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PERFORMANCE TASK (INDIVIDUAL). Explain the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and its importance in determining consumer motivation.

Choose a particular product as an example.

- realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. A desire “to become everything one is
capable of becoming". In consumer motivation, this is the complicated needs as marketers to appeal to because as a company, there’s a
great chance that the products/services that we sell don’t comprise a whole person’s identity; appeal to this level of motivation is be a
brand that represents achieving self-actualization and one that helps and individual get there.

Ex. "Nike," a company produces clothes, shoes , etc. having a tagline of "Just Do It" as a motivational statement to help users get through
the physical pain of training that’s required to achieve results in their activities. "Nike" embraces the role in helping an individual to
accomplish self-actualization by becoming a source for inspiration and this method of connecting with their audience is part of the reason
why "Nike" is so successful in advertising.

- the esteem for oneself and the desire for reputation or respect from others. In consuming motivation, this need can be used to explain
why a person would indulge in purchasing goods that show our uniqueness and separate us from the rest of the crowd.

Ex. "iPhone," a most popular brand of phone, this appeal to esteem by positioning the consumers/users as a symbol of a their status, and
something that people of a high status use/have.

- the need for interpersonal relationships motivates behaviour. In consuming motivation, relates by providing the opportunity to
demonstrate ones feeling via purchasing gifts; also another things is which explains why humans purchase given items, is due to
conformity; this is due to the human need of belonging, where we as humans aspire to belong our peer group

Ex. "MilkTea" since it is an in-demand product, more teenagers likely to buy this product since as a customer they want to feel that they
are part of their social identity. Sometimes marketers observe that consumers base on the brand name that creates great engagement
and interest in everything the company does because it helps to satisfy an individual need to belong.

- refers to the need to be free of danger, or more accurately physical or psychological harm. In consumers motivation, many consumer
behaviours are prompted by safety needs, therefore a person will tend to purchase a house in a “good” area, or through the task of
purchasing medication to remain healthy.

Ex. "Ford," an automotor company that make and sell cars, showing safety ratings of a this car being release, prioritizing that value of the
product over price, luxury, etc. The fear of not being able to recover from an illness or economic damage (getting into a car accident)

- these are biological requirements for human survival, if these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function optimally. In
consumer motivation, this level explains human’s motivation to fulfil these needs, this need explains that humans engage in behaviour
to obtain what is necessary to fulfil the need in question, it is very unlikely for a human to produces these needs themselve s, we would
be considerably more likely to purchase these items to overcome the physiological need.

Ex. "Absolute," a company produces water, having commercials that showcases its naturally purified water system, which seek to
appeal to our psychological need to physically satisfy our survival needs.

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