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KWTC - Lecture


July 3, 1992


Espanola, NM


How many body languages as a woman you have? Eleven. Which year I taught you, you and your
moons, remember that year? The, the moon in the heavens and moon in the body creates the
vibration and that is mercury and that is subjective, the moon, Luna. As a woman, as a woman you
speak normally three languages, all women speak and woman when is born, one day old woman
speak the same language, the language of the soul, which is your silence language, with which you
move psyche. Language of the mother which you are creative and reproductive because you have
the reproductive organs and the language of the body of a female which you are in shape.

The tragedy is when a woman is not given spiritual experience, values and evaluation, she never
becomes a woman and that is why this world has become man's world. The tragic part of it is that
you have been from day one denied, so bad it is for century at birth you were killed. When a female
child is born, they will take the child, dig the pit, put it in, put the ground, over because for every male
who is called himself father he has to prepare to protect her, to marry her, to do this her, that her. A
woman was considered liability, in the sixteenth century. Not only that but up to seventeen twenty-
seven, you were sold in the market for sheep and goat and camel.

When Hazarath Mohammed, the leader of the Islam told a Muslim can have four wives legally, you
know what was the status? One can have forty, one can have four hundred, it depends upon how
many sheeps and goats were going on. I tell you another thing; all these (?) in blacks here in United
States are women who were slaved, used and abused, in United State, you never had a right of vote
in United State. Today you have not right of choice, you don't have a right in United State of equal
wages. Your credit is not a credit because you are a woman. What we are talking about? Let me tell
you your body language how strong you are, just assess it. You make love at night, you brush your
teeth in the morning, you put a paste on his damn brush, you prepare a breakfast, that stinking man
who might have fucked six hundred sixty women, you kiss him and send to office, he comes back,
you receive him, you take care of the children, you go to work yourself, you do the laundry...

I was counting today I forget right now, there are about sixty-four things (?) I count on fifteen four
times. You do without even knowing that how much work is involved. Eighteen thousand dollar a year
work you do free, seventeen thousand dollar and fifty cents work you do just for appreciation. You are
great. You carry eight, nine, pound, stuff for nine months gradually, you deliver it, you nurture it, you
raise it and then you are kicked. Same child to whom you just gave your blood when become
teenager or older, he say, "Bye." 'Ma, don't tell me this, shut up,' why?

You are a pure spirit, you did not give to your children spiritual first, all you told them success is in
wealth, no success in health, in wealth is not the happiness, happiness is in the spirit. As a woman
you were never introduced that you are the creative spirit, never, nobody told you, you are creative
spirit, they told you, you are a creative woman, they never told you your beauty is penetrating all over
the world, you are part of the vibration of the universe. A religion like Muslims they recognize a
woman that woman is special, you know how special you are? They put you in a burkha, they put you
in a tent.
Every Muslim woman has a see through here through which she sees through. You do not know
what is inside, that was a special woman. This woman you of barring these few whom I take a big
stick after you, there are very few I catch them even in the market, what, how you look, what you not
dressed up and all that stuff? Barring that you are on sale all the time, you have been trained
subconsciously, your total behavior, subconscious behavior, your language is, I want to be liked, am I
wrong? You don't want to be liked? Um?

Student: Yes.

YB: When you want to be liked, you can be ninety-nine percent get licked. You want, you got it, isn't
that beautiful when you want nothing? Can you not have that mind too? When you can say "Humee
Hum Brahmam," I am, I am the God, I am the divine, I am the Creator, I am the consciousness, I am
the vibration, I am the beauty, I gave birth to this man, I raised this man but you didn't train him right.
Anybody who loves anybody and caters to somebody he loves is the biggest cheat and a fraud on
the planet. Love has no catering, love has Infinity but you love to be catered. Yes, you want to be
catered, get catered then, they will roll you to death, they will exploit you to the last blood of your life,
go for it and then you suffer, you don't give the same real values which you could have learned to
your own daughters, you teach them to decorate, you teach them to attract, you teach them to
beautify, all you teach them the world, you don't give them God, you don't make them Goddesses
and princesses, how many boyfriend she can have, how many boyfriend you had, let me give you
national figures.

Every woman on average is married and divorced four time in United States, average of a marriage
in United State is nine years and two days. On average you sleep, sleeping relation with twenty-
seven men, you romance forty-six point two men. Psychological division says, now this is
psychological division your image of men is one you met first, second your first love, third where you
sacrifice your virginity, fourth who is your image of a child, fifth as grown up you want to be, and the
sixth who you are married.

Where are you going? What happened to hand brake and foot brake? Even Almighty God, the most
omnipresent and omniscient wants to take a birth, He has to come through you. Your touch is the
most healing touch on the world, you can raise the dead from the death, your psyche is sixteen
percent more than a man, your intelligence is sixteen percent more than man. Everything God gave
you sixteen percent more because you are going to be a mother, the creator, the protector, the
nurture and the developer of His creation, He didn't only did it to you, He did to any female.

Why you are not sixteen time more near God than anybody? Why your give and take is not honest?
Why you are dishonest with your own Creator? Why you are dishonest with your own creation? Why
you are dishonest with your own personality? Why the hell you are always on sale? Is there a
moment in your life when you can say, "I am I am, I am not for sale."

I saw a drama that day, a young beautiful girl, somebody wants to kiss her, leaped on, she said,
"Thank you."

I couldn't believe the body language, I loved it. Your body language as a woman is sixteen time more
penetrating than any male born out of you but there is a but, everybody has two butts no, no, there
are two buts to everything, but your glow, but your glow, but your glow should be you, your, your
makeup, your dress, your life, your talk, your behavior, your dealing should represent you, not the
time. You want to go to opera, you dress differently, you go to restaurant you dress differently, you go
to a party you dress differently, you go to some place you dress differently, you are never, you have
no consistent, constant representation of you. What the hell you are talking about, can any man rape
you? You give birth to something, a male, he rape you? Where are you coming from?

Once a rapist followed a woman, she turned around, she went eight steps to him and she said, "See,
you want to rape me right?"

"I am looking for a man, come with me."

She took him with him(her) meanwhile in her purse she triggered the switch, she had a security
button, he got picked up within ten seconds, all he knew is three, four, police car left, right, this and
that and he say, "Have a goodnight sleep, see you tomorrow."

And she was a policewoman, she was trained to face rapist. Each one of you should be trained to
face a rapist, each one should be trained to exploit a exploiter, each one should take advantage of
advantager, each one of you be you in the beginning, in the middle, in the end. Listen to everybody
take a wisdom, feel for everybody, take your feelings but just understand, is this making one step
stronger you or making you weak? If in your lover there is not a enemy of you and enemy of your
weaknesses, you don't have a lover honey. Man who will love you ever take granted is your first
enemy, you will hate him, he will challenge you on every step, he will reach. Love has one thing, love
is blind and love is Infinity and love is God. Lover will pull you to death, he will take you up and up,
there is no down with it, there is no giving up.

The kind of life you are living, the circumstance you are looking for, the things you want, you are
losing your most precious life, then you lose your family, you lose your husband, you lose your lover,
you lose your, you are just a simple classified loser and finally a day come when you lose your sale.

It's okay,

(Student's laughter)

They have the right to speak too, you want to lecture? Come here, you understand?

Don't start losing. There is a very common thing, I don't want to say don't take it personally, it is a
literally translation of scripture, I lost my victory when I lost my virginity because it didn't guaranteed
my own future and personality. I know you can raise a saint, I know you can give birth to a giver, I
know you can give a prophet a life, I know you can personify a God. I don't know whom I am teaching
and whom I am talking to. There was a one woman who gave me birth, she was the one who took
away my tears.

One day I was making a lot of money, she send me a telegram that she is seriously ill, I need to
come. When I came home I touched her hand and I said, "Mom you are not sick, you are perfect,
what are you doing in this bed?"

She said, "I am very sick in my spirit."

I said, "Well, we have lost everything, you know, that's natural but you know I am making lot of
money, I have become, I was just nothing, you know, I am now officer, didn't I send you my

She said, "Yeah I received it but there is a problem I am very sick, I am dying."

I said, "What happened?"

She said, "God has spoken to me, I am going now, I am dying, you don't understand that I am dying."

I said, "Wait a minute, what are you talking about? Your pulse is perfect, you body is perfect, your
color is perfect, your whole thing I see is perfect, you are not dying."

She said, "No, no, I am dying."

I said, "You must be needing something, what do you want?"

She said, "If you don't graduate I am going to put knife through my stomach."
(Student's laughter)

I said, "Mom it's a job."

She said, "Well, there is one job; either you be in the college tomorrow or you will cry in your own
sorrows, I am going to put a knife right to my stomach." And she put this much long knife out of the
bed, she said, "Do you see this? Isn't this yours?"

I said, "Yeah."

She said, "Well, you know what I say I do?"

I said, "Is there any negotiation possible?"

She said, "No."

I said, "But how can I go to college tomorrow?"

She said, "I arranged it, they know who you are, you are a best player, they need on their team a
person, you just go, principal will wait for you, he will after this class waiting for you in office, you go
you will be all set, books will be given to you, everything is set."

I said, "Mom, they, they will send my warrants, I am a officer."

She said, "I called your uncle, I told him to release you, you are released, letter will come tomorrow."
Oh yes my uncle was head of the department, he could do anything.

I said, "What about the money?"

She said, "They will give you money because they need you in the college."

I said, "How could you arrange all that?"

She said, "I don't know, I don't want in my family, my son to be not a graduate, that's all."

Next morning postman came with a special delivery, that was my release order, so I couldn't go back.
I went to the college, time was so set, principal, "Hi, Bhajan yeah, yeah back, your mother told us you
are in, we need you so badly." But I couldn't do much, two hundred fifty rupees, you will be getting
monthly plus you should stay boarding, we have set it all up and your classes are arranged."

I said, "Sir."

He said, "You have never failed, you don't worry, you don't have to read book, just this is only one
week game, you just finish it and after that you can enjoy your life."

I said, "Fine I win and I help you."

Next evening I was in the team wearing the color of the college and just to tell my mother I like her, I
score personally six goals, personally and she was there, on the ladies section she was the only one
lady sitting.

And when I was a uniformed officer one day at night I was sleeping like a snorey sleep and
somebody just kicked me right (?) and my mother was having two constable, policemen right from
their great coats hanging like this and roll them unto me, she said, "Look at them, I found them

I said, "Mom, you are not in charge of this drama what are you doing?"
She said, "You are very neglectful officer, I will report against you, your men instead of patrolling at
night sleep, do you hear, get up now, put a uniform on, check it out."

"Okay I will."

I said, "What about my sleep?"

She said, "Go and sleep in the office. Lot of people are sleeping, they have a faith, they have a trust
that they can sleep, you hear me."

I said, "Okay." I took those police officer, I said, "You idiots what you did?"

They said, "No sir, we were cold, we were this."

I said, "Cold you were but did not you hear her coming?"

(Student's laughter)

They said, "Sir, she snuck on us, we, we didn't even hear a voice, all we knew is she just hung our
head between together, what are you doing? We were caught. We knew it's mama, so what we can

The only woman when I was a commander I will come, she come to my office walk in and my God
will turn out and give her a presentation of arm. It's never done under any statutory law. Head of the
department was entitled, I was entitled and she got entitled, I do not know under which law, that's a
mother, that's a woman, that's a person. They not only deliver a child, they deliver his destiny and her
destiny. You don't deliver a child, you deliver a child's destiny, you deliver child's future, you deliver
child character, characteristic, care you take so that, that child can never fail. Word delivery is not
emptying your pouch, word delivery means you deliver the God out of you unto God, that's your
status, that's your language, that's your criteria, that's your growth. Each breath of life which you take
gives a man excellence.

You have to understand it who you are. You don't get pregnant, you get pregnant for whole life,
simply for nine months your pregnancy is inside, rest of the time it is outside. You are all the time
pregnant, you are lying to yourself you are not pregnant. Your personality is a pure pregnancy what
you touch flourishes, what you destroy never exists. What you inspire shall always win, what you
betray will die its own self. There is no power in the God's kingdom which does not come through
you. God doesn't speak, He promise Himself but He does speak through you and when you rape
your children, destroy your children, steal from them the spiritual values, don't give them the power of
grit and all that, may I ask what are you doing for yourself now and for your future?

Couldn't you make this world better? Couldn't you raise the ecology of, of a woman to the strength
that a humanity can be all right? It cannot be by the will of God and it cannot be by the will of school
and it's not by the man, it is you and you alone, there is no other hope, there is no other scope
because you bring humanity and you nurture humanity and you introduce humanity and you evaluate
humanity, you have kind and compassion in you. If you cannot do what you are born to do you are
the one who is destroying the Earth, you are the one who has totally betrayed the human race and
look what nature has done to you, you have become a victim of man's anger because you could not
give him love. You still can change everything if you want. Passion, commotions, desires, your
dreams, your romance, what that will give you? You will get out of the fire and fall into a fry pan?
That's what all your life is destined to?

'Jananee janai taa(n) bhagat jan kai daataa kai soor

Naahe taa jananee bhaajh rahai kaahe gavaavai noor.'

If you create something, create which is giveth, a saint, a giver, a hero, otherwise why you are losing
yourself, what for? If you have to create this garbage, let somebody else do it, if you want to sell
yourself like somebody else do it, let, diamonds are not sold on the street corners. You have no
enemy, your cheapness is your enemy and the tragedy is you don't negotiate and the worst is when
somebody trust you, you do not know what he is trusting in you and you do not know what you have
in trust for it. You can give birth to a man but you don't understand a man because you don't want to.
It is you only who doesn't have many rights.

I was watching CNN yesterday, all female actresses have done a gala show to vote for these two
senator women. Do you know you are fifty-two percent in votes? If all women start electing woman
and voting for a woman, you can have total senate and congress by your will? Do you know if forty
days you don't speak to men you can get any right and every right you want? You don't have to
protest, you don't have to do anything, forty days you stop speaking to all men in the world, you can
get any bill passed anywhere you want. If every woman in America decides they will never sleep in
the bed with a man, they will sleep on the ground till all equal amendment right is passed, you will get
in a week on a special session.

(Student's laughter)

Bush will not dare to veto it. If Barbara wants it, forget it.

You are responsible for miscarrying the justice to the planet Earth, to your nation, to your country, to
your family and to your tomorrow and then you complaint, you live in pain and sorrow? You have no
right to complain, you are suffering for your negligence, you are suffering for your doubts, you are
suffering for your relaxed personal vindictiveness. You have to learn to associate yourself in a
creative sense that you are the seed, you are the tree and you are the fruit. Everything starts with
you, everything is with you, for you, around you, and everything ends with you.

When my mother was in hospital, I got a phone call, "Your mother wants to leave the hospital and
wants to go home."

And I said, "That's true, she should be taken from hospital, taken to home."

"And she wants to know what you say."

I say, "According to my time at three o'clock I will sit to meditate, at that time she will leave the body,
there is no need to keep her in hospital."

On clock, in fifteen minutes I got a call she has passed away, I said, "It is correct."

Woman is a part of universe, universe is a part of woman. Mother Earth sustain you and mother
sustain you through every vibration of life, whether she is on Earth, whether she is in heaven or she
is in hell, she never forgets his(her) own born. You represent that specie, whether your acts prove it
or not, whether your thoughts are with it or not, whether you are real or you are wrong, I am not to
judge or discuss, I am just giving you your basic elementary definition as a woman. Your body
language, your personal language and your mental language and all those languages there is a one
language which you have, that's your divine language of silence, when you do prayer God become
absolutely a slave to it, does it faster than you think. It's very difficult to tell a woman to be graceful
when it is basic right. Look around you, don't look at me, look around you, there are thirty, some forty,
fifty channels, analyze the role of a woman in the forty channels you will be shocked to know, see it
for yourself. You are a object of exploitation, nobody can stop it except you and you have to do it as
woman race.

You hate so much the word grace when I started grace of God movement of women, GGMWA, you
all walked out of it. I told you to dress gracefully, you think it's a burden and then you say, "We can't
afford it." Walk naked ladies, what do I lose? Go ahead, you need to be wanted, sleep with two
hundred men, see where it takes you. The tragedy of life is neither here there is something for you
nor there is something for you because you have produced man out of your own self, you will only get
from man what you want, not what he can give you and that is the silence counter language of the
woman which you have never been taught.

Your counter silence language can encounter anything positive and negative will get you what you
want and mostly time I am sorry to say you do not know what you are talking about. When you are
frustrated you think you are frustrated. No, you are creating frustration. When you angry, think you
are angry, you are creating anger. You are the cause of creation of every element and hundred and
eight elements of you cause hundred eight, eight facets. That's why in our mala or rosary whatever
you call it there are hundred eighty(eight) beads. You see that Goddess with eight hands, that's what
you are. You control the four sides of this world, up and down six, Gods and demons. That is what
you are Bhagaute, that's what we chant,

"Pritham bhagaute simar ke Guru Nanak lae dheaa-eh."

We worship Nanak later, we worship you first and that happens everyday and still you don't
understand you are not worthy to be worshiped, you are the worship, you are not entitled to worship,
you are the worship, you are not the beauty for worship, you are the worship, minus you, no man
would have born, minus Mother Earth no heaven should have been recognized, it's your choice. I am
a male, I cannot say things for you but this is for thousands of years, in scriptures I have studied, I
have examined, I have read and I have experienced, woman with her pinky can build heavens, man
with his cannons cannot destroy it; provided you are a woman.

There is a proviso, you provide, provided you are woman, English word hai, provided. You provide
woman to anything that thing will nurture, that thing will become heaven. When you are not a woman,
you are lunatic, you are crazy, you are bitchy, God knows who are you, there are sixty hundred
thousand shapes of you. Woman knows no defeat. If woman have all the feats of a woman she has
no defeat, who can't defeat her? You can raise a child, in every man there is a child. You forget it,
you make him equal, I and you are partner, oh get that half brained crazy as you are partner, see
where you go.

Read that,

Read that, it's talang mala, first language of Guru Nanak talking to you woman, the song of victory for
you, he lays it flat.

'Yanadieye manada kahe karey-hey, innocent woman, what this man can do? First question, he
wipes out the man in one language, one word, first line, first sutra.

Side B

Second question, 'apne kar har rangon ki namaney so nedai tan baniye baahar kya dundey'-he in his
own home doesn't obey what he is finding outside? Find it out. Behkiya de salayia naini, bhav ka karo
singaro-then he tells the technique. Put in your eyes the fear of God and bring your loftiness, your
grace into display, then you will be perfectly victorious, tahan suhagan janiye lagi jaisa tera piaro; if
she totally manifest herself in that way. Then he goes on and on and on.

There is nothing to worry, you can still do it today. You must speak the language your own soul to
you, the whole universe will become you. Man told you to be beautiful that's not true, God made you
beautiful. There is a conflict. Man told you be beautiful, God made you beautiful and God wants you
beautiful and God want to see everything beautiful through your eyes but when you create this
sensual, sexual and egomaniac ugliness and then you live in fear and doubt and duality, that's where
you mess up everything.

This is the mantra of Kundalini Yoga Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo, Namo. Sarb Shakti,

Sarb Shakti, Sarb Shakti, Namo, Namo. Pritam Bhagvati, Pritam Bhagvati, Pritam Bhagvati, Namo,
Namo. Kundalini Math Shakti, Math Shakti, Namo, Namo. You are Adi Shakti, this Kanda you wear
on your turban, you put it as a jewel and decoration, this is the symbol of Adi Shakti. It's a symbol of
you and still you don't know. You are called Kaur, you are not a princess then who is? What are you
and who are you and who is who? Why can't you not find out? Why can't you not adjust your scales
not to be on sale? What are you looking for? The day somebody will look for you, that's the day for
you, so long you are looking for, you are messing around.

Change your scales. When somebody start looking for you, you will be looked after, don't have to
worry about it. Men have their faculty. Their love is, when they are in love with a woman they look
after. It's a little transformation of a mother, the divine and mother, the self and mother, the tomorrow.
All put together is what the faculty of a man is and it is his instinct but unfortunately, he is like a
spermatozoa, he goes te, te, te, te, te, te, te, he never goes straight and you never go around either,
you go in (?) you are like those whales and showing off your whalehood you get a harpoon, that's
what your problem is. That little showoff for a whale, who can, who can kill a whale?

Your strength is infinite, you are born of infinite, you are infinite, your strength is infinite, you created
this infinite continuous world. How can you go wrong? What can go wrong with you? What has gone
wrong on you, you didn't nurture? Whether it's a child, or is a man, or is a lover, or a husband, or is a
home, whatever. Whatever you will nurture shall become prosperous and shall be for you. It is your
choice and the tragedy of this is, God shall never interfere in a woman's choice because you are the
only way for Him to keep creation going so He, it's a give and take. One prayer of a woman, one
touch of a woman, one thought of a woman, one who is a woman, that all this planet Earth is about.

There is nothing more, there is nothing less, it all depends on your spoken, unspoken and silent word
which is your language. You control all aspect of the moon. Sun has the power, but no reflection,
shines direct. You are the reflection of the sun, if you magnify that, you shall never lose, so is God's
will, so the Creator created that way, you have to wake-up to yourself. Readjust, rescale yourself,
reorganize yourself, still you are alive, nothing is lost. In this life you can live above everything, your
concept should not be narrow, your vastness should not be limited, you are part of the Infinity, live as
Infinity and die as Infinity. That gives you an experience of a woman.

Well, we will talk again about this subject I think we will meet Monday, is that true? Now you have a
time for questions, go ahead. I will invite you all to come to this Sunday, join me on the anniversary of
my mother who passed away. Many of you are mothers, many of you unwedded mother, many of you
are wedded and many of you many mothers and many time mothers, many of you are not but mother
is not a faculty of reproductive factory, mother is the universe. Actually what is a mother? It's the God
in production itself, it's not a person. In our scriptures Gurudev Mata, Gurudev Pita, mother always
come first. Pavan Guru panee pita mata dharat mahat. Nanak sums up the universe.

Therefore please rise to the occasion, you are the Kundalini in every man, you are the universe, just
be who God wants you to be, not in human body what you think you should be. Stop thinking, trust in
God, move on, the universe will follow you, that's the law and that's the privilege. All right, now you
have a question, (?) go ahead, yeah.

Student: (----)

YB: What is the role of a mother? When child is grown, role of the mother is always a mother, simply
she should learn not to smother.

(Student's laughter)

Love of a mother is like a love of a tree for a man on journey who is thirsty, who is tired, who is
scorched and burned, when that travelers come under a tree, calm and quiet, cool with a breeze and
there is a pond of water by the side, that's called mother. Touch of a mother can make God dance.
When a mother touches the heart and head of the child, God is born. Woman can turn a man into
angel, mother can take a man into God, that's the difference.

Student: (---)
YB: Good.

Student: (----)

YB: Won't you miss me? I am not going to see you two days?

Students: Yes sir.

YB: So why don't you ask all the questions so that you can be in peace, including your going to Santa
Fe rendezvousing. Yeah.

Student: (---)

YB: Okay what you say? You have two children, male and a female or females.

Student: Male and female.

YB: One is a boy, one is a girl. What is the problem?

Student: My son is listening, my daughter is not how can (?).

YB: Question is, what frequency you put in one. You are a woman, world has been not right to you,
you are battered, you are beaten, betrayed, all three I see in your aura. Your daughter is your
extension, she picked it up, she is angry, she is battered and she is betrayed, you should have been
cautious and I can't believe you, neither I believe you what you say right now. You can turn them both
to be saint if you want, the faculty of projection you had is very strong. How can a watermelon taste
like a sour cream? Forget it, just try your best, turn it around, it's easy.


Student: Sir, you said that analyze the role of woman in forty channel, I don't know what you mean

YB: On TV somewhere there are fifty-two,

(Student's laughter)

Including Playboy check it out.

(Student's laughter)

All those in one TV. How many total channels are there Sat Simran?

Sat Simran: It is two thousand available.

YB: Check them all. Yeah.

Student: Sir when I am undergoing an internal reaction (?).

YB: When the inspiration is your own thought internal and you are projecting it for print of the future,
that is something which is called ecstasy. Poets, painters, artist, they are funny people. They get
impulse, convulsion, they get possessed, then they create something. Yeah.

Sat Simran: I know somebody (?) day on television and watch in prime time to one hour (?) with the
sound off and just watch and was something like eighty-seven time with body language reflected (?)
woman and then watch the same thing with the sound on but didn't watch it, just listen to the sound
and there was another something like fifty things doing that hour (?)
YB: Well, what they do because this whole universe is a woman. Have you not read
that Shabad Bhand Jamiye, Bhand Nimiye, Bhand Karo Veah? These are the Nanak's words, you
don't have to learn somewhere else. He explains what a woman is and what man does to her, it's a
very clear cut policy. Bhand Moye Bhand Paliye, if a woman dies, you find another one, does she die
spiritually, does she die mentally, does she die physically, there are lot of deaths. Then in the end he
says, "Why to say that person is bad through which the kings and the Lords are born.'So Kio Mandaa
aakhee-ai jit jameh raajan?' Play that Shabad could you?

(Students sings in the class)

(Song stops)

Put the, oh that tape for the woman, oh we made it up, you remember?

(Tape is played in the class)

YB (Talks over the tape): Loud, loud.

(Song stops)

The day you prefer to die but not lose your nobility, that day you become God yourself, there is no
question, no answer to it, it is your choice, in the beginning, in the middle, in the end. When you
barter your nobility for benefits, that's where the trouble starts. Those who give you benefits they get
it from God, if you just get it from God direct you will have no problem. It's my prayer that every
woman on this Earth be noble in experience, in life and whatever their future is, they shall be blessed
with nobility.

Now we have some program to see and isn't that it is?

Student: (---)

YB: We are celebrating fourth of July on the third night because tomorrow is off. I see the stage is
set, so please turn around and look what they are going to show you.

Student: Typically the fourth of July is celebrated in United States as a way of expressing gratitude
for national freedom, at ladies camp we expand the gratitude for freedom, especially in these songs
that we will be doing we'll go first from the national anthems to the planetary anthem because in the
Age of Aquarius you can no longer consider yourself one nation when the world is so small and
ecologically in every other way we are effecting every other person, so that starts bangle banners
also put to the planetary anthem and then cosmically to Antana sifti to express the freedom of
spiritual sovereignty.

(Students sing in the class)

(Song stops)

This one the chorus is, this land is your land, this land is my land, from California to the New York
Island, from the Redwood forest to the Gulf stream waters, this land is made for you and me, that's
your chord.

(Students sing in the class)

(Song stops)

YB: Can you sing this (?) this life is your life and change no other words, instead of place 'land' put
the word life, let us see how it sounds.
(Students sing in the class)

(Song stops)

(Students applause)

It does make a very good sense, so why don't you make a song like that so that we can keep in
singing to let woman know.

(Students sing in the class)

(Song stops)

Student: Now this is the one who go from me national anthem to the planetary anthem to the cosmic
anthem and you have that on your sheets.

(Students sing in the class)

YB (Talks over the song): (?).

(Song stops)

Student: (?) you can sit for the last version. This is one I can't remember the (?) at the late.

YB: These were the words of Nanak in Japji and every word and sound fits in into the national
anthem of United States, believe it or not. As national is for the United State, this is for the sake of
Infinity actually, "Antana Sifti kahan naa ant."

There is no end to his grace and his virtue that's how it starts but it's surprising acknowledgement
that the sound, the sound current and the words and the balance is exactly the same, go ahead.

Student: This song was came out in a, we call it a musical, called (?) sixty's or seventy's, I am not
sure which.

(Student's laughter)

And it's just a prelude to the age that we are now in (?).

(Students sing in the class)


Student: The previous contingencies in the interest of freedom and spirit have (?) their lips,
now Sat Nam Kaur will (?) her hips in an aerobic dancing called Egyptian baladi, it’s a urban folk
dancing, (?) aerobic.


(Music being played)


Student: Thank you all for participating and we thank the Siri Singh Sahib for…

YB: No, there is a next program, there is a Italian girls here.

Student: Italian ladies…

YB: All Italians on the stage please.

Student: On command.

YB: Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Student: Where are they? Ah, here is one.

(Students cheering)

YB: Now you will see the Italian dance.

Student: Music…

YB: Ask for your music, you should have brought it with you.

Put some music. Hey, put a Italian music.

Oh come on, Italian music. It is coming, it is coming. Come on, quick. It is six thousand miles, it is
coming fast, don’t worry.

Hey, you are a band master, you know how to manifest things.

(Student singing)


YB: No, no, no, give them some music, anything, they can dance very well. And you know, she is a
band master in Rome, you know. Sadhana is very talented in many ways. Come on Sadhana, run
your band now.

(Tape being played)


YB: Our, our next program is the teenagers.

Hey, hey, hey, they, run, run, catch them, catch them, catch them. Back, come here, don’t hide.
Come on.

Hey, hurry up, hurry up, you are wasting time, hurry up. Up, up, up. All teenagers. Everybody
between the age of thirteen to nineteen.

Student: (-------)

YB: That’s okay, whatever we have.

Play hard rock.

(Drum beats tape being played in the class)

YB: Hold on, hold on, there is a request.

(The tape is stopped)

Sanmukh Kaur, where is she? They say she was the best dancer in India. And it is request by very,
very young people. Chalo, play.
(Bhangra tape being played in the class)

YB (over the tape): Don’t go home, you can sleep tomorrow.

You all want to go now on the stage? You go and announce, call it on the stage, (?). That’s my
intelligence report, come on, see what she gets (?).

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Student: Some of the teenagers wanted Jai Jagdish.

(Students cheer)

YB: Help her, help her, carry her. Come on Jagdish, what is wrong with you?

Guru Amrit from Florida, join us. Guru Amrit from Florida. Go, go, go, go, quick.

Wow, come on, come on. Doctor bhai. (?).

Go, go, go on the stage, come on.

Come on, join you all with her.

(Tape stops)

YB: (?). Okay now the situation is Guru Simran, Guru Simrat, you didn’t let your chunni go, fifty one
dollars award for maintaining.


She, she stuck to it, it was amazing.

Siri Hari, go on the stage now. With Siri Ram and Siri Simran junior. The trio. No, no, we’ll see, come
on, three of you first. Hey, she is right there.

Come on, all of you here, sit down. Get on the stage first, (?). Oh, yeah, yeah, teenagers, pull her up.
Hey by the popular demand, what is the idea, you are going to tear up your clothes.

Okay, I have got my cabinet around now, don’t worry.

(Tape is being played)

YB (Over the tape): Hey, just clap, your arthritis will go away.

Hey, hey, hey, hey junior, what are you doing? Now the commander of the camp Guruki Kaur.

Just watch her cut suit, Sat Kirin nanny. Dr. Wahe Guru Singh’s wife.

Hold her, hold, hold.

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay, there is a pretty good, hey, you are not clapping. We’ll get her. Hey, hey nanny, hey
nanny. Go, go, go. Hold, hold, hold, (?).

Hey go, go, go up.

Hold, hold, hold.

Go, go, go, match up. (?). Get everybody, hold on, hold on.

Hey stay up, stay up, stay up, you cheats. Hold on, hold on, okay.

Nirinjan and Bibi Nanki, hey three of you who are standing there in that corner, all three of you. Go,
go, go, go.

Okay, okay, be honest, honest. Nirinjan, you and Bibi Nanki will have a match. (?). Up, up, up.

We are missing one disappeared.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hari Amrit, you should go.

Nirinjan and, chalo, chalo, go, go, go, go. Hari Amrit.

Oh great, two Hari Amrits. Keep up, keep up.

Wow, wow, everybody clap, what are you, old people have gone old.

You can start, hey, (?). I don’t mind.

Come on, come on, dance.

Okay Nirinjan. Hey Bibi Bani and Nirinjan, hurry up. Oh Bibi Nanki, go. They are (?). Two soldiers.

No, no, get, get her, what is there. Don’t worry, we’ll get her. Security get Bibi Nanki. You come, you
come, you come, you don’t go. You keep going there, chalo. Go, go, go, go. On the stage.

Come on.

(Tape is stopped)

YB: This is, this is done. Okay, okay.

Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hey Sat Nam, don’t go away, stay, stay, stay. Where is she going? Hold her,
hold her hostage. Chalo, Bibi. Bibi. Oh Bibi will go up, chal Bibi. Oh, pick her physically, put her on
the stage. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Watch, watch, first, first sit down, all of you, watch what is a
happening now. It is a serious program, my God. That’s a dance himself.

Hold on, hold on. Hey, you have got lot of fans, what should I do? There are lot of, they all will come,
just, just see. Hold on, hold on everybody first. Hold on. Okay, okay, go, go, go up.

Oh later, later, later, just hold on, first, let us, (?).

Hey, hey, come on, let us go up, first.

You guys are wasting my time, I have to also go. Come on.

(Tape is played)

YB (over the tape): Two red hair will do.

Oh we need heavy metal.

(Tape is stopped)

YB: Hold on, hold on, hold on. (?) heavy metal, put heavy metal. And when they dance, put these
little ones off because dance is dance. Nobody should get, oh sit down, sit down, sit down, we’ll do

All right folks, okay, it’s a good match, let us see what happens. Hey come on.

(Tape is played)

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, you are wasting time.

(Tape is stopped)

Okay, okay, let us see what comes out of this.

(A different tape is played)

YB (over the tape): You promised me, and you are not keeping your word.

Shanti, either you dance or Bibi Nanki. Hey, you are wasting time.

(?) it is a very good combination, watch, watch, (?) watch.

Bibi Nanki, interlock.

Come on, take the three movement one, I’ll be there.

You are going to get tired, go, come on. Get your rhythm together.

(The tape is stopped and a new tape played)

YB (over the tape): Guru Netar, she is a very good dancer but she is very shy.

Okay, everybody must clap.

Come on, Nirinjan, what are you doing, you are very good.

Hari Amrit. Hari Amrit, get Guru Simran.

If you cannot dance, you must clap.

Now we’ll get a solo for you and everybody has to clap. Give her back the music.

(The tape is stopped)

Now I will like you to watch the movement, she has done a tremendous work to reduce her weight
and she has become professional and she does it with such a classical situation that I can tell you in
Afghanistan and Iran people cannot beat her. One thing is, when you do a job, do it excellent. And I
like you to watch the movements, it is not only the pelvic movement, just understand the slant angle
of the body and arms and expression of the face, which sometime you don’t appreciate. All these
oriental dances are also give you the power of the projection of the face and the body and the arms,
which is very special. In our dance we western side we dance totally but here we don’t. Go ahead.

(Tape is played)

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