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Automatic Mental Associations Predict Future

Choices of Undecided Decision-Makers

Silvia Galdi, et al.
Science 321, 1100 (2008);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1160769

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30. We acknowledge expert advice and materials from Hughes Medical Institute. J.M.R. was supported by grants Supporting Online Material
S. Tapscott and members of the Tapscott laboratory, from NIH. H.A.C. is the Milton E. Cassel scholar of the
J. Olson and members of the Olson laboratory, members Rita Allen Foundation and acknowledges support from Materials and Methods
of the Galloway laboratory, S. Parkhurst, V. Vasioukhin, the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research and the Figs. S1 to S4
X. Yu, C. Civin, K. Fitzgerald, W. Chien, K. Loeb, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America References
M. Mehaffey, R. Eisenman, M. Groudine, D. Gottschling, Foundation. H.A.C. is supported by National Institute of
R. Zhang, P. Adams, and members of the Roberts General Medical Sciences Center of Excellence grant 1 February 2008; accepted 22 July 2008
laboratory. L.S. acknowledges support from the Howard P50 GM071508. 10.1126/science.1155998

Automatic Mental Associations decision-maker’s personal weighting of that in-

formation. In this study, we investigated the dif-
ferential effect of automatic mental associations
Predict Future Choices of and consciously held beliefs on future choices by
individuals who claim to be decided versus unde-
Undecided Decision-Makers cided. Conceptually, automatic mental associa-
tions are defined as those associations that come
to mind unintentionally, that are difficult to con-
Silvia Galdi,1* Luciano Arcuri,1 Bertram Gawronski2 trol once they are activated, and that may not nec-
essarily be endorsed at a conscious level (4, 5).

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Common wisdom holds that choice decisions are based on conscious deliberations of the available Such automatic associations are often contrasted
information about choice options. On the basis of recent insights about unconscious influences on with consciously held beliefs, which can be
information processing, we tested whether automatic mental associations of undecided individuals described as mental contents that an individual
bias future choices in a manner such that these choices reflect the evaluations implied by earlier explicitly endorses as accurate (3, 5). The mea-
automatic associations. With the use of a computer-based, speeded categorization task to assess surement of automatic associations has been ad-
automatic mental associations (i.e., associations that are activated unintentionally, difficult to vanced by the development of so-called implicit
control, and not necessarily endorsed at a conscious level) and self-report measures to assess measures, most of which are based on participants’
consciously endorsed beliefs and choice preferences, automatic associations of undecided performance on computer-based, speeded catego-
participants predicted changes in consciously reported beliefs and future choices over a period rization tasks (6, 7). These implicit measures dif-
of 1 week. Conversely, for decided participants, consciously reported beliefs predicted changes fer from explicit measures employed to assess
in automatic associations and future choices over the same period. These results indicate that conscious beliefs, which are based on standard
decision-makers sometimes have already made up their mind at an unconscious level, even self-report or survey methodology.
when they consciously indicate that they are still undecided. We provide evidence that future choices of
undecided individuals can be predicted by their
magine the following scenario: It is election litical campaigns and to what the candidates say current automatic mental associations, even when

I time and the available voting options include

two political candidates. You do not have a
strong party affiliation that could guide your vot-
about various issues you care about. After several
weeks of deliberation, you finally decide that you
should give your vote to candidate A rather than
these individuals consciously report that they are
still undecided. This case is contrasted with fu-
ture choices made by decided individuals, which
ing decision, and you are still undecided which of candidate B, and that decision is ultimately re- we expected to be guided by consciously held
the two candidates deserves your vote. Over the flected in your vote on election day. beliefs about choice options rather than automatic
next couple of weeks, you pay close attention to Common wisdom, as well as theorizing in mental associations. Our hypothesis that auto-
the media coverage of the two candidates’ po- psychological science, suggests that such pro- matic associations may predict future choices of
cesses of decision-making are based on a given undecided decision-makers is inspired by earlier
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, individual’s weighting of the information that is research on political decision-making (8) and
University of Padova, Via Venezia 8, 35131 Padova, Italy.
Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, acquired during a phase of deliberation about the biased information processing (9, 10). The latter
Social Science Centre, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada. available options (1–3). According to this view, line of research has shown that automatic asso-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: future choices primarily depend on (i) the par- ciations can bias the processing of new informa- ticular information that is acquired, and (ii) the tion in a manner that is consistent with the meaning

Fig. 1. Stability (horizontal arrows) and change (diagonal arrows) in auto- (n = 33) at time 1. The figure shows standardized beta values of simultaneous
matic associations and consciously held beliefs from time 1 to time 2 (1 week multiple regression analyses based on a two-wave-two-variable panel design
apart) for participants who were indicated to be decided (n = 96) or undecided (* P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001; ns, not significant).

1100 22 AUGUST 2008 VOL 321 SCIENCE

of previously existing associations. A useful ex- the individual may develop a conscious prefer- design (Fig. 1) (16). On the basis of t tests to
ample to illustrate such effects is a study on bi- ence for candidate A over candidate B over the determine the statistical significance of the stan-
ases in face perception (10). In this study, white course of deliberating about the two options, which dardized beta weights (17), the results indicated
participants were presented with short movie clips is rooted in the biasing influence of automatic that automatic associations were relatively stable
in which the facial expressions of black and white associations on the processing of new informa- for both undecided participants [t(30) = 2.30, P =
faces that were fully controlled for physiognomic tion. From this perspective, the ultimate decision 0.03] and decided participants [t(93) = 5.12, P <
features changed from hostile to friendly or vice of an undecided individual may be determined, in 0.001]; conscious beliefs were relatively stable
versa. Depending on the particular condition, par- a more or less probable sense, long before this for undecided participants [t(30) = 4.08, P < 0.001]
ticipants’ task was to indicate either the offset individual consciously endorses a preference for and highly stable for decided participants [t(93) =
or the onset of hostility in the target’s face. Re- one candidate over the other. 33.66, P < 0.001]. Automatic associations at time
sults showed that participants identified hostil- To test this assumption, we asked 129 resi- 1 significantly predicted changes in conscious be-
ity earlier or for a longer period in black compared dents of the city of Vicenza in Italy to complete liefs over time for undecided participants [t(30) =
to white faces. The relative size of these ef- various measures assessing their attitudes toward 2.82, P = 0.009], but not for decided participants
fects was correlated with participants’ automatic the enlargement of a U.S. military base in Vicenza. [t(93) = −0.86, P = 0.39]. Conversely, conscious
associations—but not with their conscious beliefs— At the time of our data collection (October to beliefs at time 1 significantly predicted changes
regarding blacks, such that enhanced perceptions December 2007), the enlargement plans were in automatic associations over time for decided
of hostile expressions in black faces increased as controversially discussed in the media, which led participants [t(93) = 3.07, P = 0.003], but not for
a function of automatic negative associations re- to a strong polarization among residents of the city. undecided participants [t(30) = −1.23, P = 0.23]
garding blacks. Expanding on these findings, other The measures included (i) a single-item question (18). These results suggest that for undecided par-

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research has shown that such biasing effects of on whether participants are in favor of the ticipants, future conscious beliefs were to a signif-
automatic associations remain unqualified by en- enlargement, undecided, or against the enlarge- icant extent determined by their earlier automatic
hanced motivation to control biased or prejudiced ment (choice); (ii) a 10-item survey on partic- associations, even though these participants had
responses (9), suggesting that automatic associ- ipants’ conscious beliefs about environmental, consciously reported being undecided at the time
ations may influence information processing out- political, economic, and social consequences of of the first measurement. In contrast, for decided
side of conscious awareness (11). the enlargement (conscious beliefs); and (iii) a participants, conscious beliefs predicted changes
Applied to the present question, these results computer-based response latency task designed in automatic associations, presumably reflecting a
suggest the possibility that future decisions of un- to assess participants’ automatic evaluative asso- consolidation of their consciously held beliefs (5).
decided individuals can be predicted by mea- ciations regarding the U.S. military base (automatic That is, conscious beliefs may have strengthened
suring their current automatic associations (8). associations). The latter task was an adaptation of those associations that are in line with these be-
Specifically, the available results (9, 10) suggest the Single-Category Implicit Association Test liefs, such that these associations become automat-
that automatic associations could distort the pro- (14), in which participants had to categorize pic- ic over time.
cessing of new information (e.g., by means of tures of the U.S. military base, as well as positive To further investigate the relations of auto-
selective processing or biased interpretation), such and negative words, as quickly as possible. Auto- matic associations and conscious beliefs to future
that future decisions that are based on such dis- matic associations were inferred from partici- choices, we simultaneously regressed participants’
torted information will be in line with previously pants’ performance (i.e., response latencies, error choices at time 2 (in favor, undecided, against)
existing automatic associations. For instance, in rates) on different types of trials on this task (15). onto automatic associations and consciously held
our introductory example, an individual’s auto- Participants completed all measures twice, with beliefs at time 1 (Fig. 2). Results showed that for
matic associations may be more favorable for can- the two measurement occasions being 1 week decided participants, choices at time 2 were sig-
didate A compared to candidate B, even though apart. nificantly predicted by their consciously held be-
this individual may not endorse a conscious pref- To test the relations between automatic as- liefs at time 1 [t(93) = 15.40, P < 0.001], with
erence for one candidate over the other (12, 13). sociations, consciously held beliefs, and future automatic associations being unrelated to future
Yet, these associations may nevertheless influ- choices, we investigated the mutual relations be- choices [t(93) = −0.15, P = 0.88]. Conversely, for
ence the processing of new information about the tween automatic associations and conscious be- undecided participants, choices at time 2 were
two candidates, such that the subsequent conclu- liefs for participants who were indicated to be significantly predicted by automatic associations
sion drawn from this information is biased in decided versus undecided at time 1 using multi- at time 1 [t(30) = 2.65, P = 0.01], with con-
favor of candidate A over candidate B. Hence, ple regression and a two-wave-two-variable panel sciously held beliefs showing a positive, albeit

Fig. 2. Prediction of future choices (in favor, undecided, against) at time decided (n = 33) at time 1. The figure shows standardized beta values of
2 by automatic associations and consciously held beliefs at time 1 (1 week simultaneous multiple regression analyses (* P < 0.05; *** P < 0.001; ns,
apart) for participants who were indicated to be decided (n = 96) or un- not significant). SCIENCE VOL 321 22 AUGUST 2008 1101

nonsignificant, relation to future choices [t(30) = with these associations (9, 10). To the extent that against the enlargement. Even though no reminder of
1.69, P = 0.10] (19). Taken together, these results information about choice options is often mixed the responses at time 1 was given, all of the 96 decided
participants indicated the same decision at time 1 and
suggest that (i) conscious beliefs and future choices and heterogeneous, biased processing of that in- time 2.
of undecided decision-makers are to a significant formation can bring future choices of undecided 17. The relevant requirements for an application of the
extent determined by their earlier automatic as- individuals in line with their already existing au- employed statistical procedures were met.
sociations; (ii) such effects occur only for unde- tomatic associations. Thus, one could say that 18. Multiple regression moderator analyses that included
decidedness as a dummy-coded moderator revealed that
cided but not for decided decision-makers, whose people sometimes have already made up their
the impact of automatic associations at time 1 on
choices are primarily based on earlier conscious- mind, even though they do not know it yet. conscious beliefs at time 2 was significantly moderated
ly held beliefs; and (iii) conscious beliefs of by decidedness [t(123) = 3.43, P = 0.001]; the
decided decision-makers influence their future moderating effect of decidedness on the impact of
References and Notes
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new information in a manner that is consistent the enlargement, 14 were still undecided, and 10 were 10.1126/science.1160769

1102 22 AUGUST 2008 VOL 321 SCIENCE

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