Norm-Referenced Testing and Assessment:: Norms

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NORMS - Sample: portion of the universe of

people deemed to be representative

Norm-referenced testing and assessment: of the whole population
method of evaluation and a way of deriving - Sampling: process of selecting the
meaning from test scores by evaluating an portion of the universe deemed to
individual testtaker’s score and comparing it be representative of the whole
to scores of a group of testtakers population
- Yield information on a testtaker’s - Differences should be
standing or ranking relative to some proportionately represented in the
comparison group of testtakers sample
Norm: test performance data of a particular - Stratified sampling: dividing the
group of testtakers that are designed for population into separate groups,
use as a reference when evaluating or called strata. Then, a probability
interpreting individual test scores sample is drawn from each group
Normative sample: group of people whose o Stratified-random sampling:
performance on a particular test is analyzed every member of the
for reference in evaluating the performance population had the same
of individual testtakers chance of being included in
Norming: process of deriving norms the sample
- Race norming: controversial practice - Purposive sampling: arbitrarily
of norming on the basis of race or selecting some sample because we
ethnic background believe it to be representative of the
User norms/program norms: consist of population
descriptive statistics based on a group of - Incidental sampling/convenience
testtakers in a given period of time rather sampling: one that is convenient or
than norms obtained by formal sampling available for use
Developing Norms for Standardized Test
Sampling to Develop Norms - Test developer administers the test
according to the standard set of
Standardization: process of administering a instructions that will be used with
test to a representative sample of testtakers the test
for the purpose of establishing norms - Establishing a standard set of
instructions and conditions under
Sampling which the test is given makes the
- In the process of developing a test, a test scores of the normative sample
test developer has targeted some more comparable with the scores of
defined group as the population for future testtakers
which the test is designed. This
population is the complete universe Types of Norms
or set of individuals with at least one
common, observable characteristic Percentiles
- Expression of the percentage of
people whose score on a test or
measure falls below a particular raw affected by chronological age, school
score grade, or stage of life.
- Percentage correct: distribution of o Age and grade norms
raw scores, or the number of items
that were answered correctly National Norms
multiplied by 100 and divided by the - Derived from a normative sample
total number of items that was nationally representative of
o Real differences between the population at the time the
raw scores may be minimized norming study was conducted
near the ends of the - May be obtained by testing large
distribution and exaggerated numbers of people representative of
in the middle of the different variables of interest
distribution - Close scrutiny of the description of
- Popular way of organizing all test- the sample employed may reveal
related data that the sample differs in many
important respects from similar
Age Norms tests also claiming to be based on a
- Age-equivalent scores nationally representative sample
- Average performance of different
samples of testtakers who were at National Anchor Norms
various ages at the time the test was - Equivalency table for scores on the
administered two tests provide the tool for such a
- Mental age; although mental age is comparison
too broad and too inappropriately - Begins with equipercentile method:
generalized equivalency of scores on different
tests is calculated with reference to
Grade Norms corresponding percentile scores
- Indicates the average test
performance of testtakers in a given Subgroup Norms
school grade; developed by - Result from segmentation of any of
administering the test to the criteria initially used in selecting
representative samples of children subjects for the sample
over a range of consecutive grade
levels Local Norms
- Grade norms do not provide - Provide normative information with
information as to the content or respect to the local population’s
type of items that a student could or performance on some test
could not answer correctly
- Developmental norms: norms Fixed Reference Group Scoring Systems
developed on the basis of any trait, - Distribution of scores obtained on
ability, skill, or other characteristic the test from one group of
that is presumed to develop, testtakers (fixed reference group) is
deteriorate, or otherwise be used as the basis for the calculation
of test scores for future
administrations of the test
Norm-Referenced Testing
- deriving meaning from a test score is
to evaluate the test score in relation
to other scores on the same test

Criterion-referenced Testing and

- Method of evaluation and a way of
deriving meaning from test scores
by evaluating an individual’s score
with reference to a set standard
- Criterion is typically derived from
the values or standards of an
individual or organization
- Also called domain or content-
referenced testing and assessment
- In this assessment, a usual area of
focus is the testtaker’s performance
- Sometimes referred as mastery test,
since it is frequently used to gauge
achievement or mastery
- If strictly followed, potentially
important information about an
individual’s performance relative to
other testtakers is lost
- It has little or no meaningful
application at the upper end of the
knowledge/skill continuum

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