Addressing Challenges To Public Understanding of Science: Epistemic Cognition, Motivated Reasoning, and Conceptual Change

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Addressing Challenges to Public Understanding of Science: Epistemic

Cognition, Motivated Reasoning, and Conceptual Change

Article  in  Educational Psychologist · June 2014

DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2014.916216


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Gale M. Sinatra Barbara K. Hofer

University of Southern California Middlebury College


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Addressing Challenges to Public Understanding of

Science: Epistemic Cognition, Motivated Reasoning,
and Conceptual Change
a b c
Gale M. Sinatra , Dorothe Kienhues & Barbara K. Hofer
Rossier School of Education University of Southern California
Department of Psychology University of Muenster
Department of Psychology Middlebury College
Published online: 16 May 2014.

To cite this article: Gale M. Sinatra, Dorothe Kienhues & Barbara K. Hofer (2014): Addressing Challenges to Public
Understanding of Science: Epistemic Cognition, Motivated Reasoning, and Conceptual Change, Educational Psychologist,
DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2014.916216

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DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2014.916216

Addressing Challenges to Public Understanding

of Science: Epistemic Cognition, Motivated
Reasoning, and Conceptual Change
Gale M. Sinatra
Rossier School of Education
University of Southern California

Dorothe Kienhues
Department of Psychology
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

University of Muenster

Barbara K. Hofer
Department of Psychology
Middlebury College

Science is of critical importance to daily life in a knowledge society and has a significant
influence on many everyday decisions. As scientific problems increase in their number and
complexity, so do the challenges facing the public in understanding these issues. Our
objective is to focus on 3 of those challenges: the challenge of reasoning about knowledge
and the processes of knowing, the challenge of overcoming biases in that reasoning, and the
challenge of overcoming misconceptions. We propose that research in epistemic cognition,
motivated reasoning, and conceptual change can help to identify, understand, and address
these obstacles for public understanding of science. We explain the contributions of each of
these areas in providing insights into the public’s understandings and misunderstandings
about knowledge, the nature of science, and the content of science. We close with
educational recommendations for promoting scientific literacy.

Science is of growing relevance in daily life and influences (GMO) labeling, decide whether to pay more for a car that
many everyday decisions. An understanding of science is might have different environmental consequences, or won-
needed to be an active member of knowledge societies, and der whether it is helpful or harmful to give an iPad to a
every society needs citizens who are able to make informed small child. Individuals need to evaluate choices of action
decisions about science-related issues. As scientific prob- for health care issues, from deliberating about whether
lems increase in number and complexity, and as access to to vaccinate a child to assessing alternative treatments
information from diverse sources increases, so do the chal- for medical conditions. This need to understand scientific
lenges facing the public in understanding scientific issues. information and to make sense of the amount of informa-
Indeed, there are a myriad of challenges when confronted tion available to the general public has never been so
with understanding not only the complex scientific issues pronounced.
of our time but also the need to make personally relevant Our objective is to focus on three critical challenges in
decisions that have a scientific basis. An individual might thinking and reasoning that have received the attention of
listen to discussions in the media about climate change, researchers in educational, developmental, social, and cog-
vote on whether to require genetically modified organism nitive psychology that might be useful as a basis for educa-
tional intervention designed to enhance an understanding
of science. These are the challenge of reasoning about
Correspondence should be addressed to Gale M. Sinatra, Rossier
School of Education, University of Southern California, 3470 Trousdale
knowledge and the processes of knowing, the challenge of
Parkway, Waite Phillips Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0013. E-mail: overcoming biases in reasoning, and the challenge of over- coming misconceptions. Three areas of psychology and

education research, which have made recent theoretical have shown that individuals have either fragmented or
and empirical advances —epistemic cognition, motivated well-structured prior knowledge about many scientific
reasoning, and conceptual change—may help to shed light topics based on their own experience (Vosniadou, 2013).
on these challenges. As scholars in these three areas, we This knowledge is often in conflict with scientific perspec-
hope to bring the findings in these areas to the foreground tives, and individuals can be motivated to retain their
of research on the public understanding of science. existing conceptions (Dole & Sinatra, 1998). Conceptual
First, people are quite commonly confronted with ques- change researchers explore the cognitive, affective, and
tions of how to cope with the tentativeness of scientific motivational factors involved in knowledge restructuring.
results, make decisions in the face of uncertain information, Thus, we believe research in this area has implications for
or think critically about a socio-scientific issue; all issues communicating science not only in the classroom but also
that involve epistemic cognition (Greene, Azevedo, & to the public. Research in conceptual change may help to
Torney-Purta, 2008; Sinatra & Chinn, 2011). Epistemic explain why individuals can find it difficult to change their
cognition includes the epistemic beliefs and theories people thinking when confronted with accurate scientific informa-
hold, which are their conceptions of the nature of knowl- tion. Promoting conceptual change in students or in mem-
edge and knowing (Hofer & Pintrich, 1997, 2002). Episte- bers of the public can also help dampen negative emotions
mic beliefs are a critical part of epistemic cognition (Broughton, Sinatra, & Nussbaum, 2011) and shift attitudes
because individuals bring these beliefs, either tacitly or on science in a more positive direction (Heddy, Sinatra,
explicitly, to their reasoning about knowledge and know- Danielson, & Graham, 2013; Sinatra & Seyranian, in press).
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

ing. Research on epistemic cognition can help us under-

stand some of the challenges the public faces when
grappling with science topics. We also hope our voice will MAPPING THE CHALLENGE LANDSCAPE
join the others calling for instruction in thinking and rea-
soning throughout formal education (see Bybee, 2013) that Easy access to vast amounts of scientific information in our
fosters the types of epistemic cognition necessary for knowledge society and the role science plays in many
understanding both the epistemology of science and how to everyday decisions place cognitive demands on the recipi-
evaluate scientific claims. In many countries, such instruc- ents. An informed citizenry has a continuously expanding
tion is indeed becoming part of formal education standards. need to possess not only basic scientific knowledge but
In the United States, for example, the Next Generation also, and in particular, an understanding of the sciences—
Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013) and the of how they work, of their complexity, and, at times, limita-
Framework on which these new standards are based tions on the certainty of scientific knowledge (Bybee, 1997;
(National Research Council, 2011) call for instruction in Driver, Newton, & Osborne, 2000; Sadler, 2004). Public
these areas. Similarly, the Conference of the Ministers of understanding of science not only includes basic scientific
Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States of Ger- knowledge, complicated by the growing differentiation of
many (KMK) includes standards for understanding science, scientific disciplines and the continuing expansion of scien-
e.g., physics, as well as the nature of scientific knowledge tific knowledge, but also understanding of the epistemology
in these subjects (Beschl€ usse der Kultusministerkonferenz, of science.
2004). Many concerns have been raised about science literacy
Second, individuals’ attitudes and moral convictions also among the general public. Science illiteracy can lead to
influence how science-related information is processed cog- decisions that may not be in society’s or an individual’s
nitively and emotionally. Research on motivated reasoning best interest (Lewandowsky, Ecker, Seifert, Schwarz, &
(Kundra, 1990) refers to unconscious biases in information Cook, 2012). The public is rarely deeply or broadly
processing. Such biases can affect science understanding or engaged with basic scientific research that is decontextual-
restrain people from an understanding of science and ized and purely scientific in nature. More often, the public
research. For example, the assessment of the credibility and is engaged or needs to be engaged with scientific issues that
weight of scientific evidence may be biased in such a way are embedded in a complex social and political context
that the evidence fits the recipient’s preexisting attitudes or such as stem cell research, vaccines, and climate change.
moral convictions, or contrary evidence may be ignored or Referred to as socio-scientific issues due to their inherently
confuted. Later, we outline the role of motivated reasoning social and contextual nature, these issues are often subject
about socio-scientific information, and how this process to considerations that may be economic, social, political,
may hinder science understanding. We also point to issues and/or ethical (Sadler, 2004; 2009), Nielsen (2012) pointed
of communicating ideas to the public. Science writers and out that “socioscientific decisions are not simply inferred
other journalists may benefit from being aware of such pat- from a range of factual premises; they will always reflect
terns of reasoning when reporting on science topics. the ideological and personal principles to which the decid-
Third, decades of research in developmental, cognitive, ing party adheres” (p. 429). Thus it is important to consider
and educational psychology, as well as science education, not only individuals’ knowledge about a scientific topic but

also motivational, affective, and cognitive components (vaccine safety), include a villain (an unscrupulous
of their attitudes towards the topic. In the case of socio-sci- researcher), and innocent victims (young children), and the
entific issues, attitudes and knowledge about the science stage is set. And yet this is no fictitious drama, but a real-
may be interwoven with attitudes and knowledge about the life situation with the highest of stakes riding on individu-
broader social and contextual issues within which the topic als’ ability to interpret scientific information and make crit-
is embedded. ical decisions. Nor is this example unrepresentative.
Members of the public often find themselves in similar sit-
uations when they attempt to make difficult decisions by
INTERACTIONS AMONG EPISTEMIC COGNITION, critically considering scientific information. That is, well-
MOTIVATED REASONING, AND understood, clear, and straightforward scientific findings
CONCEPTUAL CHANGE rarely engage widespread public interest or attention. Sci-
entific events such as the NASA Mars Rover landing
Research on epistemic cognition, motivated reasoning, and engage public interest but do not require understanding of
conceptual change, when considered together and in inter- the basic science or require the public to make personally
action, provides rich explanations of psychological mecha- relevant decisions based on their understanding of the
nisms involved in the public understanding of science science.
information and socio-scientific issues. Each of these mech- The persistence of the vaccine controversy for more than
anisms has a “default mode”—and research has shown this a decade after the retraction of the fraudulent report illus-
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

default mode of thinking is difficult to overcome (Shtulman trates several aspects of our three constructs of interest. The
& Valcarcel, 2012). That is, evidence has been accumulat- topic is complex (the etiology of autism) and uncertain (the
ing that our cognitive processing system has developed causes of autism are not well understood). Individuals may
over the course of millennia to think and react quickly, to reason about the evidence based on more naive views of sci-
avoid threats, to value ideas from our ingroup more so than entific knowledge in regard to how scientific knowledge is
those from outgroup members, and to maintain our current justified or how to evaluate the weight of scientific evi-
conceptions if they have proved useful to us (Geary, 2008; dence. They may value the epistemic authority of persons
Stanovich, 2010). Science is a very recent invention in the with firsthand experience (parents whose children were
course of human history and requires individuals to think diagnosed with autism and who had had vaccinations) over
and act against these default modes and to instead be reflec- the epistemic authority of scientists (who maintain that
tive. In some cases understanding science requires a sus- there is no causal connection between MMR vaccination
pension of belief in what our own senses seem to tell us. and autism in empirical studies). Furthermore, a commit-
So, for example, astronomy tells us the earth revolves ment to knowledge as tentative and evolving is necessary to
around the sun, but to our sensory experience, it appears understand that the Lancet study was flawed and that other
that the sun revolves around the earth. To accept the helio- studies conclude there is no causal relation between vacci-
centric view of our solar system requires suspending one’s nation and autism and reject the inferences drawn from that
interpretation of sensory experience. The difficulties data.
involved in doing so may explain why the geocentric It requires critical thinking to weigh the scientific evi-
view persisted for centuries until the time of Copernicus dence, perhaps against one’s preferred interpretation, which
(T. Kuhn, 1957). may be difficult for parents who are making what may be
To consider how epistemic cognition, motivated reason- an emotionally involved decision. When celebrities or sup-
ing, and conceptual change interact to influence public port groups come out against vaccines, parents may per-
understanding of science, consider the case of vaccines and ceive them as part of their ingroup (parents concerned
autism spectrum disorders. Briefly, the vaccine controversy about autism, just like them) and trust their views more
stemmed from publication of a fraudulent research article than those of outgroup members (scientists or doctors, not
published in, and later retracted by, the respected medical like them). If a child become symptomatic immediately fol-
journal The Lancet, linking the measles, mumps, and lowing a vaccination, it may be difficult for individuals to
rubella (MMR) vaccine with the onset of autism spectrum suppress the predisposition toward seeing events that are
disorders. Since the publication of the original article, vac- close in time as causally linked. Parents may be motivated
cination rates dropped in the United Kingdom and Ireland to find an environmental cause for autism and thus are
and cases of measles spiked (Flaherty, 2011), and similar favorably disposed in their reasoning toward the vaccine
trends are being observed in the United States as well. connection. Finally, some individuals may hold the miscon-
If one were to create a plotline for a movie illustrating a ception that there is scientific support for the linkage
scientific controversy, it would likely have all the character- because they are not aware that the original report was
istics of the vaccine tragedy. Cast a poorly understood phe- discredited.
nomena (the causes of autism), concerned individuals A consideration of how these mechanisms serve as
weighing complex and contradictory evidence about a topic leverage points for addressing three critical challenges

(thinking and reasoning about knowledge, biases in reason- the evaluation of science-based information (Bromme,
ing, and misconceptions) for the public’s understanding of Kienhues, & Porsch, 2010).
science is at the heart of this contribution. This could also When people are confronted with science-related issues
provide a foundation for developing ideas on how to in everyday life, they might come across issues that are not
help the public come to understand or appreciate scientific yet sufficiently resolved or that are contradictory. Epistemic
information. We next review each of these cognitive mech- cognition is especially salient when people are confronted
anisms in more detail. with contradictory knowledge statements, as they are
pressed to find explanations for the contradictions as well
as to decide what counts as scientific evidence, evaluate
information critically, coordinate theory and evidence, and
EPISTEMIC COGNITION AND THE PUBLIC (MIS) obtain a balanced view of the science problem at hand.
UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE Thus, epistemic cognition affects how well people are
equipped to resolve competing knowledge claims (King &
Epistemic cognition influences one’s understanding and Kitchener, 2002) and their confidence in doing so. In addi-
interpretation of scientific claims. Therefore, research on tion, epistemic cognition influences how people integrate
epistemic cognition can help us understand some of the new knowledge with prior knowledge (Jacobson & Spiro,
challenges the public faces when grappling with science 1995), as well as how information from multiple informa-
topics. We are using epistemic cognition as an umbrella tion sources, such as different sites on the Internet or differ-
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

term for the beliefs people hold about the nature of knowl- ent experts in a talk show, will be integrated into a coherent

edge and knowing (epistemic beliefs) and the application representation of the issue (Braten, Britt, Strømsø, & Rouet,
and influence of such beliefs when considering scientific 2011). In a study on reasoning about information from mul-
and socio-scientific everyday problems. We use the term tiple sources in history, Wolfe and Goldman (2005) pointed
epistemic cognition to emphasize an orientation toward out that the adolescents they studied did not try to incorpo-
cognitive processes (e.g., Chinn, Buckland, & Samarapun- rate all information available but focused on gathering fac-
gavan, 2011; Greene et al., 2008; Kitchener, 2002) and the tual information, probably because they did not realize that
role epistemic beliefs play in these processes, in the sense there are multiple perspectives, opinions, and evidence in
that epistemic cognition includes reasoning about the epis- history and that the interpretation of historical events is
temology of science. Increasingly, epistemic cognition is complex.
the term used in the current literature, as an umbrella term
similar to personal epistemology (Hofer, 2001; Hofer &
Pintrich, 2002). However, we acknowledge that the current Specificity and Contextuality of Epistemic Cognition
usage does not mean that all researchers employ the same Epistemic cognition can be considered at different levels of
definition of the construct. For example, Chinn et al. (2011) specificity. Research suggests that individuals hold both
argued for a broad conceptualization of epistemic cognition general and discipline-specific beliefs about knowledge and
by integrating current philosophical ideas into psychologi- knowing (Hofer, 2006; Muis, Bendixen, & Haerle, 2006).
cal approaches to epistemic cognition, extending the con- For example, they may in general expect authorities to
cept to include epistemic values and epistemic aims. In hand down knowledge that is true and needs no verification
contrast, Greene et al. (2008) argued for a model that (see King & Kitchener, 2002; D. Kuhn, 1991, for well-sub-
restricts epistemic cognition to two justification factors, stantiated models of generality). These beliefs may differ to
labeling other aspects as ontological. We anchor our some degree by discipline (Hofer, 2000); for example, indi-
perspective on epistemic cognition in the vast research viduals may think that knowledge in psychology is less cer-
on epistemic cognition, personal epistemology, epistemic tain and less likely to be handed down by authority than
beliefs, nature of science, and other constructs related to knowledge in physics. Furthermore, epistemic cognition
how individuals employ epistemic reasoning in understand- can also be considered on a more fine-grained level, varying

ing science (see Hofer & Bendixen, 2012, for a review). by topic within disciplines (Braten, Strømsø, & Samuel-
stuen, 2008; Kienhues, Stadtler, & Bromme, 2011). Such
topic specific consideration takes into account that individ-
Science Information and the Activation
uals may judge different topics belonging to one discipline
of Epistemic Cognition
differently. For example, the certainty of historical knowl-
As just briefly outlined, epistemic beliefs often come into edge about World War II may differ from that about the

play when people grapple with science information. As a Persian Wars (Braten, Gil, Strømsø, & Vidal-Abarca,
kind of intuitive or naive theory of science, epistemic 2009).
beliefs can provide a basic orientation toward scientific Recent theoretical work has emphasized the generative
information (e.g., regarding the explanatory possibilities nature of epistemic cognition (Bromme, Kienhues, & Stahl,
and boundaries of science) and can specify standards for 2008; Stahl, 2011): People are believed to activate different

cognitive elements when they need to evaluate a specific varies widely across contexts or has no patterned or predict-
knowledge claim. For example, people may activate both able processes, as it is likely that similar elements are acti-
general and discipline-specific beliefs, and, if available, vated in similar contexts.
topic-specific beliefs. However, people are highly unlikely
to hold advanced, widely explored epistemic beliefs about
every scientific discipline or topic (as these derive from the
Productivity of Epistemic Cognition
exposure to questions tackling the epistemology of the spe-
in Different Contexts
cific discipline and topic). When they do not hold such spe-
cific beliefs, general beliefs are likely to be more influential The idea of contextuality implies that differing epistemic
(Kienhues, Bromme, & Stahl, 2008). Furthermore, episte- cognitions may be differently productive or useful for spe-
mic cognition is also influenced by the knowledge people cific topics or in differing contexts. This claim stands on
hold about research methods within specific disciplines the shoulders of a body of research that addresses the devel-
(Stahl, 2011), for example, recognizing that the process by opment and change of epistemic cognition (King & Kitch-
which scientists conduct research differs from that of his- ener, 2002; D. Kuhn, Cheney, & Weinstock, 2000;
torians (Hofer, Harris, & Goldstein, 2011). In addition, Schommer, 1990; Schraw, Bendixen, & Dunkle, 2002).
individuals hold beliefs about the disciplines themselves Such developmental and educational psychology research
and about the questions a discipline addresses (ontological indicates—despite different underlying theoretical assump-
knowledge). Content knowledge about a topic will also tions—that epistemic cognition ranges from what is often
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

influence epistemic cognition. called less advanced, na€ıve views to more advanced,
In consequence, this generative nature of epistemic cog- sophisticated views. For instance, beliefs such as that
nition points to its contextuality. Epistemic cognition is knowledge is unchanging and absolute, is an accumulation
context dependent in that it can differ regarding the cogni- of isolated facts, and resides only in external authority have
tive elements that are activated in a specific context. For been commonly perceived as na€ıve views about the nature
example, in a context a person knows a lot about, it is likely of knowledge and knowing. On the other hand, believing
that elaborated discipline-specific beliefs, topic-specific that knowledge is tentative, consists of interrelated knowl-
beliefs, ontological knowledge, content knowledge, and edge bits, and is constructed actively in interaction with
knowledge about research methods contribute to epistemic others has been commonly perceived as a more sophisti-
cognition—whereas when a person does not have a real cated view.
understanding of the topic at hand, epistemic cognition is However, we wish to emphasize that this designation of
likely to be influenced more by rather general epistemic what counts as advanced or sophisticated does not acknowl-
beliefs (Stahl, 2011). edge the contextuality of epistemic cognition. For example,
In a similar vein, Chinn et al. (2011) argued that episte- although it might be useful and sophisticated to believe in
mic cognition is likely to vary between different contexts the tentative nature of science and the evolving nature of
and that it is important to know the specific cognitive com- knowledge, it is also useful to know which aspects of sci-
ponents that are operative in a given situation. They dis- ence are grounded in a substantial body of evidence and
cussed different components that contribute to such specific which continue to be investigated. No one would likely
epistemic cognition, such as epistemic aims (goals to find argue that believing scientists view gravity as an uncertain
out something), epistemic values (e.g., valuing theoretical claim would represent an epistemically sophisticated view
knowledge over practical knowledge), epistemic virtues and of science. It would not be beneficial to an understanding of
vices (e.g., open-mindedness vs. closed-mindedness, which science to think that there is an ever-present, similar degree
respectively either facilitates or impedes the achievement of of uncertainty on every topic. Consider the issue of climate
understanding), and beliefs about the reliability of different change: Although it is useful to understand that science is
processes for achieving knowledge. A consideration of this tentative and evolving and that a substantial body of mount-
cluster of interrelated cognitions allows for a better under- ing evidence was necessary for scientists to state that cli-
standing of the contextuality of epistemic cognition.1 mate change has human causes, it is also beneficial to
To summarize, contextuality means that a unique set of understand that nearly all climate scientists are quite certain
epistemic beliefs and further cognitive elements is evoked about this claim now.
in a particular setting. However, we wish to emphasize that Such examples suggest that for estimating the adequacy,
this does not imply that epistemic cognition inevitably usefulness, and predictive value of epistemic cognition,
topic and subject have to be taken into account. What has
been commonly perceived as sophisticated is not always
Hammer and Elby (e.g., Louca, Elby, Hammer, & Kagey, 2004) have representative of the ideal—or contextually sophisticated—
also emphasized that epistemic cognition is context dependent and more
fine-grained, although they do not address the role of relatively more stable epistemic cognition and this needs considerably more atten-
elements (such as epistemic beliefs) that have been identified by others as tion in future research. For instance, the common deco-
contributing to contextualized epistemic cognition. ntextualized measurement of epistemic beliefs (with

Likert-scaled questionnaires) is not likely to be meaningful because they do not appear completely substantiated and
in its application to all topics (Hofer & Bendixen, 2012). “certain.”
Rabinovich and Morton (2012) investigated how people
Dimensions of Epistemic Cognition deal with uncertainty in the communication of possible
impacts of climate change (see also Maier, Rothmund,
For a deeper understanding of the contextuality and useful- Retzbach, Otto, & Besley, this issue). They found that par-
ness of epistemic cognition, a consideration of the different ticipants who hold the concept that science searches for
dimensions of epistemic cognition is necessary. Although absolute truth find messages that communicate high uncer-
there are multiple conceptions of the dimensions of episte- tainty less persuasive than messages that communicate low
mic cognition (see earlier, e.g., Chinn et al., 2011; Greene uncertainty. Reverse results were found for participants
et al., 2008), four dimensions regarding the nature of who understand science as debate: these individuals find
knowledge and knowing have been identified across several messages that communicate high uncertainty more persua-
models (Hofer & Pintrich, 1997), and each of these dimen- sive. In the same vein, Pieschl, Stahl, and Bromme (2008)
sions is relevant to an individual’s understanding of scien- found that people holding (topic-specific) beliefs in the ten-
tific claims.2 A consideration of the ways in which the four tativeness of knowledge about genetics spend more time
dimensions influence how the public grapples with scien- reading information covering uncertain aspects in compari-
tific issues can provide insight into the public’s understand- son to people believing in the stability of such knowledge.
ing of science and provide a potential basis for helping These findings imply that an alignment between people’s
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

individuals overcome cognitive and motivational barriers certainty beliefs and the framing of the scientific messages
to scientific literacy. makes communication most successful.
Beliefs about the certainty of knowledge not only influ-
Certainty of knowledge. The dimension of certainty ence how people process scientific information, but also its
of knowledge refers to how tentative or absolute and stable acceptance. In a longitudinal survey of college students’
knowledge is perceived to be. The tentativeness of science beliefs about evolution (Hofer, DeLisi, & Lam, 2009),
is one of the foundations of scientific inquiry, and scientists researchers found that those who increased in their personal
generally focus their work on the edge of uncertainty acceptance of evolution over a 2-year period were those
(Lakatos, 1970). Thus, this is a dimension with particular who recognized the relative certainty of scientists’ position
importance to the public’s understanding of science. Yet on the topic. Others have also found a relationship between
the lay public may erroneously believe that an absence of evolution acceptance and epistemic beliefs (Sinatra, South-
complete certainty diminishes scientific claims. erland, McConaughy, & Demastes, 2003).
To exemplify, a recent study of adolescent development Furthermore, certainty beliefs will influence how people
of epistemic cognition sheds light on how individuals can deal with contradictory science-based information. Such
interpret the tentativeness of science as a discounting of sci- contradictory information is common when considering
entific claims (Hofer, Schoenefeld, Greis, Murphy, & Boyd, everyday scientific issues—be it contradictory because the
2010). In think-aloud protocols during Internet searching, issue is genuinely unsettled or because it is ambiguously

followed by an epistemological interview, students showed discussed by those with different aims. Braten and col-
a poor understanding of scientific uncertainty. In responses leagues (2011) pointed out that individuals who believe in
to questions about whether scientists could ever know for absolute knowledge will be confused and frustrated when
certain how bees communicate (following an online search confronted with contradictory information. Furthermore,
on the topic), the majority of participants’ responses indi- Kienhues and Bromme (2011) noted that the explanations
cated that the uncertainty on this matter meant that science people seek for the contradictions they experience are likely
is a matter of diverse opinions that may not necessarily be to be influenced by the beliefs they hold about the certainty
resolved. When science is not seen as a rational enterprise of knowledge.
with tested means for assessing competing claims, individu-
als are poorly prepared to make decisions that rest on Structure of knowledge. The dimension structure of
science. knowledge refers to how interrelated or isolated knowledge
Consider again the issue of climate change: When cli- is perceived to be. In terms of this dimension, one might
mate change is presented as being supported by 97% of assume that people who believe that knowledge about a
climate scientists (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate specific science issue is simple will probably not integrate
Change, 2013), or when scientists attest that more research information from different viewpoints (Rukavina &
is needed on a topic, then the claims may be dismissed Daneman, 1996). They are more likely to accumulate iso-
lated facts and process only one-sided information. Such
Researchers have varied in whether they envision the dimensions as information-processing behavior would hinder a change of
more or less independent (Schommer, 1990) or whether they form coherent preexisting false beliefs (see the upcoming Motivated
developmental patterns (King & Kitchener, 2002). Reasoning section for an in-depth discussion of the

consequences of such one-sidedness in information proc- nonexperts. An overreliance on epistemic authority might
essing). Furthermore, the assumed complexity of the prob- therefore result in an uncritical trust in the information such
lem at hand might also influence how capable one seems to authority provides. People then might be overwhelmed by
be in justifying a knowledge claim; a person might feel the authority and accept any information without a critical

able to collect various “facts” to solve a problem; however, evaluation (Latifian & Bashash, 2004). Strømsø, Braten,
she might not feel capable of integrating knowledge. and Britt (2011) described negative correlations between
The dimension of structure of knowledge has been fur- beliefs about the source of knowledge and the assessment
ther elaborated by Chinn and colleagues (2011), who of the trustworthiness of texts, indicating that students trust
argued that the dimension includes more than just simplic- more in sources if they rely more on external authority.
ity versus complexity. They suggested the addition of uni- However, trust in sources is not necessarily naive. Peo-
versality versus particularity of knowledge (the extent to ple need to rely on information experts provide. Ideally
which knowledge is perceived to be particularized and con- they will assess the reliability of a source and whether one
textual, such as whether a specific knowledge claim is valid source is more reliable than another for informed decision
for every context regarding this claim) and deterministic making. Bromme and colleagues (2010) outlined that such
versus stochastic knowledge (the extent to which knowl- a thoughtful grappling with knowledge sources character-
edge is believed to be at least partly probabilistic, as the izes well-developed epistemic cognition. In the same vein,
world is not fully predictable). Such beliefs may influence Chinn and colleagues (2011) argued that epistemic cogni-
how people approach learning situations, including infor- tion research has been overly focused on the role of author-
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mal learning when people encounter scientific information ity and firsthand experience and that another relevant
in everyday life. aspect of the source of knowledge is the role of testimony.
This reconceptualization to include testimony as one of the
Justification for knowing. Beliefs about the justifica- central means of learning from others may be particularly
tion for knowing refer to how knowledge claims can be relevant in regard to scientific claims, which are unlikely to
warranted, how individuals evaluate the use of evidence, be experienced firsthand. As Chinn and colleagues noted,
and their assessment of authority and expertise. Students even scientists depend on testimony from colleagues in
often lack an understanding of basic scientific methodol- building their own understanding.
ogy, such as the type and amount of evidence needed to Furthermore, when people think that firsthand experi-
substantiate claims, or the process of sampling, and when ence is important, they might avoid conclusions about a
generalizations are warranted. For example, in the study by topic where they lack direct experience, and this severely
Hofer and colleagues on adolescents’ learning about bee restricts the range of science-related problems about which
communication (Hofer et al., 2010), several gave responses they can decide. Related to this, an overreliance on the
similar to this one: “There are just so many bees out there importance of firsthand experience might result in the belief
to test and I think if they wanted to get closer to a better that information is unavoidably true when the informant
answer they would have to test as many bees as possible.” refers to one’s own experiences (e.g., trusting the online

Braten and colleagues (2011) pointed to the special role report of a parent whose child had an autism diagnosis and
of justification beliefs in multiple text comprehension. who made causal claims related to vaccination).
Aspects regarding justification for knowing are important
when people need to decide whether there are really differ-
ent standpoints on a topic or whether there are streams of MOTIVATED REASONING
information (often intentional) that are opposite to estab-
lished facts (e.g., information on climate change). Another factor that directly influences how the public
Results from these studies and others highlight that thinks about scientific issues is their motivation for process-
beliefs about the justification of knowledge are important ing the information. Motivated reasoning (Kunda, 1990)
for the public’s understanding and acceptance of science, explains how individuals’ motivations, more specifically
with implications for science education. They help illumi- their goals, affect their judgments through biased cognitive
nate why individuals have difficulty accepting various types processing (see also Maier et al., this issue). Individuals
of scientific information and may have problems in accept- often attempt to be rational, make justified decisions, take
ing reasonable scientific conclusions they have seen in vari- different information into account, and weigh the issues,
ous sources of media. but their motivations bias what information they attend to
and what strategies they use to construct, assess, and evalu-
Source of knowledge. The dimension source of ate that information. For example, individuals are moti-
knowledge refers to where individuals believe knowledge vated to put forth extra effort to recall knowledge they can
originates and resides. When people believe that knowledge use to refute information perceived as a threat to their posi-
originates in external authority, they might not think they tion. At the same time, individuals are also prone to sup-
are able to deal with many science issues, as they are press evidence that contradicts a belief they prefer to hold

(see, e.g., Ho, Brossard, & Scheufele, 2008; Kahan, Jen- and uncertainty and the desire for definitive answers
kins-Smith, & Braman, 2011; Kunda, 1990; Munro, 2010). (Kruglanski, 1989, 1990). Individuals with a high need for
Two forms of motivated reasoning can be described that closure tend to evaluate information with insufficient
make these outcomes clear. Individuals can be accuracy vetting. Thus, they “freeze” the decision-making process
driven, meaning their goal is driven by the desire “to arrive prematurely. This can result in relative closed-mindedness
at an accurate conclusion” (Kunda, 1990, p. 480), or they on an issue (Kruglanski & Webster, 1996). Conversely,
can be driven by the desire to arrive at a particular conclu- individuals who have a low need for closure tend to seek
sion, which is referred to as holding a “directional goal” new information, question current ideas, and solve discrep-
(Kunda, 1990). When motivated by accuracy-driven goals, ancies and problems. Individuals who are comfortable with
individuals are more likely to expend the effort necessary ambiguity “unfreeze” the decision-making process and are
to weigh the arguments on both sides of an issue. They are more likely to engage in the cognitive processes that under-
more likely to attend to relevant information and even pro- lie knowledge restructuring (Dole & Sinatra, 1998).
cess it more deeply. Accuracy-driven individuals tend to In several studies, Sinatra and colleagues (Lombardi &
slow down, think more carefully, and reflect. (These are Sinatra, 2012; Sinatra, Kardash, Taasoobshirazi, & Lom-
also the strategies that are well documented to support con- bardi, 2012; Sinatra et al., 2003) have shown that individu-
ceptual change; see Dole & Sinatra, 1998.) als’ epistemic motives relate to their judgments about
However, there is a cost to such effortful processing. scientific theories. Lombardi and Sinatra (2012) found that
Even with a desire to be accurate, one must weigh the cost/ epistemic motives were related to judgments about the
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

accuracy trade-off (Kunda, 1990). For example, an individ- plausibility of human-induced climate change. Specifically,
ual concerned about climate change, yet unsure about stronger need for closure was associated with individuals
whether the science supports a causal role of human activ- finding human impact on the climate implausible. Plausibil-
ity, but who is accuracy driven, may seek out information ity is also positively related to acceptance of scientific theo-
on both sides of the issue and think deeply about the infor- ries (Lombardi, Sinatra, & Nussbaum, 2013), so indirectly,
mation. In contrast, when individuals have a directional high need for closure may be associated with less accep-
goal, a goal to arrive at a particular conclusion, they may tance. Sinatra et al. (2012) also found that as individuals
“search memory for those beliefs and rules that could sup- expressed greater openness, they expressed greater willing-
port their desired conclusion” or “creatively combine ness to take mitigative actions.
accessed knowledge to construct new beliefs that support Epistemic motivations are closely related to dispositions
the desired conclusion” (Kunda, 1990, p. 483). So individu- such as actively open-minded thinking (Stanovich, 1999)
als with a directional goal of denying climate change may and need for cognition (Cacioppo, Petty, Feinstein, &
utilize their memory of cold snaps or unusually heavy Jarvis, 1996). Higher levels of these dispositions are associ-
snowstorms as evidence against global climate change. ated with greater acceptance of controversial scientific
Thus the process of knowledge construction itself is influ- theories (Sinatra et al., 2003).
enced by directional goals.
Since Kundra’s early work, a number of factors have
Cognitive Biases
been empirically demonstrated to influence whether indi-
viduals take up accuracy or directional goals. A few of Several forms of cognitive bias such as proximal thinking,
these relevant to the public’s understanding of science war- myside bias, and the availability heuristic (see Kahneman,
rant mention here, although this is by no means an exhaus- 2011) can be linked to directional goals. Directional goals
tive list. Individuals’ motivations for processing messages seem to be evoked when individuals are not motivated to
about science may be influenced by their epistemic take the time and effort to be reflective and actively assess
motives, cognitive biases, vested interests, values, social the viability of nonpreferred conclusions. Recent research
norms, social identity, message framing, or information suggests that such effort may be necessary to employ rea-
source. We consider several of these briefly next (see also soning based on accepted scientific conclusions: Individu-
Maier et al., this issue), but caution the reader that each als who accept a scientific perspective must inhibit the
construct is grounded in a large body of research that war- previously accepted na€ıve conception to give scientifically
rants in-depth examination well beyond the scope of the accurate answers. Shtulman and Valcarcel (2012) asked
current work. participants with scientific expertise to verify the accuracy
of statements that were either consistent or inconsistent
with na€ıve and scientific theories under speeded conditions.
Epistemic Motives
When pressured to make a quick response, individuals were
Kruglanski and colleagues have described how epistemic slower to verify that na€ıve statements were inconsistent
motivations, such as seeking and avoiding closure, can with scientific theories. A recent neuroimaging study repli-
influence information processing. “Need for closure” cated this finding, showing that experts, compared to novi-
describes individual differences in comfort with ambiguity ces, activate areas of the brain associated with inhibition

when they observe a scientifically incorrect phenomenon product (GDP) and their citizen’s climate change accep-
(a circuit lighting a bulb with just one wire attached; Mas- tance, with those countries with higher GDP’s showing less
son, Potvin, Riopel, & Foisy, 2014). Taken together, these acceptance, which may be an indicator of vested interest.
studies suggest that prior na€ıve positions continue to coexist The data they analyzed showed that Denmark, a country
with current scientific understanding and must be inhibited with a very high GDP, has a less than 50% acceptance of
to employ scientifically accurate conceptions. anthropogenic3 climate change (Danielson & Lombardi, in
Furthermore, scientific topics such as climate change are press).
so complex that individuals may misjudge the depth of their Notably, individuals with a vested interest may or may
own understanding. As individuals form opinions about poli- not engage in motivated reasoning. In other words, if a
cies, such as whether to support cap and trade (the use of business leader consciously votes against a cap and trade
economic incentives as a means to reduce emissions), they policy because he or she is aware that it could have harm-
may suffer from an “illusion of understanding” (Fernbach, ful impact on their bottom line, this individual is exhibit-
Rogers, Fox, & Sloman, 2013; see also Keil and colleagues ing vested interest behavior but not necessarily motivated
for their work on the illusion of explanatory depth, i.e., reasoning. However, if an individual’s vested interest
Rozenblit & Keil, 2002). That is, individuals are often over- leads him or her to adopt directional goals, which influ-
confident in their knowledge about the issues or feel they ence the processing of information about the policy, then
have more depth of understanding than they do. Fernbach this individual could be considered to be motivated in his
and colleagues (2013) demonstrated that asking individuals or her reasoning. The key is whether the goals effect how
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

to explain how complex policies would actually work tended one processes the information, not just the behavior.
to moderate extreme views. They argued that asking for an
explanation exposes the limits of individuals’ understanding.
Fernbach et al. posited that in contrast to asking for reasons
Social Identity/Social Identify Framing
for their views, which could be based on “values, hearsay,
and general principles that do not require much knowledge” A very important source of potential motivated reasoning
(p. 6), individuals shifted their attitudes toward a more mod- comes from our tendency as social beings to identify with
erate position in favor of the policy after providing explana- the members and norms of particular groups. Norms are
tions because individuals came to realize that “initial “shared patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior, and in
extreme positions were supported by unjustified confidence groups, what people do and say communicates information
in understanding” (Fernbach et al., 2013, p. 4). about norms” (Hogg & Reid, 2006, p. 8). These shared
views might lead members of a group to adopt the norma-
tive view of their group toward science or policy. The per-
Vested Interest
vasive availability of online, print, broadcast, and social
A sizable body of literature has shown that having a stake in media that take a particular political slant has arguably
the outcome, self-interest, personal relevance, ego-involve- made it easier for individuals to identify with and follow
ment, or what is more broadly called “vested interest,” like-minded social groups. Today, with little effort, one can
motivates information processing (Lehman & Crano, quickly be “in the know” about how a group perceives the
2002). The pattern over many studies that explore varia- latest developments in science and science policy.
tions of these constructs indicates that the presence of Social identity and social norms can have a powerful
“meaningful personal consequences” (C. H. Miller, Adame, influence not only on attitudes but also prescriptive norma-
& Moore, 2013, p. 6) related to the issue significantly tive behavior. In other words, “in-group prototypes not
increases the predictive relationship between attitudes and only describe behavior but also prescribe it—telling us how
behaviors. Not surprisingly, when individuals perceive a we ought to behave as group members” (Hogg & Reid,
direct personal consequence of supporting or not supporting 2006, p. 13). Thus, norms associated with a particular group
a policy, they tend to behave in a manner consistent with can powerfully influence how individuals think about sci-
those consequences. To consider how this influences per- ence and what related actions one should take (such a buy-
ceptions of science, individuals whose livelihood depends ing a hybrid car or installing solar panels if one’s valued
on oil production would be considered to have a vested ingroup supports sustainability).
interest in climate policy that influences the industry and The potential of social identity to promote motivated
are expected to be less likely to support a policy they per- reasoning comes from differential processing of messages
ceive as unfavorable to their livelihood. Similarly, Lewan- based on the source’s group membership status. That is,
dowsky et al. (2012) found that an endorsement of free individuals tend to pay closer attention to prototypical
markets predicts rejection of the scientific facts of climate members of their group (Hogg & Reid, 2006), which leads
change (as does a belief in conspiracy theories). to biased processing of information coming from an
Danielson and Lombardi (in press) showed a significant
relationship between countries per capita gross domestic Anthropogenic climate change refers to human causes.

ingroup member relative to information coming from an processing, or distortion” (Crano & Seyranian, 2009,
outgroup member. p. 338). Thus, we may be motivated in how we process
In addition, leaders of a group can employ social identity communications from both group leaders and group mem-
framing communication strategies to influence groups to bers based on whether they hold a normative or counternor-
adopt or reject change (Seyranian, 2013). Because group mative point of view.
leaders often tend to be prototypical members of their Overall, the findings on motivated reasoning reviewed
group, they are in a unique position to influence their mem- here, and a wealth of research too voluminous to include,
bers. Through rhetorical strategies such as the use of inclu- suggest that if individuals have a directional goal when con-
sive language (“we,” “us”), group leaders frame their sidering science information, they might be quick to decide
message or signal to their group members what is norma- and make heuristic judgments. They may forestall decision
tive for the group (Seyranian, in press). In other words, a making until more information is available or they may
persuasive communicator in the United States, for example, differentially attend to and process messages depending on
might suggest that as Americans, we care about the environ- source characteristics such as ingroup and outgroup mem-
ment, and thus we should support climate change policies. bership, positions of leadership and prototypicality, and
Or conversely, as Americans, we value entrepreneurship, minority and majority status. All of these outcomes could
and thus we should limit overly restrictive government lead to biased reasoning.
regulation on business (Seyranian & Bligh, 2008). Social
identity framing can influence how individuals process per-
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

suasive communication. According to Seyranian (2013),

the use of inclusive language provides a cue that the
message is personally relevant and thus promotes deeper
processing of the message.
Conceptual Change
Just as group leaders can profoundly influence how indi-
viduals perceive a message, there are also strong effects of Because individuals come to their understanding of any sci-
minority sources. In social psychology, a minority can be entific idea through the lens of their own prior knowledge
defined by its relative power and size or by group character- and experience, they often hold notions that are in sharp
istics, opinions, beliefs, or points of view (see Seyranian, contrast to accepted scientific understanding. Thus, they are
Atuel, & Crano, 2008). For example, a conservative who described as having misconceptions, na€ıve conceptions, or
supports climate change policies in the United States that alternative frameworks (Vosniadou, 2013). Well-docu-
impose strict regulations on businesses would be considered mented misconceptions among members of the public
a minority source from a social psychological perspective include the idea that the earth is less than 6,000 years old
as this individual holds a counternormative point of view (Evans, 2008), that there is no distinction between weather
(see Seyranian et al., 2008). In this sense, scientists are and climate (Lombardi & Sinatra, 2012), and not distin-
often minority sources of information in that they hold guishing among various forms of genetically modified
counternormative views on a variety of science topics such plants such as those present in most of the vegetables we
as human evolution and anthropogenic (human-caused) eat, which have been genetically modified by humans for
climate change compared to the majority of citizens thousands of years, and more recent, such as adding genetic
(Danielson & Lombardi, in press; Heddy & Nadelson, material from a different organism (Heddy et al., 2013).
2012). These relationships vary by country, but by no Instructional approaches that promote the restructuring of
means is the finding of science acceptance as counternor- individuals’ knowledge to overcome their misconceptions
mative (particularly of controversial topics) exclusively an and align their understanding with scientifically accepted
American phenomenon. Evolution acceptance rates in the ideas involves what researcher call a “conceptual change”
United States hover below 50%, globally they range from approach (Dole & Sinatra, 1998; Vosniadou, 2013).
below 50% (Turkey) to above 75% (Denmark; see J. D. Traditional views of conceptual change were based in a
Miller, Scott, & Okamota, 2006). Climate change accep- knowledge deficit perspective. That is, individuals who
tance is also counternormative in several countries other held a scientifically inaccurate conception (such as children
than the United States (see Danielson & Lombardi, in who believed the earth was flat) were presumed to either
press). lack key knowledge or hold misconceptions about the topic
Counternormative sources are often regarded with suspi- (Vosniadou, 2013). The early research agenda focused on
cion by group members, particularly if they are perceived providing the missing knowledge or correcting the miscon-
to be in conflict with group norms such as a conservative ceptions though pedagogical techniques that juxtaposed the
arguing in favor of environmental regulations. If a minority two competing ideas. The tacit assumption was that once
view is perceived as an attack on a strongly held majority the knowledge deficit was overcome, individuals would
position, then “some form of defense will be mounted, be it readily accept the scientific point of view (Posner, Strike,
strong counter argumentation, source derogation, biased Hewson, & Gertzog, 1982).

More recently, conceptual change models have taken can be either consistent or inconsistent with scientifically
into account the range of factors other than knowledge that accepted knowledge. At the same time, attitudes about the
lead one to accept or reject scientific perspectives (Sinatra, scientific idea may be either positively or negatively
2005; Sinatra & Mason, 2013). Sinatra and Mason (2013) valenced. This yields four profiles of attitude and knowl-
described research empirically demonstrating the role of edge, each of which represents a different stance a member
“hot constructs” such as goals, epistemic motivations, epi- of the public may take toward socio-scientific topics and
stemic beliefs, personality dispositions, interest, self-effi- might require a different approach to promoting attitude
cacy, and emotions, in the conceptual change process. change.
Conceptual change is now more commonly recognized as a The first profile, what Sinatra and Seyranian call the
motivated process of restructuring one’s knowledge that is “Pro-Justified profile,” describes a member of the public
influenced by a complex array of cognitive, motivational, who has accurate knowledge about a science topic and a
affective, and sociocultural factors. These factors must be positive attitude toward the topic, say anthropogenic cli-
taken into account when considering the public’s under- mate change (positive in this case means that they are
standing of science content. accepting of the scientific evidence and likely to support
Consider the public’s view of topics perceived as contro- climate change mitigation efforts and policies). An individ-
versial in science such as human’s relation to other species, ual who accepts the view held by the majority of climate
stem cell research, and human-induced climate change. scientists (that humans are exacerbating global warming)
Most scientists with expertise in the area would not con- and has a favorable attitude toward the topic represents the
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

sider these topics to be controversial. For example, 97% of best-case scenario for public understanding of a scientific
climate scientists agree that humans are contributing signif- topic like human-induced climate change. Individuals with
icantly to the current warming trend in global temperatures accurate knowledge are more likely to take mitigative
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013). In actions to reduce their carbon footprint, as well as support
cases such as these, correcting the public misconceptions public policies initiatives designed to reduce human impact
about the scientific content is a process that will likely be on the climate. In cases such as this, attitude change is not
met with resistance if individuals have social, motivational, necessary for developing public understanding.
or affective reasons to reject the scientific view. In contrast, the “Pro-Unjustified” profile describes an
A large body of research (for an overview, see Rose- individual with a favorable attitude about a topic but mis-
ngren, Evans, Brem, & Sinatra, 2012) has documented a conceived knowledge (Sinatra & Seyranian, in press). This
variety of factors that contribute to the majority of the pub- profile described a member of the public who accepts cli-
lic in the United States rejecting the scientific perspective mate change but believes, for example, that the cause is air
on biological evolution. They hold a number of well- pollution. This is not optimal, because even though this per-
documented misconceptions (Shtulman, 2006). Efforts to son has a favorable attitude toward toward the topic, he or
overcome these misconceptions have met with modest she may take only mitigative actions toward reducing air
success (Heddy & Sinatra, 2013), but the number of U.S. pollution (such as taking public transportation) and support
citizens who reject the scientific view of evolution has held only the policies that affect air pollution while rejecting
rather constant for several decades, suggesting that social, other strategies and policies that might mitigate sea level
emotional, and motivational change would have to accom- rise. In this case again, it is knowledge change that would
pany conceptual change to move the acceptance numbers. support greater public understanding, not attitude change.
The third profile, “Con-Justified” (Sinatra & Seyranian,
in press), describes members of the public with accurate
Attitude Change
scientific understanding but negative attitudes, such as an
In addition to their motivated conceptual knowledge about individual who believes that humans are affecting the
scientific topics, members of the public also have attitudes climate but who is negative about the topic. In this case, the
toward scientific ideas. An attitude is the valence (e.g., pos- individual may hold an unfavorable attitude toward climate
itive or negative) evoked by an attitude object (Eagly & change legislation due to values (e.g., preference for small
Chaiken, 1993). When examining public understanding and government and low deficits) and not due to their under-
acceptance of scientific ideas, both knowledge and attitudes standing of climate science. In this case, attitude change
should be taken into account. would likely promote greater understanding as individuals
Sinatra and Seyranian (in press) posited that individuals’ with such a profile may engage in motivated reasoning.
knowledge and attitudes can be conceptualized as a 2 £ 2 The final profile, “Con-Unjustified,” describes a member
framework. Their view of attitude change draws conceptu- of the public who holds both a misconception as well as a
ally on models such as the elaboration likelihood model negative attitude toward a topic (Sinatra & Seyranian, in
posited by Petty and Cacioppo (1986) and the Dole and press). This profile is a familiar one as it is the situation
Sinatra model (1998), which draws heavily on the elabora- often explored in the conceptual change literature (Heddy
tion likelihood model. Knowledge about a scientific topic et al., 2013). In this case, an individual may have

unfavorable attitudes about a scientific topic due to a mis- evidence and decided whether that evidence supported the
conception. An example might be an individual who scientific perspective of human-induced climate change or
opposes stem cell research because she believes stem cells a skeptic model. Using a technique developed by Chinn
can be obtained only from aborted fetuses. In other words, and colleagues called the Model-Evidence-Link Diagram
the attitude can become an obstacle to knowledge change. (Chinn & Buckland, 2012), students were able to engage in
In this case, employing a conceptual change pedagogical the epistemic practice of model evaluation. This led to
approach might both overcome the misconception and pro- greater conceptual change as well as a shift in their percep-
mote a more positive attitude toward stem cell research. tions about the plausibility of humans’ role in climate
change. Lombardi and Sinatra (2012) previously demon-
Epistemic Conceptual Change strated that plausibility is linked to acceptance of human-
induced climate change. Moreover, in Lombardi et al.
A major hurdle for the public’s understanding of science
(2013), the shifts in knowledge and plausibility perceptions
that may be even more challenging than knowledge and
persisted at a 6-month delayed posttest. Chinn, Duschl,
attitude change, is changing how individuals think and rea-
Golan Duncan, Buckland, and Pluta (2008) previously dem-
son about the nature of knowledge itself. Sinatra and Chinn
onstrated that the epistemic practice of model evaluation
(2011) described this as epistemic conceptual change. They
produces changes in how students view knowledge, show-
argued that individuals come to their understandings about
ing further promise that the “hat trick” of change is possible
science “with not only misconceptions about science con-
to achieve through carefully crafted instruction.
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

tent, but with misconceptions about the nature of knowl-

Promoting epistemic change may seem daunting, yet
edge, thinking, and reasoning that must be overcome” (p.
studies have shown that even short-term interventions can
276). They agreed with the bourgeoning evidence that
be effective. Kienhues and colleagues have shown that epi-
thinking and reasoning scientifically is not normative (Sta-
stemic change can be fostered by exposure to controversial
novich, 2010). Rather, individuals are equipped to make
science-based knowledge claims. For example, in one study
quick, heuristic judgments that served our ancestors long
(Kienhues et al., 2008) participants who read a short text
before formal science was a glimmer in a prehistoric homi-
outlining the uncertainties and difficulties of DNA finger-
nid’s eye (Geary, 2008). The rational weighing of evidence,
printing, which highlighted how knowledge in genetics
the reflective consideration of alternative explanations, and
develops over time, shifted toward a belief in the complex-
the judgments of uncertainty demanded by scientific think-
ity and variability of knowledge in genetics. In another
ing all require problem solving and critical thinking skills,
study (Kienhues et al., 2011) participants searched the
but moreover may require the suppression of our prior pre-
Internet for cholesterol information to support a fictitious
scientific modes of thought (Shtulman & Valcarcel, 2012).
friend’s decision making about a medical treatment. The
Thus, changing one’s views about knowledge and how one
preselected websites included either conflicting or consis-
thinks and reasons about scientific information is an impor-
tent claims on the causes and treatment of high cholesterol.
tant but elusive shift for the public to make, as this usually
Results revealed that different kinds of information evoked
requires the effort and demands characteristic of advanced
qualitatively different beliefs. For example, the conflict
group was less likely than the consistent group to believe
that it was possible to find one best solution to the medical
Promoting Attitude, Conceptual, and Epistemic
Recent research has shown that it is possible to promote
attitude, conceptual, and epistemic change and that indeed DISCUSSION
change in one of more of these constructs is often associ-
ated with change in the others (see, e.g., Broughton et al., Research on epistemic cognition, motivated reasoning, and
2011; Heddy et al., 2013; Lombardi et al. 2013). In several conceptual change can help those interested in understand-
studies, Sinatra and colleagues have begun to demonstrate ing obstacles for public understanding of science. We have
that conceptual change can leverage attitude change and argued in this article that misunderstanding of science
has the promise of influencing epistemic change. Broughton can be at least partly traced to how individuals approach
et al. (2011) showed that promoting conceptual change scientific topics, their understanding of knowledge itself,
through a combination of refutation texts and classroom their motivations for holding a particular view, or their
discussion softened elementary students’ resistance toward motivations to resist change. These factors hinder rational
Pluto’s reclassification. Heddy et al. (2013) showed reduc- weighing of evidence and the reflective consideration of
ing misconceptions promoted a more accepting attitude alternative explanations—and thereby also hinder change
towards GMOs. of preexisting ideas.
Recently, Lombardi et al. (2013) demonstrated that mid- Alternatively, such weighing of evidence and consider-
dle-school students could be taught to critically examine ation of different kinds of information when seeking

answers to science-related everyday questions can be seen restrict sources to only those that align with existing
as part of an advanced public understanding of science. As beliefs.
science has become ever more complex, the public will We have argued that educational psychology can con-
never have an in-depth factual understanding of the tribute to understanding the challenges facing public scien-
scientific issues confronting society. However, we would tific literacy, but we also believe it can contribute to
caution against adopting the “deficit model” of science lit- building a path toward solutions as well. A start would be
eracy (see Sinatra & Danielson, 2014). According to this to further promote critical thinking and reasoning skills in
view, if the pubic were only better informed, acceptance of elementary and secondary science education, as empha-
scientific ideas would surely follow (e.g., Durant, Evans, & sized by academic standards (e.g., the NGSS in the United
Geoffrey, 1992). States or the KMK standards in Germany, as previously
Critics of the deficit model argue that the relation mentioned). Several strategies that support the development
between knowledge and scientific literacy is quite complex of scientific literacy skills in school by teaching thinking
(Nisbet & Scheufele, 2009) and that “feeding” the public and reasoning have been shown to be promising. A few
with more knowledge does not necessarily increase their examples among many include critical questions (Nuss-
scientific literacy (Allum, Sturgis, Tabourazi, & Brunton- baum & Edwards, 2011), discussion of socio-scientific
Smith, 2008). As we have argued in this article, it is impor- issues (Nielson, 2012), model-based reasoning (Chinn &
tant to take into account people’s attitudes, values, and Samarapungavan, 2001), and promoting plausibility reap-
beliefs about the nature of science, the nature of knowledge, praisals that lead to conceptual change (Lombardi et al.,
Downloaded by [Dr Gale Sinatra] at 07:09 20 May 2014

and the topic itself to enrich our appreciation of the public’s 2013).
understanding of science. Beyond these formal education reforms and interven-
At a minimum, the public should be enabled to make tions, additional science learning for children and adults
thoughtful decisions that are informed by science. They takes place in informal science learning environments such
should have the skills necessary to apply scientific evidence as museums (Diamond, Evans, & Spiegel, 2012). These
to science-related issues that affect their lives. Ryder have begun to promote not only appreciation of science but
(2001) called this a “functional scientific literacy,” which is also appreciation of publically perceived controversial
“science knowledge needed by individuals to enable them topics such as human evolution (Diamond et al., 2012).
to function effectively in specific settings” (p. 3). The public gets much of its information about science
We have further posited that some beliefs regarding the from media outlets including print, television, and the Inter-
nature of knowledge and knowing may serve as obstacles net. Journalists could help by resisting the temptation to
for the public to deeply engage with science. Depending on present “both sides” of every scientific issue with equal
the beliefs individuals hold about knowledge and knowing, weight, giving the impression that an issue is more divided
there might be motivational barriers to participatory citizen among experts than it really is. Sensationalism attracts
science understanding and to developing a critical attitude viewers and readers but gives the impression of controversy
toward socio-scientific issues. Nielsen (2012) pointed out when it is often unwarranted. Helping the public understand
that socio-scientific issues often include decisions not only uncertainty would be a laudable goal. When an individual
on what is true but also on what to do. Often these objec- hears from her doctor that a treatment for her illness has an
tives are uncoupled in scientific thought, as one is a scien- 80% likelihood of being effective, that treatment may
tific issue but the other is a social, political, or policy sound promising enough to warrant action. Yet the same
matter, but these goals may be intertwined in the eyes of individual may feel that an 80% likelihood that the climate
the public. That is, if we admit that humans are contributing will be significantly warmer by the end of the decade is too
to climate change, perhaps overly restrictive public policies uncertain to warrant action.
would necessarily follow. It would also be helpful for educators and those commu-
Ideally, the public should understand both the benefits nicating science to the public to appreciate the challenges
and the limitations of scientific information and appreciate we have described. The awareness of these pitfalls
the contributions of science to our modern way of life. allows the educator or communicator to address them
Quite often scientific information is only one source of directly. Instructional and communication strategies that
explanation in a potpourri of competing information, begin by acknowledging typical misconceptions and
including highly biased, pseudo-scientific information or explaining why they are not aligned with scientific under-
even intentional misinformation. Individuals tend to selec- standing have been shown to be effective (Sinatra &
tively choose like-minded sources in the media and on the Broughton, 2011).
Internet, or they may misinterpret information in a way The contributions of epistemic cognition, motivated rea-
that fits their preferred ideas (Kahan et al., 2011). It is soning, and conceptual change to the promotion of public
quite easy, especially due to new media, to find sources understanding of science have yet to be determined. How-
that support one’s view, even those with counterfactual ever, we believe efforts in research, formal and informal
information (Lewandowsky et al., 2012), and possible to education, and communications would benefit from a

consideration of these constructs. As we wrestle with the Chinn, C. A., Duschl, R. A., Golan Duncan, R., Buckland, L. A., & Pluta,
socio-scientific challenges of our time, the stakes are high. W. J. (2008). A microgenetic classroom study of learning to reason sci-
We believe it is worth pursuing the potential of these con- entifically through modeling and argumentation. In Learning in the dis-
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