The Lost Civilization of Peru: Exploring An Ancient Civilization Hiding Beneath The Jungle Floor

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The lost civilization of Peru

Exploring an ancient civilization hiding beneath the jungle floor

A An expedition in the mountainous regions of know from having found traces of homes and
southern Peru has found some important remains infrastructure, that there are several potentially major
from the Inca civilization. Their discovery came when sites still waiting for proper investigation.
the expedition stumbled across a small, flat area cut D Knowing that there is more to be found is
into the forested mountainside. At first, it looked like important because although many valuable Inca sites
nothing in particular, but then the explorers realized it have been discovered and researched, we still know
could have been a platform where Inca priests stood surprisingly little about the Inca way of life. What’s
and watched the path of the sun. So, a decision was more, studying remains will be of great value, as
made to battle on through the thick jungle. Their many are in danger of being ruined forever, either by
reward was to uncover significant evidence of the thieves on the hunt for ancient treasure, or by
civilization that once lived there; the tombs, a water modern developments such as building of roads or
system and traces of many other buildings. new towns. These worries mean it is fortunate that
Qoriwayrachina, as the site they discovered is the urge to discover ruins swallowed by the jungle is
known, is of outstanding importance. still as strong as ever. Many archaeologists feel a
B In fact, it became clear that this was one of the keen sense of adventure, seeing themselves in an
most significant historical finds in South America Indiana Jones fantasy, hunting for the lost
since the unearthing of Machu Picchu, the fabulous civilization. The thought of finding a lost city, hidden
lost city of the Incas, in the 20 th century. But that by the jungle for hundreds of years, and containing
staggering discovery took place over 100 years ago, unimaginable treasures from mysterious people is,
and so many explorers, archaeologists and tourist for some, difficult to reach.
have been in the region since then that one might E It is not all action-man excitement, however. The
assume all its secrets have been surrendered. But best explorers spend time reading the accounts of
the mountains of Peru are still full of hidden ruins, as the Spanish conquerors, studying maps and talking
are other parts of this country. For example, recent to local people who know their own area and are
archaeological work near the Peruvian capital has often willing to reveal the whereabouts of previously
revealed another ancient city, dating back to well unidentified remains. Raising funds to pay for the
before the Incas. This has reinforced the feelings of work is also part of the challenge. The importance of
many archaeologists that there are many more this kind of preparation is underlined by Hugh
hidden remains buried for hundreds or even Thompson in his recent book about exploring for Inca
thousands of years, still waiting to be found. ruins, The White Rock. According to him, anyone can
According to these experts, what we now know as go into the jungle and look for ancient remains.
Peru has hosted advanced civilization as long as However, they may cause a great deal of damage in
almost anywhere else in the world. The likelihood, the process and indeed, the history of Peruvian
therefore, of making further discoveries almost exploration is littered with failures.
anywhere in this country, is high. F Peter Frost, one of the group which discovered
C But it is the mountains of the Vilcabamba range Qoriwayrachina, knows this. As a tour guide,
that perhaps hold the most promise. Vilcabamba, photographer and travel writer working in the region
which means ‘sacred valley’, was the hub of the vast for 30 years, though not as archaeologist, he has
Inca civilization. In the 16th century, when the become an expert on the Incas. Since his initial work
Spanish conquest led to the demise of this ancient at Qoriwayrachina, he has led two lengthy
way of life, this area was the last part of the Inca expeditions to the area, and has uncovered the ruins
empire to fall. Hundreds of years later, it slowly of 200 structures and storehouses, an intricately
began to yield its secrets to archaeologists, Machu engineered aqueduct, colorful pottery and several
Picchu perhaps being the most notable of a series of tombs, all valuable evidence for the study of the
impressive finds. By no means everything there has region’s past.
been unearthed, however. Far from it. Archaeologists
I Read the text. Answer the questions below.
1 Where did the explorers find the platform the sun was
watched at?
2 What is found near the Peruvian capital?
3 Why did Vilcabamba last the longest under the
Spanish conquerors?
4 Which two factors are endangering the ancient ruins?
5 How do explorers prepare for an expedition?
6 What did Peter Frost find while working at

II In which paragraph (A-F) does the writer? ⬆ Machu Picchu, a 15th century
1 Specify the most famous Peruvian ancient city? Incan city located in Cuzco region,
2 Mention income important for the exploration? one of the most famous ruins of
3 Talk about the high possibility of finding new archaeological sights in Peru? Incan civilization
4 Mention an accident that turned out as a major historical event?

III Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with words from the box. There is one word you may not use in this process.

swallow region ruins explorer empire staggering 1

A(n) …………………… is Jenny’s job, it must be so exciting to find new things!

2 If a monarch has a powerful country, it is a(n) …..................... .
3 Some people say the museums are full of …………………… , but I believe that they are priceless!
4 Do not …………………… the seeds, they are not edible!
5 The view from the Eiffel tower is …………………… , you must see that yourself!

IV a Read the statements? Are they true or false? If the statement is true, circle T, and if the statement is false, circle

Creating new estates may endanger the undiscovered archaeological sites. T F

There is no ancient city near the Peruvian capital. T F
⬆ Among all the goods Each and every individual can go and explore the jungle. T F
brought from America,
potato is one of the Majority of the Inca civilization lived in a sacred valley. T F
most important, being
used in almost every
cuisine the false statements on the lines under them.
b Rewrite

V Write an article about an archaeological site near your town. Include why it is important to the locals, reasons why
tourist should visit it and general information about the site. Make sure to use 220-260 words.

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