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Mapping of IATA (telex) baggage data formats to ADD

The tables below define mappings from a set of IATA defined baggage related data formats to data defined in the Airport Data Dictionary. The mappings
are not complete, but represent a useful set of often used data elements.

Common mapping across all BIMs (Baggage Information Messages)

BIM elements BIM element ADD Term Mapping
description comment

.B/<status code>/<bagTagNumber><consecutiveTags> Irregular baggage. See BagTagNumber = <bagTagNumber>

".N" for normal BagEventDescription - see below
.B/OFF - Offloaded
.B/NAL - Loaded, but
not authorized for
.B/UNS - Unseen
.B/OND - On hand; not
loaded, not authorized
for loading
.B/ONA - On hand; not
loaded, authorized to

.D/<location id>/<location description>/<date>/<time>/<carriage medium> / Remote check-in BagEventLocation = <location id>/<locati

<transport id> details. on description>/<carriage medium>/<tra
nsport id>

.E/<exception type> Baggage exception. Check recommended practice 1745,

Indicates "RUSH"... attachment A for possible values. The
.E/RUSH values below are explicitly mapped:
.E/PRIO RUSH - BagIsRush
.E/.... PRIO - BagIsPriority
CREW - BagIsCrew
AVIH - BagTypeIndicator = "ANI"
WEAP - BagTypeIndicator = "WEP"

All codes shall be copied to BagAddition

alInfoCode 0..*

.F/<flight id>/<date>/<airport>/<classOfTravelOfBaggege> Outbound flight. Not to BagDepartureFlightId = <flight id> <flight id> (in
be confused with FlightId BagRoute)
onward flight ".O". BagNextAirportIATA <flight id> (in
AirportIATA BagSegment)
<airport> (in
<airport> (in

.G/<earliestDateTime>/<latestDateTime>/<address> Ground handling. BagEventDescription See

table below

.H/<terminal>/<bay or pier>/<gate or stand> Handling location. BagEventLocation <terminal>

<bay or pier>
<gate or

.I/<flight id>/<date>/<airport>/<classOfTravelOfBaggege> Inbound flight FlightId <flight id> (in

information. ".V" FlightIdBagPreviousAirportIATA BagRoute)
element is airport flight AirportIATA <flight id> (in
is inbound to. AirportIATA BagSegment)
<airport> (in
<airport> (in

.J/<secondary code>/<agent id>/<scanner id>/<date>/<time>/<location read> Processing information. BagEventLocation <location

/<location sent to> BagEventDescription read>
table below

.L/<pnr code> Automated PNR adress. PnrCode <pnr code>

.M/<bagTagNumber>/<issue date>/<unique id> Globally unique Not

identifier. currently
.N/<bagTagNumber><consecutive tags> Normal baggage. See ". BagTagNumber <bagTagNum
B" for irregular baggage. ber>

.O/<flight id>/<date>/<airport>/<classOfTravelOfBaggege> Onward flight. Not to be FlightId <flight id> (in

confused with outbound FlightId BagRoute)
flight ".F". AirportIATA <flight id> (in
<airport> (in

.Q/<load sequence number> Load sequence number. Not


.R/<free text> Internal Airline Data. BagEventDescription See

table below

.S/<authorityToLoad>/<seatNumber>/<passengerStatus>/<sequenceNumber> Reconciliation Data. Not

/<securityNumber>/<passengerProfileStatus>/<authorityToTransport> currently
/<baggageTagStatus> mapped.

.T BagEventLocation

.U/<stowagageDeciveId>/<compartment or location> Loading Data. BagEventLocation <compartmen

/<classesOfTravelOfBaggage>/<destination or transfer airport>/<sealed container> BagEventDescription t or location>
/<connection flight id>/<connection departure date>/<destination or transfer airport See
2> separate
table below

.V/<dd version><bag source indicator><airport>/<part>/<msg ref no>/<ack req> Version and BagEventAirportIATA = <airport>
/<encryption> supplementary data. <bag source indicator>

'L' - local: BagCategory =

'T' - Transfer: BagCategory =
'X' - Terminating: BagCategory =
'R' - Remote: BagCategory =

.W/<pieces or weight>/<no of checked bags>/<checked weight>/<unchecked Pieces and weight BagWeight <checked
weight>/<unit>/<length>/<width>/<height>/<bag type> dimensions. BagDimension weight>

.X/<instruction>/<result>/<reason>/<method>/<autograph>/<free text> Baggage security BagEventDescription See

screening. separate
table below

Mapping to BagSegment
BIM elements ADD Term Mapping comment

.I/.../.../TRD/... BagPreviousAirportIATA And one BagSegment for each flight in order: (TRD,OSL), (OSL,BGO), (BGO,KRS)
.V/1TOSL/.../.../.../... BagEventAirportIATA
.F/.../.../BGO/... BagNextAirportIATA
.O/.../.../KRS/... BagFinalAirportIATA

.I/SK001/.../.../... FlightId Maps to BagRoute.BagSegment.FlightId, one for each .

.F/SK002/.../.../... FlightId
.O/SK003/.../.../... FlightId

Mapping to BagEventCode and BagEventDescription

When two or more elements are present, which indicate two distinct events, i.e. BagEventCode, the event is decided by the first matching rule in the table

BIM Element BIM Description BagEventCode BagEventErrorCode BagEventDescription

DEL Deleted BagInfoReceived Deleted

.B/<status> Baggage irregularity BagInfoReceived If <status> is NAL, OFF,
OND, ONA then
<status>: Not Loaded (<status>)
NAL: Loaded, but not authorised for loading
OFF: Offloaded
OND: On-hand, not loaded, not authorised
for loading
ONA: On-hand, not loaded, authorised for

.U BagInfoReceived If BUM Unloaded

else Loaded (<status>)

.X/.../<status> Screening Cleared BagInfoReceived If <status> REJ Screening

<status>: Rejected
REJ: Screening Rejected If <status> CLR Screening
CLR: Screening Cleared Cleared
UCL: Screening Unclear If <status> UCL Screening

.G/<earliest datetime>/<latest datetime> BagInfoReceived Always <address>


.J/<code> Processing information BagInfoReceived If <status> R Reconciled

<code>: If <status> S Sorted
R: Reconciliation If <status> G Ground
S: Sortation Tracked
G: Ground Tracking If <status> H Hand
H: Hand scanned Scanned

.R/<data> Internal Airline Data BagInfoReceived Always <data>

Mapping specific for BPM

Currently no specific mapping for BPM

BPM element BIM element description ADD Term Mapping comment

Mapping specific for BSM

Currently no specific mapping for BSM

BSM element BIM element description ADD Term Mapping comment

Mapping specific for BUM

Currently no specific mapping for BUM

BUM element BIM element description ADD Term Mapping comment

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