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Atherosclerosis 241 (2015) 555e560

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Interaction between periodontal disease and atherosclerotic vascular

disease e Fact or fiction?
€ rg Eberhard b, Daniel R. Reissmann a, Guido Heydecke a, Udo Seedorf a, *
Ghazal Aarabi a, Jo
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52,
20246 Hamburg, Germany
Periimplant and Oral Infections, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterial Sciences, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1, 30625
Hannover, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: C-reactive protein (CRP) level is associated with the 10-year risk of an atherosclerotic vascular disease
Received 22 January 2015 (ASVD), suggesting presence of systemic inflammation probably long before ASVD is present. Where,
Received in revised form however, does this systemic inflammation come from? One active area of research has been the study of
22 April 2015
dental infection and various forms of periodontal disease (PD), both of which are highly prevalent in
Accepted 30 April 2015
Available online 5 May 2015
populations at risk for ASVD. Recent data show that ASVD and PD interact with each other via systemic
release of specific pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, small signal molecules and enzymes which
modulate initiation and progression of the chronic inflammatory reaction involved in both diseases. In
CHD risk
addition, periodontal pathogens were identified within atherosclerotic lesions and thrombi isolated from
Stroke risk myocardial infarction patients. LDL cholesterol, a strong risk factor for ASVD, is also associated with PD;
Myocardial infarction and statins, used to treat ASVD, are also active to prevent or reduce PD. Finally, there is growing evidence
Periodontal disease for common genetic susceptibility factors involved in both diseases. These findings support common-
Chronic inflammation alities with respect to the pathogenic mechanisms involved in both inflammatory diseases. Conversely, a
Epidemiology causative relationship cannot yet be concluded in the absence of data from large longitudinal cohort and
Genetic predisposition randomized controlled intervention trials.
© 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction prospective cohort studies. Widely used risk scores for general
cardiovascular events (i.e. the Framingham and the PROCAM risk
Periodontal disease (PD) is a highly prevalent chronic inflam- scores) encompass variations of the following sex-specific pre-
matory disease affecting the tooth-supporting structures [1], and dictors: age, diabetes, smoking, treated and untreated systolic
atherosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD) is a highly prevalent blood pressure, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
chronic inflammatory condition affecting arterial blood vessels cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides
[2,3]. ASVD is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in and body mass index (BMI) replacing triglycerides in simpler
industrialized countries and is among the major causes of death models, and family history of a major ASVD event (PROCAM) [6,7].
worldwide [4]. In the US, ASVD accounts for about 40% of all deaths However, these factors explain only about half of all deaths from
each year; over 700,000 people die each year from ASVD (the vast ASVD, and almost half of all hard ASVD events occur in patients
majority from heart disease and stroke) [5]. ASVD includes “hard” without the classic risk factors [7,8]. For instance, about 40% of CHD
or major events, like coronary death, myocardial infarction (MI), deaths occur in people with cholesterol levels that are lower than
death due to cerebrovascular disease and stroke, as well as “soft” the population mean [6,7]. Therefore, identifying additional, so-
outcomes, such as angina pectoris, revascularization and peripheral called emerging risk factors, which are non-traditional, but may
vascular disease, which are not so life threatening [2]. The tradi- play major roles in explaining some of the variability in ASVD risk is
tional risk factors for ASVD have been established based on large a core area of current medical research. In this context, the hy-
pothesis that dental infection plays an important role as risk factor
acting independently of the classic Framingham risk factors is
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (U. Seedorf). Periodontal diseases are an entity of localized, inflammatory
0021-9150/© 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
556 G. Aarabi et al. / Atherosclerosis 241 (2015) 555e560

diseases affecting the epithelial, connective and osseous tissues configurations that are typically exposed during cell death or are
surrounding the teeth [9]. According to the most common clas- found on the surfaces of pathogens [21]. It is a sensitive non-
sification scheme, introduced by the International Workshop for a specific acute-phase marker for infection and inflammation
classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions in 1999 [10], regulated by cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1b (IL-1b)
eight main subtypes are discriminated. Bacteria once attached to and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) [22].
teeth along the gingival margin grow within minutes to form Based largely on the JUPITER trial, it was suggested that it might
biofilms and induce an immune response in the adjacent gingival be useful to include CRP and other soluble biomarkers of inflam-
tissues. After a few days, clinical abnormalities develop consisting mation in risk prediction of first cardiovascular events, particularly
of swelling, redness and bleeding [11]. If the bacterial biofilm and in individuals who have low cholesterol levels and thus are mostly
accompanying inflammatory reaction migrates apically along the at intermediate risk for ASVD according to standard risk scores
root surface and affects the tooth supporting structures the [23e28]. In 2012, the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration presented
gingival inflammation becomes periodontitis [12]. It is estimated data showing improvements in the prediction of a first ASVD event
that in most non-clinical populations 5e20% of the subjects suffer when the concentration of circulating CRP was added as additional
from severe, generalized periodontitis [13,14]. The World Health risk factor to standard risk scores [18]. From the presently available
Organization estimates that advanced disease stages with peri- evidence it can be concluded that oral infections including gingivitis
odontal pockets 6 mm affects 10e15% of all adults around the and chronic and aggressive periodontitis consistently elevate sys-
world [15]. temic levels of CRP. One of the earliest studies was conducted by
Could oral infectious agents promote atherogenesis? Consid- Boucher et al. [29], who demonstrated that the highest incidence of
ering the existing diversity of supporting and contradicting evi- positive CRP tests and the strongest CRP test reactions were present
dence, answering this question convincingly and beyond any doubt in patients with acute alveolar abscesses. Subsequently, various
seems difficult. Since a better understanding of the relationships studies showed that patients with less severe PD such as chronic
existing between oral infections and atherosclerosis would have periodontitis also have increased serum levels of CRP relative to
profound implications for risk stratification, disease prevention and unaffected subjects [30e33]. The level of infection with periodontal
treatment, we considered that it might be of interest to review the pathogens is positively correlated with CRP level [34,35], and the
current status of knowledge and discuss some ongoing and future extent of CRP elevation seems to be pathogen-specific: Porphyr-
directions of research in this area. In 2012, Lockhart et al. issued a omonas gingivalis induces pronounced CRP increases whereas
scientific statement for the American Heart Association covering Aggregatibacter actinomycetecomitans is less active [35,36].
the topic [16]. The most notable conclusions then were: (1) It is conceivable that systemically elevated CRP, accompanied by
although observational studies supported an association between increases of other inflammatory mediators, may increase inflam-
PD and ASVD independent of known confounders, a causative matory activity in existing atherosclerotic lesions, thereby
relationship existing between the two diseases could neither be increasing the risk of an ASVD event (Table 1). Chen et al. [37]
supported nor dismissed, and (2) it was unclear whether peri- showed that platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent pro-
odontal interventions could prevent ASVD or modify its outcomes inflammatory mediator, was almost fivefold elevated in serum
in the long-term [16]. Since then, many additional studies have from patients with PD compared with healthy controls. Patients
been conducted and results published. Thus, the scope of the pre- who had only PD or only CHD and those who had CHD together
sent review is to focus on potential progress obtained by new work with PD all showed similarly elevated PAF levels, indicating that
published after 2012. one of the two conditions is sufficient to fully release the PAF
response. This observation together with the fact that PD usually
1.1. Oral infections and atherosclerosis has an earlier onset than ASVD suggests that systemic PD-induced
PAF elevations may play a pro-inflammatory role early on in
Past research showed that atherosclerosis is the result of a atherogenesis rather than in the later steps, which are typically
chronic inflammatory process and inflammation is seen to play a involved in CHD. Likewise, presence of CHD may have a stimulatory
pivotal role in all phases of atherogenesis [recently reviewed in effect on the course of PD via CHD-mediated PAF elevations. This
Ref. [17]]. From a basic perspective, specific cytokines, receptors, and a number of other studies support that ASVD and PD do in fact
enzymes and adhesion molecules which participate in adaptive have a two-way relationship by interacting with each other via
and innate immunity promote the recruitment of monocytes to systemic release of specific pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines,
the arterial wall, followed by foam cell formation, cellular prolif- small signal molecules, such as eicosanoid inflammatory mediators
eration of the intima, wall thickening, and ultimately arterial and shingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), and enzymes which modulate
narrowing. Finally, rupture of the mature plaque can lead to acute initiation and progression of the chronic inflammatory reaction
luminal occlusion resulting in a major ASVD event with devas- involved in both diseases (Fig. 1).
tating consequences for the affected organs. From an epidemio-
logic perspective, a wealth of evidence demonstrates that 1.2. Two-way relationship e potential mechanisms
biomarkers of inflammation are increased among apparently
healthy men and women at risk for future ASVD even when Infections of remote origin may initiate and promote systemic
cholesterol levels are low. The magnitude of the effect is similar as inflammatory reactions by several mechanisms, all of which have
that of other well established risk factors, such as hypertension, been verified in animal or human studies. These mechanisms
overweight and hypercholesterolemia [18]. The JUPITER (Justifi- include (A) the local production of inflammatory mediators in
cation for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial inflamed gingival or periodontal tissues elevating the systemic
Evaluating Rosuvastatin) trial, a randomized placebo-controlled inflammatory burden and (B) the release of pathogenic bacteria
trial including ~18,000 patients demonstrated that statin ther- from periodontal affected tissues into the vascular system, either
apy reduced risk of myocardial infarction and stroke by more than by direct release into the circulation or as internalized particles
40% in individuals with low cholesterol who had increased levels of immune cells via the lymphatic or blood system. Over the last
of C-reactive protein (CRP) [19]. CRP is a pattern recognition decades isolated steps of these pathways or singular experi-
molecule, which participates in the systemic response to inflam- mental components have been investigated mostly in animal
mation [20]. The protein binds to specific molecular models, however, the entire mechanisms have not been
G. Aarabi et al. / Atherosclerosis 241 (2015) 555e560 557

Table 1 peripheral blood has been demonstrated [42].

Common cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic vascular Bacterial DNA of oral origin has been frequently detected in
disease and periodontal disease.
atherosclerotic lesions suggesting that bacteria may affect athero-
Family Cytokine genesis and other systemic pathological conditions directly [43].
Immunoregulatory IFN-g, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-7 Transient bacteremias were shown in patients with PD after tooth
Pro-inflammatory IL-1a, IL-1b, TNFa, IL-6, PAF brushing and following periodontal treatment [44e46]. Direct
Anti-inflammatory IL-1Ra, IL-4, IL-10 spreading of oral bacteria via blood and/or lymph is considered to
Growth factor PDGF, EGF, FGF, IGF, VEGF
be the main mechanism how these bacteria reach the arterial wall.
Chemotactic IL-8, MIP-1, MCP-1, RANTES
In addition, they may get trapped within the arterial wall together
EGF, epidermal growth factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; IFN, interferon; IGF
with phagocytic cells [45,47]. Several studies have identified high
insulin-like growth factor; IL, interleukin; IL-1Ra, interleukin-1-receptor
antagonist; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; MCP, monocyte chemo-
levels of periodontopathogens such as P. gingivalis and Treponema
tactic protein; PAF, platelet activating factor; PDGF, platelet derived growth denticola in atherosclerotic lesions [48e50]. In contrast, biopsies
factor; RANTES, regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and taken from non-atherosclerotic aortic tissue provided mostly only
secreted; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. signals around the detection limit for these bacteria using poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) [51]. In vitro studies and in vivo animal
elucidated yet. studies have shown that bacteria associated with periodontal dis-
Bacteria are first inoculated into the child's oral cavity by the ease, such as P. gingivalis, may contribute to vascular inflammation
parents, growing to a complex ecosystem harboring approximately by several mechanisms such as activation of Toll-like receptors,
700 different bacterial species, which populate all oral hard and soft increasing the production of pro-inflammatory mediators, and the
surfaces [11]. Gingivitis is a general precursor of periodontitis and expression of cell-surface adhesion molecules, causing apoptosis of
although differences exist between these two periodontal diseases vascular cells, and triggering of the coagulation cascade [47,52].
regarding the composition of the biofilms, pathological processes Using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), it could be
and composition of infiltrating immune cells both are basically demonstrated that bacterial DNA of periopathogens accounted for
bacterially induced inflammatory diseases with a long-standing 47.3% of the total bacterial DNA found in atheromatous samples
chronic character. In gingivitis, epithelial cells are the first line of from patients with PD. In contrast, only 7.2% of the total bacterial
defense building a mechanical and chemical defense shield, aimed DNA detected in atheromas from periodontally healthy subjects
to target bacteria by the release of antimicrobial peptides hBD-2, was from periopathogenic species [53]. Ott et al. detected more
hBD-3 and the cathelicidin LL-37, as well as by initiating immune than 50 bacterial species in coronary atherosclerotic samples [54].
cell migration by the release of chemoattractans, e.g. IL-1 or IL-8 These and other studies suggest that a multitude of bacterial spe-
[38e40]. Infiltrating monocytes release additional proin- cies may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis [55e57].
flammatory mediators and contribute to elevated concentrations of It is interesting to note that the detection of bacteria associated
these compounds in the soft tissues, which has been documented with the oral cavity is not limited to pathogens associated with
many times during gingivitis and periodontitis compared to severe states of oral diseases, like P. gingivalis, but was also reported
healthy controls. The edematous swelling and high bleeding ten- for bacteria that are associated generally speaking with increased
dency of the gingival and periodontal tissues facilitates the trans- amounts of dental plaque on tooth surfaces, like streptococci [58].
mission of these compounds into the bloodstream and it is possible
to measure increased concentrations of the mediators after 1.3. Lessons from animal models
experimental and natural gingival lesions as well as in subjects
suffering from periodontitis in peripheral blood [41]. Even in Animal models are particularly suited to unravel mechanisms
intervention studies the causal relationship between oral inflam- involved in complex interactions, which might exist between ASVD
matory processes and the concentration of compounds in and PD, because they can be kept in a controlled environment. A

Fig. 1. Two-way relationship between atherosclerotic vascular disease and periodontal disease. Atherosclerosis and chronic gum inflammation (periodontitis, induced by bacterial
biofilm) cause a localized cytokine response. Interaction between atherosclerotic vascular disease and periodontal disease is mediated via systemic release of these locally produced
pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and small signal molecules, such as platelet activating factor, eicosanoid inflammatory mediators and shingosine-1-phosphate. Proin-
flammatory cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6, TNFa) induce production of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen in the liver, which lead to an acute phase response promoting atherogenesis and
periodontitis. Oral pathogens entering the body via blood and lymph may get trapped at atherosclerotic lesion sites, thus providing a second inflammatory stimulus and inducing
atheroma formation and thrombosis. Risk factors shared between both diseases (metabolic syndrome, cigarette smoking, obesity, diabetes, genetic predisposition) are also thought
to be related to increased systemic inflammation. Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; IL, interleukin; IFN, interferon; MCP, monocyte chemoattractant protein; PAF, platelet
activating factor; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; RANTES, regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted; S1P, sphingosine-1-phosphate; TNF, tumor necrosis
factor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
558 G. Aarabi et al. / Atherosclerosis 241 (2015) 555e560

well-established animal model of atherosclerosis is the hypercho- inflammatory reaction via continuous recruitment of macrophages
lesterolemic apolipoprotein-E knockout (apo E null) mouse. It could and giant cells and activation of the inflammasome [90,91].
be demonstrated that oral infection of cholesterol-fed apo E null
mice with P. gingivalis, the etiological agent of human PD, led to 2. Discussion
accelerated plaque accumulation in the aortic sinus of homozygous
and heterozygous mice [62,63]. Similar studies on the innominate The oral inflammatory hypothesis of atherosclerosis in its orig-
artery of apo E null mice showed that oral infection with P. gingivalis inal version assumed that periodontal pathogens, which enter the
was associated with a pronounced early increase of lipid accumu- body via the injured oral epithelium, are trapped at the site of the
lation, macrophages and T-cells. The lesions exhibited many fea- atherosclerotic lesion and lead to a more vulnerable plaque [59].
tures of human atherosclerotic disease including plaque rupture Although a contribution of such direct pathogen involvement
which could be prevented by immunization with heat-killed cannot be ruled out, it seems likely that complex interactions be-
P. gingivalis prior to the infection [64]. Chronic oral exposition (up tween the two chronic inflammatory diseases are involved in both
to 24 weeks) of normal chow-fed apo E null mice to P. gingivalis led diseases as well. These interactions are likely mediated by systemic
to a strong inflammatory aortic Th2 response, increased number release of specific pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, small
and size of atherosclerotic lesions, a significant increase of oral signal molecules, and enzymes which act as signals modulating
bone resorption, and viable bacteria in oral epithelium and in the initiation and progression of the chronic inflammatory reaction
aorta [65]. In other experiments, C57BL/6J mice were made obese by (Fig. 1). Additionally, pro-thrombotic effects are likely associated
feeding them with a high-fat diet followed by infection with with the chronic periodontal infection which may promote acute
P. gingivalis. It could be demonstrated that the obese mice reacted to ASVD events (i.e. myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular events)
infection with more pronounced endothelial injury compared with [92].
lean controls and more P. gingivalis bacteria were detected deep in ASVD and PD have many common etiological, epidemiological
the smooth muscle of the aorta from obese mice [66]. and genetic features. These include a large set of overlapping risk
In addition to mouse models, also non-human primates have factors [6,96,97], common genetic susceptibility variants [98e100],
been used to study relationships between PD or gingivitis and and commonly affected biomarkers [101]. These commonalities
atherosclerosis in vivo. Besides systemic translocation of bacteria may provide an explanation for the observed association between
and their products and increases of systemic inflammatory bio- both diseases. On the other hand, an important independent
markers, PD-mediated alterations of serum lipids and lipoproteins contribution and causal role of oral infectious disease for ASVD
which were consistent with a higher atherogenic risk were cannot be ruled out at present. A better understanding of the
demonstrated [67]. In rhesus monkeys, it was shown that monkeys seemingly complex relationships existing between both diseases
with a condition resembling human metabolic syndrome had a could potentially result in improved risk stratification, disease
much higher prevalence of PD compared with controls. PD was prevention and treatment.
linked to an app. twofold increase in serum CRP observed in Periodontitis is treatable and preventable. Recent intervention
monkeys with metabolic syndrome [68]. trials have demonstrated that the treatment of PD by various
means, including intensive mechanical therapy, antibiotic therapy
1.4. Intervention studies with statins and extraction, can lower serum CRP levels. D'Aiuto et al. [93]
observed for instance a 0.5 mg/l median decrease of serum CRP 6
Whether patients with familial hypercholesterolemia or other months after completion of therapy. On the other hand, others
genetically determined forms of hypercholesterolemia are more failed to observe such positive effects [94]. A recently published
prone to PD than normal subjects is currently unclear. According to meta-analysis demonstrated that periodontal treatment improved
recently published data from the global STABILITY trial (comprising endothelial function, reduced ASVD biomarkers and led to a less
15,828 participants with stable CHD), tooth loss (self-reported, atherogenic lipid profile, especially in patients already suffering
used as indicator of PD) was positively associated with glucose from ASVD and/or diabetes [95]. In addition, results from recent
level, LDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, waist circumference studies showed that intervention with statins has beneficial effects
and hs-CRP. Gum bleeding was associated with LDL cholesterol not only on ASVD but also on PD. It is however currently unclear
level and systolic blood pressure. Self-reported indicators of PD whether the statin effect on PD results from LDL cholesterol
were common in the chronic CHD population and were associated lowering or rather from some of the anti-inflammatory, so-called
with an increasing socioeconomic and CVD risk factor burden [80]. pleiotropic, effects, known to result from HMG-CoA reductase in-
These results are in line with earlier data published by Katz et al. hibition. It should also be noted that the evidence comes mostly
[81]. Based on a large cohort study with data on over 10,000 Israeli from observational studies and the statin-treated patient groups
military service men and women, the presence of periodontal may have had an advantage due to concomitant administration of
pockets as measured by the Community Periodontal Index of other drugs or another medical attention bias.
Treatment Needs (CPITN) was positively associated with total Ultimately, the oral inflammatory hypothesis of atherosclerosis
cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol after adjustments for body mass will need direct testing in large longitudinal cohort studies to un-
index (BMI), age, diastolic blood pressure, and smoking in men but cover cause-effect-relationships and to allow risk quantitation. In
not in women. There are a number of smaller studies showing addition, randomized controlled trials demonstrating that anti-
similar results and, based on these findings; it seems highly likely inflammatory treatments targeting oral inflammations and long-
that hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor not only for ASVD but also term improved oral hygiene can reduce vascular event rates are
for PD. clearly needed. Moreover, the importance of oral inflammation
Lowering LDL cholesterol by statins reduces cardiovascular event relative to other disorders associated with systemic inflammation
risk and several recent studies indicated similarly beneficial effects of (i.e. psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis) should be investigated.
statins on the periodontal status in hyperlipidemic patients [82e87].
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