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Management can be defined as a process of bringing about improvement in knowledge

, skill, habits, and attitudes of the employees in an organization . Discuss.

1. The group of individuals who make decisions about how a business is run.
2. The initiation and maintenance of an investment portfolio.
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Definitions (2)1. Organization and coordination of the activities of an enterpri

se in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined obj
ectives. Management is often included as a factor of production along with machi
nes, materials, and money. According to the management guru Peter Drucker (1909-
2005), the basic task of a management is twofold: marketing and innovation. Prac
tice of modern management owes its origin to the 16th century enquiry into low-e
fficiency and failures of certain enterprises, conducted by the English statesma
n Sir Thomas More (1478-1535).
2. Directors and managers who have the power and responsibility to make decision
s to manage an enterprise. As a discipline, management comprises of the interloc
king functions of formulating corporate-policy and organizing, planning, control
ling, and directing the firm's resources to achieve the policy's objectives. The
size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or tho
usands of managers in multinational companies. In large firms the board of direc
tors formulates the policy which is implemented by the chief executive officer.
Some business analysts and financiers accord the highest importance to the quali
ty and experience of the managers in evaluating an organizations current and fut
ure worth.

In general, management is the activity of resolving a disorderly situation into

an intentionally orderly situation, to achieve pre-determined (i.e., purposeful)
Since disorder continuously arises from creativity, destruction, decay, variance
, versioning, chaos, and other natural and intentional changes, resolving that d
isorder into an intended order requires continuous tracking and adjustments in t
he "architecture" of the intended order's parts, part relationships, and part an
d relationship attributes.

Management is a practice of utilizing all available resources to obtain a desire

d result.
Management is necessary because 1) A desired result must be established, and 2)
Someone must be delegated, or assume the authority, to obtain, organize, guide,
and direct those resources toward the desired result. Someone must "manage" the
entire process. For that reason, all persons involved must agree to the desired
result, and even if not in total agreement with the plan being advocated, still
agree to the plan so as not to consciously or unconsciously sabotage the journey
Assuming that you are talking about management in our industry, I might expand t
hat I've found less problems within our own companies but more problems with cus
tomers and subcontractors - all integral parts of "process" and desired "result.
The problem with subcontractors, when they occur, was because their own prioriti
es, important or trivial, trumped "our" desired result. They just didn't care.
The problem with customers was one of two, and sometimes included both: Either t
hey were sleazy, or they just could not grasp the significance of every single a
spect of the "process" of the project.
I think it's safe to say that the success of any managed project is determined i
n direct ratio to the control of all resources utilized, especially human resour
ces. In our industry, we have less control over subtrontractors, suppliers and c
ustomers than those in our own "house." And if one cannot even control one's own
house, then there will never be control over anyone else's house.
Management is the art of getting things done from others. Management is a univer
sal phenomenon and it exists in all the sectors. In case of private sector the m
anagement is very transparent. The goals are properly defined and all the employ
ees are very well aware of their goals and are rewarded well for hard work. In c
ase of public sector, theres not that much transparency.

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