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Emelt szintű érettségi/9.

Tudomány és technika

Research and science:

Curiosity about the world around us, about what makes it and us tick is at the foundation of
invention, of creativity. Teaching science well can nurture that curiosity, can satisfy some of
that yearning to understand why. 
Having a methodology to turn our native curiosity into knowledge gives us the power
and possibility of invention, of finding solutions to problems. Countries with strongly
supported science programs are better off economically, have greater numbers of people
creating new technologies. The way we acquire that knowledge and understanding, called
the scientific method, is not difficult, nor does not require memorizing a list of words:
observations, hypothesis, experimentation, interpretation.
Each small innovation generated changes in his life and in everyone’s. However, new
technology has made people lazier. Let me mention some examples. People drive more
and walk less than in the past and play virtual sports gamers rather than real ones.
Nowadays, more and more new things invented to make our life more comfortable and
convenient. It is difficult for us to point out which inventions changed human's life the most.
The three most remarkable inventions changed the world the most are the creations of
electricity, aircraft and computer.

Power of the computer:

As most teenagers do, I use my computer every day. I think it is important nowadays to use;
there is no way to avoid it. I use my laptop for downloading films and music from the
Internet. I often use it for word processing and getting e-mails, keeping in touch with my
friends, chatting, playing games, ordering cinema ticket, booking holidays, selling or
buying clothes, etc. I often search the web for information I need for my studies. I often
make voice calls over the Internet. It’s much cheaper than using the regular service on your
mobile phone. I use social media websites, such as Facebook, Instagram, ….. It is easy to
connect and share information with my friends and the people I know. Also, you can find
people from the other side of the globe and keep in touch with them. I have bought several
things on the Internet and I have been satisfied with the service.I can take it everywhere. It is
very convenient and it saves a lot of time. I’m sure there are several advantages of having a
computer. Without computer skills, you are not able to meet the challenges of the modern
world. Those who start using it at an early age, the so-called generation Z, will have no
problems in the future as far as computers and information technology are concerned. It will
also be much easier for them to get a well-paid job if they are computer-literate. The computer
can also serve educational purposes, whis was emphasised in this period due to corona virus.
The importance of e-learning is widely recognised the world order. The display of online
content is more interesting and motivating than printed textbooks. Students can practise at
their own pace and get instant feedback. On the other hand, computer using has
disadvantages, too. There are many people who sit in front of the computer all day long. First
of all this is not really a healthy way of life. Secondly, such people may not be able to make
real friends, as they will not even know about real human relationships. They might even
become introverts, whose shelter is the World Wide Web.

Space exploration:

Space exploration is the physical journey beyond planet Earth. Actual space exploration
began during World War II. During the Cold War both the US and the USSR,
determined to gain superiority in space. Space being a hostile environment for human beings,
space travel is fraught with technical difficulties and presents great challenges, from lift-off to
landing. Space probes and astronomical satellites provide a new source of information
about the solar system and the universe. The International Space Station, a combined
home, office, laboratory and observatory, is the venue for scientific experiments that are
impossible to perform on Earth. Such experiment open the door to a new dimension for
improving life on Earth.


I am very optimistic about the future. I really have high hopes in connection with it. I think
there will be peace in the world, and the peoples of the globe will come together and realise
the necessity of mutual understanding and freedom. I hope that there will be cure for all the
diseases in the future. In the past, a lot of diseases, for example pneunomia, could not be
cured but scientists found the vaccines. I think this is the way of the world. AIDS, cancer and
other now incurable diseases will be done away with but unfortunately new ones will appear,
which will decimate the population of the globe. I have heard that this is how the planet is
trying to protect itself from humans. There will always new epidemics, such as corona
virus, spreading all over the world and will threaten the population and this cycle will never
end. Doctors will always be needed in my opinion. I hope that people are intelligent enough to
know the limits of their power, moreover, the destructive effect of the power they possess. We
are now through a very dreadful century full of murder, destruction, genocide and
catastrophes. I hope that there will be peace on Earth, and the rich will help the meek. I wish
everybody was equal and poverty was eliminated. There are so many problems we should
take into consideration. Overpopulation can be the most threatening one if we don’t pay
attention to birth control and education. I have read so many science-fiction books about
possible ways to travel in the future that I am now inclined to believe that our conventional
way of travelling will disappear in the future. The most bizarre idea that I have come across is
travelling without vehicles. People would be teleported from one place to another. I believe it
could be a very environment friendly way of travelling: no exhaust fumes, no fuel. What is
more, people would not have to worry about getting suck in traffic jams. I think this is the
way of future. I believe that the future is in solar and wind power. Unfortunately, in Hungary
neither of them is widespread, but I think it is worth investing in replacing our traditional
heating devices. I think people will still live on Earth, but it will be very crammed. Even
today, there are cities where there is little space for people to live in. One skycraper is like a
whole city with its movies, malls, schools and hospitals. Another solution could be living
under the ground. The only difficulty that will have to deal with is natural lightning, but it can
be replaced by artificial lightning.

/ We are problably the only species, which is killing its own kind willingly. If this idiocy
continues, we will blow up our planet sooner or later. In the past few decades there have been
so many big changes in our lives, especially due to technological advancement that I fear that
our lives will be so automatized that there will be no personal relationships. Everything will
depend on machines and we will rely on them so much that we won’t even notice our
dependency on them. I fear that one day, machines will take over and mankind will be
eradicated. With the advance of technology and with the spread of the Internet, people in
developing countries will see the gaps and will demand more themselves leading the world
into turmoil. This world would not be able to bear another world war. With weapons of mass
destruction at hand, there is little chance that mankind would survive a devastating conflict.

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