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Margaux Christelle S.

Cadao 11-STEM-A


I. Problem and it’s Background

a. Rationale

b. Theoretical basis

c. Statement of the problem

d. Significance of the study

e. Scope and Limitations of the Study

f. Definition of Terms

II. Review of Related Literature

a. Related literature

b. Related study

III. Method and Procedures

a. Method of research

b. Subject of the study

c. Description of Research Instrumen

d. Statistical Treatment Applied

IV. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

V. Summary, Conclusions, and recommendations

a. Summary of Findings

b. Conclusions

c. Recommendations
Margaux Christelle S. Cadao 11-STEM-A



I. Introduction

A. The background

B. The thesis statement

II. Main idea of 1st body paragraph

A. First point of support

B. Second point of support

C. Third point of support(if necessary)

III. Main idea of 2nd body paragraph

A. First point of support

B. Second point of support

IV. Main idea of 2nd body paragraph

A. First point of support

B. Second point of support

C. Third point of support(if necessary)

D. Fourth point of support(if necessary)

V. Conclusion

A. Review of the major categories of support

B. The answer, solution, or final option

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