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November 6 th

Control work
1.Answer the questions.

1) Hello, how are you ?

2) Where are you from ?
3) Where do you live ?
4) What do you do ?
5) What is your future profession?
6) How old are you?

2. Describe yourself with parts of the body.

1) Hair. I have
2) Eyes.
3) Ears.
4) Face.
5) Nose.
6) Lips.
7) Build body. I am

3. Write positive and negative characters.

Honest, cunning, brave, unfriendly, hard working, coward, sincere, selfish,

loyal, lazy, wise, stupid, kind, rude, polite, boring, tidy, bossy, clever, crazy.

4. Job Descriptions:
1) I work in a restaurant. I cook meals. I am a_____
2) I work in a hospital. I am a____
3) I work in a school. I teach English. I am an_____
4) I work at a construction site. I build houses. I am a _____
5) I work at an airline. I fly planes. I am a _____
6) I sing songs. I am a ______
7) I drive the car. I am a ______
8) I work in a farm. I am a _____
9) I clean offices or houses. I am ____
10) I study at college. I am a _____
5. Write Family members where necessary.
1) Brother’s son is my ____
2) Sister’s daughter is my ____
3) Father’s sister is my _____
4) Mother’s brother is my _____
5) Father’s mother is my ______
6) Mother’s father is my ______
7) Uncle’s son is my _____
8) Brother’s wife is my _____
9) Sister’s husband is my _____
10) Wife’s father is my _____
11) Wife’s mother is my _____
12) I am my grandmother’s ____

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