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SPE 53185

Bubble Point Pressure and Oil Formation Volume Factor Correlations

A. A. Al-Shammasi, Saudi Arabian Texaco, SPE

Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

means for estimating them have been developed. During the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE Middle East Oil Show held in last 50 years, many correlations were developed to estimate
Bahrain, 20–23 February 1999.
these PVT properties.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of PVT properties are a function of temperature, pressure,
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to composition of the hydrocarbon mixture and the presence of
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at parafines and impurities. The performance of empirical
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
models depends mainly on how much a correlation model
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is represents this mixture under specific conditions. The purpose
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous of this work is to study the performance of models available in
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Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
The study will be carried out to model the bubble point
pressure and the oil formation volume factor at and below the
Abstract bubble point pressure. Both empirical correlations and neural
This paper evaluates published correlations and neural network models will be considered to reach a clearer underst-
network models for bubble point pressure and oil formation anding about what model to use and what to expect. A large
volume factor for accuracy and flexibility to represent global database gathered for this study will be used to develop
hydrocarbon mixtures from different geographical locations correlations models that predicts oil properties better than
worldwide. The study presents a new correlation for bubble existing ones.
point pressure based on global data with improvement in
performance over published correlations. It also presents new Literature Review
neural network models and compares their performance to Since the 1940’s engineers in the United States have realized
numerical correlations. the importance of developing empirical correlations for PVT
The evaluation examines the performance of correlations properties. Studies carried out in this field resulted in the
with original published coefficients and with coefficients development of new correlations. Several studies of this kind
calculated based on global data, data from a specific 1 2 3
were published by Katz , Standing , Lasater and Cronquist .

geographical locations, and data for a limited oil gravity range. For several years, these correlations were the only source
The evaluation of each coefficient class includes geographical available for estimating PVT properties when experimental
and oil gravity grouping analysis. The results show that the data were unavailable. In the last twenty years there has been
classification of correlation models as most accurate for a an increasing interest in developing new correlations for crude
specific geographical area is invalid to be used for these two oils obtained from the various regions in the world. Vazquez
fluid properties. Statistical and trend performance analysis 5 6 7,8
& Beggs , Glaso , Al-Marhoun , Abdul-Majeed and Salman

shows that some of the correlations are violating the physical carried out some of the recent studies. The following presents
behavior of hydrocarbon fluid properties. Published neural a review of the most known correlation models published in
network models are missing major model parameters to the literature. A summary of these published correlation
reproduce. New developed models performed better, but suffer models is provided in Tables A.1 and A.2 including the forms
from stability and trend problems. of correlation used, errors reported by each author, and details
of the data used for each development.
Solutions to reservoir performance problems at various stages 1
Empirical Correlations. In 1942, Katz published a graphi-
of reservoir life require the knowledge of the physical cal correlation for predicting oil formation volume factor.
properties of reservoir fluid at elevated pressure and 1
Katz used U.S. mid-continent crude to develop his correla-
temperature. The PVT properties for reservoir hydrocarbon tions. The correlation uses reservoir temperature, pressure,
mixtures are usually obtained from laboratory analysis on a solution gas oil ratio, oil gravity and gas gravity. The
preserved or a recombined sample of reservoir fluid. Since correlations were presented only in graphical form. Katz

these experimental facilities are not always available, other


correlations were hard to use because of the requirement to use development. Al-Marhoun correlations were the first to be
graphs and calculations in combination. developed for Middle East reservoirs.
2,10,11 12
In 1947, Standing published his correlations for In 1987, Obomanu and Okpobori presented new
bubble point pressure and for oil formation volume factor. correlations for predicting gas oil ratio and oil formation
Standing correlations were based on laboratory volume factor for Nigerian crude oils. They used 503 data
experiments carried out on 105 samples from 22 different points from 100 Nigerian reservoirs in the Niger Delta Basin.
crude oils in California. The correlations treated the bubble They used Al-Marhoun bubble point pressure correlation
point pressure and the oil formation volume factor as a model form and modified Standing oil formation volume
function of the reservoir temperature, gas oil ratio, oil gravity factor correlation model form. In addition they developed new
and gas gravity. Standing correlations were the first to use correlation coefficients for Nigerian crude oils. The oil
these four parameters, commonly used after his work in formation volume factor correlation divided the crude oils into
developing correlations. These correlations are the most two ranges according to oil gravity.
widely used correlations in the oil industry. In 1988, Abdul-Majeed and Salman published an oil
Lasater in 1958 presented a new correlation model based formation volume factor correlation based on 420 data sets
on 158 samples from 137 reservoirs in Canada, U.S. and South from unpublished sources. The form of the correlation is Al-
America. His correlation was only for bubble point pressure. Marhoun oil formation volume factor correlation with new
It is based on standard physical chemical equations of calculated coefficients. Al-Fattah and Al-Marhoun reported
solutions. It utilizes Henry’s law constant and the observation that 259 data sets used by Abdul-Majeed and Salman are
that the bubble point ratio at different temperatures is equal to from Vazquez’s M.S. thesis. 256 data sets were found as
the absolute temperatures ratio for hydrocarbon systems not reported by Al-Fattah and Al-Marhoun .
close to the critical point. The correlation was presented in In 1989, Asgapur, Mc Lauchlin, Wong and Cheun
graphical form, and was used as a look-up chart. An published a new set of correlations for different geological
advantage of Lasater correlation is the wide variety of data reservoirs for western Canadian gases and crude oils.
sources used to develop the correlation. Correlations for bubble point pressure, solution gas oil ratio at
In 1972, Cronquist presented a ratio correlation based on and below the bubble point pressure, and oil formation volume
80 data points from 30 Gulf Coast reservoirs. The correlation factor at and below the bubble point pressure were developed
is useful for the analysis of depletion drive reservoirs when for four geological reservoirs. The new approach of
PVT analysis is not available. The method was presented in developing correlations for a specific geologic time was
graphical form and requires an estimation of average reservoir justified by the different behavior of western Canadian
properties. reservoirs. Very little detail was presented concerning the
5 8
In 1976, Vazquez & Beggs published correlations for gas crude oil differences. The new correlations used Al-Marhoun
oil ratio and oil formation volume factor. They started bubble point pressure correlation form and developed a new
categorizing oil mixtures into two categories, above 30 API form for oil formation volume factor. The new approach
2 3
gravity and below 30 API gravity. They also pointed out the resulted in less average error than Standing , Lasater and
strong dependence on gas gravity and developed a correlation Vazquez & Beggs correlations for all the geologic reservoirs
to normalize the gas gravity measurement to a reference studied.
separation pressure of 100 psi. This eliminated its dependence Labedi in 1990 published new correlations for oil
on the separation conditions. More than 6000 data points from formation volume factor, oil density and fluid compressibility
600 laboratory measurements were used in developing the for African crude oils. Labedi correlations eliminate the need
correlations. for gas gravity and total gas oil ratio by using the separator
Glaso in 1978 developed correlations for bubble point pressure and temperature. 97 data sets from Libya, 28 sets
pressure, formation volume factor, gas oil ratio, and oil from Nigeria, and 4 sets from Angola were available for the
viscosity for North Sea hydrocarbon mixtures. Glaso study. The correlations substitute the gas gravity and total gas
correlations main feature is that they account for paraffinicity oil ratio, which are very unlikely to be measured in the field,
by correcting the flash stock tank oil gravity to an equivalent with separation gas oil ratio, temperature, and pressure as
corrected value using reservoir temperature and oil viscosity. these are reported in field tests.
They also account for the presence of non-hydrocarbons on Dokla and Osman in 1992 published a new set of
saturation pressure by using correction factors for the presence correlations for estimating bubble point pressure and oil
of CO2, N2, and H2S in the total surface gases. A total of 45 formation volume factor for UAE crudes. They used 51 data
oil samples, most of which came from the North Sea region, sets to calculate new coefficients for Al-Marhoun (1988)
were used in the development of these correlations. Middle East correlations. Al-Yousef and Al-Marhoun
8 17,19
In 1988, Al-Marhoun published new correlations for pointed out that the Dokla and Osman bubble point
estimating bubble point pressure and oil formation volume pressure correlation performance found contradicting physical
factor for the Middle East oils. 160 data sets from 69 Middle laws, as the bubble point pressure is decreasing with
Eastern reservoirs were available for the correlation temperature and insensitive to oil gravity changes. The data

used in calculating the coefficients were insufficient to obtain In 1994, Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt used a global data
an empirical correlation. bank to develop new correlations for all PVT properties.
20 2
In 1992, Al-Marhoun published a second correlation for Standing correlation models were taken as basis for bubble
oil formation volume factor. The correlation was developed point pressure and solution gas oil ratio correlations. Vazquez
with 11728 experimentally obtained formation volume factors & Beggs oil formation volume factor correlation was
at, above, and below bubble point pressure. The data set considered the basis for oil formation volume factor
represents samples from more than 700 reservoirs from all correlation. Data from 740 different crude oil samples
over the world, mostly from Middle East and North America. gathered from all over the world provided 5392 data sets for
In 1992, Farshad, Leblance, Garber, and Osorio produced the correlation development. These correlations and Al-
a new set of correlations for bubble point pressure, solution Marhoun (1992) oil formation volume factor correlation are
gas oil ratio and the oil formation volume factor. They used the only correlations that used global data for development. In
the number of surface separator stages as a criterion for addition to the global data gathered for the study, a separate
developing the correlations. The main feature of the new data set collected from literature was used to verify the final
correlation is that it uses separator gas gravity and solution gas results of the correlation models developed and compare them
oil ratio instead of the totals, and corrects them for separation with published correlations. The approach used in the
temperature and pressure. Reservoir samples from 98 development of the new correlations is similar to Petrosky and
Colombian reservoirs were available for the study. The new Farshad’s approach in providing the maximum flexibility to
2 6
correlations used Standing and Glaso correlations forms and the base models to reach the best empirical relation for the
calculated new coefficients for them. The correlations for available data.
single stage separation process are considered for this study. In 1997, Almehaideb published a new set of correlations
The proposed correlations based on corrected separator data for UAE crudes. He used 62 data sets from UAE reservoirs to
are more realistic since the stock tank gas gravity and solution develop the new correlations. Correlations developed are for
gas oil ratio are seldom measured in the field. bubble point pressure, oil formation volume factor, oil
In 1992, Macary and El-Batanoney presented new viscosity, and oil compressibility. The bubble point pressure
correlations for bubble point pressure, oil formation volume correlation like Omar and Todd uses the oil formation
factor and solution gas oil ratio. 90 data sets from 30 volume factor as input in addition to oil gravity, gas gravity,
independent reservoirs in the Gulf of Suez were used to solution gas oil ratio, and reservoir temperature. Improvement
develop the correlations. The new correlations were tested over published correlations was achieved with these
against other Egyptian data of Saleh, Maggoub and Asaad , correlations.
and showed improvement over published correlations.
Omar and Todd in 1993, based on similar work to Neural Network Correlations. Neural network uses in
Standing oil formation volume factor correlation model, petroleum applications have been increasing in recent years.
calculated a modified set of correlation coefficients. Omar and An overview of neural network applications for petroleum
24 28
Todd also developed a bubble point pressure correlation that industry is well documented by Ali . The area of PVT
uses the oil formation volume factor in addition to oil gravity, properties modeling using neural networks is relatively new.
gas gravity, solution gas oil ratio, and reservoir temperature. Two studies were carried out during the last two years on this
The new correlation was based on 93 data sets from Malaysian subject.
oil reservoirs. An estimated oil formation volume factor from In 1996, Gharbi and Elsharkawy published neural net-
the developed correlation can be used for bubble point work models for estimating bubble point pressure and oil
prediction if it is not measured. formation volume factor for Middle East crude oils. Separate
In 1993, Petrosky and Farshad developed new correlat- models were used for each property, and the models
ions for Gulf of Mexico crudes. Standing correlations for architectures were of two hidden layers. The bubble point
bubble point pressure, solution gas oil ratio, and oil formation pressure model has eight neurons in the first layer and four
volume factor were taken as a basis for developing the new neurons in the second. The formation volume factor model
correlation coefficients. Vazquez & Beggs oil compress- has six neurons in both layers. 498 data sets collected from
ibility correlation model was used as a basis for oil compress- the literature and unpublished sources were, used for training
ibility correlation. The approach that Petrosky and Farshad the models. Another set of 22 data points from the Middle
applied to develop the correlations was to give the original East, not included in the training, were used to verify the
correlation model maximum flexibility through nonlinear resulting network. The results showed improvement over the
regression to achieve the best empirical relation the model can conventional correlation methods with at least 50% reduction
achieve through the available data set. The maximum flex- in the average error for the bubble point pressure and 30%
ibility allows each variable to have a multiplier and exponent. reduction for oil formation volume factor.
The original model fixes multipliers and exponents of some of In 1997, Gharbi and Elsharkawy published another
the variables to one. Ninety data sets from Gulf of Mexico neural network model for estimating bubble point pressure and
were used in developing these correlations. oil formation volume factor for universal use. The two
properties are predicted by one model consisting of one hidden

layer of five neurons. The study used 5200 data sets collected These values are relatively high when compared to what is
from all over the world representing 350 different crude oils. reported in the literature.
Another set of data consisting of 234 data sets was used for Later, in 1993 Petrosky and Farshad published a new
verifying the results of the model. The reported results for the correlation based on Gulf of Mexico crudes with much lower
universal model showed less improvement than the Middle absolute relative error for all correlations than what is reported
East neural model over the conventional correlations. The in 1990 study. The best performing published models in the
bubble point pressure average error showed 30% less error for 1993 study are Glaso models for bubble point pressure and
the training data and 40% less for the test data compared to solution gas oil ratio. Al-Marhoun (1988) correlation model
conventional correlations. for oil formation volume factor showed best performance out
The oil formation volume factor on the other hand was of the published models.
better than conventional correlations in terms of correlation In 1991, McCain published an evaluation of all reservoir
coefficient. The average error for the neural network model is properties correlations based on a large global database at
34 2
similar to conventional correlations for training data and Texas A&M University. McCain recommended Standing
higher for test data than the best performing conventional correlations for bubble point pressure and solution gas oil ratio
correlation. The reported results for test data indicates better with estimation accuracy of 15% when used with separator gas
performance than the training data. gravity and total solution gas oil ratio. For oil formation
volume factor at and below bubble point pressure McCain
Evaluation Studies of Correlations. As more correlati- recommended Standing correlation also with estimation
ons were developed, researchers evaluated the previously accuracy of 5.0% when used with total solution gas oil ratio.
published correlations with the new ones. Others carried out He also pointed out the dependence of estimation accuracy on
studies to select the most accurate correlation for a particular the source of the data. For example, the accuracy of formation
reservoir or geographic area. The only research done for volume factor estimation is less if an estimated solution gas oil
geologic categorization was done by Asgapur, Mc Lauchlin, ratio is used.
15 13
Wong, and Cheun . In 1994, Al-Fattah and Al-Marhoun published an
In 1983, Ostermann, Ehlig-Economides, and Owalabi evaluation of all oil formation volume factor correlations.
evaluated published correlations based on eight Alaskan fluid They used 674 data sets from published literature. The result
6 20
samples. They indicated that Glaso correlation for bubble recommends Al-Marhoun (1992) correlation as it shows least
point pressure and Standing correlation for oil formation error for global data set. The study pointed out trend tests to
volume factor showed least error for Alaskan crudes. The evaluate the model’s violation of physical behavior. The study
samples they used were characterized by high nitrogen N2 and indicates the bad performance of all existing correlations in
carbon dioxide CO2 content. The study pointed out the two areas: the high solution gas oil ratio and the high
significant effect of non-hydrocarbons on the bubble point temperature regions.
31 35
pressure. Jacobson’s nitrogen correction was found to be of Ghetto, Paone, and Villa in 1994 published a comprehen-
better performance over Glaso’s correction. sive study on PVT properties correlation based on 195 global
In 1987, Saleh, Maggoub and Asaad published an data sets representing a full range of hydrocarbon mixtures.
evaluation of empirical correlations for Egyptian oils. Glaso The data sources are from Agip oils Inc., collected from the
correlation showed the best results for bubble point pressure Mediterranean Basin, Africa, the Arabian Gulf, and the North
2 2
and solution gas oil ratio, Standing model was the best for oil Sea reservoirs. Standing correlation for bubble point pressure
formation volume factor, Vazquez & Beggs correlation model gave the best results an with average absolute error of 16.1%.
was the best for viscosity, and Beggs & Robenson was the best This is in close agreement to the results of McCain study.
for compressibility. No details were given about correction, For the oil formation volume factor Vazquez & Beggs
range of data, number of data, etc. correlation results were the best, with an average absolute
Sutton and Farshad in 1990 published an evaluation for error of less than 3.0%. They categorized oils into four groups
Gulf of Mexico crude oils. They used 285 data sets for gas according to oil API gravity and recommended different
saturated oil and 134 data sets for undersaturated oil correlations for each category.
representing 31 different crude oils and natural gas systems. They also investigated the improvement of the existing
The results show Glaso correlations for bubble point pressure, correlations for all properties except formation volume factor.
solution gas oil ratio and oil formation volume factor perform This was done by recalculating new coefficients for the best
the best for most of the data of the study. It was pointed out model selected based on the original coefficients analysis.
that Vazquez & Beggs correlation models performed better They found improvements could be achieved in bubble point
than Glaso correlations at high solution gas oil ratios above pressure models. Reduction of the average absolute error to
1400 scf/STB and bubble point pressures greater than 7000 12.8% for Standing correlation was reached. The final
psia. The overall average absolute error for bubble point recommendations of the study suggest using the new modified
pressure and solution gas oil ratio reported for Glaso improved correlations with API categorization.
correlation models are 25.34% and 27.05% respectively. In 1994, Elsharkawy, Elgibaly, and Alikhan published a
study for evaluating PVT correlations for Kuwaiti crude oils.

The study used 44 sample analyses for the evaluation. Table 1. It shows that Abdul-Majeed and Salman took 256
2 14 29
Standing correlation for bubble point pressure gave the best data sets from Vazquez data and Gharbi and Elsharkawy
results with average absolute error of 10.85%. Al-Marhoun had 12 sets from other sources in their test data sets. The 256
9 14
(1988) oil formation volume factor correlation model data sets found in Abdul-Majeed and Salman from Vazquez
performed the best with an average absolute error of 2.72%. data were slightly modified by either increases or decreases by
In 1996, Mahmood and Al-Marhoun presented an eva- small amount in one or more of the five physical properties.
luation of PVT correlations for Pakistani crude oils. They Four sets of duplicates were detected for Vazquez and the
used 166 data sets from 22 different crude samples for the same sets were found in Abdul-Majeed and Salman . Other
evaluation. High errors were obtained for bubble point duplicates found are: three duplicates in Mahmood and Al-
8 37
pressure. Al-Marhoun correlation gave the least error with Marhoun for Pakistan data, two sets in Farshad, Leblance,
20 21
average absolute error of 31.5%. Al-Marhoun (1992) oil Garber, and Osorio for Colombian data and one set in both
6 35
formation volume factor correlation gave the best results with Glaso for North Sea data and Ghetto, Paone, and Villa for
an average absolute error of 1.23%. The bubble point pressure global data.
errors reported in this study, for all correlations, are among the
highest reported in the literature. Table 1: Cross Check of Data Sets for Duplicates and Repetitions.
Geographical Duplicates
In 1997, Hanafy, Macary, Elnady, Bayomi, and El-
38 Ref Location Authors within the set
Batanoney published a study for evaluating the most 1 USA Katz 0
accurate correlation to apply to Egyptian crude oils. Although 6 North Sea & Worldwide Glaso 1
the reported average absolute error for Macary and El- 8 Middle East Al-Marhoun 0
Batanoney correlations were not the minimum, the study did 9* All Over the World Abdul-Majeed and Salman 4
12 Nigerian Obomanu and Okpobori 0
recommend these correlations for bubble point pressure and 14 All Over the World Vazquez 4
oil formation volume factor. Macary and El-Batanoney 17 UAE Dokla, and Osman 0
correlation for bubble point pressure showed an average 21 Colombia Farshad, Leblance, Garber and Osorio 2
2 3 24 Malaysian Omar and Todd 0
absolute error of 16.6% while Standing’s , Lasater’s , and
16 29** All Over the World Gharbi and El sharkawy 0
Labedi’s models showed 14.1%, 14.8% and 14.9% 31 Alaska Ostermann, Ehlig-Economides and Owalabi 0
respectively. For formation volume factor Macary and El- 35 All Over the World Ghetto, Paone and Villa 1
Batanoney correlation showed an average absolute error of 37 Pakistan Mahmood and Al-Marhoun 3
17 Repeated on other references:
4.9% while Dokla and Osman showed 3.9%. The study *
256 data sets found in Abdul-Majeed9 from Vazquez14 data.
strongly supports the approach of developing a local **
12 data sets found, 2 data sets from Vazquez14 , 2 data sets from Dokla and Osman19, 4
data sets from Glaso6, 4 data sets from Al-Marhoun8.
correlation versus a global correlation.
The duplicates and the repeated data sets were dropped
Data Acquisition and Analysis Procedure from the global data group used for this work. The data
Data used for this work is published in the literature and available after excluding repeats are 1243 data sets for bubble
consists of reservoir temperature, oil gravity, total solution gas point pressure and 1345 data sets for formation volume factor.
oil ratio, and average gas gravity for bubble point pressure Variable ranges for the two data sets are shown in Table 2.
and/or flash oil formation volume factor at or below bubble
point pressure. This selection is based on the input Table 2: Pb and Bo Data Ranges.
requirements by the majority of published correlations. When Units Units
no information about separation conditions, gas gravity and PbMin 31.70 psi PbMax 7127.0 psi
solution gas oil ratio are provided, the data is considered as BoMin 1.02 bbl/STB BoMax 2.916 bbl/STB
one stage separation with average gas gravity and total RsMin 6.00 scf/STB RsMax 3298.6 scf/STB
solution gas oil ratio reported. γgMin 0.51 ratio γgMax 3.44 ratio
A total of 1661 data sets from 13 different published γoAPIMin 6.00 API γoAPIMax 63.7 API
literature papers were collected and checked for accuracy. TMin 74.0 deg F TMax 341.6 deg F
Another 48 data sets originated from Kuwait reservoirs from Bo Data Count 1345 Pb Data Count 1243
unpublished sources making a total of 1709 data sets. A data
set is given to represent raw data consisting of reservoir Thirteen models for each of bubble point pressure and oil
temperature, bubble point pressure, formation volume factor, formation volume factor were analyzed with the global data
gas gravity, solution gas oil ratio, and oil gravity. To insure sets. The analysis was carried out for each property in the
accuracy for each data group collected from a specific source, following sequence:
the results published in that source were recalculated. Table 1. The performance evaluation of correlations with original
A.3 shows the data sources and ranges for each parameter and published coefficients to point out the degree of accuracy for
the number of data sets collected for each source. each model representing global data.
Each data group was checked for duplicates and 2. The calculations of new coefficients for each correlation
crosschecked with other data groups to avoid data sets model using linear or non-linear regression as models allow.
repeated in more than one source. The results are given in

This step is designed to test models for global flexibility and Table 3: Bubble Point Pressure Correlation Performance
evaluate the possibility of having better performance. with Original Coefficients and with New Calculated
3. The development of new correlations. Coefficients Based on Global Data.
Coefficients Classification [Original Coefficients]
4. The development of new set of coefficients for each data Correlation Name Average Absolute Standard Min Max
group obtained from the different geographical location. This Relative Error Deviation % %
geographically based analysis is meant to evaluate the Standing 20.685 28.50 0.03 372
Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio (Non-linear) 22.487 21.63 0.02 173
accuracy of categorizing models according to the geographical
Al-Marhoun 23.915 28.50 0.01 317
origin of the crude used. Vazquez 24.084 32.61 0.01 404
5. The performance evaluation of correlations on the basis Glaso 26.153 26.64 0.00 247
of oil gravity grouping. This analysis is used to evaluate the Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 26.339 37.28 0.02 487
validity of grouping correlation models accuracy according to Dokla and Osman 26.415 27.26 0.04 262
Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio (Linear) 26.844 30.35 0.00 324
oil gravity. New coefficients for oil gravity groups will be Almehaideb 32.648 42.74 0.01 427
calculated and tested accordingly. Laster 44.360 91.45 0.02 1214
6. The correlation models with coefficients from the five Macary & El Batanoney 45.572 76.11 0.04 767
steps mentioned above will be checked against the correct Petrosky & Farshad 86.635 230.0 0.12 3931
Omar & Todd 267.32 2594. 0.07 54409
PVT properties trends to point out model contradicting Coefficients Classification [New Coefficients Based on Global Data]
physical laws. Al-Marhoun 19.202 23.36 0.02 237
Standing Modified (Linear) 20.358 27.12 0.00 339
Bubble Point Pressure Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio 20.358 27.12 0.00 339
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 20.537 28.12 0.04 354
The statistical analysis parameters for all correlations with Vazquez 20.537 28.12 0.04 354
original coefficients calculated for the 1243 data sets show Glaso 21.621 29.91 0.03 379
Standing correlation has the least average absolute error as Macary & El Batanoney 21.935 34.79 0.02 479
2 Standing (Non-Linear) 25.118 45.74 0.03 707
shown in top section of Table 3. Standing correlation has an
Petrosky & Farshad 127.93 285.7 0.22 4294
average absolute error of 20.68%, which is 3.22% lower than Coefficients Classification [New Correlation Based on Global Data ]
Al-Marhoun correlation. When new coefficients are calcula- Al-Shammasi 17.849 17.16 0.00 210
ted for all correlations based on global data, the performance
of all correlations improve except Petrosky and Farshad Development of New Correlation. The relationships
25 between variables in various forms were explored through
correlation. Petrosky and Farshad correlation is a recalcula-
2 plots and then linear regression analysis was used to test the
tion of coefficients based on Standing correlation, where a
non-linear regression was used and failed to converge. prediction performance.
For Standing correlation, two forms were used in the After testing many combinations, a new bubble point
recalculation of new coefficients, the non-linear form of the pressure correlation shown below in Equation 1, was reached
original model and a modified linear form that is reached by and found to perform better than all existing models tested in
dropping the constant in the original correlation. The modified this study with the global data sets available. The statistical
linear form reached improvement and the non-linear original results for this new correlation are given in the last section of
form converged to coefficients that gave less accurate results Table 3.
than the original coefficient. The modified linear form of
Standing correlation is one of the two correlations published Pb = γ o
−1.841408∗ γ o ∗γ g ]
∗ Rs ∗ (460 + T ) ∗ γ g
.........(1) ] 0.783716

by Farshad, Leblance, Garber, and Osorio for one stage The performance of the new correlation is better than all
separation. This is observed in Table 3 as repetition of the other correlations with original coefficients or new calculated
results for the two rows. The other one stage correlation from coefficients. The new correlation’s statistical measures gave a
Farshad, Leblance, Garber, and Osorio is a recalculation of 0.9987 correlation coefficient, 17.85% average absolute error,
coefficients based on Glaso correlation and it failed to 17.17 standard deviation, and 210% maximum error.
converge. Its results are not included in Table 3. Vazquez &
5 26
Beggs correlation and Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt Geographical and Gravity Grouping Analysis. Data
correlation both show the same results for the recalculation of sets were grouped according to their geographical origin. The
new coefficients as the latter correlation is a development correlation’s performance for different origins is calculated for
based on Vazquez & Beggs correlation. correlations with original published coefficients, new
With new calculated coefficients, Al-Marhoun correlation coefficients based on global data and new coefficients based
gave the best fit with an average absolute error of 19.2% for on each individual data group. The last class of coefficients is
the global data used. This was followed by modified obtained by calculating the coefficients of the correlations for
2 8
Standing correlation with 1.15% difference. Al-Marhoun each data group individually. The results show that regional
gave the best results, with new calculated coefficients 1.49% fitting of correlations to represent a specific geographical
less than Standing’s original correlation. The linear and non- region does not always provide the best performance
linear correlation models reached close average absolute error correlation. Table A.4 shows the average absolute error
values indicating similar flexibility in all models. results for the three classes of coefficients.

When data were grouped according to oil API gravity, the sensitivity to API gravity. With global data used to calculate
best performing correlation for each group of data geograph- coefficients, all models manage to follow the correct trends
ically classified does not show consistent least error over the with changes in variables.
whole range of API gravity. Instead it was observed that the
overall least error is a factor of the abundance of data points Table 4: Average Absolute Error for Bubble Point Pressure Correlat-
ions with Original Coefficients and Coefficients Calculated Based
falling in a certain API range. on Global Data with APIGravity Grouping.
Results with original coefficients show that the existing Coefficients Classification: [Original Coefficients]
correlations are highly influenced by the majority of API Correlation Name API Range < 10 <20 >= 10 & < 20 >= 20 & < 30 >= 30

gravity group used to develop them. The new coefficients on Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio (Liner) 18.31 31.25 33.87 33.16 24.49
Al-Marhoun 31.85 33.93 34.35 27.76 21.75
the other hand show less fluctuation in performance as the
Almehaideb 48.45 61.08 63.64 37.84 28.22
globally diverse data sets were used to calculate the Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 23.60 21.75 21.37 20.07 28.70
coefficients. The performance of the top seven correlations Standing 10.54 15.37 16.35 19.20 21.67
for different API gravity ranges is shown in Figure 1. Glaso 103.66 45.83 34.11 28.03 23.61
Laster 28.20 30.99 31.56 38.55 47.46
Calculating correlations coefficients based on data with a
Dokla and Osman 31.93 34.95 35.56 22.28 26.81
limited range of API gravity resulted in lower errors than Vazquez & Bagges 14.60 20.10 21.21 20.26 25.64
original cases and global coefficients cases. Correlations with Omar & Todd 38.52 29.63 27.83 207.84 309.12
coefficients calculated based on limited API gravity data Macary & El Batanoney 29.26 39.32 41.36 42.92 47.00
Petrosky & Farshad 124.39 142.47 146.14 128.97 68.22
ranges produced slightly better results for all cases except for
Coefficients Classification: [New Coefficients Based On Global Data]
the range of data above 30 API gravity. The magnitude of the Al-Shammasi 17.93 20.82 21.41 20.69 16.69
improvement is between one and two percent. Summary of oil Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 12.55 18.69 19.94 19.09 21.16
gravity analysis is shown in Table 4. Petrosky & Farshad 127.91 184.10 195.49 181.20 106.18
Al-Marhoun 11.37 19.76 21.46 20.51 18.75
Standing Modified (Liner) 10.29 17.28 18.70 19.17 21.03
Standing Correlation Dokla and Osman Correlation
Macary & El Batanoney 18.56 26.66 28.30 29.22 19.26
Vazquez & Bagges Correlation
Al-Marhoun Correlation Glaso 36.28 19.48 16.08 19.94 22.34
Al-Shammasi Correlation

Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio Correlation
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt Correlation
Vazquez & Bagges 12.55 18.69 19.94 19.09 21.16
Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio (Liner) 10.29 17.28 18.70 19.17 21.03
Coefficients Classification: [Based on Data within API Group]
Vazquez & Bagges 10.27 19.07 20.76 18.18 21.31
Average Absolute Relative Error %

Al-Shammasi 11.13 18.91 20.35 18.21 16.90
Glaso 7.39 16.93 18.08 20.20 22.01
30 Petrosky & Farshad 127.91 184.10 135.44 168.64 152.12
Macary & El Batanoney 8.70 14.76 14.35 23.24 20.30
Al-Marhoun 9.58 14.77 15.44 17.99 19.10
25 Standing Modified (Liner) 10.06 14.37 15.15 18.12 21.22
Count 15 89 74 268 886

20 Table 5: Mean values used for the trend Tests.

API Grade Very Low Low Medium Light
T deg F 198 157 161 196
γoAPI 7.8 16.9 25.9 38.7
γg 1.214 1.024 0.942 1.054
10 Rs scf/STB 122 146 270 667
0 15 20 <25 30 35 <40 & <45 45
<1 &< & < 20 & &< & < 35 & >=
10 15 25 30 40
>= >= >= >= >= >= >=
API Category
Correlations with coefficients calculated based on limited
Figure 1: API Grouping of Average Absolute Error for Pb data from a certain origin don’t always give the correct trend.
Correlations with Published Coefficients. This indicates that limited data might generate a correlation
with coefficients giving lower average absolute errors, but
Sensitivity and Trend Tests. For sensitivity tests only one with trends that contradict physical laws. For example,
variable in the correlation was varied while the rest were held correlations based on UAE and Nigerian data sets do not
constant to see the trend of the correlation and check it against conform to physical laws. The temperature trends for three
the physical laws. Four points were selected, which covered major correlations with coefficients calculated based on these
the whole range of reservoir properties, they are shown in two data groups are shown in Figure 2.
Table 5. These values were taken as the mean of the global For correlations with coefficients developed based on a
data when grouped into four catogories as very heavy, heavy, limited range of API gravity, the trend performance suffers
medium, and light oils. The trend results of correlation with from the same problem as for limited data sets.
original published coefficients, confirmed the results indicated
18 17 Over all Performance Assessment. The performance of
by Al-Yousef and Al-Marhoun , that Dokla and Osman
correlation for UAE crudes was contradicting physical laws. bubble point correlations depends strongly on three sources of
17 error. The first is error involved in the correlation itself. It is
Dokla and Osman correlation shows the bubble point
pressure decreases as the temperature increases and has no from the error in the data used to develop it and from the

degree of coverage the data provides over the whole range of • It has been observed in the literature that the correlation
reservoir fluid properties. This error will be imbedded within model recommended for a specific geographical area
the coefficients values used in the correlation. The second changes as the dataset changes.
error source is the error from the input variables used by 3. In addition to producing a model that is inconsistent
model. The last source of error is the error due to the non- with physical laws, the practice of calculating new sets of
hydrocarbons and impurities not represented in correlation coefficients for a specific data set, sometimes resulted in less
models and not corrected for. accurecy coefficents than those already published.
4. The new developed correlation named Al-Shammasi
4000 correlation, performs better than all existing correlations with
Al-Marhoun UAE
Standing Modified UAE original coefficients or new calculated coefficients.
3500 Glaso UAE
Standing 5. The most consistent puplished correlation model for all
Al-Marhoun NIG
3000 Standing Modified NIG data that exhibits a safe error range over the whole API gravity
Glaso NIG 2
is Standing correlation.
6. The proper classification of correlation models should

be based on API gravity. That is supported by the observation
of reduce error when correlation model coefficients were
1500 calculated based on a limited range of API gravity, versus a
full range.
7. The process of developing new coefficients for an
500 existing correlation model should be always include a check
for consistancy with physical laws.
8. Limited data that does not cover the whole range of fluid



Temperature properties should not be used to generate correlations or to

Figure 2: Temperature Trend of Pb Correlations with Coefficients calculate new coefficients for existing correlations.
Calculated Based On UAE and Nigerian Data Groups.
The first error source is the controllable one for the Oil Formation Volume Factor Correlations
correlation presented in this study. From the analysis of The statistical analysis parameters for all correlations with
coefficients calculation taking different basis to select the data original coefficients calculated for 1345 data sets indicate that
used in the calculation and testing the resulting coefficients for Petrosky and Farshad correlation model with original
the correct trend, the following points are extracted for bubble published coefficients is the best performing correlation model
point correlations: for the data used in this work. This is supported by the
1. The concept of having one global correlation model that statistical indicators as shown in Table 6.
could be considered as the best correlation model for all kinds Petrosky and Farshad correlation and Kartoatmodjo and
of data, does not exist. This is supported by the observation Schmidt correlation for oil formation volume factor are
2 2
that there isn’t any correlation model with original coefficients modifed Standing correlation. Standing correlation was
or with new calculated coefficients that perfectly fits the modified by recalculation of correlation coefficients with
global data. maximum flexibility of the model. Both correlations converge
2. The geographical classification of crudes and the to the same answer for the recalculation of coefficients based
classification of the correlation models, as best fit for that on the global data set. The two correlations are best for new
specific geographical area, is invalid most of the time. coefficients, but not better than Petrosky and Farshad
Observations that support this conclusion are as follows: correlation with original published coefficients. The results of
• The least overall error correlation model for each set of data the new calculated coefficients for all correlation models along
(geographically classified) does not show consistent least with the original coefficients are given in Table 6.
error over the whole range of API gravity, instead it was
observed that this overall least error is mostly a factor of the Development of New Correlation. For the develop-
abundance of data points falling in a certain API range. ment of new oil formation volume factor correlations, from the
This observation is true for correlation models with original many correlations forms analyzed, two correlations were
coefficients, new coefficients calculated based on the global selected. One of the two models uses three variables instead of
data, and new coefficients calculated based on each data the four variables conventionally used. The gas gravity
group. variable is not required for this model. The two models with
• Calculating new coefficients for the correlation models coefficients calculated based on the global data set are given in
based on limited data points might result in correlations with Equations 2 and 3 and the performance parameters for the new
coefficients that contradict the physical behavior of correlation are shown in Table 6.
petroleum fluids. New correlation with four-variables
Bo = 1 + 5.53 ∗ 10 −7 (Rs ∗ (T − 60))+ 0.000181∗ (Rs / γ o )
+ 0.000449 ∗ ((T − 60) / γ o ) + 0.000206 ∗ (Rs ∗ γ g / γ o )...........(2)

New correlation with three-variables Petrosky and Farshad correlation remains best performer in
Bo = 1 + 0.000412 ∗ (Rs / γ o ) + 0.000650 ∗ ((T − 60 ) / γ o )..........(3) the heavy and medium crudes.

Al-Marhoun 92 New Coefficients Based On Global Data

Table 6: Oil Formation Volume Factor Correlations Performance Petroskey New Coefficients Based On Global Data
Al-Marhoun 92 Original Coefficients
with Original Coefficients and with New Calculated Coefficients 5 Glaso New Coefficients Based On Global Data

Based on Global Data. Kartoatmodjo Original Coefficients

Petroskey Original Coefficients

Coefficients Classification: [Original Coefficients] Standing Original Coefficients

Correlation Name Average Absolute Standard Min Max 4

Average Absolute Relative Error %

Relative Error Deviation % %
Al-Marhoun 88 2.126 2.37 0.00 34.8
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 1.973 2.22 0.00 33.9
Standing 2.424 2.88 0.00 34.0
Glaso 2.936 2.60 0.00 34.9
Majeed & Salman 3.275 4.12 0.00 41.3
Petrosky & Farshad 1.728 1.92 0.00 11.8 2
Al-Marhoun 92 1.769 2.27 0.00 33.7
Omar & Todd 3.392 3.93 0.00 34.6
Almehaideb 7.506 5.76 0.02 37.9
Macary & El Batanoney 8.096 5.00 0.03 60.9
Vazquez & Beggs 3.700 4.45 0.01 33.5
Dokla and Osman 3.765 3.26 0.00 38.8
Coefficients Classification: [New Coefficients Based on Global Data] 0
5 31 it 1 9 R9 24 2 7 7 4 R1
Petrosky & Farshad 1.760 2.20 0.00 33.2 R3 wa tR
R2 R2 R1 R6 R3 R1 R1
de nR Ku as ia de de nR a an E de A.
wi ke lE mb wi wi sia ria
n Se ist UA wi S.
ld as de lo rld or
ld lay ige rth ak rld U.
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 1.760 2.20 0.00 33.2 or Al id C o o W a N N o P o
Al-Marhoun 92 1.773 2.25 0.00 33.6 Geographical Location of Data Source
Vazquez & Beggs 3.630 3.66 0.00 33.2
Macary & El Batanoney 2.830 2.92 0.00 33.0 Figure 3: Error Distribution for Bo Correlations with original and new
Standing 2.057 2.42 0.00 34.0 calculated Coefficients.
Almehaideb 2.747 2.69 0.00 32.3
Glaso 2.064 2.42 0.00 33.5 4.5 Petroskey & F New Coefficents Based On Global Data
Al-Marhoun 88 1.963 2.28 0.00 34.3 Petroskey & F Original Coefficients
Al-Shammasi (4 variables) Based On Global Data
Al-Marhoun 92 Original Coefficients
Coefficients Classification: [New Correlation Based on Global Data] Al-Marhoun 92 New Coefficents Based On Global Data
4.0 Kartoatmodjo Original Coefficients
Al-Shammasi (Four Variables) 1.806 2.27 0.00 33.7 Glaso New Coefficents Based On Global Data
Al-Shammasi (Three Variables) 3.033 2.66 0.00 32.9 Standing Original Coefficients
Average Absolute Relative Error %

Geographical and Gravity Grouping Analysis. Group-
ing the data according to the geographical origin, Petrosky and 3.0
Farshad correlation with original published coefficients
shows superior performance for all data groups except 2.5
37 8 1
Pakistan , Middle East data from Al-Marhoun , Katz data
and UAE data. The results with geographical grouping for 2.0
correlations with coefficients calculated based on global data
set, Petrosky and Farshad correlation performs the best, 1.5
except for the groups indicated. Figure 3 shows the perfor-
mance of the top seven correlations with geographical
grouping. With the case of coefficients calculated based on
data groups, the results show Petrosky and Farshad <1
0 <15 <20 <25 <30 <35 <40 <45 >=4
19 8 0 & =15 & =20 & =25 & =30 & =35 & =40 &
correlation best except for UAE and Al-Marhoun Middle >=1 > > > > > >
API Category
East data.
25 Figure 4: API Grouping of Average Absolute Error for Bo
Although Petrosky and Farshad correlation is best, the
Correlations with original and new calculated Coefficients.
performance is not consistent when data were grouped
according to oil API gravity. Petrosky and Farshad Sensitivity and Trend Tests. Trend analysis of oil format-
correlation consistently performs better for crude oil below 25 ion volume factor correlations with original published
API gravity. Higher than 25 API gravity, the performance is coefficients shows several of them contradicting the physical
not consistent, but very close to the best performer. Figure 4 laws. The analysis used the same four categories of mean
shows the performance of the best eight correlations out of values used in bubble point pressure trend analysis. The points
correlations with original coefficients and global based listed below are observation on correlations with original
coefficients with API gravity grouping. published coefficients with the graphical presentation of some
Results for correlations with the correlation coefficients them in Figures 5 and 6. The observations noted for the
calculated based on data from a limited API gravity range existing correlation models are:
show improvement in the very heavy and light crudes.
10 A. A. AL-SHAMMASI SPE 53185

• Abdul-Majeed and Salman model at high solution gas oil with original coefficients for oil formation volume factor
ratios shows a decrease in the oil formation volume factor shows outstanding
as the solution gas oil ratio increases. That contradicts the performance and could be generalized for global use with
physical laws. enough confidence. Al-Marhoun (1992) correlation comes
second after Petrosky and Farshad correlation. Other
3.500 conclusions reached from the analysis of coefficients
calculated for oil formation volume factor, taking different
Standing Correlation basis to select the data used in the calculation and testing of
Petrosky & Farshad Correlation
the resulted coefficients for the correct trend, are as follows:
Oil Formation Volume Factor

Abdul-Majeed & Salman Correlation

2.000 1. The concept of having one global model that could be

considered as the best model for all types of data is more
likely possible for oil formation volume factor property.
Petrosky and Farshad correlation, with original coefficients,
0.500 exhibits almost complete geographical and API grouping
superior performance consistency. There is no need for
geographical or API gravity based classifications, as a global



Solution Gas Oil Ratio
correlation model is very likely possible.
Figure 5: Solution Gas Oil Ratio Trend of Oil Formation Volume 2. Calculating new coefficients for correlation models
Factor Correlations with the Original Published Coefficients. based on limited data sets might result in coefficients that
invalidate the physical behavior of petroleum fluids. On the
top of the possibility of producing inconsistent coefficients
Standing Correlation
Petrosky & Farshad Correlation
with physical laws. The practice of calculating new set of
1.700 Vazquez & Bagges Correlation
Abdul-Majeed & Salman Correlation
coefficients for a specific data set was found to be not always
Macary & El Batanoney Correlation
better than the published coefficients.
Oil Formation Volume Factor

1.600 Omer & Todd Correlation

3. The process of developing new coefficients for an
existing correlation model or developing a new correlation,
should be always followed with a check for the trend of the
correlation model against the physical laws.

1.100 Neural Networks

The two existing models published in the literature, Gharbi
1.000 29,30
and Elsharkawy were subjected to validation tests. With
0. 4
1. 4
1. 4
1. 4
1. 4
1. 4
0. 4
0. 4
1. 4
1. 4
1. 4
1. 4
1. 4
0. 4
0. 2
0. 2
0. 2
1. 2
1. 2
1. 2
1. 2
1. 2
1. 2
1. 2
0. 2
0. 5
1. 5
1. 5
1. 5
1. 5
1. 5
1. 5

Gas Gravity the limited information published about the models, two
Figure 6: Gas Gravity Trend of Oil Formation Volume Factor features of the models had to be assumed. The first is the
Correlations with the Original Published Coefficients. transfer functions form used from each layer to the next. The
• Macary and El-Batanoney correlation is insensitive to second is the order by which input variables are delivered to
gas gravity and API gravity changes. the models. Because these two items were missing, the test
5 24
• Vazquez & Beggs , Omar and Todd and Abdul-Majeed procedure assumes all possible combination of transfer
and Salman correlations show an incorrect trend of oil functions commonly used with backpropagation. It also tries
formation volume factor with increasing gas gravity. all possible delivery sequences of input to the neural model.
The use of limited data to calculate coefficients for For the case of one model for both properties, outputs
correlations as is the case with geographically based sequence could be interpreted as bubble point pressure
correlations, produces correlations with incorrect trends followed by oil formation volume factor or vise versa. For
because data is not sufficient to represent the whole range of example, for a model that predicts the two PVT properties and
fluid properties. The trend performance of correlations with has one hidden layer, there will be 24 possible sequences for
coefficients based on API limited range data is more adversly input variables, two possible sequences for outputs, and four
affected. possible combination of transfer functions.
The testing procedure was applied to the two published
Over all Performance Assessment. The oil formation models, and in all cases the published results were not
volume factor property of hydrocarbon mixtures is less reached. Four transfer functions combinations were tried
influenced by the presence of non-hydrocarbons and during the test including the most commonly used functions
impurities. The gas gravity parameter is of less significance logsig, purelin and tansig. For each transfer function
and influence on this property. Therefore, large error involved combinations there were twenty-four possible input sequences
in this variable does not reflect high error in estimation of oil for input variables. For each input sequence, two
formation volume factor. Petrosky and Farshad correlation interpretations of the outputs were possible. The total number
of structures tried for the testing were 192 configurations. The

best results reached are far from what is reported for both data sets reserved for testing. The Best-achieved model has an
properties. Models reported need more details to be average absolute error of 11.68%, much higher than the
reproduced. conventional numerical correlations. Models reached, that
were found to be consistent had a 12-14% absolute average
Development of Neural network models. The develop- error position after few iterations, indicating the strong
ment of neural network models starts with finding the best presence of that direction in the training data.
network structure that will represent the complicated 3000
relationship between variables. Possible neural network
structures, starting from a low number of layers and neurons to
a higher number of layers and neurons, should be tested to Bubble point Pressure

select the best structure. Successful structures are those that

converge to the target error or reach the minimum possible 2000

Bubble Point Pressure

Sum Square Error (SSE) and exhibit stable performance to
new data not included in the training. 1500

Out of the global data sets, 137 sets were randomly

selected for testing successfully trained models, leaving 1106 1000

data sets available for bubble point pressure training. The best
results reached by model consisted of two hidden layers, five 500

nodes in the first layer and three in the second layer, with a
training average absolute error of 15.08% and 19.86% for test 0

data sets. The improvement over the new Al-Shammasi




correlation is 2.77% for training data. The test data average
absolute error is higher than the numerical correlation model Figure 7: Temperature Trend for Neural Network Model.
by 2.01%. It was observed that several structures reached 15- 5000

16% average absolute error and that was always the minimum 4500

error for each configuration. This is confirmed with a plot of Bubble point Pressure

SSE versus cumulative iterations performed. Most of high 4000

error points were observed to be in the low pressure and low 3500

oil gravity range. Using limited data for training gave similar
Bubble Point Pressure

results, as shown in Table 7. 3000

Table 7: Performance Comparison between Neural Network
and Numerical Correlations 2000

Training Data Neural Network Numerical Correlation

Best Model Results Results
All data (1106 sets) 15.08% 17.85%
Al-Marhoun (160 sets) 2.38% 3.67%
< 20% error by 6.13% 7.65% 500
Standing (765 sets)

The overall improvement reached in all cases show that the






Oil Gravity
quality of the numerical correlation is very close to the neural
network modeling. The difference between the numerical Figure 8: Oil Gravity Trend for Neural Network Model.
correlations and neural network models is relatively small.
They are not enough to justify field applications, but are worth
incorporating for computerized applications, if they pass trend
requirements. 3500

Bubble point Pres sure

The model based on the global data, and selected based on 3000

error performance, will be used for trend testing. Table A.5

Bubble Point Pressure


gives the architecture of the model with all necessary details to

reproduce it. Trend analysis plots of the model are shown in 2000

Figures 7 through 10. The trend test clearly shows the 1500

weakness of neural network model, as it is unstable and has 1000

the wrong trend for solution gas oil ratio. No other model
reached, passed the trend analysis criteria, to be called a 500

correct trend neural model. 0






Neural network model development for oil formation Solution Gas Oil Ratio

volume factor used 1165 data sets for training, leaving 180
Figure 9: Gas Oil Ratio Trend for Neural Network Model.
12 A. A. AL-SHAMMASI SPE 53185

2500 Bubble point Pressure
Bo= Oil Formation Volume Factor, bbl/stb
Rs= Solution Gas Oil Ratio, Scf/stb
Pb= Bubble point pressure, psia
Bubble Point Pressure

T= Temperature, deg F
γo= Oil specific gravity
γg= Gas specific gravity
API= API stock tank oil gravity
µ= Viscosity, cp
γ= Specific gravity
















































Gas Gravity Acknowledgments
Figure 10: Gas Gravity Trend for Neural Network Model. The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Saudi
Arabian Texaco for permission to publish this paper.
A non-linear relationship in numerical correlations is Appreciation is also extended to the Kuwait University
commonly used to represent the oil formation volume factor Computer Services (KUCS) for providing software used in
relation. Convergence of non-linear models to optimum this study and the Texaco Exploration and Production
solutions is very dependent on the starting position and the Technology Department (EPTD) library staff for providing the
data used in the process of non-linear optimization. This literature references and for their support throughout the study.
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22. Macary, S. M. & El-Batanoney, M. H.: “Derivation of PVT 34. McCain, W. D.: “ Reservoir fluid property correlations-State of
Correlations for the Gulf of Suez Crude Oils,” EGPC 11th Pet. the Art,” SPE Reservoir Engineering, (May 1991), pp 266-272.
Exp. & Prod. Conf. (1992). 35. Ghetto, Giambattista. De, Paone, Francessco. and Villa, Marco.:
23. Saleh, A. M., Maggoub, I. S. and Asaad, Y.: “Evaluation of “Reliability Analysis on PVT correlation,” SPE 28904 (1994).
empirically derived PVT properties for Egyptian oils,” SPE 36. Elsharkawy, A. M. Elgibaly, A. and Alikhan, A. A.: “Assessment
15721, 5th Mid. East Oil Sho. & Con., Bahrain, March 7-10 of the PVT Correlations for Predicting the Properties of the
(1987). Kuwaiti Crude Oils,” 6th Abu Dhabi Inter Pet Ex & Con 16-19
24. Omar, M. I. and Todd, A. C.: “Development of New Modified Oct 1994.
Black oil Correlation for Malaysian Crudes,” SPE 25338 (1993). 37. Mahmood, M. M. and Al-Marhoun, M. A.: “Evaluation of
25. Petrosky, J. and Farshad, F.: “Pressure Volume Temperature empirically derived PVT properties for Pakistani crude oils,”
Correlation for the Gulf of Mexico.” 68th Soc. Pet. Eng. Anna. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 16(1996) 275-
Tech. Con., Houston, TX, Oct 3-6 1993, SPE 26644. 290.
26. Kartoatmodjo, Trijana and Schmidt, Zelimie.: “Large data bank 38. Hanafy, H. H., Macary, S. A., Elnady, Y. M., Bayomi, A. A. and
improves crude physical property correlations,” Oil and Gas El-Batanoney, M. H.: “ Empirical PVT Correlation Applied to
Journal, July 4, 1994, pp 51-55. Egyptian Crude Oils Exemplify Significance of Using Regional
27. Almehaideb, R. A.: “IMPROVED PVT CORRELATIONS FOR Correlations,” SPE 37295, SPE Oilfield CHEM. INT. SYMP
UAE CRUDE OILS,” SPE 37691, SPE Middle East Oil Show (Houston, 2/18 –21/97) PROC pp 733-737, 1997.
CONF (Manamah, Bahrain, 3/15 –18/97) PROC V1, pp 109-120,


Table A.3: Data Summary.

Geographical Location Index PbMin PbMax BoMin BoMax RsMin RsMax γgMin γgMax γoAPIMinγoAPIMax TMin TMax Count
Alaska Ref 31 515.0 1802.0 1.129 1.236 140.0 435 0.853 1.094 25.40 37.10 122.0 180.0 8
All Over the World Ref 35 71.0 6613.8 1.034 2.887 8.6 3298 0.624 1.789 6.00 56.80 80.6 341.6 195
All Over the World Ref 29 408.0 6358.0 1.098 2.887 104.0 3020 0.669 1.188 27.49 52.03 100.0 306.0 22
All Over the World Ref 9 0.0 0.0 1.028 2.042 9.0 1664 0.511 1.351 9.50 59.50 75.0 294.0 420
All Over the World Ref 14 126.0 5148.0 1.011 1.962 9.0 1664 0.511 1.041 15.30 59.50 75.0 294.0 259
Colombia Ref 21 31.7 4137.7 1.045 2.064 6.0 1719 0.657 1.731 18.00 46.50 95.0 260.0 104
Kuwait Unpublished 334.7 2985.0 1.040 1.390 50.5 711 0.750 1.190 15.00 35.17 94.0 176.0 48
Malaysian Ref 24 790.0 3851.0 1.085 1.954 142.0 1440 0.612 1.750 26.60 53.20 125.0 280.0 93
Middle East Ref 8 130.0 3573.0 1.032 1.997 26.0 1602 0.752 1.367 19.40 44.60 74.0 240.0 160
Nigerian Ref 12 58.0 2514.9 1.023 1.723 7.0 1164 0.564 0.929 15.74 43.62 123.0 190.0 48
North Sea & World wide Ref 6 150.0 7127.0 1.087 2.588 90.0 2637 0.650 1.286 18.10 47.70 80.0 280.0 63
Pakistan Ref 37 15.0 4975.0 1.067 2.916 92.0 2496 0.825 3.445 29.00 56.50 182.0 296.0 185
UAE Ref 17 590.0 4640.0 1.216 2.493 181.0 2266 0.798 1.290 28.21 40.31 190.0 275.0 51
USA Ref 1 499.0 3950.0 1.070 1.706 6.0 1313 0.575 1.386 21.80 63.70 58.0 255.0 53
14 A. A. AL-SHAMMASI SPE 53185

Table A.4: Bubble Point Pressure Correlations Average AbsoluteError for Geographical Data Groups


North Sea &

All Over the

All Over the

All Over the

Middle East





Coefficients Classification and Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
Correlation Name
35 31 8 21 1 29 24 12 6 37 17 14
Original Coefficients
Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio 19.08 16.49 36.85 31.59 15.75 19.91 15.32 13.49 71.09 16.08 44.06 34.32 21.12
Dokla and Osman 33.46 20.47 12.43 20.73 16.48 25.70 14.61 18.64 58.64 29.58 34.40 7.62 26.46
Al-Marhoun 26.81 16.28 11.39 3.67 16.30 20.38 22.24 26.43 122.89 13.65 31.50 17.97 19.67
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 20.31 14.63 18.30 18.09 15.92 16.49 22.90 13.47 36.15 18.50 67.10 50.88 17.39
Standing 16.89 17.91 12.36 12.08 13.83 14.37 17.48 12.50 41.85 14.72 45.67 33.56 16.19
Laster 20.52 17.00 19.03 23.87 54.64 21.57 11.43 15.04 39.93 19.62 165.21 41.05 21.80
Petrosky & Farshad 136.87 37.12 60.06 162.22 639.62 29.12 12.63 17.58 297.11 72.53 181.97 19.24 111.16
Omar & Todd 21.94 16.64 24.02 25.52 19.17 1133.4 11.28 7.97 48.40 19.061536.89 39.36 17.64
Almehaideb 33.26 20.91 35.14 28.85 28.64 72.61 12.67 17.92 78.13 17.53 43.87 13.67 25.50
Macary & El Batanoney 23.96 21.49 20.68 34.45 59.70 26.27 8.69 17.77 89.09 24.63 120.30 43.74 32.47
Vazquez & Bagges 17.14 14.74 18.81 18.29 13.37 15.62 19.08 14.16 53.33 15.40 55.34 43.95 16.24
Glaso 28.47 15.37 32.56 25.22 19.97 19.61 13.75 17.75 57.40 10.58 32.08 40.91 22.56
New Coefficients Based On Global Data
Al-Marhoun 18.13 16.41 11.23 9.85 11.98 14.33 14.91 14.42 71.80 13.85 31.11 26.28 15.32
Al-Shammasi 17.56 16.56 16.08 18.20 13.60 15.44 14.21 12.18 44.56 17.40 15.85 30.00 16.58
Standing Modified (Liner) 17.75 16.77 13.22 13.55 11.07 15.33 15.80 12.36 46.14 15.99 42.54 26.84 16.22
Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio 17.75 16.77 13.22 13.55 11.07 15.33 15.80 12.36 46.14 15.99 42.54 26.84 16.22
Vazquez & Bagges 18.25 17.41 13.37 13.02 11.09 14.75 15.61 12.28 46.49 15.25 44.64 26.98 15.87
Macary & El Batanoney 17.34 14.40 16.64 16.34 34.65 13.61 8.18 11.90 74.42 15.67 24.49 34.93 18.30
Petrosky & Farshad 99.82 51.34 75.83 144.64 248.05 48.52 51.42 32.40 264.90 83.09 225.41 42.90 94.90
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 18.25 17.41 13.37 13.02 11.09 14.75 15.61 12.28 46.49 15.25 44.64 26.98 15.87
Glaso 19.07 15.45 13.52 13.47 14.74 13.96 9.98 13.69 45.25 13.34 48.70 29.24 16.31
New Coefficients Based On Data Group
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 15.92 13.57 11.01 10.12 11.47 27.63 16.37 11.91 9.93 13.88 29.31 8.04 16.65
Glaso 22.20 10.59 11.37 14.12 17.21 17.46 12.00 19.14 12.51 11.69 28.87 8.34 16.97
Standing Modified (Liner) 14.13 9.66 10.60 10.21 11.51 23.61 16.62 11.76 9.34 14.78 25.97 7.68 16.63
Vazquez & Bagges 15.92 13.57 11.01 10.12 11.47 27.63 16.37 11.91 9.93 13.88 29.31 8.04 16.65
Petrosky & Farshad 99.70 46.85 69.19 177.30 302.52 58.45 79.68 34.67 174.81 127.56 145.93 62.17 16.63
Macary & El Batanoney 22.20 5.71 11.54 5.07 31.95 17.94 16.37 19.19 10.98 11.80 17.48 8.81 17.33
Al-Marhoun 14.18 10.51 10.58 3.67 11.41 22.72 15.88 10.86 9.47 13.11 19.32 7.61 16.18
Farshad, Leblance, Garber & Osorio 14.13 9.66 10.60 10.21 11.51 23.61 16.62 11.76 9.34 14.78 25.97 7.68 16.63
Al-Shammasi 15.59 10.26 10.85 7.84 13.78 19.80 15.31 11.86 9.94 12.98 16.17 8.53 16.92
Least Average Absolute Error Correlation for Coefficients Class
Table A.5: The New Neural Network Configurations.
Neural Network Configurations
Number of Neurons in the 1st Layer 5 Bubble Point Pressure = (Pb - 31.7)/(7127.0 - 31.7) psia
Number of Neurons in the 2nd Layer 3 Oil Gravity = (γoAPI - 6.0)/(63.7 - 6.0) API Gravity
Transfer Functions in sequence Logsig-Tansig-Purelin Gas Gravity = (γg - 0.5110)/(3.4445 - 0.5110) Ratio
Scaling Equations and input squence Solution Gas Oil Ratio = (Rs – 6.00)/(3298.66 – 6.00) scf/STB
Temperature = (T - 74)/(342 - 74) DEGF
Input Layer Wij
I/j 1 2 3 4 bi
1 6.9034887E-01 -3.4058821E+00 -2.9867396E+00 -1.4185840E+00 -1.4472446E+00
2 1.1353468E+03 -1.8433542E+02 -7.8829016E+01 -1.5478570E+03 -8.2189797E+01
3 -2.0444180E+02 1.2435331E+02 2.0866545E+02 -3.7839824E+02 2.5398983E+02
4 6.7947059E-01 1.4064212E-01 -2.6620731E+00 -1.2751906E+00 -5.3829891E+00
5 8.4152913E+00 4.3780299E+00 -5.9760835E+00 -3.1949745E+00 -9.0647785E+00
Hidden Layer Wij
I/j 1 2 3 4 5 bi
1 -4.8702239E+00 -2.1260691E+00 -1.3751097E+00 1.6480909E+02 4.8912092E+00 1.7825986E+00
2 3.9248888E+00 2.2639621E+00 1.2526170E+00 -1.3133382E+02 -3.6489790E+00 -1.8079009E+00
3 8.1338728E-01 -2.6349341E+00 -7.4970684E-01 -4.5163111E+01 8.2960003E-01 1.8541653E+00
Output Layer Wij
I/j 1 2 3 bi
1 -7.6032107E+01 -1.0647084E+02 -3.0838271E+01 3.6603679E-01
15 A. A. AL-SHAMMASI SPE 53185

Authors Correlation Samples No of Data Bo T Rs API γg Author Author Author

Origin Points Used Range Range Range Range Range Average Average Standard
Bbl/stb DEGF scf/stb API ratio Error % Absolute Deviation
Error %
Standing (1947) Bo = a1+ a2[ Rs( γg /γγο)a 3 + a4T ]a 5 California 105 1.0240- 100-258 20-1425 16.5- 0.59- 1.17
2.150 63.8 0.95
a1 = 0.972, a2 = 1.472e-4, a3 = 0.5, a4 = 1.25, a5 = 1.175
Vazquez & Bo = 1+ a1 Rs + a2 ((γγο API / γg)( T –60)) + a3 All Over the 6004 1.028- 75-294 0-2199 15.3- 0.511-
Beggs5 (1980) (Rs(γγοAPI / γg) (T –60)) World 2.226 59.3 1.35
γο API <=30 a1 = 4.677e-4, a2 = 1.751e-5, a3 = -1.8106e-8 γο API >30 a1 = 4.67e-4, a2 = 1.1e-5, a3 = 1.337e-9
Glaso6 (1980) Bo = 1+ 10[a1+ a2 (log G) - a3 (log G)2] North Sea 41 1.032- 80-280 90-2637 22.3- 0.65- -0.43 2.18
G = Rs( γg /γγο) a 4+ a5 T 2.588 48.1 1.28
a1 = -6.58511, a2 = 2.91329, a3 = 0.27683, a4 = 0.526, a5 = 0.968
Al-Marhoun8 (1988) Bo = a1+ a2 (T +460) + a3 M + a4 M2 Middle East 160 1.032- 74-240 26-1602 19.4- 0.75- -0.01 0.88 1.18
M = Rs a 5 γg a 6 γο a 7 1.997 44.6 1.37
a1 = 0.497069, a2 = 0.862963e-3, a3 = 0.182594e-2, a4 = 0.318099e-5, a5 =0.74239, a6=0.323294, a7 = -1.20204
Majeed & Al-Marhoun8 (1988) - 420 1.028- 75-290 0-1664 9.5-59.5 0.51- -0.24 1.4 1.91
Salman9(1988) New calculated constants 2.042 1.35
a1 = 0.9657876, a2 = 7.73e-4, a3 = 4.8141e-5, a4 = -6.8987e-10, a5 =1.2, a6= - 0.147, a7 = -5.222
Dokla & Al-Marhoun8 (1988) U.A.E 51 1.216- 190-275 181-2266 28.2- 0.80- 0.023 1.225 1.681
Osman17 (1992) New calculated constants 2.493 40.3 1.29
a1 = 0.431935e-1, a2 = 0.156667e-2, a3 = 0.139775e-2, a4 = 0.380525e-5, a5 =0.773572, a6=0.404020, a7 = -0.882605
Petrosky & Standing 2,10,11 (1947)New calculated constants Gulf of Mexico 90 1.118- 114-288 217-1406 16.3- 0.58- -0.01 0.64 0.58
Farshad25 (1993) Bo = a1+ a2[ Rsa 3 ( γg a 4/γγοa 5) + a6T a 7]a 8 1.623 45.0 0.85
a1 = 1.0113, a2=7.2046e-5, a3 = 0.3738, a4 = 0.2914, a5 =0.6265, a6=0.24626, a7 = 0.5371, a8 = 3.0936
Farshad, Leblance, Glaso6 (1980)New calculated constants Colombia 107 1.060- 95-260 6-1645 18.0- 0.66-1.7 13.32 37.02
Garber & Osorio21 Bo = 1+ 10[a1+ a2 (log G) - a3 (log G)2] 2.064 44.9
(1992) (Single Stage) G = Rs a 4 γg a 5γο a 6+ a7 T
a1 = -2.6541, a2=0.5576, a3 = 0.3331, a4 = 0.5956, a5 =0.2369, a6 = -1.3282, a7 = 0.0976
Al-Marhoun20 (1992) Bo = 1+ a1 Rs + a2 Rs(γγg / γο) + a3 Rs (1- γο) (T - All Over the 4012 1.010- 75-300 0-3265 9.5-55.9 0.575- 0.00 0.57 0.6787
60) + a4 (T -60) World 2.960 2.52
a1 = 0.177342e-3, a2 = 0.220163e-3, a3 = 4.292580e-6, a4 = 0.528707e-3
Omar &Todd24 (1993) Standing 2,10,11 correlation with one change Malaysian 93 1.085- 125-280 142- 26.6- 0.612- 1.44 1.88
Bo = a1+ a2[ Rs( γg /γγο) a 3+ a4T]x 1.954 1440 53.2 1.32
X = b1+b2 (γγοAPI/ γg)+ b3 γg
b1 = 1.1663, b2 = 0.762e-3, b3 = -0.0399
Almehaideb27 (1997) Bo = a1+ a2 Rs T / γο 2 UAE 62 1.142- 190-306 128-3871 30.9- 0.75- 1.35 5.17
3.562 48.6 1.12
a1 = 1.122018, a2 = 1.41e-6
Macary & Bo = [a1+ a2 T] N Gulf of Suez 90 1.20- 130-290 200- 25-40 0.70- 0.52 7.04
El-Batanony22 (1992) N = EXP[a3 Rs + a4 (γγο /γγg)] 2.00 1200 1.00
a1 = 1.0031, a2 = 0.0008, a3 = 0.0004, a4 = 0.0006
Kartoatmodjo, Standing 2,10,11 (1948) New calculated constants All Over the 5392 1.007- 75-320 0-2890 14.4- 0.38- -0.104 2.025
and Schmidt 26 Bo = a1+ a2[ Rsa 3 γg 100 a 4/γγοa 5+ a6T]a 7 World 2.144 58.9 1.71
(1994) Exactly as Petrosky and Farshad25
a1 = 0.98496, a2 = 0.0001, a3 = 0.755, a4 = 0.25, a5 = 1.5, a6=0.45, a7=1.5

Table A.1: Formation Volume Factor Correlations.

16 A. A. AL-SHAMMASI SPE 53185

Authors Correlation Samples No of Pb T Rs API γg Author Author Author

Origin Data Range Range Range Range Range Average Average Standard
Points psia DEGF scf/stb API Ratio Error Absolute Deviation
Used % Error
Standing (1947) Pb = a1 [( Rs/ γg) a 2 10(T a 3 - γοAPIa 4 ) - a5 ] California 105 130-7000 100-258 20-1425 16.5-63.8 0.59-0.95 4.8
a1 = 18.2, a2 = 0.83, a3 = 0.00091, a4 = 0.0125, a5 = 1.4
Vazquez & Beggs5 Pb = [( a1 Rs/ γg) antilog (-a3 γο API /(460+T)) ]a 2 All Over the 6004 15-6055 75-294 0-2199 15.3-59.3 0.51-1.35
(1980) World
γο API <=30 a1 = 27.64, a2 = 1.0937, a3 = 11.172 γο API >30 a1 = 56.06, a2 = 1.187, a3 = 10.393
Glaso6 (1980) Pb = antilog[ a1+a2 log(G) – a3 (log(G))2 ] North Sea 41 165-7142 80-280 90-2637 22.3-48.1 0.65-1.28 1.28 6.98
G = (Rs/ γg) a 4 Ta 5 γο API a 6
a1 = 1.7669, a2 = 1.7447, a3 = 0.30218, a4 = 0.816, a5 = 0.172, a6 = -0.989
Al-Marhoun8 (1988) Pb = a1 Rs a 2 γg a 3 γο a 4 ( T+460) a 5 Middle East 160 20-3573 74-240 26-1602 19.4-44.6 0.75-1.37 0.03 3.66 4.536
a1 = 5.38088e-3, a2 = 0.715082, a3 = -1.877840, a4 = 3.143700, a5 = 1.326570
Dokla & Osman17 (1992) Al-Marhoun8 (1988) U.A.E 51 590-4640 190-275 181-2266 28.2-40.3 0.80-1.29 0.45 7.61 10.378
New calculated constants
a1 = 0.836386e4, a2 = 0.724047, a3 = -1.01049, a4 = 0.107991, a5 = -0.952584
Petrosky & Standing 2,10,11 (1947)New calculated constants Gulf of Mexico 90 1574- 114-288 217-1406 16.3-45.0 0.58-0.86 -0.17 3.28 2.56
Pb = a1 [( Rs a 2/ γg a 3) 10x - a4 ]
Farshad 6523
X=(a5 Ta 6 – a7 γο API a 8 )
a1 = 112.727, a2=0.5774, a3 = 0.8439, a4 = 12.340, a5 = 4.561e-5, a6=1.3911, a7 = 7.916e-4, a8 = 1.5410
Lasater3 (1958) Pb = [(Pf)(T+459.67)]/ γg Canada West & 158 48-5780 82-272 3-2905 17.9-51.1 0.57-1.2 3.8%
Yg =( Rs /a1)/ [( Rs /a1) +(a2 γο/Mο)] mid-cont U.S.
Mo = a3 – a4 γοAPI+ a5 γο API2 &SA
Pf = a6 – a7 Yg + a8 Yg 2
a1 = 379.3, a2 = 350, a3 = 725.32143, a4 = 16.03333, a5 = 0.09524, a6 = 0.38418, a7 = 1.20081, a8 = 9.64868
Omar &Todd24 (1993) Standing 2,10,11 correlation with one change Malaysian 93 790-3851 125-280 142-1440 26.6-53.2 0.61-1.32 7.17 9.54
Pb = a1 [( Rs/ γg) X 10(T a 3 γοAPI a 4 ) - a5 ]
X = b1+b2 Bo+ b3 γg+b4 Bo2+ b5 γ g2+b6/ ( Bo γg)
b1 = 1.4256, b2 = -0.2608, b3 = -0.4596, b4 = 0.04481, b5 = 0.2360, b6 = -0.1077
Farshad, Leblance, Standing 2,10,11 (1947)New calculated constants Colombia 43 32-4138 95-260 6-1645 18.0-44.9 0.66-1.73 -3.49 14.61
Garber & Osorio21 Pb = a1 ( Rs/ γg) a 2 10(a 3 T - a 4 γοAPI)
(1992) (Single Stage)
a1 = 33.22, a2=0.8283, a3 = 0.000037, a4 = 0.0142
Farshad, Leblance, Glaso6 (1980)New calculated constants Colombia 43 32-4138 95-260 6-1645 18.0-44.9 0.66-1.73 13.32 37.02
Garber & Osorio 21 P b = antilog[ a1+a2 log(G) – a3 (log(G)) ]

(1992) (Single Stage) G = γg a 4 Rsa 5 10 (a 6 T – a 7 γοAPI)

a1 = 0.3058, a2= 1.9013, a3 = 0.26, a4 = -1.378, a5 = 1.053, a6= 0.00069, a7 = 0.0208
Macary & Pb = a1 K[Rs a 2 - a3] Gulf of Suez 90 1200- 130-290 200-1200 25-40 0.70-1.00 0.52 7.04
El-Batanony (1992)
22 K = EXP [a4T- a5 γο API - a6 γg ] 4600
a1 = 204.257, a2= 0.51, a3 = 4.7927, a4 = 0.00077, a5 = 0.0097, a6= 0.4003
Almehaideb27 (1997) Pb = a1+ a2 Rs γο / (γγg Bo a 3) + a4T UAE 62 501-4822 190-306 128-3871 30.9-48.6 0.75-1.12 4.997 6.56
a1 = -620.592, a2= 6.23087, a3 = 1.38559, a4 = 2.89868
Kartoatmodjo, Vazquez & Beggs5 correlation (1980) All Over the 5392 15-6055 75-320 0-2890 14.4-58.9 0.38-1.71 3.34 20.17
and Schmidt 26 New calculated constants World
(1994) Pb = [Rs/(a1*γg a 2 * 10 (a 3 γο API /(460+T) )]a 4
γο API <=30 a1 = 0.05958, a2 = 0.7972, a3 = 13.1405, a4=0.9986 γο API >30 a1 = 0.03150, a2 = 0.7587, a3 = 11.2895, a4=0.9143

Table A.2: Bubble Point Pressure Correlation

17 A. A. AL-SHAMMASI SPE 53185

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