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Nursing 4 Module 2

Medications - How These Medications are Used Specifically for a Client with ACS (and prevention of problems)
Drug Purpose Side Effects Patient Teaching
Positive inotropes  ↑ force of myocardial Dysrhythmias, bradycardia,  Monitor serum digoxin levels 0.5-
Lanoxin (digoxin) contraction (contractility) fatigue, HA, confusion, 2.0, BP, I&O
 Slows HR convulsions, anorexia, N/V,  Take radial pulse for 1 min before
Inotropin (dopamine)  ↓ conduction through SA & diarrhea, halo vision, colored admin. Hold if <60
AV nodes vision (green/yellow)  Dig tox: anorexia, bradycardia,
abd pain, N/V, visual
ACE inhibitors  Reco. Anterior wall MI, MI w/ Hypotension, ↓ urine output,  Report signs of infection,
captropril (Capoten) ↓ LV function (EF < 40%) or cough, hyperkalemia (tall T bleeding or buising
enalapril (Vasotec) pulmonary congestion wave), renal insufficiency,  No potassium supplements,
lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)  Help prevent ventricular tingling lips, HA, dizziness, potassium salt sub etc.
remodeling & prevent or tachycardia, pruritis, infection,  Change positions slowly
ramipril (Altace) GI irritation
slow progression of HF.
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa  Prevent the binding of Bleeding, N/V  Watch for bleeding, bruising
inhibitors fibrinogen to platelets,
Abciximab (ReoPro) blocking platelet aggregation
Eptifibatide (Integrilin)  In conjunction w/ aspirin for
Tirofiban (Aggrastat) pts @ high r/f UA

Antidysrhythmics  Alter specific HA, dizziness, fatigue, ARDS,  Take with food if GI irritation
electrophysiologic properties CHF, bradycardia,  Stay out of sun
Amiodarone of the heart – correcting hypotension, arrhythmias,  Need to ↓ digoxin & Coumadin
(cordaraone) arrhythmias constipation, N/V, anorexia,  Monitor ECG
photosensitivity, ataxia,
hypothyroidism, peripheral
Pronestyl (procainamide) neuropathy

Low molecular weight  Prevention of clot formation Bleeding, anaphylaxis,  Electric razor, soft toothbrush
heparin anemia  Monitor for bleeding
(Lovenox)  No ASA or NSAIDS
Thrombolytic agents  Dissolves clots, restoring Bleeding, dysrhythmias  ↑ risk for bleeding 2 – 4 days post
altepase blood flow therapy
streptokinase  Most effective 20min – 12h  Monitor VS, ECG, bleeding
reteplase (Retavase) after MI onset; ineffective
after 24h.
Beta adrenergic  ↓ myocardial contractility, Bradycardia, hypotension,  Avoid in pt with asthma, use
blockers HR, SVR, & BP wheezing, GI complaints, cautiously w/ diabetes (masks
Metoprolol (Lopressor)  Reduces size of infarction & weight gain, depression, hypoglycemia)
Propranolol (Inderal) incidence of complications sexual dysfunction  Do not discontinue abruptly
Nadolol (Corgard)
Atenolol (Tenormin)
Carvedilol (Coreg)
Vasodilators  Venous & arterial dilation, ↓ Hypotension, HA, tingling  Assess pain & BP Q 5-10 min
nitroglycerin preload & afterload sensation, tachycardia,  If no relief after 3 doses, call 911
 ↓ anginal pain dizziness
Antiplatelet agents  ↓ risk of stroke/MI Bleeding, GI bleeding  Monitor bleeding
Morphine Sulfate  Vasodilator; ↓ contractility, Bradypnea, hypoxia,  Assess pain & bowel function
BP, HR (↓ cardiac workload) hypotension, resp.
 Reduces anxiety & fear depressiom
Calcium Channel  Used if beta blockers are HA, peripheral edema,  Potentiate action of digoxin
Blockers contraindicated, poorly dizziness  No grapefruit juice
Nifedipine (Procardia) tolerated, or don’t control  Change positions slowly
Verapamil (Calan) symptoms
Diltiazem (Cardizem)  Used to manage
Prinzmetal’s angina
Nicardipine (Cardene)
 Systemic vasodilation w/ ↓
Novasc VSR, ↓ myocardial
contractility, coronary

Critical Thinking
Nursing 4 Module 2

Critical Thinking

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