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Student Materials Teacher Materials

Pool Noodle Fraction Worksheet Introduction Video

Lesson 1 Pencil Pool Noodles
Pool Noodles Chalk Board
Colored Pencils Calk
Crayons Operations Hand out
Lesson 2 Interactive Math Journals projector
Operations handout smart board
Fractions Activity Fractions video
Lesson 3 Colored Pencils Example of activity
Hand out Blocks
Lesson 4 Building blocks projector
pencil white board
math journal
Pizza Fraction Worksheet Pizza Fraction Video
Lesson 5 Pencil
Ordering Worksheet Pool noodles
Lesson 6 Pencil ordering fractions video
smart board
Ordering worksheet
Worksheet Video
Lesson 7 pencil projector
math interactive journal smart board
Plastic Shapes Plastic Shapes
Lesson 8 Paper Chalk Board
Pencil Chalk
Colored Pencil
Plastic Coins Projector
Lesson 9 Paper Dollars Plastic coins
Money Fractions handout paper dollars
pencil copy of hand out
math journals
Lesson 10 Fraction game sheet
bingo chips
Poster Poster Example
Culminating markers poster
Experience pencil Markers

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