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ACTIVITY WORKBOOK by SIDE Steven J. Molinsky Bill Bliss with Carolyn Graham « Peter S. Bliss Side by Side, 3rd edition Activity Workbook Copyright © 2001 by Prentice Hall Regents ‘Addison Wesley Longman, Ine ‘A Pearson Education Company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606 Vice president, director of publishing: Allen Ascher Editorial manager: Pam Fishman Vico president, director of design and production: Rhea Banker Associate director of electronic production: Aliza Greenblatt Production manager: Ray Keating Director of manufacturing: Patrice Fraceio Associate digital layout manager: Paula D. Williams Interior design: Wendy Wolf Cover design: Elizabeth Carlson Ilustrator: Richard B. Hill ‘The authors gratefully acknowledge the eontribution of Tina Carver in the development of the original, Side by Side program. ISBN 0-13-02b745-7 89 10-CRK — 05 04 ACTIVITY WORKBOOK Steven J. Molinsky Bill Bliss with Carolyn Graham e Peter S. Bliss Contributing Authors Dorothy Lynde * Elizabeth Handley Mlustrated by Richard E. Hill 660 6 8 8 €© 686 OG CONTEN To Be: Introduction To Be + Location Subject Pronouns Present Continuous Tense To Be: Short Answers Possessive Adjectives To Be: Yes/No Questions Short Answers Adjectives Possessive Nouns To Be: Review Present Continuous Tense: Review Prepositions of Location Prepositions There Is/There Are Singular/Plural: Introduction Singular/Plural Adjectives This/That/These/Those Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense: Yes/No Questions Negatives Short Answers 2 13 21 27 35 a 50 62 69 © 6 © 6668 6 Object Pronouns Simple Present Tense: s vs. non-s Endings Have/Has Adverbs of Frequency Contrast: Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses Adjectives Can Have to Future: Going to Time Expressions Want to Past Tense: Regular Verbs Introduction to Irregular Verbs Past Tense: Yes/No Questions Short Answers WH-Questions More Irregular Verbs Time Expressions To Be: Past Tense Listening Scripts Correlation Key 76 83 92 100 114 122 129 138 142 WHat ARE THEY SAYING? is my from name phone number are your m address What's your name? is Janet Miller. address 456 Main Street. What's your is 654-3960. What's number? What's your number? @2 Activity Workbook (@/NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER My name is Maria Gonzelee. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD Se eae Name: Maria __Gonzalez__ My phone number is 741-8906. First Name ast Name Address: 235 Main Street > Bronx, New York TH-8906 How about you? What's your name, address, and phone number? STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD Name: Fisthame Address: @ UsTENING Ee) Listen and circle the number you hear. 1 @ 3. ae 3. ie 7 2 me 9 2 1 4 0 2. 4 ie a 5. ie 10. He 7 3 6 2 Activity Workbook 3@ © numeers Write the number. Write the word. six four 4 seven one eight ten ere rnea two nine 10 six five three Q@ustennc 2) Listen and write the missing numbers. ‘What's your telephone number? My apartment j My address is number is Main Street. @.4 Activity Workbook © usTENING Listen and write the 1, CA-R-T__-R 2. J-O-__-N-__. 3 -E-R-__ 6 WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? name meet you Hi A. Hello. My __name _1 is Dan Harris. B. 2. Tm Susan Wilson. Nice to you. A. + to meet 2, too. is you Hello tm My to | A. Hi. é name 7 Alice Lane. B. 8 2 Bob Chang. A. Nice 19 meet you. B. Nice to meet 4, too. @ GrammarRap: Hi! Hello! =) Listen. Then clap and practice. A. Hi I'm Jack. A. Hi mBob. B. Hello, T'mdill. B. Hello. I'm Tim ©. Hiv I'm Mary, Cc. Hi. Tm Susie. D. Hello. I'm Bill, D. Hello. Pm dim. ° ° ° ° All. Nice to meet you. GER All. Nice to meet you. > Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you, too. Activity Workbook 5@ oS ¥ OR CDS FPS sa e A 2 © ustenine Listen and put a check ( / ) under the correct picture. @« Activity Workbook @ WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? tm are. basement attic living room we're where dining room yard bedroom they're you kitchen bathroom Activity Workbook 7@ (@ WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? where's she's classroom garage he's living room it's | (@ WHERE ARE THEY? (Mr. and Mrs. Chen) (Ms. Carter) (Mr. Grant) Woke wey] ary and Mary) she (Ellen and 1) (pesaeaeceesesl} (The bookshelf) (Mr. White) (Mrs. Miller) (The telephone book) (@ WHERE ARE THEY? (He is) (They are) (We are) Hineabsires ibe'sia fers’ | eee you're she's | ey re eps | (itis) (She is) (You are) (Where is) @s Activity Workbook ___‘They are in the kitchen. is in the dining room. is in the bathroom, ___ are in the basement. are in the attic. is in the living room. is in the garage. is in the classroom. ___ is in the bedroom. He's in the bedroom. in the basement. in the attic. in the bathroom ___ in the dining room. in the living room. _—___ im the garage. the cell phone? @ THE BAKER FAMILY ‘The Baker family is at home today. (1) Mrs. Baker is in __the living room _. (2) Mr. Baker is . (8) Peggy and Jim are (4) Kevin is (5) Susie is __. (6) And the car is ___-_ @ WHERE ARE THEY? 1. Where's Mrs, Baker? She's in the living room. 2. Where's Mr. Baker? — 8. Where are Peggy and Jim? = —— 4, Where's Kevin? 5. Where's Susie? 6. Where's the car? Activity Workbook 9@ Q wnar's THE sicn? Fill in the signs. Then complete the sentences. 1. Helen is inthe park . 2, Mr.and Mrs. Grant are + 8. Ms. dohnson is 7. The monkey is @ 10 Activity Workbook @ustenne 2X) Listen and write the number under the correct picture. SOCIAL SECURITY @ usTENING Listen and circle the word you hear. 1, 200 (you) 3. We're They're 5. Where 2. Ms. Mr. 4, Where How 6. She's @ matcrine Match the nationality and the city. c 1. We're Mexican. We're from 2. She's Greek. She's from ____ 3. He's Chinese. He's from ___ 4, Tm Italian. I'm from. 2 6. We're Korean. We're from 7. She’s Japanese. She's from . They're Puerto Rican. They're from __. Where's 7. on He's 8. Is ie g Shanghai . San Juan . Mexico City - Seoul . Athens Tokyo Rome Activity Workbook Its n@® (@ GrammarRar: Where's Jack? Listen. Then clap and practice. A B. IN, B. A B. A. All. A All. (QNGHANMAERAEEI Where Are Fred and Mary? MQ) Where's He's in the . Where's She's in the Where's She's in the Where's Fred's in Fred's in Bankes in the Fred's in Jack's in the Jill's in the Mom's in the Fred’s in Jack? kitchen. ain? dining room, Mom? eemgreor Fred? bed. bed, idtchen bed kitchen dining room, ieee bed Listen. Then clap and practice, PP OF Pp so 8 @1 Where's Where's Where are Fred and Mary? Where's Where's Where's e ° Where are Bob and Betty? ° ° Where are Tom and Lou? Activity Workbook Where dre Jack? sill? ° Bil Ea? Sue? PoP Pp OP Pp Jack and . Betty and Bab and Mary and Jack and Betty and Bob and . Mary and & WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? doing watching I'm we're you reading sleeping he's they're what playing eating she’s are what's studying cooking 13@ © WHAT ARE THEY DOING? playing _singi reading sleeping studying watching teaching ie 3. They're mathematics, 4. He's the newspaper. 5. (Hee to music. TV. 9. She's 11, They're baseball. @u Activity Workbook @ usTENING Listen and put a check ( / ) under the correct picture. Activity Workbook 15 @ © GaammarRap: Frank?! At the Bank?! Listen. Then clap and practice. A. Where's Frank? B, He's working at the bank. A. Frank?! = At the bank?! : B Yes, that’s right. He's working at the bank. AIL Frank?! At the bank?! on, no! AL Where's Sue? B. She's working at the 200, A Sue?! a At the 200?! i B. Yes, that’s right. She's working at the 209. All. Sue?! At the 200?! 6h, no! A. Where's Paul? B. He's working at the mall. AL Paul?! x At the mall?! . B. Yes, that's right. He's working at the mall. ‘All, Paul] At the mall?! 6h, no! @ is Activity Workbook @ WHAT'S THE QUESTION? he What's [ doing? it What are | vou | doing? ey She's in the yard. We're at the beach. Activity Workbook 17@ @GraWMARRAP: Eating Lunch Lister @ is Then clap and practice. What I TROT Charlie? kitchen, ° doing? lunch, kitchen ° kitchen kitchen? Kitchen. ° doing? lunch, y ° + i A. Where's B. He'sin the A. What's he B. Eating All, Charlie's in the Charlie's in the A. Who's in the B, Charlie's in the A What's he B. Bating A. Where's B. She's in the A. What's she B. Reading a Activity Workbook Betty? bedroom. doing? book. All, Betty's in the Betty’s in the A. Who’ in the B. Betty's in the . A. What's she B. Reading a book ‘A. Where are Mom and B. They're in the ‘A. What are they B. Watching Channel All. Betty's in the . ‘Mom's in the ° Dad’s in the Charlie's in the A. Where's All. He's in the A. What's he ° All. Eating bedroom, living room. living room. ° kitchen, Charlie? kitchen. doing? lunch. Activity Workbook 19@ (J CHECK-UP TEST: Chapters 1-3 A. Answer the questions. Ex, What's your telephone number? My ......telephone.number is 567-1032., 1. What's your name? 2. What's your address? 3. Where are you from? & Circle the correct answer. yard Ex, The map is on the park milk 1. We're eating cards lunch What 2 Where's What's Ben doing? planting flowers 3. Maxis swimming in singing the bathroom. dinner 4. Ms. Park is teaching mathematics the radio. @2 Activity Workbook 1 2 a 4, 5. 6. a 9. 10, hello Niceto hi you. meet pencil The attic shower is in the classroom. Fill in the blanks. Ex, _What’s _ Bill doing? Maria is the hospital. Tm the newspaper. Where's Joe? in the cafeteria. They're TV. What are you and Peter doing? reading. the car? It’s in the garage. What are you 2 Tm studying. Where's the cell phone? in the basement. are Mr. and Mrs. Chen doing? Carol breakfast. Bob are eating Listen and write the letter or number you he: Ex, M-A-R-K_ CAR-__ER 354-9__12 890-742 © WHAT ARE THEY DOING? what my our cleaning apartment | what's his their doing children | are her fixing homework sink Hil What's Jason doing? a i“ error KS: eeeenne M2 RSS 5.G What __ you doing? $¢ We're fixing Activity Workbook 21 @ © wuat's THE worp? my his her its our your their 1. Ym feeding ___my cat. 2. We're washing clothes, 38. They're painting bedroom, 4. She's fixing sink. 5. Its eating dinner, 6. You're cleaning yard. 7. He's reading e-mail, @ usTENING Listen and circle the word you hear. 1. your Cour) 3. her his 5. your our his her 4. our their 6. my its © puzze Across 1. Ym painting apartment. 3. We're fixing __ TV. 6. Bobby and ‘Tim are cleaning ____ room. 7. Bilis doing homework. Down 2. You're doing ___ exercises. 4, The dog is eating __ dinner. 5. Ruth is brushing teeth, @ 2 Activity Workbook (@ WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? 1. A. Is Harry feeding his cat? Bir oi ie B. kha 3. A. Is Mrs, Chen doing her exercises? 4. A. Ave your children brushing their teeth? B. B. oe 8. A. Am Tin the hospital? en B. Activity Workbook 23 @ (G@iGrammanRar: Busy! Busy! Busy! Listen. Then clap and practice. What are Is he Yes, he What's he | ‘A. Are you busy? B. Yes, I am, A What are you doing? B Tm talking to Sam. A. Ishe busy? B. ‘Yes, he A What's he doing? ° ° B. He's talking to Liz. A. Are they busy? B. ‘Yes, they A What are they B. They're washing their All. Im talking to He’s talking to They're washing their car. ‘They're busy! © USTENING Listen and circle the word you he; a3 she’s 3. feeding eating 5. our their 2. his her 4. apartment yard 6. washing watching @u Activity Workbook (@)WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Al: 2 3. We're ae 4, 5. She's 6. her living room. @ wuat's THE worD? Circle the correct words. L washing SH) windows Their their o, Where ore Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka? We're 3. Hee acing BS exercises. His his 4, | Where re” 1,. coll phone? Where's o 3} Pall r at They're their yard bet Tm my e-mail. feo You're your eat, 5. We're brushing teeth. our Pegged Richard bury? Is 7. What *"° you doing? our 8. The cat is eating dinner. its Activity Workbook 23 @ @ a Busy day Pleindiomat = dong playing they're. ~— what's: her are | library eating reading he’s where's their and park fixing washing she's. in his restaurant _ listening | l Panny LIBRARY LAUNDROMAT tigre ro ee - fall : toe) a RESTAURANT. =; a 3 L ‘Mr,and Mrs. : so Everybody is busy today. Ms. Roberts is in the __restaurant _1. She's aia 2 dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez are 3 the health club. _ 4 doing = exercises. Patty and Danny Williams are in the 6. She's 7 the newspaper. He’s___® to music, Mr. ___? Mrs. Sharp are also in the park. What are they 10? They're ___"" cards. Jenny Chang is in the 1%, 8 washing ___“4 clothes. Charlie Harris and Julie Carter __18 in the parking lot. He’s _ 16 4? car. She's *8 her bicycle. 19 Mr. Molina? He's in the 20, 21 he doing? 22 veading a book. @ 26 Activity Workbook & MATCHING OPPOSITES _d_ 1. large a. thin 2. heavy b. rich 3. single e. beautiful 4, ugly a. small 5. cheap e. young 6. poor f. expensive — 7% old g- married @ WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? Tell me about your new friend. 1.¢@ Ishe short or _____tall___? 2. & Ishe heavy or ____? ayaa ls he old oy = 4. [she single or @ ustenine = Listen and circle the word you hear. 3 heavy 4. thin 1. small easy 2. ugly noisy single 8. tall he 9. difficult old 10. new ugly 11. handsome k. big 12. thin 1. easy 18. little m. noisy 14. quiet n. short Tell me about the apartment. heavy Is it large or seEeseees Is it quiet or epEnERENeS =! Is it cheap or Is it beautiful or ___? 5. ugly young 6. cheap easy Activity Workbook 27 @ @)wuar’s wrone? He She | isn't They aren’t ft 1. It’s new. 2. They're quiet. 3. It’s large. It isn't new. It’s old, 4, He's single. 5. She's young. 6. They're short. @ SCRAMBLED QUESTIONS Unscramble the questions. Begin each question with a capital letter. i ‘Are you bus 2 5. 2 busy you are difficult English is zis 2 6. ? dog your large is new is car their 8. 2 7. 2 they are married tall she is short or 4, 2 8. ? I beautiful am noisy quiet he is or @ 28 = Activity Workbook (@ GrammanRar: Old! Cold! Tall! Small! A. Ishe young or B A B. He's very Is it hot or ° It’s very jen. Then clap and practice. All. Is he young? Ishe old? ° Isit hot? Is it cold? Isshe short? . Isshe tall? Isit large? Isit small? Young! Hot! Young! Hot! la? ola. cold? cold All. Young! Hot! Short! Large! (lap) (lap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clan) (elap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) ona! cold! ia! Cold! A. Is she short or B. She's very A. Isit large or B. It's extremely . Old! Cola! Tall! Small! Activity Workbook tall? tall. small? small. 2@ (@ Whose THINGS? bicycle book car cat computer. dog guitar house piano. TV a. 2. oh 4, a Price ye 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. @ 30 Activity Workbook @waar's THE worD? His Her Its 1. Mary's brother isn’t short. ( His er)) brother is tall 2, Mr. and Mrs, Miller’s apartment isn’t cheap ( His Their ) apartment is expensive. 3. Robert's sister isn’t single. ( His Her ) sister is married. 4. Ms. Clark's neighbors aren’t quiet. ( Their Her ) neighbors are noisy. 5. Their dog’s name isn't Rover. (its Their ) name is Fido. 6. Mrs. Hunter's car isn’t large. ( His Her ) car is small. 7. Timmy's bicycle isn’t new. ( His Its ) bieyele is old. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Lee's son isn’t single. (Her Their ) son is married. . AND MRS. GRANT Read the story and answer the que: ns. Im not. he - s No, | she | isn't. \Ses F é oq . i ha . you | aren't WN they K - el Meet Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Mr. Grant is short and heavy. Mrs. Grant is ~ talland thin. Their house is small and old. Their car is new and expensive. Their neighbors are noisy. And their cat is ugly. Is Mr. Grant short? __Yes.h 8, Is their house large? 2. Is he tall? 9. Isit old? 3. Is he thin? 10. Is their ear new? 4, Is he heavy? 11. Is it cheap? 5, IsMrs.Granttall? ____________12,_ Are their neighbors quiet? 6, Isshe heavy? 18. Are they noisy? 7. Isshe thin? 14, Is their cat pretty? Activity Workbook 31 @

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