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June 7, 1992


Espanola, NM


..."Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"

Today lot of conferences in the name of the Sikh education and something like that are happening all
around. The concept is not to survive, concept is to justify. In the religion world when a religious man
start justify, religion is doomed the man is condemned because instead of accepting and going
through it and understanding by experience what it does for you, we start justifying on human basis.
As I told you yesterday the greatest gift a parent can give to a child is the value of his belief, his faith
and his experience in his religion in his reality. And if a person cannot teach as parent to their child
nobody can teach them. It is not true. I understand the concept here, two hundred year old nation
concept is to survive financially, economically. We have exploited this country to its maximum in two
hundred years and we have come to conclude that we cannot today sit in the world, body of the world
and sign an agreement as a world leader that we are willing to save the world. We are making
excuses, because once we sign that as Americans we will be bound by to save certain things and
that will hurt our exploitation.

Now when that bad is the atmosphere there is another situation with our children, there is not a one
town in United States, which has no gangs. It is very amazing when I found out in Los Angeles
Indians who have come from India, India, not American Indians, their children they leave the house in
perfect clothes their behavior in the house is perfect, superb, their grade in the school is A grades but
they have a different set of clothes in some friend's hide out they go they change clothes they
become gangs they work it all out whatever and then come back re-change to normal come back
home hello mathaji, nameste ji how are you, now how you can match that? Because we don't have
time to stop, to look the real insurance and real security is our own child.

We have no capacity to confront our own child with utmost honesty. We have not had the obligation
to become teachers to our own sons and daughters. It is a simple thing, four sons of Guru Gobind
Singh they stood the test, other Gurus have children too and you have a recorded history they
couldn't come through. It took us a standard of walking through bodies and to the situation to find a
place where we can give our children five year and seven year, fourteen year and sixteen year a
standard. And Sikh history is very unique, very understandable.

In Sikh history seven-year-old child stood before tooth wheel and got shredded and can stand for it.
And in And in Sikh history recorded by the opposite that seventy-two year old man beheaded can
fight the enemy and make them on the heels to run, that is also a Sikh history. It's a Sikh history a
Sikh got boiled alive and in that torture he laughed. He got shredded and he laughed. He got
beheaded and he laughed, that concept comes from where? We have to search it out is it in us or
not. Here we sell cheap. We worry, we compare, we are confused, and we compete. We do not look
as today it is that I have a soul it's a part of Infinity and my Infinity will never defeat me.

I am looking to friends, I am looking to relatives, I am looking to help, it is good to be social. Wife

looks to husband, husband looks to wife, people look to neighbor, neighbor to country, country looks
to area, whatever you are looking for are you looking for your own soul? By virtue of which you are

It was very shocking to me that day somebody asked me for a help, "I am shaky, I am shivering, I
can't do, I am confused what to do?"

All I said is, "Breathe long, deep and slowly and ask your breath to help you."

"Will it do?"

I said, "Try."

In ten minutes the person calls I am tying my turban I am getting ready, I am going out, I am fine, I
am going to handle it. Later on I called, I said, "How it goes?"

"Fine" he said. If God is infinite I mean it is not a logic, it is not a reason. If God is infinite then soul
has the infinite power and your life with all your education, with all your desires, with all your things is
based on Infinity. Mortal will never become immortal if he is not ready for the test and cross that.
Challenge shall come to you, life without a challenge, life without education, without examination
there is no degree in it, you have to pass. Harder the test is best is your confidence. People claim this
is corrupt, this is wrong, this is a lie, that is fifty percent of God too. There is no corruption and there is
no honesty, it is our society and social structure you make it so that is the way we want to deal, that's
the way we don't want to deal.

The law in Saudi Arabia is totally different, law in Bangladesh is a law, it is different. Law in Iran is
today different when the law was under the Shah. Law in Soviet Union is today different under the
law of the Russia. It is not what we are taught, we are trained or we understand is the reality. Is a
social convenience.

Now we put everywhere the lights to govern the traffic, man has come out with a system to run his
life, actually every religion is a system. It's a traffic control system, it keeps different type of size car
going. But experience in reality is not a system, it is an Infinity, it is a ecstasy.

Guru says in one line which I like to discuss with you today and I am going to discuss these lines
because I have found out all these old fire cottages have now trying to recuperate themself and
started teaching people about Sikh religion awful things, these are retired professors they have been
in universities, now they are retired they are useless, they didn't do a thing but they can't let it go, so
they need students and with their professorship they go out and they start interpreting Guru's way.
Anubhav nai, experience is not there, language is there, quotations are there. And they don't
understand what Guru says.

'Padh padh pothi (?).'

You read books after books and you put weight and weight but if you don't experience you are just a
library. People will visit you for reference. Now just try to understand one line in the Siri Guru Granth,
Bina santok nahi kohi rajey, that one line I am not going even two lines of it. Without santok,
satisfactory patience there is nobody king. And we say in American way, patience pays, (?) end
amounts the same.

What is patience, what is called tolerance, what is called holding yourself? Do you know how much
discipline you require, how much power you require, how much mental purity you require to hold
yourself against the temptation, that is just a temptation, you can deny or accept, but do you know
how much power you need to go through a test when somebody is mastermind in putting you through
a test? And when a teacher has no limit, he is a reckless he has got to put you through hell and
heaven at the same time. Do you know how much test is required?
I tell you one story, which I know. The story of Melreppa, great Tibetan master. Melrappa was asked
by his master, don't come to his class, he threw him away.

Melrappa won't stop. He said, "Okay."

He stuck wood, little stinkers in his nails so he cannot walk. So what Melrappa did make a roller of
him and he rolled to his class and sat in the class like a bundle, nobody will ever know there is a
human in it, but he will listen to the class.

One day he found it out, he called Melrappa and he said, "I have told you not to come to my class, I
have told you not to see me, I have told you don't come in my vicinity, I don't want to see you, I don't
want you to hear me, I don't want any teaching of mine for you."

Melrappa says, "My master I obey you I don't come to your class, I don't hear a thing."

He said, "But you are there."

He said, "I don't know you are master you check it out, what brings me here, I don't know."

He said, "Okay, is that so, good?"

So he ordered his disciple to shackle him with iron shackles. Melrappa was shackled in the neck, he
was shackled in the hands, he was shackled at the waist. He was shackled at the knees. He was
shackled at the ankles. He was so badly shackled that he could not sit, he could not sleep, he could
not do anything. He had to stand with the wall. That evening when his master was teaching there was
Melrappa, he asked the people, bring him over here.

They went and they came back.

And he said, "I asked you to bring him."

He said, "Sir, there is nothing to bring, it looks Melrappa is all right, but we put our hand through there
is nothing, it is just Melrappa standing."

He said, "But go and grab whatever it is."

He said, "Sir, there is nothing there."

They went and they put their hand through it went through, but still there was a Melrappa.

He said, "Go and bring Melrappa."

So they went he was totally fainted and he was with the wall, his neck was hanging, his feet was in
terrible shape, he couldn't stand that torture. So they unshackled him, they massaged him, they
brought him.

He said, "Where are you taking me?"

He said, "To your teacher."

He said, "No, no, no I don't want to go. I don't want to go."

He said, "Well, now he asked you to come."

He said, "No, he told me never to come I am not there."

He said, "You fellow you were there now he wants to ask your physical problem."
When Melrappa came to him the teacher gave him a test, which I cannot explain in the Guru's
presence. I think if any human is put through this test will tremble and normally I'll say should tremble.
Melrappa went through this test as he doesn't know what he is going through. And then teacher said,
"Melrappa look what you are doing?"

And Melrappa answered, "My Lord I have no ears to hear, I have no eyes to see, I have no body to
live, I don't know what I am doing, I don't know what you are telling me to do, all I know is you and
you and you within you."

These are the tree words he said.

You and you in you and you within you and that is Melrappa. You and you within you and you in you,
he said that's Melrappa.

Teacher appointed him in, He said, "Okay take over."

The most compassionate teacher ever born on this Earth is Melrappa you read his poetry, you read
his devotion and he was so nice that once a man out of arrogance came and started beating him up.
Now all the disciple got upset and they wanted to defend Melrappa.

He said, "No, no, no he is just giving me a hard massage just go away."

He sent everybody away and when this man bet him and bet him and bet him and got tired.

He said, "Well, only thing I can offer you is the butter tea now you are tired so you need rest and

That's how compassionate he became. These are the people who are not abnormal, they are not
extremists, they are genuinely wise people and genuinely wise people do not stop, they do not run
away, they go head on. They become God in this humble feeble body. For them there is no test,
which is a test, it becomes a routine. There is no Sadhana, which is a Sadhana it becomes a routine.
There is no truth, which is a truth it becomes a routine. There is no service, which is a service it
becomes routine. There is no Bana, which is a Bana it becomes a routine. Their life becomes Akal
Moorat, then Guru says, Ajoonee Saibung Gurprasad. Because once in your life God has given the
promise to the soul I shall lead you to your teacher and I shall see that you look at it, God never said
that you will recognize it and we have Guru, Shabad Guru we can look at it, but if we don't recognize
it God is not at fault, we are. God never promised the soul, soul said, "In case I get trapped
in Maya who will awaken me?"

God said, "I'll give you a teacher, but you can look at it, but you have to recognize it."

If we are looking at our teachings and not recognizing them then we are in trouble. If you are looking
at test and not passing it we are at a very severe problem. If we cannot cut the psyche and the cycle
of the time in our age and we cannot save each other....

Somebody said what to do? There is nothing to do, you have five tattvas, you have seven chakraas,
you have ten bodies, you have three gunas put them together that's total you. There are two ways to

Have the divine patience, everything shall come to you. Have the divine indulgence, go and get
everything you want, but when you are going and getting it don't blame, have patience then. Try use
your ego, use your planning, use your thought, use your intelligence, use your games, use your
everything you have, but don't blame, be patient be calm, be quite, or be patient, be calm and quite to
begin with.

I was talking to somebody this morning and he said, "I have been waiting for you."
I looked around I said, "Wahe Guru then look at this, this guy is waiting for me ahaha,"

"I have something for you."

I said, "Okay show me," I looked at it and this is first time in life I asked somebody he gave me the

I said, "Are you sure?"

Normally I bargain. Normally I give a best price, normally I am shrewd. In this case I asked him, "Are
you sure?"

He said, "For your purpose I am sure."

I didn't ask the fifth question, here is the amount, took the thing walked away.

Now, this man I have never seen before never heard of and I did not even knew a minute before what
he is going to offer me? When he took it out that's a rare piece in Bharathi sanskrithi, which was
designed in the turn of the century, eighteen something, nineteen something and this man is waiting
for me. I was not waiting for him. So things have their aura too, foot and a half. Animals have
their aura three foot and half. You have an aura nine foot on each side. I understand many ask me,
"We do not have the capacity to look at the aura?"

"No sir it took only hundred dollar, hundred fifty dollar to become a Guru Sikh. You don't have to read
any book, you don't have to go to anybody, you have not to talk to anybody, not a thing. And that
money will be spent well on you." Good Belgium glass, looking mirror in a good frame full size costs
hundred fifty bucks maximum, including fitting. And very kindly put that at the wall when you get out
just where you last when it in inspection and Guru Gobind Singh picture with that kalgi is available
almost free, that is available with those calendars from those Singapore people. Stick that in the
center of that mirror and stand before the mirror and compare you in the mirror in the picture on the
mirror. If you look eighteen, twenty go anywhere you want, Ang Sang Wahe Guru.

No discussion, no question asked, no book prescribed, no Sadhana, not a thing, but if you look in that
picture and look at yourself and look yourself in the mirror and you look shabby, ugly, neurotic, out of
time, out of place go back home and sit. Isn't that simple? You want to be prosperous, some people
are saying we are economically very hard these days. Why you are feeling that way? Hail Guru Ram
Das and heal people, just go in the touch, you are so coward, you are so afraid even to touch
somebody. Just touch, shake hand, just say hello. No condition made. No question asked. Because
this is the tradition, asees dey, shees chugey, eh tradition hey. Bless somebody the head will bow to
you. How much it costs blessing somebody? But you can't.

I love that day in the Synagogue when that Synagogue was attacked and the rabbi said something to
one person in the congregation and she pretty shocked she rushed back.

She said, "Is that true?"

And rabbi reflected back saying, "Here what I say that counts."

To telling a Jewish woman in a Synagogue by a rabbi what I say here counts, was the greatest
experience of my sixty-two years. First I thought no Jewish woman wants to hear a thing.

(Student's laughter)

That's part of their religion. Secondly, they normally talk to you to death until you agree,

(Student's laughter)
And thirdly she was really Jewish because she even snapped at the rabbi, which they normally don't
do. But, God bless the rabbi.

(Student's laughter)

He didn't say I am a right and wrong we'll think about it, not at all. He acted just like a rabbi.

He said, "What I say here counts."

He didn't say shut up.

(Student's laughter)

He didn't say you are foolish, he didn't say there is no, this is not worthy of you, he didn't reprimanded
her in any verbal way and shock, all he said it, 'what I say here counts.'

And in the name of that rabbi I call you whosoever you touch that counts. Now this is a television
stage. They said go and touch somebody, they are paying for that advertisement can't you not listen
to me and listen to that? They are giving so many concession to you to steal your money by just go
and touch somebody, here no money it will come back to you in many ten folds as a prosperity. In my
life there was one such experience we missed a flight, once in my life I missed a flight, because time
was given wrong. I went to the airport the other flight was leaving, but it was fully booked. A
gentleman came to me and he said, "Aren't you Yogi Bhahan?"

I said, "Yeah, I am."

"Sir I met you in nineteen."

I said, "Okay, fine how are you, what are you doing?"

He said, "Are you going on this plane?"

I said, "I wanted to go but I can't because this is booked and the airline told me wrong time and wrong
flight and I think I have to wait."

He said, "No, sir, you people can go."

And we'll wait and without asking one word he went to the clerk he said, "My tickets I transfer to my

I looked at myself I said, "Here is a student I never have heard him, I never know which" and when I
was going he said, "Master I was all the time looking for you after I met you in the Boulder, you
perhaps don't remember me but I do. I am very busy man, but God what a privilege it is."

And his eye was closed and he was almost sitting down and I said to man, "Oh Yogi damn it look at
him and look at you, look at his shraddha, look at his peace, look at his consciousness, mister
master, he only met you once." One touch and I thought his wife will say, we have emergency we got
to go home back, bah-bah-bah and she said, "It is so good Yogiji she was little better." And they
pushed us on the plane. It didn't do any good because our luggage never showed up.

(Student's laughter)

And three days later we were still finding luggage and it was all okay. But what I mean to say is that
just one touch somewhere and some university said something touched somebody. Who is not
wrong? Everybody who sweats stinks and everybody who doesn't sweat is unhealthy, what is the
purpose of exercise?
So don't worry, hail Guru Ram Das and heal the world by just pure touch, don't hide out. Be holy
don't put yourself in the hole. Expand the horizon. Somewhere you have heavens and somewhere
you have this Earth, somewhere they meet. Let you meet there. Where your heaven and where your
Earth meets. Forget this time now who is the teacher and who is the student. Forget this time who is
right and who is wrong? So forget this also who is pious and who is a sinner.

And I tell you today there was a man a known saint, Sufi Hazaa people used to say, Sufi Hazaa
bakshey khaza, Sufi Hazaa is that person, khaza means eventuality, trouble whatever you want to
call it, it comes to your life once a while a calamity, a disturbance, a disease, whatever.

Sufi Hazaa bakshey kazhaa, that was his known legacy. One day Sufi Hazaa was traveling on his
horse and horse stepped on a snake and when horse stepped on a snake, horse felt that he has
stepped on a snake so he jumped. Sufi Hazaa fell from the horse. Now look at the position, snake
was very furious because horse has stepped on him, Sufi Hazaa has fallen from the horse and his
back is broken he can't move, he is paralyzed and horse is making a lot of cry and what a scene is
being created. There walked a man he was very beautiful, handsome man, there were five thousand
golden pieces on his head alive or dead, he was so wonderful, so holy, so marvelous. Now watch
this, watch this two sides of the coin God is setting.

One side is Sufi Hazaa the master of the area to whom kings bow, people worship and he removes
the tragedy, the calamities, the misfortune of everybody just by blessing them and the legacy rose
Sufi Hazaa mita dey khazha, he removes the tragedy, how good it is? Now here is Sufi Hazaa lying
down cripple unmoving, no way, here is a big, big snake one touch and you are gone, totally
frustrated by the horse injury and here is the horse master's horse, privileged horse. Acknowledged
horse in a body and an animal and to putting his mouth up and crying and calling for help the whole
world. Then angry and trying to rise up and trying to try to kill the snake and trying to look down if he
can find that Sufi Hazaa has a cummerbund, when you ride a horse in old days they had a
cummerbund which used to have a buckle in the back automatic if you fall from the horse or get
injured in the war your horse will pick you up in the mouth bring back to your place, they were trained.
It is that trained in that.

All the horse will go make a bite on the back of that big, thick cummerbund and carry you up and go.
All horse wanted fully trained horse that he can get a little space and get to the Sufi go or he can at
least kill the snake to save the master. And there came a man on whose head there was five
thousand golden pieces dead or alive and his picture was everywhere on every tree you can name it.
He came, he looked at the snake and snake was not willing to go, he said hissssss, two, three times
he told him don't touch me, be on your way. Snake has a very powerful power. Snake will not try to
attack you if it can avoid. And under those circumstances snake was not going to budge, horse didn't
want even this man to come near his master and he was berserk and Sufi Hazaa couldn't move.

This man went around, took some long grass, made it to eat and tie the snake up and then circle him
away threw it away. Horse saw it he came to peace. He picked up the Sufi got back on the horse
brought him to the town and deliver him to a doctor. After adjusting Sufi and doctor saw that.

He said, "All he needs now is rest," now when people saw Sufi Hazaa coming in the town being
picked by the man, they forgot about the man they saw their great master, so everybody came and
encircled the horse, man couldn't go back. Finally man was arrested. He was brought before the king.

And king said, "You know your punishment?" Five thousand dollars will go, five thousand gold coins
will go to Sufi Hazaa because he was the cause of your arrest and you will be beheaded. And this
man laughed.

He said, "Why are you laughing?"

He said, "I don't want to tell you."

(Student's laughter)
He said, "Okay you tell me."

He said, "No, you behead me, game is over I got caught forget about it."

He said, "No, you tell me I'll forgive your life."

He said, "No, I don't want to be forgiven, I want you to do behead me tomorrow morning, now if you
have the capacity come on take your sword and do it. I am not going to tell you but I have the right to
laugh," and he laughed again and this time much louder.

And he said, "Wait a minute I will not behead you till you don't tell me."

He said, "You are not going to get it."

He said, "I will never behead you if you tell me."

He said, "Never."

He said, "What it takes to know why you are laughing?"

He said, "Sufi Hazaa."

He said, "All right come with me."

So he came to Sufi and he begged him and blessed him and master and Sufi opened his eyes and
he said, "Where is that man of God is the person of God who totally fixed me and brought me here.
Oh king can I see him?"

He said, "Master I brought him."

He said, "Come my son I want to bless you.

And I am going to go home now and you will be in my place, I bless you I bless you, I bless you."

And Sufi Hazaa closed his eyes and he was gone.

And king said, "Now you are Sufi Hazaa."

He said, "Didn't I tell you it takes Sufi Hazaa to know what I wanted to tell you?"

He said, "But you are a thief."

He said, "You should have asked Sufi."

(Student's laughter)

He said, "That is true, I should have asked Sufi."

And Sufi Hazaa opened his eyes and small and laughed, ahahah he said.

He said, "Master you are alive?"

He said, "I was."

(Student's laughter)

"But I thought you died."

He said, "Yeah I did."

And he said, "You made him in your place."

He said, "Oh king look with my eyes, this man not saved me this man saved his soul. He passed the
test, I am not dead and Sufi Hazaa got up perfect."

He said, "This man is now Sufi Hazaa but you are a king, you do the justice to kill him. And you have

"Okay master, come on man."

He took him and he took the sword king himself and with all his force he hit his neck and look at the
surprise, sword came back neck was intact. He did it thrice. Finally he put his sword back and
brought him.

He said, "Master I did it thrice I did my job now he is yours."

He said, "He is not mine, he is that of God."

His name is known in the history of Sufi Raheem, a Sufi, which is personified as a merciful God.
Rabul Raheem they call God Raheem and he was Sufi Raheem. And it is said in that area that he
even didn't touch people, he personified in among people when they were in trouble and took them
out. It takes one action to be divine and Guru says it, I am not saying it from my side, he says it,

"Har bolo, har bolo merey Gursikh Bhai Har bolo. Har bolo tho sab paap ley jaaye Har bolo."

Utter the word of Har oh my Guru Sikh Bhais, utter the word of Har, by saying Har all your sin departs
and you become divine. And it takes eleven hundred times speaking Har by saying
once Wahe Guru correctly. But we are looking at Wahe Guru we are not understanding it. We do
a mantra we are doing mantra it is good for us. No, it is good for the whole universe. We didn't purify
ourself, we purified the whole world. Expand your horizons, divine will be you, there is no other
divine. Do all, sarbat da balaa, Nanak Nam Cherdi Kala, Nanak if Thy through Thy name
my consciousness will become infinite what I will do, what is the symptom, what is the sign, what is
the test? Tere Paane Sarbat Daa Bhalaa, for that grace I'll wish good to all and what is all? All means
all big or small. Bad and good. For you there is no ape, no snake, no wrong, no right. For you all is
God. When you see wrong according to your judgment if you choose to be judgmental bless it, if you
see right appreciate it. Take that as a Sadhana for forty days.

'Sabna (?) karta karey so hai.'

Siri Guru Granth, everybody has jumped their jump but God does that hurt immediately happens.
Please out of the mercy of God the divine you by the power of your consciousness and soul have
walked on this path unto to Siri Guru Granth the Shabad Guru it is now the Age of Aquarius, it is your
responsibility to take care of your children and turn them to be saints and it is their responsibility as
saints to heal the world. It is your job, touch them, touch others. You touch, you touch, you touch and
see how it works.

"Aad sach, Jugad sach, Hai bhee sach, Nanak hosee bhee sach."

You touch, you take a lead, you touch, see this japa. One word in Siri Guru Granth, jap Aad sach,
Jugad sach, Hai bhee sach, Nanak hosee bhee sach. What do you know about this? No, you touch
see it works or not. And charity begins from home, touch your own child. Bless your own child. Teach
your own child. And then think all the world is full of his children. And never look at anybody more
than six months old. The trouble will start when you enter nine months. Look at every child when it is
six months old, see how innocent lovely, affectionate and pure that is. Same way treat ninety year
old, sixty year old and for God sake treat me like that.
(Student's laughter)

And leave me alone. Let me dirty my own diapers I am fine. But keep your clean. This is tomorrow,
this is yours, you have to learn to touch and let the Aad sach, Jugad sach work for you. Don't hesitate
to touch. There is no way in your life that you can stop touching the heart of the people and you can
feel miserable. Touch and just say God is touching it and don't phonyfy it. Oh I have blessed you. I
met a great man that day he said, "I have never met a master, I have never touched a master, I am
touching you."

I said, Oh, I said, "But unfortunately you are so mistaken I am no master and nothing doing, but thank
God touch me I enjoy it." It was a good touch, I slept, I snored it was so good.

(Student's laughter)

When somebody touch you and try to heal you and pour in you all the energy he doesn't know or
know at least take it. I was good enough, he was young enough and I say come on, come on, touch
me, touch me.

(Student's laughter)

Take mine all oldness and ill health and give me all yours, God bless you. Good exchange he
volunteered what is wrong with that? But you don't lose anything, by sticking Guru Ram Das in. Just
stick him in, that is what I do, I am telling you the, I am confessing it good Catholic. Whatever your life
demands on you touch people in His name, let Him fail, it's a very good buy. If it succeeds it is you, if
it fails it is Him. What you lose?

(Student's laughter)

This is Aquarian age, stick him in, if he Guru Ram Das does not know to protect himself what you
worry about it, let him falter. It is his altar will be in trouble, not you. Now this is June, we had that day
wish and dish Gurdwara, many of you did not come because you did not have any wish. And many of
you didn't bring any dish and you didn't come neither you brought dish nor you brought wish. It comes
once a month. If you can call me stupid I am not going to call you stupid, but I am asking you what an
opportunity you missed. Where you get this chance?

You would have purchased, you would have cooked, you would have prepared, you had you know
this is the only way that you prepare a prayer with ego. And you get involved. And prayer got longer
and longer and longer and longer and you become proud, and proud and proud. God knows where it
clicks with God at that time and your wish maybe, before even you bring the dish here it is too long a
way. You get up in the morning, you remember either you prepare one day earlier or you come little
earlier it normally never falls on this was lucky it was on Saturday normally it doesn't fall on week
days, on weekends. So you prepare a dish and this is the first time you come to Gurdwara where you
don't have to bring a dollar, which you are very rich enough to do, you bring something. And that is
shared by people and if somebody likes to taste I say my God it is good, all goodness come to you.
And nobody showed up.

Can you believe if you start missing these kind of opportunity what is going on? All I am asking you to
extend your prayer long and long and long, make it so long somewhere it fits in. So in your program it
is very difficult to attend every Sunday Gurdwara I know, people have lot to do. When I hear these
kind of things I really laugh, I really ask people today is a Gurdwara I never say them it is Sunday, I
just remind them it is a Gurdwara day once a week and once a way month is the dish and wish day.
Now we have missos, we have Jethadars, we have Bhai Sahib, we have, what is we have an
administrative council, we have everything which a paper can write. We have to have a will. And we
have to grow, we have to ask ourself. Wrong is wrong done or not done.

If somebody has done wrong to you by forgiving you can get hundred thousand fold. If somebody you
have wronged by apologizing you get hundred thousand fold. But my dear children of God when you
wrong yourself only your self has to wash it out. Then God cannot help and let us not be that wrong.
It is my privilege and my prayer that you all be blessed and live in ecstasy and you may never be
wrong. And you all may serve your soul, the main competent ingredient of your body and mind so
that you live in happiness, health and prosperity. I trust you and I believe you and I know you can do
it. Let us try from now onward that wherever our duty is to take our soul it will be beauty of our life
and we prefer it over every other priority.

It was very shocking and things work that way. When I was posted in Amritsar it was my privilege if I
am within hundred twenty-five miles vicinity I'll come back to the Golden Temple and it become so
known that once my boss called me from Delhi and he said, "Where is he?"

He said, "His next station is such and such place."

He said, "Don't worry go to the Golden Temple he will be there sometime, don't search him out."

Yes 2 a.m. I showed up and they said, "Sir, here is a secret order and it was meant only to be given
to you to open by your own hands."

I said, "I already know I took care of it."

I went to the Golden Temple did what I had to do, I came back and meanwhile my subordinate
showed up there and he said, "Job is done."

I opened the letter, I compared the two notes, I stick that in.

I said, "Now first flight send it to Delhi."

"Sir you never read it."

I said, "It is already done, what is there to read I read it."

"It is over with, go."

But there was a privilege they knew it if I am within hundred twenty-five miles I'll be there any moment
of the day or the night.

It is just a discipline, it is just a commitment, which you can ask yourself. And it's the same way you
can teach your children. As you can teach your child within you, you can child around you and you
can teach every child in everybody. Just remember child in everybody is never dead. No man is
without innocence and there is no child without innocence. You can always touch a child in
everybody and you always can teach, that's your privilege soul create the environments so that you
can serve the Age of Aquarius for the humanity now and forever.

"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"

I, I think we have heard about Russia and Siberia where you all know that we have two individuals,
which have come from Siberia. They were on a Nirankaar mission, I think it will be privilege for them
to take about five minutes to let us know what they saw there. There were about couple hours away
from Alaska, Anchorage and they were right there in the middle of everything and it is God's privilege
that now we have the consignment sitting on the sea shores of New York. So, it is not a dream but it
is a privilege so I'll like both of them they took a courage they went all the way they saw it, dealt with
it, and in Russia they were known as a American delegation for joint venture let them give you their
own opinion.

Student: "Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"

Oh you will be happy to know that we have got about four hundred Sikh brothers and sisters
in Russia who are just can't believe they have a family to relate to now that we have been there and
we can all say we have been to Siberia which is like the (?).

(Student's laughter)

That's a very beautiful spiritual high elevated place. Just to share some statistics with you there are
three thousand registered joint ventures in Russia and we are the only one that is privately owned
and processing and manufacturing and it is actually successfully doing so. So we are not just creating
history for ourselves, we are creating world history as well.

Side B

One of our first experience is when we were on our way to Siberia was all of a sudden someone
came and whispered in our ears and said come forward and we had been invited into the cockpit of
the plane of the jet on the way and we stood in the cockpit of the jet on through the landing and we
were just saying to ourselves never in America will they ever allow you to do anything like that, but on
your way to Siberia why not. That was the beginning having many special experiences and privileges
like that, because they had never really seen anybody like us before and in Russia they relate to
people when you dress in a regal fashion as we do they relate to you in that respect, they look at you
with respect and (?) we experienced that wherever we went.

And we were very happy to see how much dedication that has been on the part of the people in
Siberia working on that project. They are under the most outrageous conditions there and despite
that they have kept this business going for almost a year now. There are days when they have no
electricity and no water and they have got a deadline to meet and produce in a certain amount of pine
nuts everyday and they just have gone beyond being what is expected of anybody and to achieve
that. And we had no idea we got a chance to finally see it with our own eyes and Karamjeet Singh
which most of you know has been over there for almost a year also and he has been and he has
done a remarkable job he has gone beyond the call of duty he is put in two hundred percent and I still
haven't yet figured out what makes him tick but he is really doing a fantastic job with very little input.
He is just driving it everyday and in Moscow we got a chance to visit all the students talk with the
students and they were hungry for information they want us to send every bit of literature that we
have, unfortunately it all needs to be translated in Russian and they don't have a computer yet, so
they can't really do that. So we are going to try to assist them, that way just to give you an idea the
average salary there is between.

YB: Oh this Dr. Hi fi, is this should be his job?

Student: Right. (?).

YB: (?) too fat for that.

(Student's laughter)

Student: They give you an idea of what they are up against their average salary is between three and
seven hundred rubles a month and right now a banana costs a hundred rubles a month. So their
salary is enough to allow them to purchase four or five bananas in a month. So they have found other
ways to get food and sometimes you see people pick painting on the streets because they have not
been eating enough. We happened to notice very big difference between our yoga students and the
people you see on the busses they looked rather drained and depressed but the yoga students were
very bright and have a lot of hope and over there it is like America in the sixties it is that kind of
feeling where people are ready and waiting for spiritual education and awareness.

So it is one of Har Gobind is going to absolutely love it, we hear he is just about on his way there, I
don't if he is here today but there are other town, but it is the perfect place for anybody who has that
missionary spirit. It is the fabulous place to go because everybody is waiting and ready for whatever
you can give them and there it is very strong people, very proud people and we felt extremely
honored to have been there and met them and it was a great experience, grateful to Siri Singh
Sahib for having given us the opportunity.

Student: By the way our factory is old bomb shelter and (?) of course suppose to protect them from
(?) bombs so he might like to know that.

"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"

YB: Now, now we are not in Russia alone we are in Siberia and where these people were it is about
hour and a half flight from Anchorage by air, that far and if our other projects come through we shall
be there for one hundred year just completing the project which is being very intensively looked into.
Right now we have about twenty projects which we like to accomplish, not for the sake of us as a
profit that we will have anyway, but providing a respectable, graceful job to the people who are
coming along with us, who will like not only to serve Sikh Dharma but who will like to serve their
families and principles and who can respectably be trained and put in job of respect and they can
start with a salary which may not get outside world in ten or twenty years. That is how convenient it
will be.

You just understand facts and figures this other job which you are looking out which we are partners,
Hungary government is one partner and there is an American corporation which is a partner and we
are partner. It is three and a half trillion dollars, not rubles worth of a project. And it will employ
thousands and thousands of people in that country and many, many from us. God has His own ways
to deal with things and those who are trying to be macho here and live in the dream world and fall on
their face if they can hold on and wait and call on their character wait till tomorrow perhaps it will
come true that Khalsa will lead the world. This whole thing for which now the consignment is sitting in
New York docks came through us just out of pure hand of God and I cannot tell you how silently,
calmly, Karamjeet worked on it for a year and going to that place where he had been going to nobody
could understand what we are talking about here, so I sent two officers of the corporation to go and
see for themself and they were known there as American joint venture commission, everywhere they
were treated like royal. Their name is Kaur, so it is translated as princesses and they were not only
up to translation they were treated so. And I am grateful to both of them that they showed those
characteristics too.

Showing character and characteristics to those people is very important. And they taught yoga
classes, they talked to people. What I am trying to explain to you as a community time has come
when you must rise and let the word of the Guru spread in prosperity to others by your grace. Those
who are criticizing, accusing us for lot of things and they are just frustrated and totally distempered
themself. We are also grateful to them and they did a very royal job to keep us alert. It is never, it's
never a pain when somebody shouts, insult at you, because you must understand recognize the fact.
It is way for awakening you and you can be only awakened by your worst enemy and the greatest
tragedy of awakening which is a pious free when your own child start insulting you and going
differently. You may not like it, but according to the spiritual length of time it is called Karma. Action
has reaction equal and opposite. And therefore on one hand the world is looking to you for guidance,
on the other hand your own family needs the repair on third hand your own society needs the
participation, on fourth hand your soul needs to be redeemed and fifthly I wanted you to move on.

"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"


Student reads the holy book.

"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh."

Student: Tinasiri first Guru if God shows mercy then alone can man remember Him. His soul is
softened and he remains absorbed in the Lord's love. His soul he makes one with the supreme soul.
His mind's duality is reabsorbed in the mind by the Guru's grace the Lord is attained to. If man's mind
gets attached with the Lord, death then devours him not, pause. Remembering the true Lord man's
mind is illumined. Wherefore in the midst of (?) he remains detached. Such is the glory of the
true Guru that in the midst of sons and wife man obtains emancipation. Such service the Lord's slave
renders unto him that he surrenders his soul to him to whom it belongs.

He who is pleasing to the Lord becomes acceptable in His court. Such a slave obtains honor in the
Lord's court. The image of the true Guru he enshrines in his mind and he obtains the boon, which he
desires. The true Lord showers His benedictions on him. How can then such a slave be afraid of
death? Says Nanak, if someone embraces the Lord's meditation and enshrines affection for the
true Gurbani then alone attains he to the gate of salvation. This meditation of the Lord is the essence
of the all the worships and penances. Says Nanak, if someone embraces the Lord's meditation and
enshrines affection for the true Gurbani then alone attains he to the gate of salvation.
This meditation of the Lord is the essence of all the worships and penances.

"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"


"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh"

Boley Sonihaal.......

Sat Siri Akal......

"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh."


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