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725 Harrison Street

Syracuse, NY 13210

Contact Information:
Lauren Clifford
J.T. Roberts School



Working collaboratively to promote student confidence in decision making around smoking

SYRACUSE, New York - Oct. 26, 2020 - J.T. Roberts School in the Syracuse City School
District (SCSD) is proud to announce the release of an educational tobacco campaign on
November 1, 2020 in collaboration with local community agencies to reduce the number of
middle school students who smoke tobacco products. The American Heart Association,
American Lung Association, Onondaga County Health Department, Upstate Hospital, WCNY TV
Classroom, and school Wellness Team will work collaboratively to provide support to students,
families, and communities.

Smoking among middle school students is on the rise because of new products released by big
tobacco companies targeting teenagers along with increased stress caused by the pandemic.
Providing students different ways to cope with stress will be a major focus.

J.T. Roberts will host a Family Wellness Night in collaboration with the FTO to provide
information from these local organizations about tobacco. Messages about tobacco will be
broadcasted daily on the WCNY TV Classroom platform. If students already smoke, there will
be a text message support provided to build student confidence.

The campaign will focus on the facts about tobacco’s effect on the human body and society
while promoting healthy living without tobacco. The partners all agree that providing bridges
over barriers through our connections can help make our communities grow stronger without
tobacco. Look for the messages and talk to your child about tobacco.

“Our focus is not on telling students what they should do. We want to provide students the
information and confidence that they need to make their own informed decisions,” Beverly
Carlin, Health Teacher at J.T. Roberts.
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“Educating students on physical activities like yoga and using exercise to reduce stress, as an
alternative to smoking, will be a big component of the campaign and help students stay healthy
for a lifetime,” Casey Dougherty, Physical Education Teacher at J.T. Roberts.

The Syracuse City School District and J.T. Roberts School works to provide successful citizens
and leaders from the diverse community while developing positive relationships and learning
from each other. It is an inclusive community of learners that works together through inquiry,
discovery, and effort to experience a variety of opportunities and build skills leading to success
individually and collectively in an ever-changing world.


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