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3.4.8 Time dependent loading (correction for construction period)

In practice, structural loads are applied to the soil not instantaneously but over a
period of time. Terzaghi proposed an empirical method of correcting the
instantaneous time-settlement curve to allow for the construction period.

A. Analytically:
during construction period; [Sc at t]act = [Sc at t/2]inst  
after construction period; [Sc at t]act = [Sc at (t-tc/2)]inst

B. Graphically [see Figure (3.23)]:

-Project vertically from (tc/2) on the instantaneous curve and then horizontally.
The intersection with (tc) locates point (B).
-For any time (t) less than (tc), project from (t/2) vertically on the instantaneous
curve and then horizontally to intersect (AB) at point (C). The intersection of
(CO) and (t) locates another point on the corrected curve.
-For any time after (tc), the horizontal distance between the two curves is (tc/2).

Fig. (3.23) Correction for construction period.

C. From Figure (3.24)

Fig. (3.24) One-dimensional consolidation due to single ramp load.

 cv . t c
Where: Tc 2
3.5 Secondary Compression (Settlement)
C t
Ss  H plog
1 e p tp
Cα : coefficient of secondary compression.
tp : time required for 100% primary consolidation.
ep : void ratio at the end of primary consolidation.
Hp : thickness of layer at the end of primary consolidation

For practical purposes:- Cα /Cc ≈ 0.05

- eo and Ho may be used without much loss of accuracy.

Fig. (3.25) Secondary compression.

3.6 Tolerable Settlement

The following measures of settlement should be considered.
A. Total settlement [(S1 or S2) in Figure (3.26)]
B. Differential settlement [(S1 - S2) in Figure (3.26)]
C. Angular Distortion [{(S1 - S2)/L} in Figure (3.26)]

See Tables (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9) and Figure (3.27).


Fig. 3.26 Measures of settlement.

Table (3.6) Allowable Settlement.

Table (3.7)
Table (3.8)

Fig. 3.27 Damage criteria (After Bjerrum, 1963).

Table (3.9) Severity of cracking damage.

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