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Louise de Marillac College of Bogo

Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System TLE 10 Module

The St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo employs FLEx (Flexible Learning Experience) Delivery Mode
SY 2020 – 2021. The chosen delivery mode operates on four basic principle: (1) Principle
of Individuality and Creativity, (2) Principle of Autonomy and Responsible Freedom, (3) Principle of
Openness (Social and Communication) and (4) Principle of Activity that are in consonance with the
essence of Christian-Vincentian Education and are to a great extent; facilitative to the realization of the
Vision-Mission and Core Values of SLMCB.




This module introduces the learners to the housekeeping codes, rules, and regulations.
Skills of a good housekeeping attendant and the housekeeping department and the roles of its
personnel. There are management rules that govern hotels to achieve smooth day-to-day
operations. All staff must be knowledgeable of these codes and rules to work efficiently and
address the individual needs of guests. This module makes the learners understand that a
good housekeeping attendant must possess pleasing attributes that can contribute to the
values of the organization. Also, to know the importance of the housekeeping department to
keep the hotel operations running smoothly, known as the largest department in charge of
keeping the institution clean.

In this module, you will learn the following:

Most Essential Christian- Sustainable
Lesson Topics Learning Vincentian Development
No. Competencies Values Goals

Lesson Hotel codes,  Discuss  Goodness SDG No. 4

#1 rules, and implementing  Commitment Quality
regulations. Hotel Codes, Rules  Obedience education
and regulations. SDG No. 8
Decent work and
Lesson Skills of a good  Explain different Economic
#2 housekeeping skills of good growth
attendant. housekeeper needs
such as in and
intrapersonal skills

Lesson Housekeeping  List down and

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#3 department and describe the basic
the roles of its functions of each
personnel. personnel in the

Remember to:
 Read the lessons, concept and complete the self-check activity part.
 Follow the directions and instructions diligently.
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.


Let us check how much you have already know about the tools used for measuring

Instructions: Read and analyze the statements carefully. Put check mark ( )on the line if the
statement is allowed in a hotel. If not, put a cross mark (x).

___1. Hotels are not liable for any item of the guest. In case of theft, management must
investigate among its employees and may assist the guest in searching for the lost items.
_x__2. When the guests’ request is not related to the tasks of housekeeping department, the
housekeeping attendant may simply decline the request.
____3. Every housekeeping attendant must be a keen observant to offer the best service to
hotel guest.
______4. Good communication skill is a must to properly address guests’ queries and
_X__5. When searching for lost items inside the guest room, guests’ queries and requests.
______6. Guests can bring there pets as long as they inform the front desk of the hotel and
sign an agreement that pets will not be allowed to roam around the hotel premises.
_X__7. If a persistent guest is requesting for something that is against the policy of the hotel,
the housekeeping attendant may grant the request as long as other guest will not notice.
______8. Hotel have the right to throw perishable goods away within a prescribed period of
time which is usually within 24 hours.
__X_9. Knowing the dos and don’ts of the hotel organization may not be necessary for a
housekeeping attendant.
__X_10. When any of the guest belongings is lost, the hotel staff and their belongings will be
searched. This is a part of the hotel security protocol.

By answering the activity above, you have just evaluated yourself on how at par your
knowledge on the topic. Keep up the good work so you can know more about this lesson.

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What you need to know!

Housekeeping pertains to the provision of clean, safe and comfortable environment.

Cleanliness of any lodging establishment is of prime importance. According to the
Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality, the housekeeping of a hotel is the guests’ first and
last impression.

Common Rules and Regulations in Hotel Establishments.

The following are the common rules and regulations being implemented in hotel
1. Check-in procedure
All guests must check-in at the front desk of the hotel and must present valid
identification cards such as passport. Driver’s license, or government-issued IDs.
Guest are advised to check-in and checkout time.
2. Checkout procedure
Checkout time is mentioned by the hotel front desk clerk to the guests. If the guests
want to extend their stay, they must advise the front desk clerk. Extension is approved
depending on the availability of the room.
3. Luggage storage
Depending of the availability of storage space, the guests may store their luggage in
the luggage room. There are rules applied depending on the nature of goods. For
perishable goods, most hotels allow to store them for 24 hours. Beyond this period,
guests are informed that the hotel has the right to dispose the perishable goods without
further notice.

4. Guest’s belongings
All hotels have provision for safety lockers. However, the guests should be
responsible for their belongings.
5. Company’s Lien on guests’ luggage and belongings
If guests fail to pay dues, hotel management shall have the right over the guests’
luggage and may detain them until full settlement is made.
6. Bringing of pets
Hotels have a specific policy whether they allow guests to bring their pets or not.
Most hotels do not allow pets inside the hotel.
7. Hazardous goods
Bringing hazardous goods like combustibles, explosives, drugs, or goods detrimental
in nature are not allowed.

Tips to Address Guest’s Requests

Here are some tips on how to address guest; requests:

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1. Inform the guest about the development of his or her request after reporting problems
on service failure or malfunctioned equipment.
2. Be smart enough to know about your organization’s service product lines and
organizational procedures.
3. Be truthful and fair.
4. Render assistance willingly and make extra efforts to address guests.
5. Show the desire to solve the problem. If the request is concerning another department,
volunteer to refer the matter to the concerned as prompt as possible.

Activity 1: What you can do?

Apply what you have just learned in this lesson.
Instructions: Read and analyze the scenario below. Discuss the code, rules, or regulation
that must be implemented. Write your answer bellow the box.

You are a newly hired housekeeping attendant of a hotel who is on the job shadowing for
a couple of days. You were assigned to observe a senior housekeeping attendant, Mike.
Went to the linen store room to get a new towel requested by a guest in Room 707. The
room is occupied by a popular actress in the local movies.
The phone suddenly rang at the front desk. It was from the guest at room 707. She wanted
to speak to Mike but he was not around so you took the call. The guest was so angry. She
found a lizard inside her tub. The guest threatened to relay this to the owner and
recommend to have you fired.

A housekeeping attendant should have a contingency management skill. He or she must
resolve situations such as when locker keys are lost, equipment broke down, the ideal
situation did not occur, etc.


Something to think about!

Have you ever entered in a hotel? Have you ever thought how guests in the hotel like
to be treated? Did you know that there are certain rules and regulations that a hotel should
implement? Do you know some of these rules and regulations? Can you share it?

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By answering the activities above, you have just recalled your past lesson about the
common rules and regulations in hotel establishments. Keep up the good work so you can
know more about this second lesson.

Let us determine how much you already know about the skills of a good
housekeeping attendant.

Instructions: Read the sentence carefully. Write yes on the line if you agree on the
idea presented. Write no if otherwise.
YES 1.A housekeeping attendant’s ability to solve problems in case of emergency
pertains to contingency management skill.
YES 2. A person with an eye for detail can see whether there is something missing or not
right in the hotel rooms and public areas.
NO 3. Effective communication is a minor requirement from a housekeeping attendant
because his or her primary role is to maintain cleanliness of guest rooms and public areas.
YES 4. Honesty pays off because industries hire people with sincere and honest
YES 5.An intrapersonal skill is the ability to reflect and think over the conversations that
transpire between the self and other people.

What you need to know!

Attributes of a Good Housekeeping Attendant
A good housekeeping attendant must possess pleasing attributes that can contribute to
the value of the organization. When a housekeeping attendant is knowledgeable of his or her
duties and performs beyond what are expected from him or her, he or she can add values to
the company’s human resource assets.
The following are the traits that every housekeeping attendant must have.

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1. Personal Hygiene.
A housekeeping attendant must be properly groomed at all times because he or
she has direct contact with the guests of the hotel.

2. Good communication skills.

Ideas must be expressed clearly. Versatility to deal with all types of
personalities is a must. Tactfulness and politeness should be practiced when
attending to guests’ requests, queries, etc.

3. Honesty, loyalty and sincerity.

These traits are desirable and ensure success. Each guest wants great service
from credible staff and thereby builds trust among guests and housekeeping

4. Eye for details.

Excellent service be delivered. A housekeeping attendant must give
meticulous attention to details.

5. Ability to work with team.

This attribute is very pleasing and valued by employers as this would optimize
team performance.

6. Ability to deal with emergencies.

A housekeeping attendant should have a contingency management skill. He or
she must resolve situations such as when locker keys are lost, equipment broke
down, the ideal situation did not occur, etc.

7. Self-confidence.
This is an essential trait when speaking to guests. When a housekeeping
attendant looks confident and sure about what he or she is saying, then the
guests trust and believe the attendant.

8. Physically fit.
Because most of the housekeeping works require manual labor, a good
housekeeping attendant must be physically fit.

9. Patient.
A housekeeping attendant be patient too. He or she must be willing to perform
unpleasant task such as cleaning toilets, emptying trash cans and cleaning up

10. Punctuality.
A housekeeping attendant must always perform his or her work on time. All
task must be performed according to schedule.

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Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication
Intrapersonal communication – This are times when the housekeeping attendant is in the
process of communicating with the self.
Interpersonal communication – The interaction with other people in whatever context.

Activity 1: Something to do
Enumerate five (5) traits of a good housekeeping attendant and explain them.

1. Personal Hygiene -
A housekeeping attendant must be properly groomed at all times because he or
she has direct contact with the guests of the hotel.

2. Physically fit -
Because most of the housekeeping works require manual, a good housekeeping
attendant must be physically fit.

3. Punctuality -
A housekeeping attendant must always perform his or her work on time. All task
must be performed according to schedule.

4. Patient -
A housekeeping attendant be patient too. He or she must be willing to perform
unpleasant task such as cleaning toilets, emptying trash cans and cleaning up

5. Self-confidence -
This is an essential trait when speaking to guests. When a housekeeping
attendant looks confident and sure about what he or she is saying, then the
guests trust and believe the attendant



Activity 1: WHAT YOU KNOW!

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Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose your answer in the box and write it in the
blank before each number.

Self-confidence Ability to work with team

Personal Hygiene Physically fit
Good communication skills Patient
Honesty, loyalty, and sincerity Punctuality
Eye for details Ability to deal with emergencies.
PUNCTUALITY 1. Housekeeping attendant must always be on time.
PATIENT 2. Performing errands requested by guests or employers must also be
carefully handled.
PHYSICALLY FIT3.Enough strength is also necessary when lifting heavy mattresses
and moving pieces of furniture.
EYE FOR DETAILS 4. He or she must understand and follow instructions easily and
orderly to avoid a mediocre performance outcome.
ABILITY TO DEAL WITH EMERGENCIES 5. He or she must resolve situations such as
when locker room keys are lost.
SELF-CONFIDENCE 6. He or she must be confident so that guests will trust and believe
the attendant.
ABILITY TO WORK WITH TEAM 7. Because of this time and resources can be used as
effective as possible.
HONESTY, LOYALTY AND SINCERITY 8.These traits are desirable and ensures
GOOD COMMUNICATION 9.Tactfulness and politeness should be practiced when
attending the guest’s request.
PERSONAL HYGIENE 10. A housekeeping attendant must have because he or she has
direct contact with guests of the hotel.

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By answering the activities above, you have just recalled your past lesson about the
attributes of a good housekeeping attendant. Keep up the good work so you can know more
about this third lesson.

Let us see how much you already know about the housekeeping department and the
roles of its personnel.
Instructions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
line before each number.

G 1. Heads the shift in a twenty-four- A. Housemen

hour housekeeping service. B. Heavy equipment store
K 2. The area where misplaced items of C. Housekeeper’s office
guests are claimed. D. Tailor room
I 3. The one who insures the cleanliness, E. Uniform room supervisor
maintenance, and upkeep of the hotel’s F. Control desk supervisor
public areas. G. Assistant housekeeper
B 4. This room is where bulky cleaning H. Gardener
equipment is kept. I. Public area supervisor
A 5. Male cleaning personnel that are J. Upholstery yard
assigned to clean public areas. K. Lost and found room
C 6. This is the main administration
center of the department.
E 7. He or she is responsible for
keeping uniforms in safe storage.
D 8. The room for in-house tailors
who stitch and mend damage linens and
F 9. He or she coordinates with
various departments regarding guest room
maintenance and cleaning status.
J 10. The area where damaged
upholsteries and furniture are stored.

What you need to know!

Housekeeping Department
Housekeeping department may not be widely known as other departments in the
hotel. However, each personnel in the housekeeping department is important to keep the hotel

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operations running smoothly. This is known as the largest department in charge of keeping
the institution clean.
The following shows the different rooms and facilities under the housekeeping
department and its functions:
1. Housekeeper’s office. This is the main administrations center of the department.
2. Control desk room. This is the main communication center wherein housekeeping
information is received and coordinated with other departments such as front desk,
banquet, etc.
3. Lost and found room. This is the area where misplaced items of guests are claimed.
4. Linen room. This is where current lines are stored for issue and receipt. This room
must be adjoined with the in-house laundry for fast collection of soiled linens and
5. Uniform room. This is the room where staff uniforms are stocked. In Smaller hotels,
this can be combined with the linen room.
6. Housekeeping store. This room stores stocks of lines and uniforms.
7. Heavy equipment store. This room is where bulky cleaning equipment such as
vacuum cleaners, carpets shampoo machines, among others are kept.
8. Tailor room. This room is for in-house tailors who stitch and mend damaged linens
and uniforms.
9. Upholstery and furniture yard. This is an area where damaged upholsteries and
furniture are stored.
10. Floor linen room. Each hotel guest floor must have a floor linen room to keep the
supply of linens, guest supplies, and cleaning equipment supplies.
11. Flower room. This room is where the florist prepares flower arrangements for display
at various departments of the hotel.

Roles of housekeeping Personnel

1. Executive housekeeper. The head of the housekeeping department. Is responsible for
the hotel policies, procedures, and standards related to housekeeping operations.
2. Assistant housekeeper. He or she heads the shift in a twenty-four hour housekeeping
service. He or she explains the executive housekeeper’s policies, procedures, and
standards to all housekeeping supervisors. The assistant housekeeper also performs
some administrative works.
3. Control desk supervisor. He r she coordinates with departments such as housekeeping
personnel, maintenance department, and cleaning status.
4. Laundry manager. He or she leads the washermen, dry cleaners, ironers in cleaning
lines and uniforms.

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5. Uniform room supervisor. He or she is responsible for keeping uniforms in safe
storage. The uniform room supervisor issues clean uniforms to hotel staff and
coordinates with the laundry for cleaning of soiled uniforms.
6. Floor supervisor. He or she directs the cleaning and maintenance of guest room. He
or she also controls the resources of the floor such as room attendants and housemen;
bed and bath linens; guest room amenities; and cleaning materials and equipment. The
floor supervisor supervises the storage and exchange of floor linen with the laundry
and linen room. He or she also gives feedback to the front office department on the
occupancy status of guest room in each shift.
7. Public area supervisor. He or she ensures the cleanliness, maintenance, and upkeep
of the hotel’s public areas.
8. Horticulturist. He or she is responsible for the maintenance of all landscapes and
gardens, heading a team of gardeners, of the hotel property.
9. Florist. He or she arranges flower displays for various departments of the hotel.
10. Room attendant. A common title for both men and women, women room attendants
are also called as chambermaids, housemaids, or room maids. Room attendants are
responsible for cleaning and maintaining guest rooms according to the hotel’s
procedures and standards. He or she reports any untoward incident to the security and
safety departments.
11. Housemen. Male cleaning personnel that are assigned to cleaning public areas.
12. Tailors or upholsterers. They mend uniforms, linens, and upholsteries.
13. Gardener. He or she maintains the landscape and gardens of the hotel.

Activity 2: Something to do
Apply what you have just learned in this lesson.
Instructions: Describe the basic functions of each personnel in the housekeeping
department. Analyze the following scenarios. Whom should
you address these concerns? Then describe the function of each personnel.


Please deliver fresh bouquet of red roses at Room 777. I

want to surprise her so please deliver at 6:00 AM
tomorrow. Thank you!

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I do not like the smell of my beddings. I am here at

Room 701.



Please have my laundry picked up at 10:00 AM today

at Room 201.


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Answer Key

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

Self-check Something to think about! Activity 1.

1. 
2. X Answer may vary. 1. Punctuality
3.  2. Patient
4.  Self-check 3. Physically fit
5. X 4. Eye for details
1. Yes
6.  5. Ability to deal with
2. Yes
7. X emergencies
3. No
8.  6. Self-confidence
4. Yes
9. X 7. Ability to work with
5. Yes
10. X team
8. Honesty, loyalty, and
Activity 1. sincerity
Activity 1.
9. Good communication
1. Personal hygiene. skills
Answer may vary. 2. Good communication 10. Personal hygiene
3. Honesty, loyalty, and Self-check
4. Eye for details. 1. G
5. Ability to work with 2. K
team. 3. I
4. B
(others) 5. A
6. C
7. E
8. D
9. F
10. J

Activity 2.

1. Florist – He or she
arranges flower
displays for various
departments of the
2. Room attendant – Are

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responsible for
cleaning and
maintaining guest
rooms according to
the hotel’s procedures
and standards.
3. Laundry manager –
He or she leads the
washermen, dry
cleaners, ironers in
cleaning linens and


 Vivas, Jennifer. TLE-TVL series Housekeeping. Phoenix Building, 927 Quezon Ave.,
Quezon City, The Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

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Teacher Principal



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 St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Sor D. Rubio St., Bogo City, Cebu
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System
S.Y. 2020-2021

Learning Module 1

Quarter 1


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