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A. Front Matter

Title Page
Approval Sheet
Certificate of Originality
Table of Contents
List of tables
List of Figures

B. Body of Feasibility Study (Business Plan)

Chapter 1 Introduction
Background of the Study
Objectives of the Study
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Definition of Terms

Chapter 2 Market Study

Objectives of Market Study; Methodology; Demand (Consumption of Past
Years, Man-consumption of the Product, Projected Demand); Supply
(Supply of the Past Years, Projected Supply); Demand and Supply
Analysis/Demand Supply Gap; Projected Sales/Market Share; Marketing
Strategies/Proposed Product; Product (Product
Category/Quality/Stock/Brand Packaging/Pricing/Promo/and Advertising
Place and Distribution).

Chapter 3 Technical Study

Objectives of Technical Study; Product Service; Description of the
Product; Uses of the Product; Manufacturing Process (Description of the
Process, Alternative process considered, Product schedule/Machinery &
Equipment, Plant location/Plant Lay-out and plant size, Raw Materials and
Supplies, Waste Disposal/Utilities/Direct Labor Requirements).

Chapter 4 Management Study

Objective of Management Study; Forms of Business Ownership;
Capitalization; Organizational Structure; Manpower Requirements;
Compensation/Organizational Structure/Legal Requirements.
Chapter 5 Financial Study
Objectives of Financial Study; Total Project Cost/Initial Capital; Sources of
Financing (Short/Long term, Alternative Sources and Terms of Financing);
Financial Statements (Projected Income Statements, Projected Balance
Sheets, Projected Cash Flow Statements); Financial Analysis (Ratios,
Liquidity, Profitability, Solvency, Activity Ratio); Break Even Point Analysis
(Capital Reserves, IRR, NPV, and Sensitivity Analysis)

Chapter 6 Socio-Economic Plan

Contribution to the Philippine Economy, Employment Generation, Social

C. End Matter

Curriculum Vitae

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