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Application of finite element analysis in implant dentistry:

A review of the literature

Jian-Ping Geng, BDS, MSD,a Keson B. C. Tan, BDS (Hons), MSD,b and Gui-Rong Liu, PhDc
Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Finite element analysis (FEA) has been used extensively to predict the biomechanical performance
of various dental implant designs as well as the effect of clinical factors on implant success. By
understanding the basic theory, method, application, and limitations of FEA in implant dentistry,
the clinician will be better equipped to interpret results of FEA studies and extrapolate these
results to clinical situations. This article reviews the current status of FEA applications in implant
dentistry and discusses findings from FEA studies in relation to the bone–implant interface, the
implant–prosthesis connection, and multiple-implant prostheses. (J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:585-98.)

I n the past 2 decades, finite element analysis (FEA)

has become an increasingly useful tool for the predic-
tion of the effects of stress on the implant and its
surrounding bone. Vertical and transverse loads from For problems involving complicated geometries, it
mastication induce axial forces and bending moments is very difficult to achieve an analytical solution.
and result in stress gradients in the implant as well as Therefore, the use of numerical methods such as FEA
in the bone. A key factor for the success or failure of a is required. FEA is a technique for obtaining a solution
dental implant is the manner in which stresses are to a complex mechanical problem by dividing the
transferred to the surrounding bone. Load transfer problem domain into a collection of much smaller and
from implants to surrounding bone depends on the simpler domains (elements) in which the field variables
type of loading, the bone–implant interface, the length can be interpolated with the use of shape functions. An
and diameter of the implants, the shape and character- overall approximated solution to the original problem
istics of the implant surface, the prosthesis type, and is determined based on variational principles. In other
the quantity and quality of the surrounding bone. FEA words, FEA is a method whereby, instead of seeking a
allows researchers to predict stress distribution in the solution function for the entire domain, one formu-
contact area of the implants with cortical bone and lates the solution functions for each finite element and
around the apex of the implants in trabecular bone. combines them properly to obtain the solution to the
Although the precise mechanisms are not fully whole body. Because the components in a dental
understood, it is clear that there is an adaptive remod- implant-bone system are extremely complex geometri-
elling response of the surrounding bone to this stress. cally, FEA has been viewed as the most suitable tool
Implant features causing excessive high or low stresses for analyzing them. A mesh is needed in FEA to divide
may contribute to pathologic bone resorption or bone the whole domain into elements. The process of creat-
atrophy. This article reviews the current status of the ing the mesh, elements, their respective nodes, and
application of FEA in implant dentistry. Assumptions defining boundary conditions is referred to as “dis-
made in the use of FEA in implant dentistry are cretization” of the problem domain.
described, and findings from FEA studies are discussed FEA was initially developed in the early 1960s to
in relation to the bone–implant interface, the solve structural problems in the aerospace industry but
implant–prosthesis connection, and multiple-implant has since been extended to solve problems in heat
prostheses. transfer, fluid flow, mass transport, and electromagnet-
ics. In 1976, Weinstein et al1 were the first to use FEA
in implant dentistry; subsequently, FEA was applied
rapidly in that field. Atmaram and Mohamed2-4 ana-
lyzed the stress distribution in a single-tooth implant
to understand the effect of elastic parameters and
aResearch Scholar, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of geometry of the implant, implant length variation, and
bAssociate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty pseudo-periodontal ligament incorporation. Borchers
of Dentistry. and Reichart5 performed a 3-dimensional FEA of an
cAssociate Professor, Centre for Advanced Computations in implant at different stages of bone interface develop-
Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering. ment. Cook et al6 applied FEA to porous rooted



dental implants. Meroueh et al7 performed an FEA for by 2 material constants of Young’s modulus and
an osseointegrated cylindrical implant. Williams et al8 Poisson’s ratio. Early FEA studies ignored the trabec-
carried out an FEA on cantilevered prostheses on den- ular bone network simply because the capability to
tal implants, and Akpinar et al9 used FEA to simulate determine the trabecular pattern was not available.
the combination of a natural tooth and implant. Therefore, it was assumed that trabecular bone has a
The principal difficulty in simulating the mechanical solid pattern inside the inner cortical bone shell. Both
behavior of dental implants is the modelling of human bone types were modelled simplistically as linear,
bone tissue and its response to applied mechanical homogeneous, and isotropic materials. A range of dif-
force. Certain assumptions need to be made to make ferent material parameters have been recommended
the modelling and solving process possible. The com- for use in previous FEA studies (Table I).5,18-33
plexity of the mechanical characterization of bone and Several authors34-37 have pointed out that cortical
its interaction with implant systems has forced authors bone is neither homogeneous nor isotropic (Table II).
to make major simplifications. Some assumptions This nonhomogenous, anisotropic, composite struc-
influence the accuracy of the FEA results significantly. ture of bone possesses different values for ultimate
These include: (1) detailed geometry of the bone and strain and modulus of elasticity when bone is tested in
implant to be modelled,10 (2) material properties,10 compression compared with in tension. Test condi-
(3) boundary conditions,10 and (4) the interface tions also affect the material properties measured.
between bone and implant.11 Rieger et al12 reported that a range of stresses (1.4 to
5.0 MPa) appears to be needed for healthy mainte-
nance of bone. Stresses outside this range have been
The first step in FEA modelling is to represent the reported to cause bone resorption.
geometry of interest in the computer. In some
Boundary conditions
2-dimensional FEA studies, the bone was modelled as
a simplified rectangular configuration with the Most FEA studies modelling the mandible set the
implant.11-13 Some 3-dimensional FEA models treated boundary conditions as fixed. Recently, Zhou et al38
the mandible as an arch with rectangular section.14,15 developed a more realistic 3-dimensional mandibular
Recently, with the development of digital imaging FEA model from transversely scanned CT image data.
techniques, more efficient methods are available for The functions of the mastication muscles and the liga-
the development of anatomically accurate models. menteous and functional movement of the
These include the application of specialized software temporomandibular joints (TMJ) were simulated by
for the direct transformation of 2- or 3-dimensional means of cable elements and compressive gap ele-
information in image data from computed tomogra- ments, respectively. The authors concluded that cable
phy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into and gap elements can be used to set boundary condi-
FEA meshes. The automated inclusion of some mate- tions in their mandibular FEA model, improving the
rial properties from measured bone density values is model mimicry and accuracy. Expanding the domain
also possible.16,17 This allows more precise modelling of the model can reduce the effect of inaccurate mod-
of the geometry of the bone–implant system. In the elling of the boundary conditions. This, however, is at
foreseeable future, the creation of FEA models for the expense of computing and modelling time. Teixera
individual patients, based on advanced digital tech- et al39 concluded that in a 3-dimensional mandibular
niques, will become possible and perhaps even model, modelling the mandible at distances greater
commonplace. that 4.2 mm mesially or distally from the implant did
not result in any significant further yield in FEA accu-
Material properties
racy. The use of infinite elements can be a good way to
Material properties greatly influence the stress and model boundary conditions.
strain distribution in a structure. These properties can
Bone–implant interface
be modelled in FEA as isotropic, transversely isotro-
pic, orthotropic, and anisotropic. In an isotropic Most FEA models assume a state of optimal
material, the properties are the same in all directions; osseointegration, meaning that cortical and trabecular
therefore, only 2 independent material constants exist. bone are assumed to be perfectly bonded to the
An anisotropic material has different properties when implant. This does not occur so exactly in clinical situ-
measured in different directions. There are many ations. Therefore, the imperfect contact and its effect
material constants depending on the degree of on load transfer from implant to supporting bone need
anisotropy (transversely isotropic, orthotropic). to be modelled more carefully. Current FEA programs
In most reported studies, the assumption is made provide several types of contact algorithms for simula-
that the materials are homogeneous and linear and tion of contacts. It is therefore now technically feasible
that they have elastic material behavior characterized to conduct such a simulation. The friction between



Table I. Material parameters used in finite element analysis studies of dental implants
Material Elastic modulus (Pa) Poisson’s ratio Author

Enamel 4.14 × 104 0.3 Davy et al18

4.689 × 104 0.30 Wright and Yettram19
8.25 × 104 0.33 Farah et al20
8.4 × 104 0.33 Farah et al21
Dentin 1.86 × 104 0.31 Reinhardt et al22
1.8 × 104 0.31 MacGregor et al23
Parodontal membrance 171 0.45 Atmaram and Mohammed24
69.8 0.45 Reinhardt et al22
6.9 0.45 Farah et al21
Cortical bone 2727 0.30 Rice et al25
1.0 × 104 0.30 Farah et al21
1.34 × 104 0.30 Cook et al26
1.5 × 104 0.30 Cowin27
Trabecular bone 150 0.30 Cowin27
250 0.30 MacGregor et al23
790 0.30 Knoell28
1.37 × 103 0.31 Borchers and Reichart5
Mucosa 10 0.40 Maeda and Wood29
Pure titanium 117 × 103 0.30 Sakaguichi and Borgersen30
Ti-6Al-4V 110 × 103 0.33 Colling31
Type 3 gold alloy 100 × 103 0.30 Sakaguichi and Borgersen30
80 × 103 0.33 Lewinstein et al32
Ag-Pd alloy 95 × 103 0.33 Craig33
Co-Cr alloy 218 × 103 0.33 Craig33
Porcelain 68.9 × 103 0.28 Lewinstein et al32
Resin 2.7 × 103 0.35 Craig33
Resin composite 7 × 103 0.2 Craig33

contact surfaces can also be modelled with contact Table II. Anistropic properties of cortical bone
algorithms. The friction coefficients, however, have to Cortical shell
be determined through experimentation.
Elastic (MPa) Diaphyseal Metaphyseal
Bone is a porous material with complex micro-
structure. The higher load-bearing capacity of dense Longitudinal 17,500 9,650
cortical bone compared with the more porous trabecu- Transverse 11,500 5,470
lar bone is generally recognized. On implant insertion,
cortical and/or trabecular bone, starting at the
periosteal and endosteal surfaces, gradually form a par-
tial-to-complete encasement of the implant. However, Summary
the degree of encasement is dependent on the stresses
generated and the location of the implant in the jaw.37 In summary, stress distribution depends on assump-
The anterior mandible is associated with 100% cortical tions made in modelling geometry, material properties,
osseointegration; this percentage decreases toward the boundary conditions, and the bone–implant interface.
posterior mandible. The least cortical osseointegration To obtain more accurate stress predictions, advanced
(<25%) is seen in the posterior maxilla. The degree of digital imaging techniques can be applied to model the
osseointegration appears to be dependant on bone bone geometry more realistically; the anisotropic and
quality and stresses developed during healing and func- nonhomogenous nature of the material must be con-
tion. To study the influence of osseointegration in sidered; and boundary conditions must be carefully
greater detail at the bone trabeculae contact to implant treated with the use of computational modelling tech-
level, Sato et al40 set up 4 types of stepwise assignment niques. In addition, modelling of the bone–implant
algorithms of elastic modulus according to the bone interface should incorporate the actual osseointegration
volume in the cubic cell (Fig. 1). They showed that contact area in cortical bone as well as the detailed tra-
their 300 µm element size was valid for modelling the becular bone contact pattern through the use of
bone–implant interface. contact algorithms in FEA.

JUNE 2001 587


(1) type of loading; (2) material properties of the

implant and prosthesis; (3) implant geometry, length
and diameter as well as shape; (4) implant surface
structure; (5) nature of the bone–implant interface;
and (6) quality and quantity of the surrounding bone.
Most efforts have been directed at optimizing implant
geometry to maintain the beneficial stress level in a
variety of loading scenarios.
When applying FEA to dental implants, it is impor-
tant to consider not only axial loads and horizontal
forces (moment-causing loads) but also a combined
Fig. 1. Four types of stepwise assignment algorithms of elas-
load (oblique occlusal force) because the latter repre-
tic modulus according to bone volume in cubic cell.
E = elastic modulus (GPa). (Reproduced with permission
sents more realistic occlusal directions and, for a given
from J Oral Rehabil 1999;26:641.) force, will cause the highest localized stress in cortical
bone.48 Barbier et al49 investigated the influence of
axial and nonaxial occlusal loads on the bone remodel-
ling phenomena around IMZ implants in a dog
mandible simulated with FEA. A strong correlation
Analyzing force transfer at the bone–implant inter- between the calculated stress distributions in the sur-
face is an essential step in the overall analysis of rounding bone tissue and the remodelling phenomena
loading, which determines the success or failure of an in the comparative animal model was observed. The
implant. It has long been recognized that both authors concluded that the highest bone remodelling
implant and bone should be stressed within a certain events coincide with the regions of highest equivalent
range for physiologic homeostasis. Overload can cause stress and that the major remodelling differences
bone resorption or fatigue failure of the implant, between axial and nonaxial loading are determined
whereas underloading of the bone may lead to disuse largely by the horizontal stress component of the
atrophy and subsequent bone loss.41,42 With the use of engendered stresses. The importance of avoiding or
load cells in rabbit calvaria, Hassler et al43 showed that minimizing horizontal loads thus was emphasized.
the target compressive stress level for maximum bone Zhang and Chen50 compared dynamic with static
growth occurs at 1.8 MPa, levelling off to a control loading in 3-dimensional FEA models with a range of
level at 2.8 MPa. Skalak44 stated that close apposition different elastic moduli for the implant. Their results
of bone to the titanium implant surface means that showed that, compared with the static load models,
under loading, the interface moves as a unit without the dynamic load model resulted in higher maximum
any relative motion; this is essential for the transmis- stress at the bone–implant interface as well as a greater
sion of stress from the implant to the bone at all parts effect on stress levels when elastic modulus was varied.
of the interface. In summary, both static and dynamic loading of
In centric loading, several FEA studies45-47 of implants have been modelled with FEA. In static load
osseointegrated implants demonstrate that when max- studies, it is necessary to include oblique occlusal
imum stress concentration is located in cortical bone, forces to achieve more realistic modelling. Most stud-
it is in the contact area with the implant, and when the ies conclude that excessive horizontal force should be
maximum stress concentration is in trabecular bone, it avoided. The effects of dynamic loading require fur-
occurs around the apex of the implant. In cortical ther investigation.
bone, stress dissipation is restricted to the immediate
Prosthesis and implant material properties
area surrounding the implant; in trabecular bone, a
fairly broader distant stress distribution occurs. High-rigidity prostheses are recommended because
the use of low elastic moduli alloys for the superstruc-
Stress transmission and biomechanical
ture predicts larger stresses at the bone–implant
implant design problems
interface on the loading side than the use of a rigid
FEA can simulate the interaction phenomena alloy for a superstructure with the same geometry.51
between implants and the surrounding tissues. Stegariou et al52 used 3-dimensional FEA to assess
Analysis of the functional adaptation process is facili- stress distribution in bone, implant, and abutment
tated by the ability to investigate the various loading, when a gold alloy, porcelain, or resin (acrylic or com-
implant, and surrounding tissue variables. Load trans- posite) was used for a 3-unit prosthesis. In almost all
fer at the bone–implant interface depends on the: situations, stress in the bone–implant interface with



the resin prostheses was similar to or higher than that bone rather than evenly throughout the entire surface
in the models with the other 2 prosthetic materials. area of the implant interface. Because masticatory
However, in his classical mechanical analysis, Skalak44 forces are light and fleeting, these forces are normally
stated that the presence of a resilient element in an well-tolerated by the bone. It is the bruxing forces that
implant prosthesis superstructure would reduce the must be adequately attenuated, and this may be
high load rates that occur when occluding unexpect- achieved by increasing the diameter and number of
edly on a hard object. For this reason, he suggested implants. A recent clinical study concluded that short
the use of acrylic resin teeth. Nevertheless, several implants are possible when the peri-implant tissues are
other studies53,54 could not demonstrate any signifi- in good condition.60
cant differences in the force absorption quotient of In summary, the optimum length and diameter
gold, porcelain, or resin prostheses. necessary for long-term success depends on the bone
The elasticity moduli of different implant materials support condition. If the bone is in normal condi-
also influences the implant–bone interface. Implant tion, length and diameter appear not to be significant
materials with too low moduli are to be avoided; factors for implant success. However, if the bone
Malaith et al55 suggested that implant materials have a condition is poor, large diameter implants are advised
modulus of elasticity of at least 110,000 N/mm2. and short implants should be avoided.
Rieger et al56 indicated that serrated geometry led to With regard to implant shape, theoretical analysis
high-stress concentrations at the tips of the bony implies that clinically, whenever possible, an optimum
ingrowth and near the neck of the implant. Low mod- and not necessarily larger dental implant shape should
uli of elasticity emphasized these concentrations. The be used based on the specific morphologic limitations
nontapered, screw-type geometry showed high-stress of the mandible.
concentrations at the base of the implant when high Holmgren et al48 reported that a stepped cylindri-
moduli were modelled and at the neck of the implant cal design for press-fit situations is most desirable
when low moduli were modelled. The authors con- from the standpoint of stress distribution to sur-
cluded that a tapered endosseous implant with a high rounding bone. With the use of FEA to analyze a
elastic modulus would be most suitable for dental parasaggital model digitized from a CT-generated
implantology. However, the design must not cause patient data set, these authors simulated various sin-
high-stress concentrations, which commonly lead to gle-tooth, 2-dimensional osseointegrated dental
bone resorption, at the implant neck. Stoiber57 report- implant models. The results suggested that stress is
ed that in the construction of an appropriate screw more evenly dissipated throughout the stepped cylin-
implant, special attention must be paid to the rigidity drical implant than the straight implant type. After
of the implant rather than to thread design. analyzing stress concentration patterns using FEA,
In summary, although the effect of prosthesis mate- Rieger et al56 concluded that a tapered endosseous
rial properties is still being debated, it is well implant with a high elastic modulus would be most
established that implant material properties greatly suitable. Also using FEA, Mailath et al55 compared
affect the location of stress concentrations at the cylindrical and conical implant shapes exposed to
implant–bone interface. physiologic stresses and examined the occurrence of
stress concentrations at the site of implant entry into
Implant geometry: length, diameter, and
bone. They reported that cylindrical implants were
preferable to conical implant shapes.
Large implant diameters provide for more favorable Siegele and Soltesz61 compared cylindrical, conical,
stress distributions.55,58 FEA has been used to show stepped, screw, and hollow cylindrical implant shapes
that stresses in cortical bone decrease in inverse pro- by means of FEA. Both a fixed bond (simulating com-
portion to an increase in implant diameter with both plete load transfer with bioactive materials) and a pure
vertical and lateral loads.58 However, Holmgren et al48 contact (only compression transfer with bioinert
showed that using the widest diameter implant is not materials) without friction between implant and bone
necessarily the best choice when considering stress dis- were considered interface conditions. The results
tribution to surrounding bone; within certain demonstrated that different implant shapes lead to
morphologic limits, an optimum dental implant size significant variations in stress distributions in bone.
exists for decreasing the stress magnitudes at the The authors stated that implant surfaces with very
bone–implant interface. small radii of curvature (conical) or geometric discon-
In general, the use of short implants has not been tinuities (stepped) induce distinctly higher stresses
recommended because it is believed that occlusal than smoother shapes (cylindrical, screw-shaped).
forces must be dissipated over a large implant area for Moreover, a fixed bond between implant and bone in
the bone to be preserved. Lum59 has shown that the medullary region (as may be obtained with a
occlusal forces are distributed primarily to the crestal bioactive coating) is advantageous for the stress deliv-

JUNE 2001 589


ered to bone because it produces a more uniform Surrounding bone quality and quantity
stress distribution than does a pure contact.
Patra et al37 reported that the tapered thread design The long-term clinical performance of a dental
of the Branemark implant exhibited higher stress levels implant is dependent on the preservation of good
in bone than the parallel profile thread of the BUD quality bone surrounding the implant and a sound
implant (BUD Medical Devices, Inc), which seemed to interface between the bone and biomaterial. Good
distribute stresses more evenly. Clift et al62 reported quality bone is itself dependent on the appropriate
that the modification of the standard implant design to level of bone remodelling necessary to maintain the
include a flexible central post resulted in a decrease in bone density and the avoidance of bone microfracture
the maximum von Mises stresses and equivalent strains and failure. Both processes are governed by the stress
in cancellous bone. It was postulated that this would and strain distribution in the bone.
reduce the likelihood of bone fatigue failure and sub- Crestal bone: The crestal bone region is of particular
sequent bone resorption. interest because of the observations of progressive
Optimum implant shape is related to the bone con- bone resorption (saucerization). Crestal bone loss is
dition and implant material properties. Implant observed around various designs of dental implants. A
designs have adopted various shapes; FEA seems to possible cause of this bone loss is related to the low
indicate that for commercially pure titanium (cpTi) stresses acting on peri-implant bone. On the basis of
implants, smoother profiles engender lower stress con- both histologic examination and FEA results,65,66 an
centrations. The optimal thread design to achieve the equivalent stress of 1.6 MPa has been deemed suffi-
best load transfer characteristics is the subject of cur- cient to avoid crestal bone loss from disuse atrophy in
rent investigations. the canine mandibular premolar region.
Wiskott and Belser67 studied the relationship
Implant surface structure
between the stresses applied and bone homeostasis of
Bioactive materials are used as coating on titani- different implant neck designs. It has been observed
um implants because they have the potential to that the polished neck of dental implants does not
encourage bone growth up to the surface of the osseointegrate as do textured surfaces. Lack of
implant.63 It is claimed that these coatings can pro- osseointegration was postulated to be due to increased
duce a fully integrated interface with direct bonding pressure on the osseous bed during implant place-
between bone and the implant material, leading to a ment, establishment of a physiologic “biologic width,”
more even transfer of load to the bone along the stress shielding, and lack of adequate biomechanical
implant and thus a reduction in stress concentra- coupling between the load-bearing implant surface
tions.61 and the surrounding bone. Any viable osseous struc-
Meijer et al64 investigated the influence of a 3-layer ture (including the tissue that surrounds the polished
flexible coating of Polyactive on bone stress distribution implant neck) is subjected to periodic phases of resorp-
with the use of a 3-dimensional FEA in a mandibular tion and formation. Hansson68 compared implants
model. Polyactive is a system of poly (ethylene oxide) with smooth necks to implants with retention ele-
poly (butylene terephthalate) segmented copolymers ments all the way up to the crest. His FEA study found
with bone-bonding capacity. In the case of sagittal and that retention elements at the implant neck resulted in
transversal loading, the use of a Polyactive coating a major decrease in peak interfacial shear stresses. He
reduced both the minimum principal stress in the bone suggests that these retention elements at the implant
and the compressive radial stress at the bone–implant neck will counteract marginal bone resorption in
interface. However, it raised the maximum principal accordance with Wolff’s law.
and tensile radial stresses. In the case of vertical load- For the Screw-Vent implant, Clelland et al69
ing, the application of a flexible coating reduced the showed that under axial loading, mesial and distal
compressive radial stress at the bone–implant inter- stresses were much lower than those buccal and lingual
face around the neck of the implant by a factor of 6.6 to the implant. Maximum stress in the bone was lin-
and the tensile radial stress by a factor of 3.6. gual to the superior portion of the collar. Previous
Variations in composition and thickness of the coating longitudinal radiographic studies of a similar implant
did not affect the results significantly. revealed bone loss mesial and distal to the implant.
The authors emphasized that the clinical significance
Nature of the bone–implant interface
of the stress transfer to the bone buccal and lingual to
There are 2 types of contact at the bone–implant inter- the implant had yet to be determined.
face: bone–implant contact and fibrous tissue–implant Minimum required load for avoidance of crestal
contact. The clinical concept of fibrous encapsulation of bone loss appears to have been defined,37,65,66 but the
an implant is considered to be a failure; this condition is upper limit of the physiologic stress range has not yet
no longer modelled in FEA studies. been investigated.



Cortical bone: The quality and quantity of the sur- the load was transferred directly to the weaker tra-
rounding bone influences the load transfer from becular bone tissue.
implant to bone.46,70 In almost all FEA studies of tita- Clelland et al75 investigated a Steri-Oss implant in
nium implants, stress concentrations occur around the various bone models with different cancellous and cor-
implant neck. Under oblique loads with high occlusal tical bone conditions using 2-dimensional FEA. For
stress magnitudes, the elastic limit of bone surround- the all-cancellous bone model, low stresses and high
ing implants may be surpassed and lead to strains surrounded the implant apex. For the models
microfractures in the cortical bone. Clift et al46 with a layer of cortical bone added, higher crestal
emphasized the importance of having good quality stresses and lower apical strains were observed. The
dense bone around the implant neck that can with- thicker layer of isotropic cortical bone produced
stand stresses in the range of 9 to 18 MPa before stresses at least 50% less than the thinner layer. The
loading. Failure to achieve this after implantation and assumption of transverse isotropy (orthotropy) for the
subsequent healing may result in local fatigue failure cortical bone layer increased stresses and strains by
and resorption at the neck on resumption of physio- approximately 25% compared with isotropic bone. The
logic loading.71 Holmes and Loftus72 used FEA to authors concluded that crestal cortical layer thickness
examine the influence of bone quality on the transmis- and bone isotropy have a substantial impact on resul-
sion of occlusal forces for endosseous dental implants. tant stresses and strains.
Placement of implants in bone with greater thickness
of the cortical shell and greater density of the core
resulted in less micromovement and reduced stress Load transmission and resultant stress distribu-
concentration, thereby increasing the likelihood of fix- tion are significant in determining the success or
ture stabilization and tissue integration. failure of an implant. Factors that influence the load
With a 3-dimensional FEA model, Papavasiliou et al73 transfer at the bone–implant interface include the
showed that the absence of cortical bone increased inter- type of loading, implant and prosthesis material
facial stresses at the locations studied. Clift et al71 properties, implant length and diameter, implant
reported that a reduction, by a factor of 16, in the elas- shape, structure of the implant surface, nature of the
tic modulus of the bone around the neck of the implant bone–implant interface, and quality and quantity of
produced only a 2-fold reduction in the peak stress. the surrounding bone. Of these biomechanical fac-
Trabecular (cancellous) bone: Using the degree tors, implant length, diameter, and shape can be
of direct bone–implant interface as an indicator of changed easily. Cortical and cancellous bone quality
endosseous implant success appears to be misleading, as and quantity need to be assessed clinically and
100% bone apposition is almost never obtained at the should influence implant selection.
surface of the endosseous dental implant. Investigating
the 3-dimensional bone interface to hydroxyapatite-
coated titanium alloy implants, Wadamoto et al74 Clinical studies have reported a significant inci-
generated computer graphics by the integration of data dence of component failure. These include gold screw
for serial ground surfaces obtained at 75 µm intervals and abutment screw failures as well as gold cylinder,
of the tissue block involved with the implant. The framework, and implant fractures. The cause of these
authors found that the bone contact ratio of the whole failures is complex and involves cyclic fatigue, oral flu-
surface of each of 3 implants was 80.8%, 68.1%, and ids, and varied chewing patterns and loads.
68.8%, and the bone contact ratio for each direction Biomechanically, the following component inter-
and portion varied with the conditions of implant faces can be found in the Branemark implant: (1)
placement. The bone volume ratios around the implant fixture–abutment interface, (2) abutment screw–
at the 0 to 300 µm zone were also calculated, and total abutment interface, (3) gold cylinder–abutment inter-
ratios ranged from 58% to 81%. These results may pro- face, (4) gold retaining screw–gold cylinder interface,
vide useful quantitative information about the bone and (5) gold retaining screw–abutment screw inter-
structure around implants and contribute to the devel- face. Long-term screw joint integrity at the
opment of more realistic FEA models based on the implant–abutment screw joint and abutment–gold
biologic bone structure around implants. cylinder screw joint is essential for prosthetic success.
Patra et al 37 modelled progressive bone loss An increasing number of FEA studies focus on biome-
and partial osseointegration by both 2- and 3- chanical problems involving the screw joint and on
dimensional FEA. When 25%, 75%, and 100% screw loosening phenomena.76-79
osseointegration was modelled, cortical bone was
Screw loosening
shown to carry most of the load, with resulting over-
load leading to crestal bone loss. Stress plots showed The screw loosening problem frequently affects
that with increasing crestal bone loss, the majority of dental implants and implant-supported prostheses.

JUNE 2001 591


When a screw is fastened to fix the prosthesis, a tensile the implant–prosthesis connection and eventually leads
force (preload) is built up in the shank of the screw. to component failure.
This preload acts on the screw shank from the head of Because preload application to the gold retaining
the screw to the threads. The preload should be as screw reduces the clamping force at the abutment–
high as possible because it creates a clamping force implant interface, it is recommended that a balance
between the abutment and implant. The screw elon- preload be found between the gold retaining screw and
gates when subjected to tensile forces during abutment screw to make the whole implant–prosthesis
tightening. The more elongation there is, the better connection more stable.81 The current manufacturer
the stability of the screw in place. Thus, screw design recommendation for the Branemark system is to use
is of significance and should allow maximum torque to tightening torques of 20 Ncm for titanium abutment
be introduced into the shank of the screw.77 screws and 10 Ncm for gold retaining screws.
Several authors76,77 have drawn attention to the fact Washer: The addition of a customized washer to
that repeated loading and unloading cycles result in dental implant screw joint systems may offer a very
alternating contact and separation of components. simple and inexpensive solution for the persistent
Clinical findings of screw loosening and failure proba- problem of screw loosening. With the use of FEA,
bly result from these separation events and from Versluis et al79 studied the effect of a washer in a
elevated strains in the screw. The other mechanism of Branemark-type implant on the loosening conditions
screw loosening is related to the fact that no surface is of the retaining screw. Their simulation indicated that
completely smooth. Because of the microroughness of a washer may significantly increase the axial tolerance
components, when the screw interface is subjected to of a screw against loosening up to 15 times more than
external loads, micromovements occur between the a conventional system without a washer. The authors
surfaces. Wear of the contact areas may result from indicated that this is accomplished by increasing the
these motions, thereby bringing the 2 surfaces closer tolerance of the implant against deformation.
to each other and causing a decrease in preload in the
Screw fracture
set of screws.
With prosthesis superstructure distortion, an exter- Factors that contribute to screw failure include the
nal preload can be superimposed on the screw joints of magnitude and direction of loading, the elastic modu-
the implant prosthesis. This distortion (or lack of pas- lus of the prosthesis, and the rigidity of the abutment.
sive fit) can impart additional axial forces and bending By studying the IMZ implant system with FEA,
moments on the screw joints and increase the likeli- Holmes et al82 found that with increases in either load
hood of prosthetic component failure.80 magnitude or load angle, stress concentrations in com-
Application of preload: The load-transfer mechanism ponents of the implant system were generally
between prosthetic components arises from torque increased. In another study, Holmes et al83 also
application to the abutment screw and gold screw. showed that in the IMZ implant, stress concentrations
Sakaguchi et al76 developed a 2-dimensional FEA in bone and in components were much greater under
model for nonlinear contact analysis of Branemark a 30-degree load than under an equal vertical load.
implant prosthetic components. They found that when Greater deflection and stress concentrations within the
the gold retaining screw was fastened into the abut- coronal retaining screw were predicted with the use of
ment screw, clamping force on the implant was the resin polyoxymethylene (POM) intramobile ele-
increased at the expense of a decrease in the clamping ment (IME) than with the titanium element in the
force at the abutment screw–abutment interface by IMZ implant system. The authors’ FEA model also
50%. Maximum tensile stresses in the screw after pre- found that stress transmission to bone was not reduced
load were less than 55% of the yield stress. when the IME was modelled in POM rather than tita-
Cheong et al81 used FEA to predict that, at a pre- nium. Maximum stress concentrations occurred in the
load tension of 230 N in the gold retaining screw fastening screw.
shank, the clamping force at the abutment–abutment Several authors82,84 recommend high elastic modu-
screw interface would first be reduced to zero. With lus prostheses to avoid deflection of the prosthetic
further tightening of the gold retaining screw, the rate superstructure and stress concentrations in the retain-
of increase of stresses in the gold retaining screw was ing screw. Rigid abutment design is also needed to
faster than that of the abutment screw; thus, it was decrease the peak stresses in the screw and the deflec-
predicted that the gold retaining screw would fail first. tion of the superstructure. Two related studies85,86
Failure of the gold retaining screw by yielding was described an FEA model of 3 different IMZ abutment
expected for a tensile load of approximately 400 N designs: original threaded intramobile element (IME),
applied to the gold cylinder. At this 400 N tensile load, abutment complete (ABC), and intramobile connector
the clamping force at the implant–abutment interface (IMC). Progressive tightening of the retaining screw
was reduced to zero. This affects the overall stability of (preload) was simulated, and the degree of screw



tightening necessary to prevent opening of the Canay et al87 compared vertically orientated
crown–abutment interface in extreme loading (500 N implants with angled implants and found that the incli-
occlusal load at 45 degrees) was determined individu- nation of implants greatly influences stress
ally for each system. A correlation was observed concentrations around the implant-supported fixed
between the peak stresses in the screw and the deflec- prosthesis. The authors found no measurable differ-
tion of the superstructure. Deflections and stress ences in stress values and contours when a horizontal
concentrations with the IMC were predicted to be in load was applied to the vertical and angled implants.
the same range as with the IME, but much greater However, with vertical loading, compressive stress val-
than with the ABC. ues were 5 times higher around the cervical region of
the angled implant than around the same area in the
vertical implant.
The screw loosening problem is of concern, especial- Many clinicians are of the opinion that the selection
ly when considering single-tooth implant prostheses. of implant positions and the scheme of prosthesis
The application of optimal preload has been the main splinting are critical for the longevity and stability of an
means of preventing loosening. However, a recent FEA implant prosthesis. Kregzde88 reported that induced
study advocates the addition of a washer as a simple and stresses in bone are sensitive to the scheme of prosthe-
effective solution for the persistent problem of screw sis splinting and implant positions. He used
loosening. Stress concentrations in the fastening screws 3-dimensional FEA modelling of jaw bones, teeth, and
are influenced by load magnitude and direction. High- various implant numbers, positions, and prosthesis
rigidity prostheses and rigid abutments have been found designs to attempt optimization of stress distribution
to give more favorable stress distributions in the screws. to the implants. Induced stresses on implants for dif-
ferent schemes of prosthesis splinting and different
implant positions were found to vary as much as
From a biomechanical viewpoint, there are 3 main 1000%.
classes of multiple-implant prostheses: (1) implant- The effect of different cross-sectional beam config-
supported fixed prostheses (including cantilevered urations for implant frameworks also has been
designs), (2) implant-supported overdentures, and (3) investigated with FEA. Korioth and Johann89 com-
combined natural tooth and implant-supported pros- pared superstructures with different cross-sectional
theses. FEA studies for these prosthetic situations are shapes and material properties during a simulated,
usually more complex than for the solitary implant. In complex biting task that modelled the deformation
most studies, 3-dimensional FEA is considered neces- patterns of the mandible during function. When they
sary and 2-dimensional FEA inadequate. submitted their model to loads mimicking simultane-
Because multiple implants are splinted by the pros- ous bending and torsion of the mandibular corpus
thesis framework, stress distribution is more complex during bilateral posterior occlusion, they found that
than with the single-tooth implant situation. Loading predicted implant stresses varied significantly between
at one point of the prosthesis causes stress concentra- implant sites for different superstructure shapes.
tions in all supporting implants to varying degrees. Contrary to expectations, the ideal “I-beam” super-
The prosthesis can be loaded not by a single load but structure cross-section did not yield the lowest
by multiple loads and in varying directions. In addi- principal stresses; these were obtained with a vertically
tion, the flexure of the jaw bones, particularly the orientated, rectangular-shaped beam superstructure.
mandible, under functional loading conditions can The authors concluded that implant abutment stresses
cause stress in the bone around the implants and may were significantly affected by the cross-sectional shape
lead to bone resorption. Stress around the implant can of the prosthetic superstructure and by diverse
be caused not only by local deformation of the bone mandibular loading conditions.
because of movement of the implant and interface rel- Implant-supported fixed prostheses with cantilevers
ative to the surrounding bone, but also by the complex add additional factors that can influence stress distrib-
deformation patterns of the mandible. ution. These factors include cantilever length,
cross-sectional beam shapes, and recently, a system for
Implant-supported fixed prostheses
additional support of the distal extension of the can-
For implant-supported fixed prostheses, the fac- tilever. Young et al90 investigated a number of different
tors that affect bone-implant stress distribution and cross-sectional beam shapes for cantilever fixed pros-
ultimately the success of the prosthesis include theses for initiation of permanent deformation on end
implant inclination, implant number and position, loading. Straight and curved cantilever beams 26 mm
the prosthesis splinting scheme, the occlusal sur- long were modelled in FEA. They found that the “L-
face, framework material properties, and different shaped” design was more rigid than other designs for a
framework cross-sectional beam shapes. given mass and that an open “I-section” framework

JUNE 2001 593


offered good possibilities, particularly when used as special ball-type attachment to support the distal
curved shapes. “L-shaped” cobalt-chromium or stain- extension of cantilevered prostheses. With the use of
less steel frameworks of 26 mm cantilever span 2-dimensional FEA, Lewinstein et al32 compared the
underwent permanent deformation at end loadings IL support system with a conventional cantilever pros-
between 130 and 140 N, depending on section curva- thesis. They concluded that the former dramatically
ture. The authors caution that good framework design lowered the stresses in the bone, cantilever, and
is critical to avoid failures, because it is known that implants and thereby potentially reduced failures with-
occluding loads can exceed these values. in the implants, prosthesis, and surrounding bone.
Different material properties affect stress distribu- The system also makes possible the employment of a
tion in different ways. Korioth and Johhann89 showed relatively long-span prosthetic extension in the poste-
that an increase in elastic modulus of prosthetic mate- rior region of the jaw.
rials does not necessarily lead to a decrease in stresses In summary, stress distribution in implant-supported
on all existing implant abutments. Less rigid super- fixed prostheses has been shown by FEA to be influ-
structures seem to not only increase implant abutment enced in various ways by implant inclination, implant
stresses overall but also decrease tensile stresses on the number and position, the prosthetic splinting scheme,
most anterior implant abutments for the modelled superstructure material properties, and beam design.
complex occluding task.
Implant-supported overdentures
With the use of a 3-dimensional FEA model and a
6-implant-supported mandibular complete arch fixed The use of implant-supported overdentures is
prosthesis, Sertgöz15 investigated the effect of differ- viewed as a cost-effective treatment modality. Some
ent occlusal surface materials (resin, resin composite, clinicians believe that the designed stress-breaking fea-
and porcelain) and different framework materials tures of overdenture attachments confer more
(gold, silver-palladium, cobalt-chromium, and titani- favorable biomechanical characteristics compared with
um alloys) on stress distribution in the fixed prosthesis implant-supported fixed prostheses. Implant-support-
and surrounding bone. He demonstrated that the use ed overdenture attachment systems include bar-clips,
of a prosthesis superstructure material with lower elas- balls, O-rings, and magnets. The biomechanical factors
tic modulus did not lead to substantial differences in related to bar-clip attachment systems include the
stress patterns or levels in the cortical and cancellous number of implants, bar length, stiffener height, and
bone surrounding the implants. For the single loading material properties.
condition investigated, the optimal combination of Meijer et al93 set up a 3-dimensional model of a
materials was found to be cobalt-chromium for the human mandible with 2 endosseous implants in the
framework and porcelain for the occlusal surface. interforaminal region and compared stress distribution
With a 3-dimensional FEA model of a bilateral dis- when the 2 implants were connected by a bar or
tal cantilever fixed prosthesis supported by 6 implants remained solitary. The most extreme principal stress
in the mandible, Sertgöz and Guvener91 predicted that was found with oblique occlusal loads, whereas verti-
maximum stresses would occur at the most distal cal occlusal loads resulted in the lowest stress. The
bone–implant interface on the loaded side and that most extreme principal stresses in bone were always
these stresses would significantly increase with an located around the necks of the implants. No signifi-
increase in cantilever length. Instead, they found no cant differences in stress distribution were predicted
significant change in stress levels associated with with the highest maximum and lowest minimum prin-
implant length variation. In a 15-year longitudinal cipal stresses being 7.4 and –16.2 MPa in the model
clinical follow-up study, however, Lindquist et al92 without the bar and 6.5 and –16.5 MPa in the model
reported that bone at the distal implants of can- with the bar. The same authors also found that a bar
tilevered mandibular implant-supported prostheses placed anterior to the interconnecting line between
remained very stable and, conversely, more bone loss the 2 implants caused extremely large compressive and
was observed around the anterior implants. This result tensile stress concentrations in the bone around the
may have been caused by a multitude of other clinical implants. Therefore, in such situations, they advise not
factors. The authors concluded that occlusal loading connecting the implants or, if a bar-clip attachment is
factors such as maximal occlusal force, tooth clench- preferred, placing additional implants in the frontal
ing, and cantilever length were of minor importance to region.94
bone loss in their study population. This suggests that In a later article, Meijer et al95 used the same model
extrapolation of FEA studies to clinical situations to study a 4-implant system with the implants either
should be approached with caution. connected by a bar or remaining solitary. The results
New systems for additional support of the distal showed that with uniform loading, there were more or
extensions of cantilevered prostheses have been sug- less equal extreme principal stresses around the central
gested. The IL system uses a short implant and a and lateral implants; with nonuniform loading of the



superstructure, the implant nearest the load showed resilient elements, connector design (precision or
the highest stress concentration. With connected semiprecision attachments), and the degree of splint-
implants, there was a reduction in the magnitude of ing implants to natural tooth abutments.
the extreme principal stresses compared with solitary For the implant connected with a natural tooth,
implants. van Rossen et al100 concluded that a more uniform
In the range of alloy stiffness tested, FEA modelling stress was obtained around implants with stress-
of a 2-implant round bar96 and Hader bar system97 as absorbing elements of low elastic modulus. They also
well as a 4-implant Hader bar system98 found span concluded that the bone surrounding the natural
length and stiffener height to be more significant fac- tooth showed a decrease in peak stresses in such a sit-
tors in the adequacy of the overall design than uation.
changing material properties. el Charkawi et al101 studied the use of a resilient
Overdentures supported by a 2-implant ball system layer material under the superstructure of the implant
have been shown to result in better stress distribution in a connected tooth- and implant-supported prosthe-
in bone than a 2-implant bar system. Menicucci et al99 sis model. Their FEA proposed that this new
used 3-dimensional FEA to evaluate transmission of modification could mimic the structural natural tooth
masticatory load in mandibular implant-retained over- unit by allowing movement of the superstructure with-
dentures. Overdentures retained either by 2 ball out movement of the implant when the model was
attachments or by 2 clips on a bar connecting 2 loaded.
implants were compared. For the ball attachment sys- Misch and Ismail102 conducted a 3-dimensional
tem, a 35 N load on the first mandibular molar of the FEA comparing models representing a natural tooth
overdenture induced a greater reaction force on the and an integrated implant connected by rigid and non-
distal edentulous ridge mucosa of the nonworking side rigid connectors. On the basis of the similarities in
than the bar-clip attachment. However, when peri- stress contour patterns and the stress values generated
implant bone stress was considered, such stress was in both models, the authors concluded that it may be
greater with the bar-clip attachment than with the ball erroneous to advocate a nonrigid connection because
attachment. of a biomechanical advantage. Melo et al103 also inves-
In summary, FEA has been used to investigate the tigated tooth- and implant-supported prostheses in
stress distribution obtained when implants are left soli- free-end partially edentulous situations. Their 2-
tary, used with ball attachments, or connected by bars dimensional FEA predicted that lowest levels of stress
for clip retention in various configurations and in bone occurred when the prosthesis was not con-
designs. Not all studies modelled the overdenture over nected to a natural abutment tooth but instead was
the implants and bar superstructure. Bar design factors supported by 2 freestanding implant abutments.
like stiffener height and span length were found to sig- Nonrigid attachments, when incorporated into a pros-
nificantly affect stress distribution, whereas the thesis, did not significantly reduce the level of stress in
influence of various material moduli was comparative- bone. A recent comprehensive review of both clinical
ly less significant. and laboratory studies concluded that the issue of con-
necting natural teeth to implants with rigid or
Combined natural tooth and implant-
nonrigid connectors remains unresolved.104
supported prostheses
Combining natural teeth and implants to support
fixed prostheses has been advocated by certain investi- FEA has been used extensively in the prediction of
gators of implant dentistry. Controversy exists as to the biomechanical performance of dental implant systems.
advisability of this design philosophy from a biome- This article reviewed the use of FEA in relation to the
chanical as well as a clinical perspective. A significant bone–implant interface, the implant–prosthesis con-
clinical consideration in the restoration of partial eden- nection, and multiple-implant prostheses. Assumptions
tulism with implant- and tooth-supported prostheses made in the use of FEA in implant dentistry have to be
is whether implants and natural teeth abutments taken into account when interpreting the results.
should be splinted, and if so, in what manner. There is In modelling, some assumptions greatly affect the
a differential deflection between the viscoelastic intru- predictive accuracy of the FEA model. These include
sion of a natural tooth in its periodontal ligament and assumptions involving model geometry, material prop-
the almost negligible elastic deformation of an erties, applied boundary conditions, and the
osseointegrated implant. This difference may induce a bone–implant interface. To achieve more realistic mod-
fulcrum-like effect and possibly overstress the implant els, advanced digital imaging techniques can be used to
or surrounding bone. Some factors that biomechani- model bone geometry in greater detail; the anisotropic
cally influence the stress distribution include abutment and nonhomogenous nature of the material needs to be
design, implant material properties, the effect of considered; and boundary conditions must be refined.

JUNE 2001 595


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99. Menicucci G, Lorenzetti M, Pera P, Preti G. Mandibular implant-retained doi:10.1067/mpr.2001.115251

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