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STUDENT: Sandra Milena Lara Villamarin DATE: 13/10/2020
I. Answer the questions below
1. In your opinion what was the most interesting in The Canterbury Tales?
 The most interesting was the plot of each chapter in which in some they
went unexpectedly.
2. What is your opinion about the plot? (Choose one story)
 My opinion about the plot is that it was something very interesting where it
took unexpected turns
3. Are you agree or disagree with the character´s actions? Why?
 I do not agree because you cannot force a person to love him, much less
when he loves someone else with whom he is committed
4. Write about your feelings while you were reading.
 As I read each chapter I felt surprise, joy and in some horror and emotion.
5. What is the moral of your favorite chapter?
 I liked the story of the father of the last Canterbury tale in which I leave as a
moral that we do not believe in everything people say because in the end
they can hurt us
6. What do you think about pardon? Is it easy or hard? Why?
 It is hard because sometimes they know to be because of things that hurt us
much and much more of the person or people we love and in the end we end
up hurting
7. In your words change the end of the chapter fourth.
 Concluding with this story we can say that no one should make fun of death,
see you in another story, goodbye and remember what I told you about death
8. How you overcome a problem?
 I would overcome a problem by talking to someone in whom I have a lot of
confidence to help me solve it
9. What are the most important values in a person? Why?
 For me the most important values that a person should have is honesty,
respect, prudence, responsibility, humility, tolerance because it prevents us
from going the wrong way, causing us to make other people feel bad
10. Create something new related to the story (a poem, mind map, drawings…)

A long time ago I saw an unexpected love
An unrequited love
Who has left a mark on me
Without realizing it I found her

In that flower garden

But she already had the love of her life
I did the impossible so that my love is finally reciprocated
But it never happened

For a moment I thought it would come true

But it did not happen
Because I prefer to see her happy with another
Who is unhappy with me

And finally I could understand that her happiness is mine

Even if it is not with me

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