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Unit# 1.

1 English Notes
The Last Sermon Of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The Holy Prophet was born in ______at Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
a) 571 A.D b) 622 A.D c) 632 A.D d) 570 A.D
2. Yathrib is ________ km From Makkah.
a) 200 b) 330 c) 320 d) 220
3. Holy Prophet reached the outskirts of Yathrib after ________ days.
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
4. The Holy Prophet reached at Quba on ___________ June.
a) 28 b) 22 c) 3 d) 23
5. The Holy Prophet entered in the city of Yathrib on 2nd __________ 622 A.D
a) May b) June c) July d) August
6. Name of Yathrib was changed as Madinat- un- Nabi, which means
a) The place of Prophet b) The city of Prophet c) The home of Prophet d) N.O.T
7. There were __________ groups of people at the arrival of the Holy Prophet
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 2
8. The Holy Prophet drew a constitution of Medina which is also called
a) Principle of Medina b) Book of Medina c) Rules of Medina d) Charter of Medina
9. The Holy Prophet delivered His last sermon after _________ year of Hijra.
a) 10th b) 9th c) 8th d) 6th
10. The Holy Prophet delivered his Last sermon on _________ of zulhija 10 A.H
(6th March 632 A.D)
a) 8th b) 9th c) 10th d) N.O.T
11. All mankind are from Adam and Adam was created from ____________.
a) Fire b) dust c) water d) light

Short Questions
Q1. When and where was the Holy Prophet born?
Ans. The holy Prophet was born in 571 A.D at Makkah, Saudi Arabia, in a respected family of
Q2. Who were the Quraish? Why did they oppose the Holy Prophet?
Ans. Quraish were the residents of Makkah. They used to worship idols and sis not believe in
one God. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W asked them not to worship their false gods and to
accept Islam and to worship one and only true God. Therefore, they fiercely opposed the
Holy Prophet P.B.U.H.
Q3. What do you know about Yathrib? Where it is situated?
Ans. Yathrib is the old name of the city Medina. It is situated at the distance of 320 km (200
miles) North of Makkah.
Q4. What is meant by Hijra?
Ans. When people started accepting Islam, the Quraish became more aggressive and tried to
kill the Holy Prophet. When the Holy Prophet got positive signals from Yathrib, he started to
migrate there. After eight days’ journey he reached the outskirts of Yathrib, on 28th June
622 A.D, at a place called Quba and built a mosque there. On 2nd July 622, entered the
city, this event is called ‘Hijra’ and marks the beginning of Islamic calendar.
Q5. How many groups of people were in Medina at the arrival of the Holy
Ans. There were following four groups of people in Medina.
Muslims, Hypocrites, Jews and Pagans.
Q6. What did the Holy prophet do to maintain the peace, harmony and security of
Ans. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W invited the leading personalities of all the communities to
discuss peace, harmony and security of the city of Medina. After general agreement the holy
Prophet succeeded to draw the constitution of Medina or Charter of Medina. It mentioned
rights and duties, religious freedom was given and any alliance with enemies was prohibited.
Q7. How did the holy Prophet consolidate the Islamic community in Medina?
He unified the different Arab tribes under Islam, carried out social and religious reforms and
administrative development that consolidated the Islamic community in Medina.
Q8. When and where did the Holy Prophet deliver his Last Sermon?
Ans. He delivered his last sermon in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, on the 9 th of Dhu-al-
Hijjah, 10th A.H (6th March 632).
Q9. What does the last sermon teach us?
Ans. The last sermon teaches us the following teachings.
1. One must be trustworthy. One should return goods to the rightful owners. We should not
hurt others as no one may hurt us in return.
2. one should not feel proud on behalf of colour, caste, wealth or blood, but one should be
God- fearing and righteous.
3. Men and women have rights over each other.
4. One should not be divided into sects and keep the relationship of brotherhood with one
Unit# 2.1 Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
Exercise 6
a) How was the information about Shah Latif’s early life collected? Why was it
collected in this manner?
Ans. Information about Shah Latif has been collected from oral traditions. A renowned
Pakistani scholar, poet and educationist Mirza Kalich Beg, is said to have collected details
about the early life of shah latif Bhitai from the old people living at that time.
b). Why is Shah Latif called the ‘saint of Bhit’?
Ans. In 1742, Shah Latif left his home and went to live on a Mound at some distance from his
village. Due to the fact that he lived on that mound for the rest of his life.
c). Why did Shah Latif not marry again after his wife died?
Ans. In 1713, the poet married to Saidha Begum. She was died at early age before having any
children. However, Shah didn’t marry again. His heart turned more and more towards religion and
devotion and he felt restless; he found it difficult to live a normal domestic life.
d). Why did people became Shah Latif’s followers?
Ans. Shah Latif spent most of his time in prayer and devotion. Many people began to be attracted
towards him. They were impressed by shah’s gentle ways. Thus, his followers increased day by
e). What does shah’s poetry tell us about his knowledge and skills?
Ans. Shah Latif had in-depth knowledge of the Holy Quran and Hadiths. Shah- jo- Risalo is a proof
that despite having little formal education he had command over different languages.
f). Name the places in the text mentioned in Shah Latif’s poetry. Why do you think
these places have been mentioned by him?
Ans. Istanbul, China, Rome, Kabul, Kandahar, Delhi and Deccan. He is the poet of universe so, he
praised for the prosperity of all the places of the universe.
g). Why is Shah Latif’s key message in his verses acceptable to everyone?
Ans. Shah Latif’s key message is Love, which is the universal message and acceptable to the
entire human race.
h). Can we put his message into practice in today’s world? If ‘yes’ how, if ‘no’ why
Ans. Yes, his message can be put into practice in today’s world because his message is the
message of love which is universal and acceptable by all the human beings of the world.
My Best Friend

The one person in the world that will give you equal love and devotion like your
parents and lovers is your best friend. My best friend is _______. We both
study in the same school. He also helps me in my studies. We also live in the
same locality. My best friend and I spend most of the time together doing the
things we like to do. We enjoy our life according to our needs and wishes.

My best friend is the person on whom I can truly count on all through my life.
Whenever I need help or support, my best friend is always there for me. We
have lived moments together and have created memories that will remain
throughout my life.

Having a best friend like him makes my life easier. In any crucial situation, the
first person that comes to my mind is my best friend. Whenever I am in any
problem, my best friend helps me to get out of the problem by providing the
best solutions. My best friend gets angry when I do something wrong and
appreciates me when I achieve something.

My best friend helps me to become a better person. We plan our weekends and
enjoy together. My best friend is the person who makes me happy and
deserves all my love and attention. My best friend has been my support system
and my strength. No one can take the place of my best friend in my life.
The best Day of My life
The hard-earned joys are the sweetest. One such joy I experienced in my 10th class
when I was selected to represent my school at the Inter-School Declamation Contest
in our city. 

My English teacher approached me in the middle of my Science class. Seeing the

papers in her hand, I immediately guessed why she had so earnestly called me out of
the class. She said, ‘Our school has received an invitation to participate in the Inter-
School Declamation Contest in our city, and the Principal has asked me to prepare you
for the same. I want you to win the competition', she continued, ‘Here is the list of
topics, let me know which topic you want to prepare. I will give you the script

There were quite a many interesting topics. However, I selected the topic 'It is better
to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.' The teacher gave me an
inspiring script for the speech. I was given three free periods to prepare for the
speech every day until the contest. I read the script hundreds of time. The English
teacher would hear me speak every day, correct my pronunciation, instruct me on
modulation as the speech demanded. Thus word by word, sentence by sentence I
perfected my speech. A day before the Declamation Contest, I was asked to deliver
my speech in the morning assembly. The entire school responded to the ending of my
speech with clapping thunder! It enthused me with confidence and self-belief.

The morning of the competition arrived. I along with my teacher reached the host
school's auditorium. I didn’t feel nervous a bit. When my turn came, I just gave a
flawless rendition. I received a standing ovation from the audience. At the end, the
judges declared the result. I jumped out of my chair three feet high, when my name
was announced as the first runner up. I was very happy. Though I was expecting the
first prize, even the second prize gave me a lot of contentment. I received a trophy
and a certificate.

At my own school I was overwhelmed with congratulations. I was applauded in the

morning assembly next day. The feeling of achievement after struggle is the best form
of happiness a human can feel. It surpasses all other forms of happiness.

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