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Learning Area: Maths Year Level: 7

Strand/ Unit title: Statistics Time: 50

Lesson Topic: Tally and Frequency Tables

AIM: For students to understand what a tally and frequency table is and what types of data
is displayed in these tables. Students can create tally and frequency tables using data given
to them and data they have collected.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be able to understand what a tally and
frequency table is. Students understand what information can be used in a tally and
frequency table. Students can neatly draw their own tally and frequency tables using data
given to them and data they have collected in past lessons.

DIFFERENTIATION: I am using a number talk to differentiate this lesson as it will allow

students to learn through peer learning about tally and frequency tables. Students who
have a sound understanding of what tally and frequency tables are will be able to extend
themselves through utilising the textbook and answering more challenging questions.

STUDENT ASSESSMENT: I understand what a tally and frequency table is and how to read
and interpret it. I am able to create my own tall and frequency table using data given to me
and data I have collect myself. My table is easy to read, and I can clearly identify each data
point within my table.

ASSESSMENT: Students are able to create a tally and frequency table with their own data
that is clear and easy to read. Students are able to read the data in other students’ tables.

KEY REFERENCES & RESOURCES: Maths textbook, Whiteboard, Exit card,

Students will be asked if they are able to describe
what a tally and frequency table looks like and if
they know what information is represented within
these tables (both numerical and categorical). An
example will be put up on the board and students
will be asked to interpret this data into their own
words through a number talk.
and/ or
Students will be given a range of data points and
asked to collate this information into a tally and
frequency table. Once they have completed this
they will look to see if they are able to determine
the mean, median, mode or range from their tables
(if they’re applicable).

25 mins 3. EXPLORATION
Students will be instructed to convert their data
that they collected in either lesson two or three
into a tally and frequency table. They will need to
clearly label each section to ensure that it is easy
and clear to read. Once they have completed this
they will be able to compare their tables with other
people around them. When the students have
compared tables, they can go on with chapter
16B.1 which will consolidate their knowledge on
tally and frequency tables.

5 mins 4. CONCLUSION
An exit card will be provided to the students where
they will have to complete the frequency and tally
chart by filling in the blanks and answering a

Exit Card

Favourite Sport Frequency Number

Football IIII I

Netball 6


Basketball 2

What is the mode of the data set?

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