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Model 1 Signaling pathways

Make sure to Include the type of signaling and the stages of signaling

 Show how anthrax would disrupt the signaling.

 Explain how diabetes mellitus is a disease that involves a disruption in a cell signaling pathways
 Tetrodotoxin (TTX) found within the puffer fish how anthrax would disrupt the signaling.
 Nitric Oxide (NO) and its influence on smooth muscle.
 Diagram shows part of the epidermal growth factor signaling pathway,
 Diagram how caffeine works
 Pick any other signaling molecule.

Analysis questions

1. Draw out reception, transduction, and response

2. Explain why there are a limited number of types of ligands but an infinite number of responses.
-there are a limited number or types of ligand because the the ligand is very specific to the receptor since the polar and nonpolar bonds must match.
There can be a infinite number or responses because 1)one response can lead to a response that sets off another response. 2)pathways can cross, to
create another response 3)pathways can split off into two responses
3. Explain why drugs have side effects.
-drugs have side effects because one ligand does not just set off one response but can lead off to different responses too, which are not the responses
wanted or the side effects.
4. Explain how the signal can be amplified.
-The signal can be amplified because one response can set off more of the same reaction. For example when one protein kinase is activated, it can
activate 2 more protein kinases, and that can activate 4 more protein kinases ect., or in this case the reaction of Ca++ attaching.
5. Explain how the signal is terminated.
-when the ligand(NO) concentration drops and stops attaching to the receptor and the receptor then becomes inactive

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