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GMP Certification Programme

Certified Biotech Manager

GMP for Vaccine
Dr Robert Eskes
Novartis Technical Operations

24/25 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain

Mag. Petra Falb

AGES - Austrian Agency for Health
and Food Safety

Dr Andreas Neubert
IDT Biologika

Dr Volker Öppling
PEI, German Federal Institut for
Vaccines and Biomedicines

Current Regulatory Requirements and Practical Implementation

Robert Schwarz Highlights

FH Campus Vienna
ƒ Th
ree Case Studies:
1. Concept of Multipurpose Vaccine Production Facility
2. Design, Construction and Qualification of a New
Production Line
3. GMP Development and Manufacturing of Recombinant Viral
Dr Jörg Weyermann Vaccines for Clinical Trials
GlaxoSmithKline ƒ Peculiarities of Viral and Bacterial Vaccines
ƒ GMP Issues for Upstream and Downstream Processing
ƒ Staff Safety

With Case Studies on New Manufacturing

Buildings and Validation of Fogging/Gassing

Objective Target Audience

The development and production of vaccines makes high de- The course is designed for personnel of pharmaceutical
mands on the manufacturing pharmaceutical industry. The spe- industries, their suppliers and regulatory bodies who
cial requirements on handling and safety with live organisms ne- ƒ are responsible for quality control and/or quality
cessitate measures which exceed the requirements of classic assurance in vaccine/biopharmaceutical production,
pharmaceutical manufacturing. ƒ manage the vaccine production,
ƒ establish the operator protection,
Topics like the enhanced risk of cross-contaminations, ƒ audit vaccine manufacturers,
questions about individual safety of staff and the issues of clean- ƒ design or operate vaccine production sites.
ing and disinfection of rooms and equipment concern a vaccine
manufacturer in a considerable scale.
Specifically the demands of the necessary bio safety classes
with negative pressure of rooms versus that of aseptic process- GMP for Vaccines: What are the Issues?
ing with positive pressure requires a well thought- out design of
vaccine facilities. ƒ Differences between vaccines and conventional products
ƒ Inactivated and live vaccines
Also, the safety of environment and waste disposal should re- ƒ Control of vaccine strains and cell lines
ceive proper attention already in the design phase. But the dedi- ƒ Risk of (cross-)contamination
cated requirements on staff safety are also a challenge in vaccine ƒ (Bio)safety issues
The Peculiarities of Bacterial Vaccines
This Course will give you the possibility to see the theoretical
background as well as the practical implementation of GMP re- ƒ Types of vaccines available
quirements in the vaccine production. A combination of theoret- ƒ Manufacturing of classical/modern bacterial vaccines
ical requirements and practical case studies is the best way to ƒ Challenges in manufacturing (quality/regulatory issues)
learn this. ƒ New technologies and products

Speakers from regulatory bodies, consulting and practising ex- The Peculiarities of Viral Vaccines
perts will give you the chance to get to know the different views
and you will have ample opportunity to discuss with speakers ƒ From viral seeds to finished products
and other participants about specific issues. ƒ Requirements for raw and starting materials
ƒ Efficient process and product control
Background ƒ Setting specifications adequately
ƒ Appropriate tests and assays for product release
“Vaccines are expected to be very safe” is one of the headlines in ƒ Stability testing
the presentation of the CBER “Vaccine safety team”. At the same ƒ Viral safety aspects
time, new vaccines are needed for diseases for which currently ƒ TSE compliance
no vaccine is available, and production technologies need im- ƒ How to deal with OOS results?
provement to deal with the shortage of certain types of vac- ƒ Requirements for early and late clinical trial phases
cines. This has led to the emergence of new technologies. One of
the important questions from the authorities however is “How cGMP Issues for Upstream Processing
safe are the new technologies”. The FDA has issued a draft guide-
line on new cell substrates for vaccine manufacturing to detail ƒ General GMP concerns for upstream processing
requirements in this area. ƒ Raw materials and media preparation
ƒ Cell culture
In the development of new technologies for the pharmaceutical ƒ Virus culture
and biopharmaceutical production of vaccines again the ques- ƒ Inactivation of microorganisms
tion of GMP compliance and safety is emphasised.
Containment, Biological Safety and Product
Furthermore, with the Quality Initiative for the 21st Century Protection
from the FDA new guidelines have been issued, which have an
impact not just on the conventional pharmaceutical industry but ƒ Containment, product safety versus environmental safety
also on vaccine manufacturers. Risk management and quality in ƒ Primary containment and additional measures
design are essential in the implementation of new technologies ƒ Negative pressure areas in aseptic manufacturing
and the introduction of new vaccines. Ensuring the expected ƒ Decontamination of facilities
safety is one of the greatest challenges of all vaccine producers. ƒ Personnel as critical component in containment

GMP for Vaccine Manufacturers | 24/25 November 2020, Barcelona, Spain


Decontamination, Virus Inactivation and Virus Speakers

Removal Techniques
Dr Robert Eskes, Novartis Technical Operations,
ƒ Decontamination of surfaces Austria
ƒ Validation of decontamination procedures Currently Robert Eskes is Head MS&T Unterach /Novartis Tech-
ƒ Virus inactivation: principles and methods nical Operations – Aseptics at EBEWE Pharma in Unterach, Aus-
ƒ Virus removal methods tria. From 2014 to 2016 he was Quality Assurance head for Third
ƒ GMP issues on virus inactivation and virus removal Party Manufacturing at GSK Vaccines,. Before that, he held posi-
techniques tions as Quality Assurance head at Novartis Vaccines and as Val-
idation manager at CSL-Behring GmbH.
Validation of a Decontamination System for Produc-
tion Equipment, Process Devices and Cleanrooms Petra Falb, AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and
Food Safety
ƒ Different gassing systems Petra Falb studied at Veterinary University Vienna, (Austria).
ƒ System qualification From 1998 to 2001 she worked as scientist at the Institute for
ƒ Validation of a dry fog detergent Virology and later at the Institute for pathology. 2001-2003 she
was self employed as veterinary surgeon. In 2003 she joined the
Case Study: Concept of Multipurpose AGES with responsibilities in quality assessment of human and
Vaccine Production Facility veterinary vaccines (national, decentralised and centralized pro-
cedures). Until 2016 her focus was on viral vaccines. In 2017, she
ƒ Practical issues with flow of material, personnel and took over new responsibilities for veterinary vaccines.
waste material
ƒ Clean room qualification Dr Volker Öppling, Paul Ehrlich Institut, Germany
ƒ Segregation of cell preparation, virus production and After study of Veterinary Medicine and his PhD he got appoint-
downstream processing ment for specialist of Veterinary Microbiology. 1990-2007 he
ƒ Change over procedures for manufacturing campaigns was responsible for human bacterial (especially polysaccharide
based) and fungal vaccines in the Department “Human Bacterial
Issues of Staff Safety Vaccines” at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Currently he is head of
section “Microbiological Vaccines” (all bacterial, fungal and par-
ƒ Requirements and Guidelines asitic vaccines). Main responsibilities are: assessment of mar-
ƒ Differences vaccines products and plasma products keting authorisation applications (quality, preclinic and clinic),
ƒ Use of S3 coveralls batch release, assessment of clinical trial applications, provision
ƒ Environmental health and safety challenges of regulatory and scientific advise, managing of regulatory af-
ƒ Examples from daily business fairs issues.

Case Study: Design, Construction and Dr Andreas Neubert, IDT Biologika, Germany
Qualification of a New Production Line Andreas Neubert completed his study of veterinary medicine
with graduation. He works since several years in different posi-
ƒ Requirements of design tions at IDT and is currently head of production there.
ƒ Issues of construction
ƒ Qualification challenges Robert Schwarz, FH Campus Vienna, Austria
Robert Schwarz studied biotechnology and quality manage-
cGMP Issues for Downstream Processing ment. He joined Baxter in 2001 as coordinator of environmental
monitoring. From 2005 he was validation specialist responsible
ƒ General GMP concerns for downstream processing for equipment qualification, sterilisation validation and cleaning
ƒ (Ultra)filtration techniques validation. Since 2010 he is university lecturer in the field of bio-
ƒ (Ultra)centrifugation techniques tech at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna.
ƒ Sterile filtration and aseptic processing
Dr Joerg Weyermann, GlaxoSmithKline, Germany
Case Study: GMP Development and Joerg Weyermann is head Head Quality Assurance at GSK, for-
Manufacturing of Recombinant Viral Vaccines mer Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics GmbH. Until 2009 he
for Clinical Trials was the Head Quality Operations for Sandoz Industrial Products
GmbH. Before that he was Head Quality Control at Sandoz.
ƒ Regulatory expectations for vaccine batches for phase
1/2/3 clinical trials
ƒ Development vs. validation
ƒ Regulatory expectations for implementation of analytical
methods – qualification and validation
ƒ Contract manufacturing of IMPDs

GMP for Vaccine Manufacturers | 24/25 November 2020, Barcelona, Spain

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GMP for Vaccine Manufacturers, 24/25 November 2020, Barcelona, Spain

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Fees (per delegate, plus VAT)
(Registration and coffee 09.00 h – 9.30 h)

Ms Nicole Bach (Organisation Manager) at

For questions regarding reservation, hotel,
the hotel. Early reservation is recommended.

Mr Axel H. Schroeder (Operations Director) at

Tuesday, 24 November 2020, 09.30 h – 18.00 h

The official conference language will be English.

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Wednesday, 25 November 2020., 08.30 h – 17.00 h

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In the evening of the first course

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ences with colleagues from other

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CONCEPT HEIDELBERG has reserved a limited number of
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The conference fee is payable in advance after receipt of
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