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Solved: Glavine Corporation manufactures precision

equipment made to order for the

Solved: Glavine Corporation manufactures precision equipment made to order for the
Glavine Corporation manufactures precision equipment made to order for the semiconductor
industry. Glavine uses two manufacturing overhead cost pools-one for the overhead costs
incurred in its highly automated Machin
Solved: Glavine Corporation manufactures precision equipment made to order for the
Glavine Corporation manufactures precision equipment made to order for the semiconductor
industry. Glavine uses two manufacturing overhead cost pools-one for the overhead costs
incurred in its highly automated Machining Department and another for overhead costs incurred
in its labour-based Assembly Department. Glavine uses a normal costing system. It allocates
Machining Department overhead costs to jobs based on actual machinehours using a budgeted
machine-hour overhead rate. It allocates Assembly Department overhead costs to jobs based
on actual direct manufacturing labour-hours using a budgeted direct manufacturing labour-hour
rate.The following data are for the year 2016:Machining AssemblyDepartment
overhead................................................$5,850,000...............$7,812,000Budgeted machine-
hours (MH)........................................90,000..........................0Budgeted direct manufacturing
labour-hours (DMLH)...................0..................124,000Actual manufacturing overhead
costs............................$5,470,000.............$8,234,000Machine-hours and direct manufacturing
labour-hours and the ending balances (before proration of under allocated overhead) are as
follows:Required1. Compute the budgeted overhead rates for the year in the Machining and
Assembly Departments.2. Compute the under allocated or over allocated overhead in each
department for the year. Dispose of the under allocated or over allocated amount in each
department using:a. Immediate write-off to Cost of Goods Sold.b. Proration based on ending
balances (before proration) in Cost of Goods Sold, Finished Goods, and Work-in-Process.c.
Proration based on the allocated overhead amount (before proration) in the ending balances of
Cost of Goods Sold, Finished Goods, and Work-in-Process.3. Which disposition method do you
prefer in requirement 2? Explain.
Solved: Glavine Corporation manufactures precision equipment made to order for the

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