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M/601/1699/ Understand How to Support Positive Outcomes for

Children and Young People

1.1 Describe the social, economic and cultural factors that will impact on the
lives of children and young people
Young people and children get duly affected with different elements that are involved in social,
economic and cultural factors. All these factors are required to be duly consider in order to
provide positive and healthy living to them. In relation to this, mention below there are some
factors is given.
Relationship with parents, adequate or appropriate housing, ethnic or cultural beliefs, level of
access to community resources, family expectations, lack of opportunity and support,
discrimination and injustice, poor housing, healthy lifestyle, living constantly in same parental
home, expectations of family, being excluded by society and health status are some of the
factors that are significantly affecting young and children people. In addition to this, it has been
evaluated that ethnic identify, cultural change, discrimination in any form, cross differences,
language, religion, preferences of culture and education are some of the factors that will impact
upon lives of young people and children in a negative as well as positive manner.

1.2 Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life
chances for children and young people.
According to the analysis it has been evaluated that poverty acts as significant threat upon well-
being and health of young people and children. In relation to this, it has been evaluated that of
young people and children grow up in a poverty can get affected in every are of development.
In this factors like lack of support and opportunity, poor healthcare access as well as faculties,
difficulties in emotional and social development are some of the factors that can negatively
affect life changes for young people and children. In addition to this, it is being determined that
poverty will lead young people and children to face poor diet that automatically increases
chances of illness or accidents also facts as major factor of poverty that impact upon life
chances and outcomes of children. Furthermore, it has been evaluated that poverty makes
children less likely to do well at school and have long term impact in terms of employment

1.3 Explain the role of children and young people’s personal choices and
experiences on their outcomes and life chances
As per the analysis it has been underlined that personal choices as well as experience of young
people and children are playing significant role in their chances and outcomes, as according to
the evaluation this is being ascertained that if young people and children undertake bad choices
and experience then it will adversely impact upon their all areas of well-being and development.
In this it is being evaluated that children or young people personal choices and experience of
smoking will negatively impact on their health that further lead towards repercussion of
offending behaviour.
In addition to this, according to the evaluation this has been analysed that these bad choices will
also impact upon behaviour conduct of individuals and make them aggressive. Thus, according
to the analysis it has been determined that personal experiences as well as choices can have both
negative as well as positive impact upon children and young people behaviour.

2.1 Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that
practitioners should be striving to achieve
It has been evaluated that it is essential for practitioners to undertake advantage of various
forms of measures in order to assure positive outcomes for young people and children. In this
practitioners is required to make sure that they adopt the frame work in which every child
matter. Practitioners must assure that young people and children enjoys good mental as well as
physical healthy lifestyle in which they did not choose to more towards drugs. In addition to
this, it has been underlined that young people are required to feel good about themselves and
have access to good emotional and mental health.
Practitioners can also take feedback from parents in order to undertake their positive
contribution. Along with this young people and children are also required to be facilitated
towards self-confidence as it will build their self-esteem and confidence in a well define and
effective manner. Practitioners are also required to engage in law-abiding behaviour while
emphasising upon Children and Young People Rights to Action, National Service Framework
for Children and more.

2.2 Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children
According to the analysis it has been evaluated that services will only turn out to be successful
if they are young person and child centred. In this it is essential to device services while
emphasising upon individuals likes and dislikes, needs and preferences. Furthermore, as per the
evaluation it has been evaluated that services if made while targeting preferences and needs of
individual have significant possibility to achieve goal which is related to supporting positive
and well-being outcomes. Thus, according to the analysis it has been determined that designing
of services are effectively to be centred around the needs of young people and children. In this it
is essential for parents and staff to manage change effectively in the behaviour of young people
and children while undertaking advantage of good communication.
Along with this, it has been underlined that it is essential to work with parents and make sure
that there is formative collaboration among children, services, young adults and parents.

2.3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young

people in decisions affecting their lives.
According to the analysis it has been determined that active participation have significant
possibility to increase changes of success of services. In addition to this, this is being underlined
that with the help of active participation accountability as well as self-esteem within young
person and children can also be maximised at significant rate. Furthermore, it has been
underlined that participation of families and children can effectively increases effectiveness of
practitioners and services. In addition to this, it has been evaluated that active participation
plays most important role that effectively lead towards facilitating open communication with
parents. By active participation of parents practitioners can respect their opinion and can
effectively make themselves ready to respond towards day-to-day practice.
Thus, according to the evaluation it has been evaluated that active participation is having
significant importance as it by involving parents young people and children can be treated in an
effective manner.

2.4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age,
needs and abilities to make personal choices and experiences that have a
positive impact on their lives
In order to measure positive impact on young people and children lives it is essential to support
them as per according to their needs, age and abilities. Furthermore, it has been underlined that
in this it is essential to encourage children as well as young people to think about the
consequences of the personal choices and experience. In addition to this by offering them
adequate, easy and accurate information associated to possible consequences of their choices
they have be effectively supported as per according to their age.
Along with this, it is required to acts as a positive role model and offer age-appropriate
activities. It is also essential to emphasise upon current issues and interest young people and
children in order to support them accordingly. Along with this, it has been underlined that by
undertaking advantage of various of of activities like circle time activities and discussion
groups young people and individual can be supported.

3.1 Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances
of children and young people.
As per according to the evaluation it has been evaluated that individual those who are suffering
from disability have comparatively less access of opportunities to others. This has been
ascertained that disabled individuals faces situations of discrimination, along with this they are
also having lack of opportunities as well as choices as compared to those individual who are not
suffering from any disability. Furthermore, it has been underlined that these disability also
decreases accessibility, confidence and self-esteem of disable individuals and sometime plays
major role of depression. In this it is essential to have positive form of attitude towards
individuals who are suffering from disability in order to ensure effective outcomes in order to
ensure positive outcomes.
Thus, according to the analysis it has been determined that it is significantly essential to reduce
the impact of disability as to effectively enable disable person to lead normal life as much as

3.2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes towards disability and specific

According to the analysis it has been evaluated that individual those who are suffering from
disability have less access of opportunities compared to normal individuals. Thus, in this it is
significantly important for them to have positive form of attitude towards disability as it will
increase their confidence in a well define and effective manner. In addition to this, it has been
evaluated that while having positive attitude towards disability effective support can be
provided through which young people and children can somehow lead normal life.
By taking advantage of different model of disability such as social model of disability, medical
model of disability offering them easy access of social services effective outcomes can be
achieved. Individual can be supported with health professional assistive technology, speech and
language therapy, offer support services in home and by emphasise upon removing obstacles
that are restricting life choices for young people and children.

3.3 Explain the social and medical models of disability and the impact of each
on practice.
There are different types of models of disability that can be undertaken in order to provide
positive support to children and young people. In relation to this, social model of disability is
idea that disability is mainly caused by the manner in which society is organised and does not
caused by the young person or child disability. In this, by undertaking advantage of practice like
removing obstacles that are restricting life choices for young people and children with
differences and disability.
While on the other hand, medical model of disability involves that idea that young people or
children are mainly defined by their illness or medical condition. In this, it is essential to to fit
young people and child into society rather than encouraging society to change as to fulfil
requirements of disable young person and child. With the assistance of these model positive
impact upon life of children and young people can be provided.

3.4 Explain the different types of support that are available for disabled
children and young people and those with specific requirements.
There are wide range of support that are available for disabled young people and children. In
this it is essential to make sure that all they have easy access for these supports in order to treat
them with better. It has been evaluated that there are different types of specialised services that
are available for disabled young people and children. Support like language and speech
therapy,short-term breaks, home assistance for young people and children and practices where
they get fit into society can proves to be very effective. In addition to this, these individuals can
also be supported with the help of technology, support services in the home, offer specialised
services, language therapy and encourage young people and children to participate in out-of-
school activities. With the help of all these various form of support activities they can be
effectively provided with the specific requirements.

4.1 Explain the meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion in the context of
positive outcomes for children and young people
Equality, diversity and inclusion is one of the most important measure through which equal
opportunities can access to services and facilities can be provided to individuals. It has been
evaluated that it is essential to provide equal opportunities to young people and children rather
than enforcing community and society to change. Furthermore, it has been evaluated that
diversity is defined as an practice in which it is essential to respect beliefs, background, culture
and education of different individual in order to treat them on equal basis. In addition to this, it
has been underlined that in context with inclusion it is essential to engage young people and
children in activities and discussions in order to offer them equal opportunities and access to
facilitates. Thus, according to the above mentioned analysis it has been evaluated that equality,
diversity and inclusion is an essential practice that support living of children and young people.

4.2 Compare, giving examples, ways in which services for children, young
people and their carers take account of and promote equality, diversity and
inclusion to promote positive outcomes
It has been evaluated that there are number of measures with the help of which effective
services to young people and children can be provided. According to the analysis this has been
underlined that there are number of government rules as well as regulations that are required to
be emphasise in order to effectively promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Some of the
certain laws include Rights to Action, Children Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 2005,
the Equality Act 2010, equal opportunities policy and more. In addition to this, by removing
barriers that are restricting choices for young people and children and frame policies and
services while emphasising upon young person centred and child-centred approach effective
promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion can be provided while assuring positive

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