bar there are a couple of options but I
prefer to go to more error bar options
and then you have this window and it
asks you what is the edge
what's the error amount you'll have
directions in both and you can have cap
or no cap you can change the line color
shadow and all these stuff you don't
want to play with this stuff now but if
you want to go to custom because do you
have your values you don't need Excel to
do anything and you can choose this for
the positive and negative and then press
close I'm sorry okay and then close and
what you see now is at each point it has
these error bars which are actually the
standard deviation it shows you have
these values varying up and down so you
can know that in this case the error
bars are small Services has turned a
small standard deviation which is this
point and this point has a lower
standard the maximum a standard
deviation is at this 350 which is this
so it is just a way of showing
graphically your data the average and
the standard deviation so it's kind of
showing all your data just in one single
so that's all for today things

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