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Criterion A

Inquiring and analysing

● Task A1
○ Explain and justify the need
● Task A2
○ Identify and prioritise the research
● Task A3
○ Analyse existing products
● Task A4
○ Develop and design brief

Design problem

● A problem that can be solved by designing and making a product - the solution!
● Something that a client or target audience wants or needs
● The reason for designers to create a product

Target audience
● The people who will buy tand use your product. Similar to Consumer


Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem.

● Explain a design problem

● Justify why it should be solved

Task A1: Explain and justify the need

2 questions to help you justify a solution

● What are the benefits to solving the problem?

● How would you solve it?


A - Aesthetics
C - Cost
C - Customer
E - Environmental
S - Size
S - Safety
F - Function
M - Material

Aesthetics means what does the product look like?

Cost means how much does the product cost to buy?
Material means what is the product made out of?

Reflection for task A1:

1. What is the topic or goal of task A1

Explain and justify the need

2. List 3 things you learned about task A1. Explain what you learned

After learning and completing the document for criterion A, I’ve learned some different things.
The first thing is how to analyze existing products and take ideas for your own product. I’ve
learned how to set out tasks and prioritise each one. The last thing is how to develop a design

3. List 3 things you did not understand. Explain why not

I didn’t know what the “need” in task A1 was at first. I guess I wasn’t sure because I just looked
at the directions document and there was just an example, not the thing I really need. I had
trouble justifying stuff because it required too much details.

4. Explain how you completed task A1 for your infographic project.

What did you do right?

Almost everything

What did you do wrong?

Stating the need

How can you fix it?

I already did by going along with Mr Tyler’s comments on my document
ACCESS FM Reflection:
What does ACCESS FM stand for and what does each letter mean?
A - Aesthetics - Its looks
C - Cost - The time and materials and takes
C - Customer - The targeted customer and the audience
E - Environmental - How it affects the environment
S - Size - How big or small the product is
S - Safety - How safe the product is when used
F - Function - How the product works
M - Material - The materials or what the product is made out of

What category is the most important when making infographics?

Aesthetics because if it doesn’t look good, it wouldn’t be an infographic, just a page with

Task A2

Identify and prioritise the research


Construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research
needed to develop a solution to the problem.

Choosing a topic

Layout, interactive elements

ACCESS FM, aesthetics
Climate change data
Prioritise inquiry questions


List and describe 3 things you learned about task A2

The first thing I’ve learned is how to prioritise my research. Second thing is the importance of
aesthetics. The last thing is how to choose a topic.
List and explain 3 things that were not clear

The style part wasn’t that specific.

Think about your project. What are 3 more topics you could research?

Climate change, CO2, greenhouse gas

Choose one of those topics what are 3 inquiry questions you could ask

Task A2 - Finding sources

1. Find out what data needed to be collected to answer your inquiry questions
2. Find at least one reliable source for each topic
3. Add your sources to the research plan in MLA-8 format



Topic Justification Inquiry Priority Data to be Sources

questions collected



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