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Casey Darkow

ST – Mastery 35%
Strategies Planned
 Demonstration of balance scale and science experiments
 Hands-on experience with balance scale, math dice game, and science discoveries
 Direct instructions through whole group and small group activities
 Students see tangible results through science discoveries and the balance scale exploration
 Students follow step-by-step directions in station activities
 Active learning stations to practice what was learned
 Science discoveries are designed for practical uses (growing a garden and implementing
the three R’s)
 Students investigate the details in illustrations and soil samples
 Competition in partner math game
Multiple Intelligences fostered
 Body/Kinesthetic – moving around the room when conducting experiments and when
transitioning through stations, moving to create domino chain reaction, hands-on learning
in station activities and science investigations, occasional brain breaks with dance videos
throughout lessons
SF – Interpersonal 35%
Strategies Planned
 Every lesson incorporates group experiences and working with others
 Chance to share ideas by brainstorming in table groups and present ideas to the class
(students share their design made from recycled materials and share their completed comic
 Study how recycling directly affects people’s lives
 Personal expression through the development of a comic book story
 Opportunities to make personal connections to read alouds (Michael Recycle, David books,
and Good News, Bad News)
 Grand conversations after read alouds to share experiences and how a book made the
students feel
 Group project investigating soil and partner game in math station
 Partner talks throughout lessons
 Individual time for feedback with students in guided reading, guided math, and writer’s
Multiple Intelligences fostered
 Musical/Rhythmic – music plays in Inside Out video and PBS recycling video, working
music played in background during writer’s workshop, occasional brain breaks with dance
videos throughout lessons
 Interpersonal – working in groups, sharing ideas with classmates, and talking with teacher
throughout guided lessons, time for individual feedback in every lesson, writing a story
Casey Darkow

NT - Understanding 20%
Strategies Planned
 Relating and connecting different ideas through the Bid Idea of Finding a Balance
 Gaining information through direct instruction and investigating Charlie Brown comics
 Plan and carry out a project of own making with recyclable materials
 Comparing and contrasting characters from Good News, Bad News in guided reading
 Planning, designing, and writing a comic strip story
 Mini lesson lectures included in each lesson
 Soil lesson challenges learners to think and explore
 Inquiry science lessons include problem solving requiring collecting, organizing, and
evaluating data
 Students spend time reading independently and can choose books based on personal
 Students learn how to help solve the problem of waste
 Independent math station with equation cards
Multiple Intelligences fostered
      Intrapersonal – science journaling in recycling lesson, recording results in soil lesson,
reading independently, independent math station, independent recycling project, self-
reflection after read alouds
      Verbal/Linguistic – presenting comic strip to class, presenting recycled product to class,
working in table groups in every lesson, sharing ideas and brainstorming with peers, writing
comic strip
NF – Self-expressive 10%
Strategies Planned
 Discussion and chance to ask questions during instruction
 Discovery learning in math and science lessons
 Creating hypotheses in each science inquiry lessons
 Creative and imaginative thinking to develop comic strip story
 Artistic expression through illustrating comic strip
 Using imagination to create a story from the illustrations in a story book with no text
 Creative problem solving of waste and discovered real solutions
 Imagery included with illustration lesson, comic strip writing lesson, and visuals
provided throughout direct instruction
 Creating something useful out of recyclable materials

Multiple Intelligences fostered

      Logical/Mathematical – creating hypotheses and conducting experiments, inquiry-based
learning, using math manipulatives to balance equations, writing math equations
      Visual/Spatial – drawing illustrations in comic strip, designing a domino chain reaction,
“reading” illustrations, and watching videos
Casey Darkow

      Naturalist – discuss how implementing the three R’s helps the environment and waste
management, learn about natural resources and how soil helps grow plants

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