Remete Monastery

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Medieval Croatia

Boris Mašic´ and

Tajana Pleše report
on the excavation
of the Monastery of
the Pauline Order in
Remete, Croatia

t the end 2007 an archaeo-
logical team from Zagreb
City Museum, at the ini-
tiative of the Municipal
Heritage Protection Department,
began excavations alongside the south-
ern elevation of the church in Remete,
5km from the centre of the Croatian
capital of Zagreb (Fig 1). The excava-
tions discovered foundations of two
older churches on the site, together
with 282 graves, and would raise a
number of questions about this well
known foundation, which honours the
Virgin Mary.
Remete is located in the valley of
Kratki dol, in the southern foothills of
Medvednica, and was chosen by the
On unstable
Pauline Order (often referred to as the
White Friars) as the site for the third
monastery they would build in late
medieval Slavonia. It is a landscape
well suited to the Paulines’ contempla-
tive traits of dedication to prayer, pen-
ance, and renunciation. Their work
was also marked by the promotion of
culture and art, the building of many
monasteries and churches, and an the Croatian-Hungarian Angevin king, Fig 1. The monastery the monastery to develop rapidly, and
educational mission, which resulted Charles I (1301, 1309-1342) providing of the Pauline Order as early as 1390 it had been elevated to
in the foundation of the first college assistance to the Remete Pauline Order as it currently appears the level of vicariate, to which the mon-
in Remete. The
in Croatia at Lepoglava in 1503. The in the construction of the church. asteries in Streza, Šenkovac, Lepoglava,
Croatian capital of
name ‘Remete’ itself derives from the Textual evidence concerning the Zagreb can be seen to
and Kamenski were subordinate.
hermits (eremitae) who established the Paulines in Remete also states that, at the south. During the 14th to 16th centuries, the
monastery at the site. the time of Provincial Benedict (1270- monastery was damaged several times
A Church devoted to the Blessed 1290), Abbott Isquirinus established a Fig 2. An entire image during Ottoman invasions (in 1484,
Virgin Mary has stood on the site monastery with a wooden church. of the Remete site 1557 and 1591). The monastic complex
from the beginning of the 14th cen- According to these sources, financial was obtained through was also given a Baroque makeover at
tury, when written sources refer to support from the local nobility allowed a computer 3D model. some point between 1667 and 1687,
Image: Vektra/Geo3D.
while, at the same time, the Chapel
2 of the Miraculous Mother of God of
Fig 3. Southern
foundations of
Remete was built on the southern side
both early churches of the monastery. Works on the renova-
excavated at Remete. tion and expansion of the church west-
Photo: M. Gregl. wards were undertaken between 1721
and 1747, during which the interior
Fig 4. Part of the was adorned with frescos by the cel-
southern foundation ebrated Baroque painter Ivan Ranger.
of the chancel of the
When the order was dissolved in 1786,
oldest church. Photo:
M. Gregl.
the bishops of Zagreb also made con-
siderable changes to the monastic
complex. The current appearance of
the church is the result of repair works
carried out following the disastrous
earthquake of 1880, from plans drawn
by Herman Bollé, one of Croatia’s most
important architects of the second
half of the 19th century. The complex,
which since 1960 has belonged to the

50 Minerva July/August 2010


1 4

Fig 5. Diagrams Barefoot (Discalced) Carmelite Order, of these earlier churches indicate many centuries, while extensive build-
depicting the earliest acquired its final form in the restora- that both structures had been seri- ing repair work carried out at the site
church (purple) tion works completed in the 1990s. ously damaged by strong geotectonic has further confused the archaeologi-
and that built soon Archaeological research carried disturbances in the upper layers of cal picture. It was only after imag-
after (green). The
out along the southern façade of the the soil. The excavated wall founda- ing with a 3D scanner that it became
top diagrams show
the position of the church from 2007 to 2009 was to force tions have tensile fractures running possible to define two distinct con-
foundation walls a reconsideration of the dating of the through them, as well as large cracks struction phases of the late medieval
today, and the church that currently stands on the site up to 150cm wide. The foundations monastic church. Digital technology
two that follow (Fig 2). Furthermore, the remains of of both early churches were broken also made it possible to ‘restore’ the
reconstruct the lines what were clearly older architectural in the south and east (Figs 3, 4), and dislocated parts of the foundations to
of the churches as features were found during the exca- there was subsidence along the eastern their (hypothesised) original locations
originally laid out vations, and these proved that the site side of the churches. The original loca- and reconstruct a ground plan of the
(bottom) and as the
had previously been occupied by two tion of the foundations had been dis- two building phases (Figs 5, 6).
landslip began to
take effect (centre). earlier churches. placed by an active landslip that had According to the reconstruction
Image: Vektra/Geo3D. The remains from the foundations been moving slowly across the site for arising from the 3D model, the oldest

Fig 6. Reconstruction
of the original
position of the
foundations of the
churches found in
Remete (Image:

5 6

Minerva July/August 2010 51

Medieval Croatia

monastic church on the site featured

architectural traits common to the
Order of St Paul the Hermit: it was con-
structed with an emphatically longitu-
dinal aspect measuring 30.4 x 10.8m,
while the rectangular nave (13.75 x
80m) was almost as long as the apse
with its semi-circular ending (13.8 x
61m). The church was reinforced with
solid rectangular buttresses linked to
the foundations (Fig 7). In spite of the
numerous tensile cracks, the south-
ern foundation of the nave did not
undergo any major tectonic shifts, but
was partially damaged by later build-
ing work, although the rear foundation
of the apse did suffer considerable dis-
placement. Along with the damage cre-
ated by the construction of the second
church, it is clear that the destruction
of the wall was caused by the shifting of
the foundations as a result of the steady
movement of the landslip.
The northern wall of the nave and
almost the entire western elevation of
the church were destroyed in the 17th
century during the construction of
the Baroque chapel of the Miraculous
Mother of God of Remete. Although
the construction of the buttresses indi-
cates that the church was vaulted, these
were probably built primarily to stabi-
lise the structure on the slope on which
it was built.
Croatian churches of the late Middle
Ages tended to be built in a short space 7
of time, and it is therefore possible that
the foundations and walls of the oldest Fig 7. Part of the Thanks to the 3D model, it was pos- research was the dating of each of the
church began to crack even during the demolished apse sible to produce an ideal reconstruc- three building phases, which included
construction phases. The builders of with buttresses of tion of the second of the monastic that of the existing church. The abso-
the oldest church
the second church increased the depth churches found on the site (Fig 6). The lute limit for the construction of the
in Remete and the
and thickness of the foundations and oval structure. model indicated that a similar floor- first church on the site was obtained by
positioned them alongside those of the Photo: M. Gregl. plan to that used for the building was analysis of the skeletal remains buried
previous building in an effort to pro- retained, so the church was also long in the churchyard, and which corre-
vide additional stability. However, not Fig 8. Pilgrimage and narrow (34.4 x 14.35m), with a spond to the same stratigraphic layers
even these mighty foundations were medal with depiction rectangular nave (14.8 x 8.6m) and into which the foundations of the earli-
able to resist the impetus of the shifting of the Virgin Mary an equally long, narrower apse fin- est church were dug. The oldest graves
ground, and in a relatively short time and St Anthony of ished off with a polygon (13.75 x 7m). date to the turn of the 13th and 14th cen-
the new church had cracks running Padua, 18th century. This second medieval church was also turies, so the construction of the earli-
Photo: M. Mustacek.
through its foundations. damaged by geotectonic disturbances, est church could not have started prior
and, although its northern foundations to this period.
remained almost entirely in their origi- The construction date of the third
nal location, the southern foundations church, which still stands on the site,
of the nave and the apse shifted east- is much harder to determine. It is clear
wards by almost 1.5m and suffered that the polygonal apse is older than
considerable subsidence. the nave, but because of building mod-
The third (current) church ifications carried between 1721 and
built on the site achieved struc- 1747, and repair works undertaken
tural stability only by shift- after an earthquake which damaged
ing its position slightly to the the building in 1880, it is difficult to
north, which moved the foun- determine which parts of the church
dations away from the main are the original Gothic construction.
flow of the landslip. It was built Clues to the date of the building of this
on part of the massive north- third and final church are, however,
ern foundation of the second provided in Catalogus virorum illus-
church, which may have further trium et Virgini Matri devotorum, qui
strengthened its structure. in ecclesia Remetensis requiescunt, writ-
8 The key problem during the ten by an anonymous author in 1665.

52 Minerva July/August 2010

Medieval Croatia

Order refer to the Croatian-Hungarian

king Matthew Corvin (r. 1458-1490)
financing construction of walls and a
tower to help protect the monastery.
During the excavations, 282 skeletal
remains were also found. These mostly
dated from the late 16th to the end of
the 18th century (Fig 9), but eight
appear to have been dug at the turn of
the 13th and 14th century. The deceased
were placed on their backs, often in
wooden coffins (which can be con-
cluded from the finds of wood remains
and iron nails), with their hands placed
on their pelvis or chest. While the
oldest graves contained no artefacts
beyond skeletal remains, later burials
contained crosses, rosaries, buttons
and belt buckles. The most numerous
items found with later burials were
medals, either depicting saints, such
The writer listed the worthies who had Fig 9. Graves of the part of the southern plateau alongside as St Benedict with the Virgin, or from
been buried in the church, mentioning 17th and 18th centuries the current church also revealed a bur- pilgrimage sites in Mariazell, Passau,
the grave of Lovro Stoch of Susedgrad on the foundations of ied structure that was oval in shape Marija Bistrica, Altötting, Dorgen,
(1400) as the oldest burial. The text the churches found. and preserved only at the level of the Wies, Częstochowa, Loreto, Marianka,
Photo: M. Gregl.
suggests that the unknown author was foundations (Fig 7). Interpretation of and Rome (Fig 8).
listing the graves that could still be seen Fig 10. A hoard of this structure is probably explained by Among the later medieval finds, a
in the church. Accordingly, today’s coins from the 15th the Zagreb historian Janko Barlé, who hoard of ten gold coins minted in the
church must have been constructed by, century. Photo: M. noted in his work Remete, published 15th century stands out (Fig 10). Four
at latest, 1400. All three churches were Gregl. in 1914: ‘The whole monastery with of these were struck during the reign
therefore constructed between c. 1300 church and monastery garden was girt of King Sigismund/Zygmunt, and are
and 1400. with a wall. It is said that the monas- dated to the period between 1428 and
Such a relatively short time span tery was connected with Zagreb by an 1436. A gold coin of King Wladyslaw
for the construction of three large underground passage. This is not true, Jagiełło I was struck in Hermannstadt
churches is the result of the Pauline of course, but it is possible that the (modern Sibiu) in 1441. The five
Order selecting the unfortunate loca- Paulines did have some underground remaining specimens were minted in
tion on top of an active landslip for secret passage to the mountain, in the reign of Matthew Corvin and were
the site of its monastic complex. The which they were able in time of need to found in excellent condition, as if they
cracks in the foundations of the first store their valuables.’ This is suggested had hardly been in circulation. They
two churches emphasise the speed and by the steep northern entry into the are perhaps connected with the con-
strength of the tensile stresses operat- structure and the southern exit, which struction of the tower and wall around
ing on the walls of the buildings. was probably on the slope. Although the monastery from 1485, funds for
It has therefore been concluded by there is still debate about when it was which were provided by Corvin.
the archaeologists that the first church constructed, it probably dates to the All these finds testify to the remark-
built on the site was never actually years immediately following the first able persistence of the Pauline Order in
used because of the effect of geotec- Ottoman attack on the monastic com- building on the site at Remete, despite
tonic disturbances on the structure plex in 1484. Chroniclers of the Pauline the tribulations they faced, up until
during the building operations. The the dissolution of their order in 1786.
second attempt to build the church 10 Zagreb City Museum, the Heritage
was certainly more successful and the Conservation Department, and other
archaeologists identified repairs to the national and municipal institutions
foundation wall that must have been of Croatia and Zagreb are now faced
made while the church was in use. with the challenging task of present-
Furthermore, the builders of the sec- ing the archaeological finds in such a
ond church had also clearly learnt of way that the heritage of the site will be
the geotectonic disturbances that had made accessible to the general public.
destroyed the older church, and there- Throughout the centuries the church
fore built very strong foundations in an in Remete has occupied an important
attempt to provide additional support place in the spiritual and religious life
to the structure (Figs 5, 6). The fact of the population of the wider Zagreb
that the first two churches built on the area, a role it continues to fulfil through
site were discovered at the foundation to the present. ■
level, with no record of a demolition
layer, also indicates that the building Boris Mašić is a Senior Curator at
material of the first two churches was Zagreb City Museum. Tajana Pleše is
reused during construction of the third an archaeologist and conservator at
church. the Croatian Conservation Institute.
Archaeological work on the eastern

Minerva July/August 2010 53

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