FfoL Solo PDF

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Fistful of Lead Solo Play AI Rules

“War” Card Activation Rules:

1. Shuffle the deck.
2. The player flips over a card for himself, and one for the AI opponent.
3. Whichever card goes first according to the FfoL rules, that side activates a model and uses any bonus their
card offers (see below for AI usage of Special Cards (SC)).
4. When that activation is complete, both cards go in a discard pile and two more are drawn.
5. The higher card goes first every time. Once each model/unit on a side has been activated, that side’s turn
is over.
6. If the other side has any models left, continue drawing one card at a time and activating units until all units
on the table have been activated.

Note - You can either put the spent cards back in and re-shuffle for the next turn, or just keep drawing for the
next turn. If you draw a SC, but the opponent draws a card that activates first, you lose the bonus the SC
would give. That card goes into the discard pile.

AI Types:
• AI is broken into “Offensive” and “Defensive” types.
• Regardless of type, any time a unit has to move, it will do so “smartly” by using available terrain as cover
and not put itself into an obviously “bad spot”.
• The units will react to “visible” enemies. They will not be omniscient in regards to enemy movement and
location. They will, however, use Overwatch according to their situation and/or the scenario.
• Units will attack the closest enemy to it unless there is another target within the same range band that
presents a better target

Example – Two enemies are in close range of the attacking AI unit. One is in cover and closer to the AI unit,
while the other is in the open. It is slightly farther away, but still in the same range band. The AI unit will fire
on the unit in the open, even though it is slightly farther from the attacker.

Offensive AI:
1. If the unit is out of range for its weaponry, it will move toward the nearest known enemy.
2. The unit will move to within its weapon’s Short range. If said weapon is a melee weapon, the unit will
close into hand-to-hand as quickly as possible.
3. The unit will adhere to its side’s objective(s) as outlined in the scenario to the best of its ability while
completing steps 1 & 2.

Defensive AI:
1. If the unit is out of range for its weaponry, it will move toward the nearest known enemy.
2. The unit will move to within its weapon’s Long range. If said weapon is a melee weapon, the unit will close
into hand-to-hand as targets of opportunity occur.
3. The unit will adhere to its side’s objective(s) as outlined in the scenario to the best of its ability while
completing steps 1 & 2.

Example – A group has two offensive and three defensive units. The scenario calls for the units’ side to defend
a position and protect a “thing”.
Fistful of Lead Solo Play AI Rules
The two offensive units would move forward into favorable close-range firing positions while still maintaining
cover integrity. If one of those units was primarily armed with a melee weapon, it would work to engage the
nearest visible enemy.

The three defensive units would move into favorable long-range firing positions while still maintaining cover
integrity. If one of those units was primarily armed with a melee weapon, it would work toward the nearest
visible enemy and engage in melee when pressed or given an opportunity. All three would maintain positions
that would follow their scenario objective of defense and protection.

AI Card and SC Usage:

There are 22 SCs in a normal deck. Four are offensive-only, eight are defensive/supportive, and the rest can be
used either way.
• If a SC is drawn that has an obvious positive effect for an AI unit (e.g., a unit is Out of Ammo and a six is
drawn), common sense usage trumps offensive and defensive usage.
• The solo player still determines which enemy unit goes, again using common sense for the card drawn.
• Aces will be played as either a higher card than the player or as a Two, depending on whether the AI unit is
“offensive” or “defensive”.
• To totally randomize which unit uses a SC, roll a d6. Odds = Offensive units, evens = Defensive units. Roll
again, dividing the roll between however many units have the Offensive Defensive designation. For
example, if three units are Defensive and the activation was randomly rolled to be for one of them, roll a
d6. 1-2 = unit 1, 3-4 = unit 2, 5-6 = unit 3 uses the SC.

Offensive SC usage:
• Aces drawn will be used to activate ASAP.
• Offensive SCs will be used by Offensive units first. If all Offensive units have gone, a Defensive unit will use
the SC.

Defensive SC usage:
• Aces drawn will be used as Twos.
• Defensive SCs will be used by Defensive units first. If all Defensive units have gone, an Offensive unit will
use the SC.

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